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    1. Something Moved the CPAP Machine

      by , 05-15-2023 at 08:23 AM
      Type: Regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      This was another false awakening, and unlike the previous entry, this was an actual nightmare. It was pretty in-tune with how my nightmares usually go. I'm wondering if I had this nightmare because I fell asleep with a polyester blanket on top of my head and became too hot, as overheating has historically resulted in nightmares for me. I've remembered details from a few other dreams this week, but they're quite minimal so I won't even record them as fragments. Hopefully my recall improves some more.
      I woke up in bed, and the room was dark. I sensed that it was the middle of the night. I was initially lying on my stomach, but I pulled myself upright into a sitting position, criss-crossing my legs in front of me on the bed. I generally don't hang my legs over the side of the bed in real life, and I didn't want to do it here, either. There wasn't much to see, but I could feel the bed underneath me, and I knew I was wearing a CPAP mask on my face. However, unlike in real life, I couldn't feel the mask on my face. I just "knew" it was there. This didn't strike me as odd.

      As I breathed normally, I heard the quiet inhalation and exhalation noise from the CPAP hose. The noise itself seemed normal, but it seemed a bit out of sync with my breathing. The placement was also wrong. It was supposed to be coming from my nightstand area, next to my pillow, because that was where my CPAP machine was located in real life. But in the dream, the noise was coming from further down the the bed, near the foot of it, which implied the machine had somehow been moved onto the floor there. I vaguely wondered how the machine got there, but there was no accompanying fear or trepidation, or curiosity enough to find the source. I wasn't bothered about the reason. I just wanted to put it back where it was supposed to be.

      I shimmied over until I was sitting closer to the foot of the bed. In the dream, I believed if I could simply find the hose and move it back, I could move the whole machine back to its proper place too without ever picking it up. I wasn't thinking logically either - I didn't realize that if I wanted to find the hose, which was connected to my mask, I could've just felt my mask on my face and gone from there. Oh well. It was still dark and I couldn't see, so I knew I had to feel around for the hose. I reached out into the darkness next to my bed. As soon as I touched what I "knew" was the hose, I felt something grab my hand tightly. I heard an inaudible yet somehow loud scream, and I knew I was about to die. There was a brief sensation of what I could only describe as the frightened, resigned knowledge that I would be pulled into an eternal purgatory of murky shapes and presences underneath my bed.

      Updated 05-15-2023 at 11:02 PM by 28408

      non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening
    2. Freak Out, Fly, Repeat

      by , 03-03-2012 at 07:35 PM
      NOTICE: this is the last dream journal entry I made before leaving Dreamviews for an 11-year hiatus. Newer dream journal entries will have a markedly different writing quality and narrative style.

      Type: DILD.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      This semi-lucid bugged the hell out of me. I was in my room upstairs, lying in bed, and then I heard my dad screaming from downstairs in a terrifying manner. I became semi-lucid, so I just decided to jump out the window and fly away, but I got stuck mid-air. Then I was suddenly in my bed again, with my dad still screaming, but this time from down the hallway outside my room! I flipped out and took a running jump out the window, in an effort to get past my dad. Once again I tried to fly, once again I got stuck, and once again I ended up in my bed, and at that point, I could feel my dad's presence right there in the bedroom. I felt something, presumably my dad, move beside me as I jumped out the window a third and final time.

      When I woke up in my bed after the third time, I was scared that I was experiencing another repeat.

      This was a total of three false awakenings, which were probably all part of the same dream because of the similar contents.

      It was early in the morning; my guess is that the time was around 7:00 AM. I was lying in my bed with my eyes closed; the unusually light and airy duvet cover was up to a little below my chin, and the bedroom was pitch-black. No light whatsoever was coming in from the single window on the wall, which was on the wall opposite of where I was facing: I was on my stomach, my head half-sunk into my pillow but turned towards the door of my room. The door was open, which led to a hallway adjacent to the entrance of my room; if you were to turn left, walk a few feet and turn right, the stairs were right there. They led downstairs to the main level of the house. There was a very, very faint yellow light coming from the hallway, most likely from downstairs, although there was no apparent light source - it was just a faded wash of a slight lighting over the entire room.

