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    1. 7.10.14

      by , 07-11-2014 at 02:10 AM
      Dream 1

      I'm walking through the school with C, I, and a couple others. C keeps putting her arm around my waist. I put mine around hers a couple times, and when I do its like she's wearing a short shirt or something because I can feel skin, warm and soft. I put a cloth on her head and call her my 'Mormon Egyptian friend'.
      We are now at a door that opens to the outside. We open it and a violent gust of dust blows in. There is a sandstorm outside. After it clears up inside, we open the door again. It is now raining or snowing. I walk outside and my friend are gone.
      Trying to find them, I end up back inside, in a large, crowded hall. It seems like something bad is happening outside.

      Dream 2

      Im at a concert. I never hear this band's music but I know they are metal-core or something. The male singer is telling the crowd to 'jump like walruses' and gets really mad when we don't - he reminds us a lot. I decide that I don't like this band.
      A new band comes out. The drummer starts playing a slow intro with heavy beats. The long-haired male singer comes out, his eyes rolled back into his head. He does slow, heavy metal growls. I like them.
      Now, I find myself in a bathroom. It's very crowded and I only find one empty stall. The seat is so dirty that's it's completely yellow. I start scraping it clean and sit down. The stall door is open and I notice that everyone else's door is open. I also notice that girls and boys are in here - I don't find that extremely odd.
      I hear some guys talking about how they were able to go to the concert. One says all he had to do was say "I'll be right back".
    2. 6.30.14 ~Gunfights and Concerts

      by , 06-30-2014 at 09:34 PM
      Dream 1

      I'm in the living room of a house with my dad. An old friend K and his long-haired friend are coming over with guns. At first I think he is kidding but now I know he really wants to shoot me. I quickly get up, lock the front door, and run to the garage. My dad is just sitting there. In the garage I find a dirty shotgun. I look for ammo, but only find two shells already in the gun. I lock the garage door and get back in the house. I hide behind a green reclining chair.
      K and the other guy are at the front door; K looks in through the window on the door, and the other guy looks in through a window next to the door. They start shooting at me. If I try to move to either side I will be exposed. Part of me doesn't want to damage the house, but I move to the right and fire a round into the front door. I get up and run away - I need to find a pistol. I find one and load a clip with about ten tiny bullets.
      I'm outside and see K. We fire at eachother. My bullets slowly fly through the air, they are red and circular and going everywhere besides where they should be going. I can't hear his rifle going off but I know that is. And I am not getting hit, even though there is no way he can be missing.

      Dream 2

      My dad and I have tickets for Jack Johnson. At this venue, there are rows of seats and there are tables around the seats. Our seats are the best you can get at the tables. I'm sitting in the wrong chair, but I don't care because I have a good view, and no one else is showing up anyway. Jack starts playing. Now, I find myself up on the stage at a drum set. I am playing along with a blonde woman who is at another drum set; what we are playing is simple. I look at Jack and a man is taking away his microphone, mid-song. Everyone claps.
      Now, I am beside the stage, helping to set up for another event. I see some political cartoon. It is of a chicken who says he is making a claim and that he accepts that the burden of proof is on him. There is a door that says 'burden of proof' and it is closing on the chicken. He slips his fingers in to stop it, and slides through the door. I laugh.
    3. August 3rd

      by , 08-05-2013 at 07:19 AM
      Dream 1
      - My dad drops me off downtown. I see a man in a clown costume. I also see K and her boyfriend. I go up to them and ask if they know where i can buy a good costume. They tell me where, but when i start to head in that direction, I find myself in a hot tub. There's a younger boy in this hot tub and there's also some rock formation. I start scratching into the rock to make it look like a mountain. Just when it starts to look really good, the kid pulls it apart. I'm a bit disappointed but I know its time to go to anothe house to play music and video games with the band Whitechapel.

      Dream 2
      - I'm in a room with three other people and we are talking about the bible and how Satan is something other than he should be or something like that. I look in the bible's index for Satan but it isn't there. I do notice that every word has at least one exclamation point after it. I say "Calm down Mr. Seuss!"
    4. July 23

      by , 08-05-2013 at 07:01 AM
      Dream 1
      - I'm at the house having an airsoft war with my friend and an unknown girl. I'm in the yard most of the time. I see that the neighbors house looks like a giant, white, opened parachute. There's music playing in the house; I go in to see where It's coming from. It's coming from some gaming system. On the screen, there is an option that will remind you to ask if you are dreaming when you encounter a dreamsign in the game. I think about setting it to remind me when there is food. My mom comes home and we watch a video of an old lady falling off a chair.

      Dream 2
      - I'm carrying a letter and don't know what its for or where it came from. I'm walking with my dad on a cement pathway by a rectangle, cement pond of water. At the end of this pool is a clock that doesn't work. Seeing this clock gives me the impulse to put the letter into a slot in the wall. I do put I in the slot and when I do, the water starts to move towards the back corner, like there's a current. I get in the water and it takes me through a small opening. I float through a small hallway and a voice is telling me, in really bad English, about lucid dreaming. I find myself in a small waiting room with only a mirror .I look in the mirror and comb out my wet hair. A man comes in and starts asking me questions. One of the questions is something about what I would do if I was on my way down the stairs to mow the lawn and dropped a heavy hair dryer. Isk why someone would er before mowing the lawn.

      Dream 3
      - I'm with my friend, S, in a closet. There a a few plates of cake; I eat 2 pieces. I then go to the kitchen an look in the cabinet; theres a bottle of gummy bears that are supposed to give you good dreams.