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    Memorable Dreams

    1. Taking the Tracks

      by , 06-13-2016 at 10:13 PM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      Suddenly I was waiting for a train car to arrive on the railing system in a dream world. I looked around and saw people walking about as they did in waking life in similar places. I noticed that there were several tracks leading in different directions in which all the directions seemed to venture out into a similar distance, almost as if they shared the same track but split, if that makes any sense.

      This kind of reminds me of my life right now, and how I hold a belief that I have many options or ways to outlook my own life, through meaning and understanding or disdain. I like the first two over the last, except, sometimes I get caught up in my own feelings and I feel like I can fall into an empty void of eternal darkness, and that's just scary, but as time ticks on I am learning to rid myself of fear and old beliefs so I can become one again. Oh, and have better dreams because I have been through quite the dry spell lately.
      side notes , non-lucid , memorable
    2. A Brief Visit To Hogwarts Grounds

      by , 05-18-2015 at 08:19 PM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      It has been a while...mostly due to that my dreams have been bland, until recently. I have more time now to work on lucidity too

      Had a dream that I was trying to find the world of Harry potter or the world of witchcraft and wizardry. I was standing on what seemed to be a ledge on a castle top as I waved down at three characters who had to be Ron, Hermione, and Harry of course. I waved at them but something seemed off, the kind of just drifted as the stood there and I could see slight facial movement of smiles but my eyesight seemed off. I then jumped down from the castle ledge to greet them but ended up flying on a broom stick across a quidditch field, before the quidditch field view of each of the house bleachers/stadium seating I remember seeing a couple characters gathering some equipment from a car parking lot near a grocery store and their outfits were not fitting for what I would call wizardry. One of the guys I saw was wearing bright orange and it was really ugly. I took a quick glance shrugged it off and then flew over a horizon of buildings both magical and muggle. Never found out why Harry, Ron, and Hermione were just standing there outside of Hogwarts in a circle just staring at each other.

      I then woke up to a voice that sounded mad at me, I was still slightly dreaming. The dream voice was mad because I had a decent dream that I could remember and this dream antagonist hates it when I have dream worth-while which is hardly ever. He carried on by calling me a fake emo by staring me eye to eye and then I woke up completely. It could have been peeves or some poltergeist, just saying...

      edit: Also before I woke up all the way. I had some dream flashes, one of them there was a green flash, like the one Harry potter would describe...and then after the flash I remember seeing Donald Duck scream and runaway. Could there have been a slight notion of a Harry Potter, Kingdom Hearts, Disney Crossover, because that would be freaking awesome if I could dream about that.

      Updated 05-18-2015 at 08:24 PM by 1643

    3. MMORPG and Anime Fluff

      by , 04-16-2014 at 08:09 PM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      EPIC dream last night.

      It started out where I was walking around this huge monument building. There were corridors and long outside hallways with pillar structures. It kind of reminded me of European structures from my trip to France back in 1999 except way bigger. I was walking around when I found my 'party' which was basically like grouping up with someone on a friends list on a mmorpg, except me and this person seemed to know each other for quite some time. We walked around jumping over these pillars when the 'dark force' in the dream attacked.

      Everything was on fire and I was helplessly trying to "rescue my classmates from this secondary school" this is what I said. So the monument was like Hogwarts. There was a gauge on my display screen. It was like sword arts online. You are in the MMO but can still see people's Health points. The gauge was showing how many people where in peril and who I needed to save first so that there life was saved just in time for them to survive. We retreated and rescued those who we could. Then when I looked around I realized there was this huge world I was in that was like Final Fantasy XIII, Open world and I could see all the fiends, monsters outside of the castles I just retreated from. The dream ended when I suddenly realized I was 'trapped' and saw myself being caged, which is more ironic than anything but I did see my hands stick outside of a human cage.

      Then my dream changed to where I was watching families from video games and anime, and the epilogue of these games/anime specifically. What I was looking at was their life after epic boss battles, their babies, basically there life with kids as we live. It was somewhat fluffy and then I woke up feeling awkward.

      If anyone was wondering: I saw things like we would if we were to dream in anime or computer graphics. It was very strange since I can't normally do this.

