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    The Oneironaut's Odyssey

    An Argonaut of the dream world, the Oneironaut. Every night a journey, every dream an adventure, every moment a treasure.

    1. #120 - Moonwell of love? / Seeing old friends / First day back school

      by , 10-03-2015 at 12:23 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)

      Dream 1 - Moonwell of Love
      It's almost like a game, I'm a character who seems to be stronger than everyone else. Everyone else is kind of a newbie. There's a girl who I'm with (although it's a 'game', it seems it's more like a real world with levels?) who I race to reach a moonwell. There are two moonwells, they resemble the moonwells you see in Warcraft. I reach one first, so she has to go to a different one. The water in it is blue and glows slightly, I wade into its shallow depths and feel my power being replenished... My mana is recovering, which I seem to have used earlier on in the dream. Almost like an announcement, something occurs saying that I've reached the stage 1 of the love blessing. The requirements were that you have to love someone truly and unconditionally. There are 6 stages and when you reach the end you attain special powers. Because everyone else is new I thought I was the first to discover this power, but I was apparently wrong. A man approaches and he is buff as, he apparently has the blessing of love and kind of seems like an enemy.

      Dream 2 - Seeing old friends
      I'm wandering down a hallway at school (so many school dreams O_O) and see a class with its door open. I peer in an see Hanno, and old friend . I strike up conversation, surprised that he recognized me after not seeing each other for so long. Some other friends show up and gradually I feel myself being pushed out of the conversation. I decide to leave to go to form class (a class just before period 1 begins to check attendance). As I wander out of the door I see Aditya, an old friend who shared the same form class, except he's HUGE now. He's really tall, and his body looks badly proportioned too. Like his legs were way too long compared to his upper body. We talk a bit and another friend shows up, this is around the point the dream ends.

      Dream fragment - There's a school trip on today, it's occurring at my university Marine Science class where we have a trip to go skiing (not related to the class itself for some reason). But I completely forgot we were going on a trip, I thought we just had to meet up and do some test and then go home... I ended up realizing I wasn't wearing warm enough clothing and that I had no gear, like towels and a toothbrush so there was no way I could go no the trip. I approached my teacher and asked if she could step to the side with me for a private conversation, where I admitted embarrassingly to her that I hadn't prepared for the trip .

      Dream 3 - First day back at school (yet another school dream )
      It's the first day of school and I think I'm unprepared because I haven't got the right clothing on (green shorts, a black shirt with a thin black hoody and a dressing gown over top). I seem to have headed out to the streets around the school (which resemble the residential area of my university) possibly to get food. I start heading back and arrive at school, but on my way back (I was running for some reason) and spotted a girl I knew called Mikayla. She was sitting on the deck of persons house chatting with her friends, I decided to ignore her because I didn't want to intrude. I continue running through the school, not sure where I'm going. I pass a girl who looks like Mikayla who was hanging with another girl I knew, Rhiannon. I pass them and stop, then spin on my heel and yell out "Hey, Mikayla! Is that you?".
      "Yeh, hey" she replies. Kind of seemed hesitant which was pretty lousy -.- we were best friends lol
      "Did you dye your hair?"
      "Yeh I did haha" this time she seems more interested, and we talk a bit more. But then for some reason we all like... Fell over? And they bumped their heads on a wooden seat and nearly knocked themselves out. I propped them both up against a wall sitting down to help them out. A teacher then shows up and WOW she was a bitch. She started accusing me of assaulting the girls! Couldn't believe it, I used my syllogism to figure that she had been told to be strict with students because it's the first day at school. She had a whole bunch of students with us now and we were all in trouble for some dumb reason. The bell went and I wanted to go to my 3rd period English class so I could get my bag which I had apparently left at the field camp in the previous dream fragment. We weren't allowed to leave though, because we were supposed to be getting on a bus to go to detention or something... She (the old bat of a teacher) ordered us all onto the bus, but for some reason I had the feeling she forgot about me and I realized I could just... Walk away . So I did.
      I headed off to my English class, and a long the way I spotted my old friend Oliver from school. I had thought he had also been on the detention bus though. He told me that when we got onto the bus he went to the rear exit and hopped off without the teacher noticing haha. Sly dog. We ended up talking and just catching up with each.
    2. #95 - parrot and cat

      by , 07-01-2015 at 02:03 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: non-dream
      Blue: non-lucid
      Red: lucid

      Dream - parrot and cat
      I'm in school, though it looks like my university building (19th century, really majestic as fuck, dark wood and nothing concrete, huge building), and I'm talking to my friend Olly in the hallways. I see something that says '9th of July' and absolutely just go into panic mode... My presentation is on the 10th so I was like "no way! It can't be! it has to be wrong!" turns out it was the 7th of July which is still wrong but it made me feel a bit better. Then I spotted a parrot inside and wondered "why is a parrot inside"... Me and Olly approached it and I told him how my neighbour used to have a parrot just like that one. We decide to take it outside, along with a black cat that had appeared. I carried the parrot and Olly carried the cat, Olly isn't the biggest fan of cats either . We open the doors to go outside and I throw the parrot into the air, it flutters its wings and flies away while the cat just walks off, Olly has a look of disgust on his face and wipes his hands on his shirt. I notice that the bird pooped on me too a bit on my arm and on my shirt but I wasn't too bothered. Me and Olly then went back inside and walked up a few flights of stairs, kind of just wandering around I guess. We end up on the top floor and discover that there's a martial arts class going on, there's a bunch of people swinging 'no dachi' swords around in practice and they're dressed up in black japanese garbs. I think I boasted that I was really good at using these swords and attempted to duel someone, but I woke up around this point too and it's all a bit blurry.
    3. #83 - Another unexpected lucid