      In bed I felt very tired, like a stone. I didn't want to get up but I knew that it was time for school, so I slowly pushed the covers back; they bunched up like an accordion - I usually fold them back, but I didn't catch onto the fact that I was dreaming quite yet. It was when I actually stood up that I suddenly became aware enough to question if I was in a dream. I didn't do an RC, but I simply knew that I was asleep at a fairly low level of awareness. I looked at my night table, which was right next to my bed (and therefore beside me once I got out of bed), and noticed I didn't have an alarm clock at all there, even though there should've been one.

      I didn't say anything, though.

      Moments later, once I was out of bed, I heard my dad in the lower level of the house shouting at me in a very stern, tense voice to "get downstairs!"

      This terrified me, and I had this creeping feeling that the dream was going to become a nightmare if I just stood there. So I opened the door of my room a bit more to go through it, and I took a running leap into the hallway. The hallway was adjacent to my bedroom, with the wall opposite of the door only being a half-wall. Past that, if you were to look down, you'd be seeing the first floor. On the wall past this half-wall was a big window, and this is where I jumped into. I leaped onto the half-wall with a big jump and then glided right into the glass; however, I didn't smash it; I merely went through it like a ghost.

      It was very dark outside so I couldn't see practically anything, but I was beginning to lose lucidity anyways. I flapped my arms and kicked my legs once I got three or four feet outside the window, which didn't do much - I didn't pick up speed or even move forward that much. I was just suspended.

      I woke up in my bed.

      Or, did I?

      In actuality, I had just entered a false awakening, and it was the same scenario as before. This time, however, my dad's voice didn't come from downstairs, but in the hallway, quite a few feet away from the door of my room. I ran and jumped through the window again, still slightly conscious, but met the same predicament where I was floating, getting nowhere.

      I woke up one more time into the dream but this time, my dad's voice was coming from inside my room, which was very dark like before. It was a whisper this time, situated behind me (I was lying on my side facing my room's door again) - I didn't waste any time bolting out of bed and making a total beeline for the window. The same thing happened and at this point, I had just enough awareness left to start freaking out, wondering this time if my dad would be able to reach through the window and grab my foot, pulling me back in...

      Then I woke up for real.

      I did many reality checks after that P.O.S. dream.

      Updated 05-15-2023 at 11:30 PM by 28408

      lucid , nightmare , false awakening
    3. Most Terrifying Dream - Visitor and Knife-Based Pain

      by , 07-12-2011 at 08:22 PM
      Type: DILD.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      Two hours after waking up today, I took a nap, because I was hoping to enter SP and have a WILD. Instead, I fell asleep normally and then entered multiple false awakenings. What happened next was one of the longest and most effed-up dreams I've had. When I woke up, I did a record amount of reality checks. Where in the world did this come from, why is my subconscious so demented, and why did it have to happen when I was attempting a WILD?

      It was afternoon. I was outside, and the sky overhead looked normal for the time of day. I was walking along the right side of my house, sandwiched between the house and a long, straight wooden fence that extended down it. This fence was ashen in colour and seasoned-looking, with uneven, ragged boards that were slightly pointed on top. There was green grass everywhere, and the exterior of the house itself was made of ruddy red bricks with light-coloured cement in between. I was headed to the backyard, where I "knew" the house's garage would be. When I rounded the back corner of the house and reached the yard, it was an extremely strange setup.

      There was the same, tall wooden fence as the one along the side of the house, but this one was much taller, probably twenty feet tall. It fenced in the entire yard on three sides, then connected to the fence I'd just walked along. Because of the yard fence's height, it blocked out the view of everything outside the yard, although I could see tall, normal-looking trees going at least ten feet past the height of the fence. The presence of the ridiculously tall fence and trees caused it to become darker in the yard, since there wasn't as much room for light to get in.

      I looked to the left, at the yard. There was just straight brick on the house; there were no doorways or anything to get in and out. There was just more slightly-overgrown grass, and the garage. This garage was painted white and looked rustic; a few patches of paint here and there were flaking off. The garage door was open, but I didn't see any cars.

