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    Linkzelda's Dream Journal

    1. Almost Caught Masturbating

      by , 12-09-2012 at 06:41 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Almost Caught Masturbating (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside of a random house, and I remember that I did a lot of things in the dream, but not exactly what I did. I felt tired, and a few familiar faces were going to sleep as well.

      I was assuming me and a few others were guests for someone that I know from New York in waking life. She's remaining passive like she usually is, looking at me occasionally without really realizing that she's looking at me way too much.

      At least in this case, she's focused on something else other than me. I remember a few dream flashbacks where she asked a family member of mine something, and they responded "No" while fixing something on a table.

      It seemed that it required his full attention, which made him end up being laconic to her.

      After that and a few more that I can't recall well

      I'm wearing a pajama set where there's swampish green stripes going down vertically next to a more faded lime green color....so it was a faded lime green stripe, then a swampish green stripe, and so on.

      And now for the fun part......

      ........(warning, a bit graphic)........

      Spoiler for 18+:

      Then I hear footsteps, and someone is calling out my name.

      I had an "OH CRAP!" moment, and I still didn't even get the chance to reach orgasm and ejaculate. I couldn't think straight, and even though I was in the closet, I was still panicking. I decided to use whatever is on my right hand to cover up my boner, and I quickly pulled up my pajama pants.

      The lady was wondering why I was away for so long, and I just tried to look at the ground and not make eye contact with her, because I'm still kind of horny. She scoffs at me, turns around, and I follow her into the bedroom.

      I'm still wondering how the hell I can fap without anyone noticing. I started to create scenarios, since I'll be sleeping next to this woman, on how I can still fap vigorously without her being suspicious. I didn't want to have sex with her mind you because she was a family member.

      I tried to imagine if she would sleep with her back facing me, which means that I could at least align myself where I'm resting on the right side of my body. This way, since I'm uncircumsized in the dream, I could use my thumb and roll around the head of my penis and get a quick ejaculation without making lewd noises to wake anyone up.

      The other scenario is that if she was facing me, I would have my back facing her while I'm resting on the left side of my body. This way, I could use my right hand, but it would be a little too strong for me since I haven't used it in a-------

      Wait, what am I saying...I....I don't............

      You didn't see that!

      As I'm busy formulating ways I can get this boner over and done with, I'm trying my best to make sure I suppress the urge to stroke this eager cock....it's realllllllllly hard to suppress it.