      Updated 04-16-2014 at 08:12 PM by 1643

    4. Japanese Number Highshools

      by , 04-01-2014 at 09:01 PM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      Before I decided to wake up for good this morning I had a strange experience where I had a vivid dream that happened right after I closed my eyes for a couple minutes after being wide awake. It lasted about a minute but it was so vivid.

      Apparently I was in japan, people all around me where dressed in white uniforms, with blue leggings or skirts. It kind of reminded me of school uniforms. There where three buildings in a row, huge and wide buildings that looked like chapels mixed with some school layouts. I was walking with a friend who spoke Japanese but she understood what I was saying, I was asking where I was supposed to go for a certain thing I really don't remember what I was asking but she understood and pointed to the middle building among three different ones. This kind of made sense since the building was the second building from left to right and right to left. It had the roman numeral two in big bold letters in front of the school. People where standing around chatting amongst themselves, it was strange. I could see the source of light from the dream, I couldn't see people's faces but that is common. There were people sitting on benches among this board walk, with schools in the back of the board walk, and green grassy fields. That was pretty much it though.

      Updated 04-01-2014 at 09:07 PM by 1643

    5. Slumlord Ignorance and Imaginary Friends

      by , 03-27-2014 at 02:09 AM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      So today I was feeling kind of transparent, so I took a REALLY long nap and had a really long crazy dream.

      I woke up in my room, and for a minute flipped the switch in my head that I was dreaming. I saw my dream self-shift up from my waking body and settle into the dream scenario and within this amount of time I went from aware I was dreaming to red alert. It was very strange. I totally changed.

      I got up, looked around for a bit, it was dim in my room and I could make up lumps of random stuff in the room. When I got up my body didn’t get up with me, it was like I was too ‘sore’ to get up so instead of my physical body within the dream walking around only my vision moved around as if I was watching someone and not actually playing a part in the dream. I was aware of this and didn’t like the idea that I was being shut-off.

      As I tried to get up I tried and it was almost like gravity was too heavy and pulled me down to the ground.
      Then a different scenario popped up. The slumlord was home and he was complaining on the phone to someone about a pirating incident and that there might be some sort of tracking device in the neighborhood. I kind of said “okay…” to myself like it wasn’t weird but it was.

      I couldn’t find my mom anywhere. In waking life she was still at work but in the dream the slumlord said she was missing and didn’t seem to give a damn, he was too worried about there being ways to find more ‘movies for free’ and continued to walk around the house in a frenzy, it was really annoying.

      I looked sat down on the couch and realized there was a movie with my dogs in it playing except it as like someone edited the video footage and put their creativity into producing a movie about my dogs, which is ironic because in waking life my baby coco died from a bladder stone and this footage was kind of like a gift from my subconscious about remembrance as it reminded me of family home videos I used to watch a lot when I was younger, except it was staring my dogs. I remember in the video one of my dogs was barking at something and then for some odd reason there was pixie dust remnants around the dog, which was one of the edits.

      So I got up and checked my phone and realized that all my contacts where replaced with strange names or unrecognizable characters. One of my contacts that I needed, my mom, was listed under some strange name that I can’t remember. I tried calling the number then realized that I got a text from the number when calling, it said something like “I’m over at…..house, not coming back EVER” I took this as if the person, my mom, was serious. I closed my phone while staring at some bizarre photos that reminded me of porn but all blurred out and thought how they could on my phone, apparently one of my unknown contacts was sending me perverted crap. (I have a flip phone that is definitely not 4g or photo compatible) I then went around the room wondering what to do. My imaginary friend in the dream who is also a spirit ghost asked me what I was going to do about this as if there was a reasonable answer. I just shrugged and then I heard some strange noises outside my window. I looked out the window and saw a car pass, nothing unusual. I then saw my imaginary ghost friend pull out an ipad device and show me something strange on the United States map on a very strange map? I then asked “what is that, I app where they tell you about zombie outbreaks?” I said jokingly and then I woke up while still annoyed that the slumlord was truly deserving of his name.
    6. Character greet

      by , 01-08-2014 at 10:22 PM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      Is was in the air, I wasn't on a flying vehicle as it didn't seem like that but it did seem like I was slowly drifting down from the sky like Mary Poppins without the umbrella of course. I felt light headed and sick from being in the air. I took a look at my surroundings and saw that there I was descending own to a castle, that reminded of something from Final Fantasy. I saw Rikku, from FFX down on this bridge, she was dressed in here x-2 attire, had seen me and started to shift around the bridge she was on, it was almost like she recognized me from somewhere or I knew her. I then said "Hey! Rikku!" and woke up.
      non-lucid , memorable
    7. Discarded Arena and Ritual Coffee Shop

      by , 10-21-2013 at 07:09 PM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      I've decided from now on I will title all of my dreams. I won't color code yet since I haven't really expanded in that in the dream world yet and I am still working on becoming lucid more often than rarely