      Then, someone from my school's graduating class walked out. I recognized her immediately, and she looked normal - she had long dark brown hair, freckles, and blue eyes. I had invited her over, and now it was time for her to leave. I smiled and waved as she walked past me, leaving through where I'd just come from.

      Then, I saw my dad walk up beside me.

      "Hey [Puffin], can you help me for a sec?" His voice sounded a bit muffled. I didn't think this was odd.

      He led me down the right side of the house, where I had entered the yard from. Once we got past it, the area wasn't the front yard or driveway of a house like you'd expect; instead, it was another backyard. The setup for this part is very hard to explain because of how complex it was. The side of the house we'd just walked down opened up into a square-shaped lot (probably 60x60 feet), completely closed-in by the same tall fence, and on the other side of the fence you could see more trees. A few of these trees even arced over the fence and above the yard a little; their branches and trunks were thick and gnarled. However, they didn't cast any discernible shadows of their own; the whole yard was just in one solid pale shadow, darker than the back yard. The terrain of this yard slanted up five or six feet towards the back of the lot, especially on the left side.

      In the middle of this yard, leaving three or four feet on each side for walkspace, was a big hole. The edges of this hole were smoothed out, and covered in grass, but then it steeply dropped off into blackness; it was very, very deep. Sometime when I was walking along the house, my dad had gone past me and ended up on the other side of the hole, in the far left corner of the yard where the ground was the most raised. Apparently he wanted to return to my side, but now the yard was littered with big, wide boards of slightly-destroyed wood. Most of them were irregularly-shaped, like the random pieces of paper a kid cuts out with scissors. My dad couldn't just walk around this field of wood, because they were filling the yard all the way up to the fence. But in the hole, there was a possible way to cross it. There were two very, very tall grey rocks with flat tops floating in the hole. Connecting the two rocks was a large, flat piece of dry grey wood. There were two other wood planks, and this created a bridge across the whole.

      On the middle plank, there was also a big, triangular-shaped rock that must have been four feet tall. It looked like it weighed a ton. My dad slowly made his way onto the planks (which wobbled a lot, and he held out his arms for balance, but he didn't look concerned). Once he reached the middle plank, he pushed the rock down into the big hole without any effort, and it disappeared. There was no way he'd be able to push it in real life.

      I decided to check in for the day and sleep. I walked away a few steps and looked at the brick wall of the house. Unlike before, when I saw no doors, now there was a basic white door with a gold doorknob. I opened it and walked into blackness. As I walked forward a few steps, I felt slightly numb, losing feeling in my body as I sometimes do when I'm lucid and the dream ends. And I did become slightly lucid at this point! However, the dream scene changed.

      I woke up in bed. But not really; it was a false awakening. I couldn't see anything around me because my eyes were still closed, but I knew the room was spacious and had a high ceiling that was painted beige, as were the walls. I knew the bed was an antique, with polished wood with fine details and rich colouration. I knew the bed had white bedsheets and a thicker white quilt on top of that. I was on top of the covers, lying on my left side.

      Immediately, I "knew" I was awake and resolved to DEILD. I breathed normally and stayed still. Although the third breath was a bit quicker and deeper than the others, which usually stops my DEILD attempts, I managed to get small vibrations rolling up and down my body. In the center of my vision, I saw a light blue square that was blurring in an outwards direction (almost like a tunnel). It expanded, and a blurry, pale scene formed in front of me. There were very abstract, blurry, dark grey shapes of people's heads and some desks. The only colors in this scene were darker, pale blue and greys. The scene then started to fade slowly as I started to fail the DEILD.

      As the scene faded, taking about ten seconds, I saw a very clear image in my mind's eye - it was a shoulders-and-up shot of a beautiful woman holding a baby up against her shoulder, one hand resting on the back of its head. I heard a woman's voice narrating something along the lines of, "most mothers prefer to hold their baby with two hands if they are pregnant." It was nonsensical but I didn't realize it.

      Once that image faded, I was back in bed with my eyes closed. I thought, 'let's try this one more time'.

      I managed to get the blurry square again, but it was darker than before and disappeared quickly, leaving me lying in bed again. I laid there on my left side for a few moments and breathed out normally. But I didn't get any results.