      by , 04-13-2015 at 08:20 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      Dream - Another unexpected lucid
      I've recently acquired a new surfboard and wetsuit, which is true in both my dream and real life. I'm in my flat and I see my flatmate Oliver scoot out the door in his own wetsuit with a surfboard (he doesn't have them IRL), it seems that he acquired a surfboard after me and is going to test-drive his surfboard before I've tested mine (been too busy sadly ). I decide that I'll meet him at the beach since it's a nice day, I head there and he's absolutely ripping it up - except instead of it being Oliver it's my friend Isaac... I don't notice the transition though. The cut of his board suits his skill level and the wave types there... But my surfboard isn't quite right, I'm having a hard time paddling and can't turn properly, I swim about for a while but the tide is starting to come in (which, where I live, can be a predicament as it comes right up to the wall which would suck to smash into...). I climb up a hill to rest and at the the top there's a slooty bar with a name in glowing red neon, can't recall the name though >_<. I look down and see Isaac leaving, for some reason I think to myself it might be a dream, which my rational says "No way man, this is so realistic, there's no way it's a dream!". I do a reality check anyways, pushing my finger through my hand, it goes through but I'm not convinced... I decide to try something NEW, something that can only be done in a dream. I put my hands in front of me separated with my fingers splayed and curving. I turn them to face each other, finger tips an inch apart, then try to summon electricity. Sparking occurs, stretching between the tips of my fingers from one hand to the other crackling with energy.

      "Hmmm... Okay, I'm convinced, this is a dream" I narrate to myself, the dreamworld around me so convincing that I'm still not so sure. The reality of lucidity doesn't quite dawn on me, I don't really DO anything except follow the dream normally, never truly being in contro
      l. At some point I actually lose lucidity and continue on oblivious, which leads to a situation where I'm swimming with friends and we need to get out the water for some reason. Oh well.

      Note: 4th lucid dream recently that has been unexpected, might be related to simple breathing meditation I randomly did before going to sleep - which I primarily did just so I could slow down my racing thoughts and focus on a 'day-dream' to help myself fall asleep.
      non-lucid , lucid
    4. #60 - it's time to return to dreamviews :)

      by , 02-13-2015 at 10:43 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      I've been inactive with DV for a while now due to just enjoying the holidays with my family and keeping on top of things in life, now I've gained some free time to catch up on things.

      Lucid 1: Was out camping for about 8 days and one night just had a random lucid.
      I was running out of a building towards a beach on a nice summer day, in the distance I could see a beautiful woman walking towards me, she was under a big Pohutukawa tree which was in full bloom. The beach was white sand and in my peripheral vision the ocean was to my left and green hills to my right. I seemed to realize it was a dream and contemplated becoming 'lucid', then thought "Yeah sure, might as well", and looked at my hands. I became lucid as I did this and it didn't last long, I felt the dream slipping away, then I remembered that spinning sometimes stabilized the dreamland so I gave it a shot... I start spinning in a circle and I feel the dream coming back to me again, but I felt like my lack of experience let the dream slip away in the end.

      Last night I remembered meeting my flat mate Oliver and seeing him talking to my other flatmate Phillip, I come out and say hi and he gives me a nod and smile.
    5. #53 - Wandering the school-mall

      by , 11-11-2014 at 08:12 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      Last night I nearly had a WILD, felt myself going into the dream and then I was like "Um what do I do" since I haven't got a clue how to WILD and it kind of just happened by accident. I got caught up in a conversation inside my head with my girlfriend and I thought she was there with me (she is in another town atm) so I tried to tell her that she was distracting me. I then got really fidgety, I need to itch and scratch my arms and neck and hair, then I felt like I had to roll over and in less than 30 seconds with all this occurring I had completely lost it
      So I still haven't had a WILD yet :/. Also I had terrible dream recall last night, only recalling the last dream I had.

      Dream 1 - Wandering the school-mall
      I'm in school and it's lunch time, I saw my friend leave before me and decided I'd try find him and hang out, since I'm a transfer student and he's my only friend. I seem to remember him having tanned skin and short black hair but I never saw his face. I walk upstairs and see a group of people I'm familiar with, they're playing ball, I continue on up another flight of stairs. Now I'm in the mall, which is a part of the school apparently. I walk through the mall, it's got calm yellow lighting and the scenery is quite nice looking, like it's been polished or something. As I'm walking I meet a couple of guys who want to play ball, and I seem to be holding 2 balls, 1 is a basketball and the other is some other kind of ball that I didn't want to use. I throw the ball to one of the guys but he couldn't catch it and it went behind him and crashed into a shop. He runs and picks it up, then throws it back, I catch it then throw it to the other guy and yet again it crashes into another shop. I no longer want to play the ball game, since I don't want a teacher to tell me off. The guys are annoyed at me and say something like "We want to keep playing!", I turn around and see a teacher where we had just been playing so I continue on again and ignore the 2 guys. As I'm walking back down the mall to the stairs, I pass by a window where I realize my friend is in, catching a peripheral vision glance at him. I think that he's having dinner with his girlfriend so I don't want to intrude and continue on (this time the friend looked like my flatmate O too, instead of the randomized classmate at the start of the dream).