      Discarded Arena

      I was in some sort of arena that looked as though it was revamped but just for this dream. It was similar to a circus arena except instead of there being a large circular opening in the middle with seating all the way up the sides there was a circular middle still, but seating around the circle, like at a camp ground near a camp fire or something. With short notice I knew what was happening and to my surprise there was supposed to be some battle between people and their superhero appearance. This one guy had was dressed up in all blue and people were cheering at him, I thought he was kind of lame looking. He then called over to me and told me he would give me one free game. I suddenly agreed to this and asked him, "wait, what kind of game?" We were aside the arena when he told me they were vintage video games from the 90's. All of them looked to be nintendo 64 games because of the way the cartridges looked except the game titles themselves were exclusive to the nintendo, the first console. The titles included super mario brothers 3, and the other ones were ones I never heard of before that included super mario brothers return of castle crashers and some included beast taming and such. I of course choose to pick the ones I never heard of before, but then get distracted by a conversation of glowing appearance to the side of me. The all of the sudden its like I'm in elementary school again. I'm running with people I used to recognize from elementary school from real life out of the arena (we ran like we did to lunch XD). I asked what was happening but somebody finally said they were closing "it", it which would be the arena. It seemed as if the place was never real to begin with and I start thinking about my fake journey through dreams which is actually me trying to remember from waking life that I wanted to have a journey lucid dreaming but I failed, yet again. While I am thinking, I am running in slow motion towards this iron gate still. It seemed as if though I was running for the life of me but getting no where with all the effort I was putting into my running. The gated area reminded me of the entrance and exit of a amusement park. It wasn't amusing to me at all though and reminded me of prison. I was then thinking I hope the fence doesn't close yet, then it did, right after the last person escaped. I never once thought "Maybe I closed the gate?" since it was on command to my thoughts. Nope, instead I decided to climb the gate and escape. END

      Ritual Coffee Shop

      The next dream I had just bought a coffee shop and had some co-workers or dream friends to work at this coffee shop for me. I was unloading some very strange Halloween decorations from the trunk which included a couple of giant eyes pasted to a candle stick holder, a pumkin head, and some other strange things. I was on my way to decorating this coffee shop when it was then revealed to me why the coffee shop was even for sell in the first place. In a movie sequence I was shown that there was some sort of wiccan ceremony held in the coffee shop and that whatever they cast through the ritual meeting killed them. Then I was back near the trunk of the car where a dream character friend was explaining to me this scenario. I told the friend of mine that they were just fooling around with spooky ideas and that it was very creative but very unlikely to have actually happened. I then unloaded to decorations, start walking to the coffee shop when all of the sudden the dream starts playing Halloween like music and ENDS.
      non-lucid , memorable
    8. Short dream-Fake Family Albums

      by , 07-30-2013 at 05:13 PM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      For some odd reason I have had these dreams before, all different but seemingly the same.

      The dream starts out where I'm playing with my cousins and talking to them - like I did when I was a kid at my grandma's house or wherever we got together as a family.

      Then I start talking to an unfamiliar but friendly voice/character about my family and showing them fake pictures of my family. In the dream of course, they were pictures that I knew of, but now that I am awake I know that they were not real pictures and still in the dream I was questioning about the people in the pictures. The people kind of looked like my real family members but the places and poses in the pictures were very unfamiliar.

      There was this one picture where two of my cousins were sleeping together on a couch with pacifiers in their mouths. I remember that the pictures seemed to be moving, like in the Harry Potter books. I was saying things like "isn't she too old to be using that thing in her mouth?" "when was this?" "Where am I?" I looked through dozens of pictures and noticed I was in none of them. In reality, all the photos I have, I am in most of them.