      Then I opened my eyes, giving up. I blinked once and looked up at the ceiling. Then, I suddenly heard an incredibly high-pitched, desperate scream, like something straight of a nightmare. It said, "don't look up!", and the "up" drew itself out into a long scream of its own. In the next instant, I was still looking at the ceiling, the yellow colors and window briefly flashed white like a camera had gone off, and I heard one of those sounds like in a horror film - it's like the sound wind makes when a big truck drives past you on the highway, minus all the mechanical wheel and actual truck noises. When everything was white, I saw the bright green outline of a tall church steeple, leaning over towards the right. This was in the corner of my vision. The 'outline' was most like someone had taken a simple photo and inverted the colors, so the blacks were white and the other stuff was green.

      The flash only lasted a moment, and then as the whiteness and church faded, I felt a momentary 'shift' or acceleration downwards, although I didn't actually move from the bed at all. It was like an invisible force had come into effect and was spiritually trying to pull me down. Then, I felt a hand strongly press me down into the bed, and roll me over onto my stomach, with the left side of my face pressed right against the bed. I couldn't see anything. At some point my vision had stopped working and everything had gone a dark, dark brown. My back was suddenly exposed and uncovered as I laid there, and then I felt a sharp blade slowly going into my back, dragging slowly along my rib. It started about four inches below my right shoulder blade, tracing along that rib. The knife was excruciatingly painful as it slowly cut its way through my skin, which seemed to give too much resistance to be realistic, but that only made it worse. I had never felt this much pain in a dream before. The cut went down along the skin and stopped when it got to the very side of my body. All the while, I was paralyzed, and I screamed like crazy.

      For a second, I became almost semi-lucid, and I broke free of the paralysis, but when I moved it, was like my bones were stiff and gelled together or something. I turned around, a bit more onto my back and looked at what was doing this. It was a hooded figure, with a black robe like the grim reaper, and surrounded in something like grey smoke. There was a thin, lighter brown woven cord loosely coiled three or four times around his neck; this cord was made of long brown hair! I wasted no time and growled at this creature and attempted to kick him away, but I couldn't move my legs anymore. I tried to punch him, but I was totally paralyzed again.

      He turned me over and proceeded to cut another line into me, slightly further down my body along the next rib. It was really painful. This cut lasted about seven seconds, slightly less than the first, but then I felt another one, a bit further down still. The whole time, I screamed, and as the last cut ended, I saw a flash of another brief image: my vision turned a solid yellow, and I saw three abstract curves that were larger on one end and smaller on the other. The three lines gradated from red to dark brown, almost black, and only took up about a tenth of the total area of my vision; they appeared off near the left side.

      For a brief moment during the cuts, I was aware of my sister lying on the bed beside me, and she said something like, "I told you so", but I can't remember the exact words. The words she said were laced with pain as if she was getting cut, too.

      The dream finally ended, and when I woke up, I could feel residual stinging in my back. I didn't get up immediately, nervous that I'd entered another FA. It took a lot of RCs and a few minutes of lying stock-still in bed before I could get up and shake things out.

      Updated 05-16-2023 at 07:15 PM by 28408

      lucid , nightmare , false awakening
    4. Nightmare - Murder on a Train

      by , 07-01-2011 at 06:46 AM
      Type: DILD.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      This relatively short dream disturbed me a bit. The situation was so unrealistic that this was one of the first times a dream scenario alone left me lucid.

      I was in a train. It wasn't like a train I'd been on before; the layout was slightly different. It had a slimmer aisle in the middle, going down the length of the car, with a curtain-enclosed seating section on either side of this aisle. Both of these sections were probably ten feet long, and there were a few of them going down both sides; the sections were raised fifteen inches or so off of the aisle's level. The whole interior of the train was a burgundy colour scheme with orange and gold accents, which made it seem more upscale. As for the lighting, it was dim. Not eerily dim, but dim enough that one could assume at least half the lights in the aisle weren't working.

      I walked into a section on the left hand side of the train, which contained two chairs facing a wall, and a single sliding-pane window edged with flat silver metal. Light poured in from the outside of this window, but I didn't see exactly what was on the other side of it.

      I could tell some other people were walking down the aisle, and a man was sitting in the section on the opposite side of the hall, reading a paper. The majority of the people occupying the train were shadowy and dark, which was a first considering I could always see DC's faces and stuff. I couldn't even make out what they were wearing.

      My vision was both in first-person and third-person at the same time. It wasn't like a split screen situation, and it wasn't like the two perspectives were superimposed on top of each other, either. It's as if I really was in two places at once. It's very difficult to explain.

      Before I knew it, the lighting had dimmed even more. A man had suddenly appeared in the room I was in, right in front of me, and pinned me down right where the "x" in the drawing above is. I was now seeing exclusively in third-person, from the bottom of the curtain enclosing the room on the opposite side of the aisle. So, I was looking up at myself slightly, if you understand where I was looking from. I saw myself lying on my back, on the ground, my head coming out from the room and out over the aisle. The man was wearing dark gray and a ski mask, but for some reason I knew he had messy, slightly longer brown hair. He took out an axe; the handle was polished, cylindrical wood with probably only a 2-inch radius (very thin). The blade was very long, going outwards from the end quite a ways, and then became larger at the end. It was very sharp.

      My viewpoint was still in third person, but as he took out the axe, it suddenly changed so that I was looking right up at him, looking past my own head from only a few inches back. The scene became a bit hazy. The man said, in a relatively normal-sounding but deeper voice, "when I kill you, you won't be able to tell them that I'm going to kill everyone else on this train".

      I struggled, still watching myself from the same viewpoint as just described, and it was like fighting rubber and concrete combined. In the dream, I envisioned the axe coming down before it even happened, and just struggled harder. Within a few moments, the axe came down for good. I'd become lucid at that point - not super lucid - but it was enough to help me not freak out. Immediately the viewpoint changed, moving a few inches upwards, so I was finally looking through my own eyes, sitting there with no feeling whatsoever, except possibly numbness. I didn't feel the axe at all in my neck.

      I laid there with the axe sitting in me, and it took a few instances to actually wake up.

      Updated 05-16-2023 at 07:30 AM by 28408

      lucid , nightmare
    5. Scary Play Structure

      by , 09-09-2010 at 06:43 PM
      Type: Regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I have no idea what time of day it was, because I was in a building with my father. We were in a dimly lit room, probably around 30x30 feet with fairly high ceilings, but not high enough to make the room feel too spacious. There were very dark shadows cast along the upper edges of the room, and the walls were a darker warm color.

      Stretching across the entire length of the room, parallel to the walls, was a black fissure; whoever fell into it would disappear into nothingness. Suspended across this fissure was a wooden bridge going a good five or so feet above it. The bridge looked brand-new, except for the fact that it didn't look polished or shiny. Under this bridge was a hollow square box made of wood; one could climb through it and go across the fissure, emerging on the other side. The box wasn't dark or shadowed inside because it was only a few feet across, the same width as the fissure. There were a few other tight tunnels going in different directions; one went diagonally up over the top of the bridge and down again onto the other side of the fissure. Inside this tunnel it was very tight, only two feet worth of space across. There were thin panels of wood placed horizontally in this tunnel that you could grab onto and step on to climb up it, and then down again.

      My dad went in that tunnel, having to squeeze in as if it were a claustrophobic underground cavern. I went in next and once I got my whole body in, the dream skipped.

      I was now on a square wooden platform on one side of the bridge, the other tunnel still being there. The platform was a few feet across both ways, and there was another rectangular piece sticking out of it. On the end of this piece was a beveled, pale blue arrow pointing to the other side of the fissure. There was a structure on the other side, the same height as the platform I was on, and it was four or five feet away. I had to jump to get to it, and "I'd win the game". Hmm.

      I jumped in an effort to get to the other platform, and the dream slowed down a bit. Slow-motion-like, I fell into the fissure. After a brief moment of falling, I suddenly stopped and began floating. A skinny dark tan hand appeared, five fingers I believe, and it had longer black pointed nails. It wasn't dangerous in the dream, but it did tap me and tickle me a bit. I curled up and put my arms and hands against my ribcage, because that's where I was (and am) the most ticklish.