      I then put the pictures down and noticed that I had several people around me, all family members. One of my little cousins, who was a baby in the dream but in reality is almost nearly an adult started to hum the Final Fantasy Victory Fanfare several of the games. It reminded me of the VII fanfare and others too.

      I felt really cool about this because she had just learned how to walk and couldn't talk much and hummed something from my favorite game series. I then went to tell one of my aunts who also enjoys Final Fantasy. I whispered in her ear so no one else could hear and then she said to me something like "wow, that is really cool Alia" (alia is my name).
      And then smiled and then seemed to turn her attention to a scene that was happening in the room from a early child hood video I have when I was a baby.

      The moving pictures thing is kind of funny because I have been listening to the Harry potter books audio and thinking about the moving pictures mentioned in the books.
      memorable , non-lucid
    9. Baby in grabber machine

      by , 07-20-2013 at 04:05 AM (Life's Dream Accounts)

      Okay this one is kind of weird. I was in a mall that had a museum of dinosaurs and an aquarium. I had just got out of the rain, it was raining, no it was pouring so hard in the beginning of my dream that the water hit the ground like a small bomb, people were running. I was with a class of girls but then split up into the mall. I was in the the middle of the mall, between where people walk and they have vendors. I came upon this machine that had stuffed animals in it when I noticed there was a Chinese baby girl in the grabber machine and immediately freaked out. I tried to get other people to look one other person was with me and was helping me try to get the baby out of the machine. At first I had a quarter and decided to use it on the machine and it flew into the machine without any force. Then I thought, "I can't get the baby out that way!" and then opened the side of the machine with the latch. Some person came up to me and asked me if I was the manager because what I was doing was against store policy. I just said "there is a baby in the machine for crying out loud!" I was worried because it looked dead, but then I noticed it was breathing. I gently but hastily pulled the baby out of the machine and it awoke. I felt better, Like I saved the day but then my dream started to make me think it was my baby and imprinted a fear of dressing it, trying to care for it. I was just glad it was okay though.
      Tags: baby, machine, mall
      non-lucid , memorable
    10. Shaytards

      by , 02-10-2013 at 02:32 AM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      I'm watching the Shaytards from Youtube at Costco but some how I'm with them walking around with them and such. The father decides to push the shopping cart with his youngest child rocktard in it to the front of the store. He gives the cart a shove and just lets the cart go. Some how the cart swiftly turns to the right and ends up slowly stopping by this checkout counter. I found this very amusing and then me and the shaytards decided it would be a good idea to troll the whole store by dancing in isles and picking random items throughout the store acting like we wanted the item and then placing the item back and laughing. I found this amusing too.
    11. Water then anime girl

      by , 10-11-2012 at 03:24 AM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      The dream started out where I was on a water ride with family. We had all got together and were on this ride together. But then it changed, we weren't on the ride and after we got out of a tunnel in the ride we had jumped out of the boats or rafters and continued to go on this adventure ride where it was like a water park and a ride at Disney land. After slipping and drifting down this pool water river that was super clear and clean I had decided to separate from my family on go down this giant slide that slide down into another pool of water. Then after this my dream changed to where I was with a anime character who was Yui from K-on!

      Chernobyl dead zone-hirasawa.yui.full.1186820.jpg We were sitting together and drifting/relaxing in a view around this beautiful scenery that was surrounded by amber clouds, flowers, and a deep cool water surface with petals that hit the water. We were drifting down this view like we were rafting but just sleeping/relaxing while on the water surface. We both had our feet out towards this view and just as this was happening I woke up. Dang it!
    12. 1st lucid in years

      by , 08-24-2012 at 06:39 PM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      I haven't been lucid in so long and now I am.