      Updated 05-19-2023 at 04:03 AM by 28408

    6. Standing up to the Nightmare

      by , 08-05-2010 at 06:01 PM
      Type: DILD.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      It started off in my old bedroom; it was very dark throughout the room, and no light was pouring in through the windows to aid my vision. I was sitting on my double-size bed, and then I suddenly fell backwards into a dark void. It was pitch black and I could hear faint humming, but I couldn't discern what it was coming from. I was floating up and down for a long time, and looking at myself from a third person perspective. I also saw my bedroom, and taking up almost a quarter of the room, mostly on top of the bed, was the void. It was dark and floating like a cloud of smoke.

      My perspective changed back to first person, and I was hailed by a voice. "You're going to do as I say, or else you'll stay here forever. Do you accept?" I nodded, "yes".

      I was back in my room in that instant, sitting on my bed again. There was a shadow, almost in the shape of a child, on another double bed in front of me. I looked at it, squinting a bit. "You're going to harvest some things for me," it told me. The voice was almost like one a little girl would have.

      I then found myself along the side of a stucco house, surrounded by large pine trees. There was a lot of real-looking snow on the ground, but it wasn't cold even though I was kneeling down in it. I was with another person, also being told what to do by the shadow. He was slightly older than me, and was wearing a hoodie and dark blue jeans. We were both sitting in front of a tiny tree with blue Christmas baubles hanging from it. I held out my finger and a spark of blue light came from it, traveling in a straight line. It hit one of the baubles and it started glowing, changing shape. When the glow vanished, it was in the shape of a small steel ring. I took it and pocketed it immediately. We spent the next few minutes of the dream doing this.

      Then, I was back at the house, in my bedroom. The shadow looked like it was holding out its hand, so I handed it the rings, but they dropped right through it and onto the bed. "You idiot," it told me angrily. "You don't have as many as I asked for."

      I became aware that I was dreaming, but not enough to change the plot, control the shadow, or do pretty much anything. I failed to control my anger at the shadow so I began to speak even though I felt it would put me back in the void. I had to try. "Listen," I said to it, "I don't know what you are. But you're a horrible creature that instead of going out there and doing things yourself, makes other people with lives do them! I should put you in a void, see how you like it.

      I almost thought I could hear sniffling, but the shadow didn't move or shift. "Sorry," it said softly, and vanished.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 06:42 AM by 28408

      Tags: cat, girl, nightmare, void
      lucid , nightmare , false awakening
    7. Nightmare Involving a Terrier

      by , 08-02-2010 at 09:44 PM
      Type: regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I dug up this entry from a slightly older dream journal.

      I was lying on my queen bed inside my bedroom; it had beige walls and plush tan carpet. My bed had a duvet with a rainbow stripe cover, and this was what I was lying on. The lights were dimmed, and this cast a slightly creepy feeling onto the dream. I got up and became semi-lucid as I did, walking towards the white door to my room, which was closed. I had to pull a bit to open it, but then it opened. I had more lucidity at this point, so I decided to walk out into the hallway and summon people. But the hallway was extremely dark, almost black.

      Suddenly, I felt something bite me hard on my foot, so I pulled back. "Hey!" I demanded. "Whoever did that, get over here, now!" Since it was a dream, I figured I'd use a commanding voice to get what I wanted. It was a shadow, almost shaped like a terrier dog, and it slipped quickly in front of me, then stayed still. I looked down at it. "What was that for? Bad dog."

      It began to growl at me, and I saw translucent red beginning to drip from its sides. as well as teeth being bared. "Sorry about that," I said, trying to appeal to its better nature so it didn't attack me. Perhaps it was more powerful than I could control in this dream. "Want to go out for dinner?" I asked, wildly improvising.

      "Sure," I heard come from it. It was a squeak, almost like a child's voice. We both exited the room and walked into the dark hallway. A few steps and I saw cracks of light coming from a door...

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 06:43 AM by 28408

      lucid , nightmare , false awakening
    8. Kidnapped, Knife Fight, Blood

      by , 06-19-2010 at 02:50 PM
      Type: regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I guess one could call this a nightmare, but it didn't quite start out like that.