      I was in stressful situation where my family had left me for some event. I tried to ask them what happened but they said I had missed out because I had to buy a ticket to get into the pool. I forgot about them and said "well, I just I'll just go home." I felt depressed ad was going to find away when I realized I was barricaded in this area where the pool was and the parking lot. All the sudden I said wait "I'm dreaming!" and I said it so loud within myself that I launched up into the air. I flew and it felt thrilling, like I was on a roller coaster. I came to realized that I don't need to ask myself If I want to lucid dream that I needed to connect to the higher good to lucid dream. I then flew and noticed a young lady who looked a bit like an older Anne Frank with her hair up in a bun with a child who was sitting and reading a book at a park below me. She looked up from where she was sitting and smiled at me like she knew something was going to happen, I awoke with this tucked into my mind.
      lucid , memorable
    13. Platform the Video game

      by , 08-02-2012 at 12:36 AM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      I was playing a video game like I was in the video game. The objective had a storyline with it but the whole idea was to jump onto platforms. In a way it was like Donkey Kong platforms and on some of the platforms was an object I had to get.

      New Avatar-220px-donkey_kong_screen_3.jpg

      For some reason I needed to get a pair of scissors of the one the platforms but I was either too lazy to get it or didn't know how even though the distance wasn't that bad. Something happened in the storyline where an evil apprentice (that was how this guy presented myself to me) handed me a pair of scissors and said something like "The mistress wants to thank you with this..." and then he handed me a pair of scissors. At this point I had no idea who the mistress was or what I had did to earn the scissors. I was wondering this when on a platform high up and non-reachable area a character that looked almost exactly like Midna from Zelda and the Twilight princess appeared and was watching me with a smirk.
      New Avatar-150px-midna02.jpg
      Then she disappeared and zombie cats that looked block-like and similar to zombies from minecraft but with a cat appearance wandered down from the platform and slowly floated towards me on the platform I was standing on.

      New Avatar-150px-zombie.jpg
      After I was almost clearly going to die I yelled "i'm gonna die...no!" and I woke up for stopped dreaming clearly.
    14. Mall apocalypse

      by , 07-30-2012 at 06:08 PM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      I don't know about anyone else on here but I hate mall dreams.

      I was in the mall when some kid who was shoplifting candy from the store told me it was the end of the world or something big was going to happen. He said it was so big that it would hit the whole entire population and we would all be in a frenzy.

      I then decided to shoplift some goods 'just in case' because I didn't know what would happen to me.

      I remember getting into a cooler and there where energy drinks in there. This kid wanted me to hand him one because there was a limited stock of these in other stores or they were all gone.

      Then the dream changed to where I ran into a different section of the mall to go baby shopping. There weren't any people here in a frenzy but on my way there I saw a few people who looked rushed. I was collecting baby things when some girl and her child and some other lady were discussing some event like a birthday party. I then noticed that there were presents wrapped up in the baby section for this birthday party like the event was being held there.

      For some reason something hit me to start running and avoiding people to get out of the mall. So I ran. Other people were running too. I was running when I noticed that stores were starting to close and people where panicking to get out in time, some people where trapped and where held hostige in the stores. I didnt know what the heck was happening so I tried to run to the nearest exit but there didn't seem to be one. I ended up going to the lower level of the mall and running down this dark hallway with some people that I pulled along with me into this entrance until I woke up. It was like the dream was moving along with me.
    15. Discovery channel dream

      by , 07-30-2012 at 02:36 AM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      I had a dream while I was taking a REALLY long nap today. I had finally fallen asleep and I was swimming underwater.

      It was like I was just swimming and swimming for hours without worrying about harm or anything. It was kind of fun.

      But then near the end of the dream I found out I was both watching and in a discovery channel documentary. There was this huge shark fish attacking a boat. I was thinking "Sharks don't do this in general, do they?" and then the guy who was narrating the show said "no, but watch this" he this like nothing was going to happen to the people on the boat. Then what happened was this fish knocked the boat so a human fell out. I was watching this from beneath the ocean floor but all this seemed all very close. The fish then swam up to the person and ate him but it was all blurred out by ocean floor sand. The narrator then closed the show by saying "next up on how in the world did that happen" like that was the name of the show I was watching. I then swam up a little higher and realized there were these fish by plants or coral reefs. I told them to "move!" like they were in the way of some great movie.

      Notes: The giant shark fish kinda looked like a shark with a Merlin appearance but still had eager eyes of a shark and it was kinda fat.
      Also I have had a lot of ocean dreams before, but this one was one the vivid end of dreams of the ocean.

      Updated 07-30-2012 at 06:09 PM by 1643

      non-lucid , memorable , side notes
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