      I woke up on the top of a bunk bed in a tiny plain hotel room. The flooring was dark, pale blue carpet, and there was a hotel-sized white-paned window on the other side of the room. I caught the false awakening and momentarily became a bit lucid, but it didn't last.

      I got up from the bunk bed and went down the stairs. There was no one else in the room, but there was an open door leading to the main part of the booked hotel room (where the fridge and chairs are). I peered out and knew I wasn't supposed to be here. I saw a man with a black t-shirt and blue jeans sitting at a small round wooden table, drinking from a mug. He looked slightly scuffed up, although not much. He also looked fairly strong, like someone who'd just gotten back from the gym.

      He saw me right away. "Hello," he told me, rather normally. "Don't be shy. Come out and I'll make you some breakfast."

      I decided to play stupid and say, "I have to get dressed first." There must have been a suitcase or something of clothing in the room, because he said, "sure". I went into the room, closing the door, and found a small shopping bag filled to the top with clothes, but I wasn't actually going for them. I was going for anything that could help me escape.

      My gaze flit around the room and I saw a coach purse, exactly like the one I own in real life. It had a very long strap that I could use to climb down the side of the hotel.

      I looked out the hotel window, clutching the purse, and saw that our room was situated at least thirty floors up. The strap didn't even go half the distance to the ground. Crap!

      Suddenly, the man walked into the room and froze when he saw me by the window with the purse. "What are you doing?" he asked me.

      "Getting out of here," I shot back at him. I made a run for the door, went through it, and he didn't do anything to stop me. He pulled out a long, silver knife instead. I looked back as I ran out the door and into the hotel hallway; he was watching me calmly with the knife in his hand. I didn't look back as I ran down the stairs to the lobby.

      There were only one or two sets of stairs and already I was on the first floor...? Anyways, I got there and no one was in sight, but there was a phone at the reception desk. I took it and crazily tried to dial 911. The man suddenly appeared, slipping around the corner and holding the phone box. "You're crazy!" I shouted to him. The machine rang and then a voice answered. "I'm being kidnapped and threatened with a knife!" I told the woman on the other line. "Help me, I'm-"

      I couldn't get an address out, because the man found the phone outlet and unplugged it, then cut the cord with his knife. I gaped and backed away from him rather quickly. "Don't leave," he told me forcefully.

      I took one more step back and my foot landed on a gun. My eyes widened even more (is that even possible?) and I reached down and picked the gun up. It was dark gray, almost black, and heavy. It was loaded. "Back the f*** up!" I told him, looking for the exit. Suddenly he reached into his pocket and pulled out his own gun. I shot him in the chest, killing him instantly. His eyes began to bleed and there were bruises appearing all over his body. He was still standing up straight but his eyes were closed, and he was completely still. Then another person, looking very much like him, appeared with the same ghastly imagery. It frightened me so much I woke up.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 06:53 AM by 28408

      false awakening , memorable , lucid , nightmare
    9. Lucid Nightmare!

      by , 06-09-2010 at 08:05 PM
      Type: DILD (nightmare).
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      This was my first-ever lucid nightmare. Not fun.

      I was in a false awakening from a previous dream, which I became lucid from just as it was ending. The room was dark, nighttime, with just a bit of light blue coming in through the cracks in the blinds. I managed to catch this false awakening and turn it into a DILD by using the nose-plug technique while still lying in bed. But before I could even get up more than a few inches, I suddenly became paralyzed and was thrown back into my bed, onto my back, by an unseen force. I aimed a forceful "stop now" at whatever was rendering me incapable of moving, but it continued. For a few more seconds it did this, and the next thing I know, I felt a presence in the room and could almost "see" dark, fleeting, moving shapes underneath my bed, although I wasn't actually looking there. It's like I had two sets of eyes for a moment.

      Next, I felt myself being pulled up into the air, as if being sucked through a vortex. I saw a huge pair of sharp teeth surround me and engulf me. Everything went black when they closed on me, and then I was floating in darkness. "I told you to stop, now", I tried to say again. But nothing happened except I got the sense of a presence again, floating around in the dark with me. I then felt light touches all over my body, as if something really was there.

      I woke up, making sure of this by performing a reality check.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 07:00 AM by 28408

      lucid , nightmare