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    1. Harry Potter and the Common Room Passwords plus The Online Game and the Song

      by , 12-08-2012 at 04:53 PM
      12-08-2012 -- [First dream was after about five hours uninterrupted sleep. It was fairly long and involved, but even from the moment I woke, it was disappearing from memory, so I can't remember it in nearly the detail I would like. Much more to it than the little I can remember to post here.]

      I'm Harry Potter at Hogwarts. The entire dream is confined to the school, and there aren't even hints of the outside world, though the evil jerk characters are still mostly evil jerk characters.

      Earliest parts have bits with Malfoy being a jerk, and us having to react to him and deal with him. Snape is a pain, and trouble, but not as much as he is sometimes portrayed as being. In some way, for a while, Snape is in charge of assigning passwords to the dorms, and he is being miserable about it, using either questions of such an advanced nature that nobody but Hermione would be able to answer them (ala his questions on Harry's first ever potion lesson with him) or rude, obnoxious, insulting passwords of a nature that remind me of Paige's computer password in the Foxtrot comic strip: "Even if he can figure it out, he could never bring himself to type it."

      Somehow it is soon Harry's chance to set the passwords, and he is being completely reasonable and polite about it, and is annoying Snape incredibly by being the bigger man, and acting like an adult, leaving Snape nothing to complain about. Then there is another character, fairly young woman, blond, attractive, probably not an actual Harry Potter character, but who knows ... might be. She is using knowledge question passwords, but they are reasonable, and Harry is learning from her what he needs to know to pass the information on to the Gryffindors.

      There is lots more, including minor character interactions, and running up and down elevators in a giant department store, which is actually Hogwarts in the dream instead, but nothing more that stuck enough to be remembered, darn it.


      [Second dream came as I was trying to remember the first, and drifted back to sleep. Probably slept for less than an hour, had a very short dream with not much to it, but far more detail than I can remember from the first, more interesting one. Le sigh.]

      I'm in my room in a house that most resembles the Pageant house, except the room is much larger than usual. I'm sitting on my bed, or perhaps at a desk, playing some sort of computer game. It seems to be a cross between Warlords:Battlecry, Runescape, and some kind of Facebook game. I think I've watched as somebody else battles some huge guy on a chariot (Lord Bane from Warcraft?) It is an impressive battle, and the character was defeated.

      There is a chat window like in Runescape, and there was a quick line of yellow text that almost immediately disappears against the background, almost impossible to see. I am trying to scroll back to it because it seemed like something very good that I might want. Kind of a cross between a wall post from a Facebook game and a drop in Runescape. I'm trying to claim it, while thinking I didn't kill the bad guy, so I'm not likely to be able to get the drop. Meanwhile, one of the horse-like characters that was pulling the chariot, huge, kind of blueish-purple, and somewhat alien-looking, is starting to break free, and may be a threat.

      The game kind of fades away from my attention, and I find a couple of lines of a song running through my head. I don't think it is something I've ever heard, I am pretty sure it is something I was writing, myself. [I did used to write songs, wrote hundreds of them while I was in love with somebody. Even got 10 of them played, recorded, and sung, and made an album, but haven't done anything with music since then, about fifteen years ago.]

      It seems like a quite good couple of lines, and I am trying to find a scrap of paper to write it on, and repeating it over and over again, to try and remember it, as I do so. The couple of lines come out something like Leading with the Spirit, hope within their eyes; hearts filled with compassion, taken by surprise; I could hear the tune for it, as well. Anyway, I keep singing the two lines over and over again, trying to keep them in memory as I scramble for scraps of paper or envelopes. But everything I grab either already has dreams written on them, or in a few occasions have ads on them, and if I try to write over them, they'll be as hard to read as that yellow text on the busy background.

      I'm in bed, wrapped in my blue velour blanket (its kind of like being wrapped up in a cuddly plush toy) scrambling for envelope bits, and suddenly Nick W. is in my room with me. He's chatting a mile a minute about all kinds of things, but nothing important, and I'm still humming the song bit, trying to not forget it, and wishing he would shut up for a minute.

      He throws himself to the ground on the east side of the bed, trying to say something, but not being able to get it out. It seems to be important, though, unlike the rest of what he's been saying. Suddenly I am convinced he is going to confess his love for me, and I'm terrified that I'm going to have to explain to him that I don't swing that way, and break his heart. Very uncomfortable.

      The room keeps switching around on me. The bed is always in the southwest portion of the room, but sometimes it runs north/south with the headboard at the south wall, and sometimes it runs east/west with the headboard on the west wall. When he falls to the floor, the bed is north/south, with him on the east side, but suddenly he is on the west side in the approximately two foot area between the bed and the wall. He is completely wrapped in my old blue and white flowered blanket from when I was a little kid, and he still can't get out what he wants to say.

      I'm thinking of asking him to just spit it out, but instead he seems to be playing with the stereo, changing the station and the volume. But he's wrapped in the blanket and isn't touching the radio, and I suddenly realize he isn't coming on to me, he's trying to get up the nerve to tell me he's discovered he has some psychokinetic powers! Thank God! That's not nearly so awkward. I know we're going to have to talk about this, but I'm trying to turn down the stereo because I'm really afraid he's going to wake mom up, and she's going to come in and yell at me for still being awake, and send him home.

      Except it isn't mom who comes bustling in, but Rosemary (my current landlord), showing the house to some friends. I feign sleep, while glancing around the room. It is a mess, but not as bad as it sometimes is. Thankfully at the moment there aren't a lot of pizza boxes or fast food wrappers laying around. I think while feigning sleep, I really fall asleep for a few minutes or something, because suddenly I wake, and find it is now pitch dark, as she turned out the light. Nick is still on the floor, also feigning sleep, and I am certain it has only been a minute or two.

      I find myself glancing around the large room, looking at the other three or four beds, thinking about how there is no privacy, and figuring how we have room to add a few internal walls, make four proper, private bedrooms and a small hallway. I can remember the construction in enlarging the area, about six months ago [in real life about a year ago, Rosemary added on another three bedrooms and a bathroom to the house] and the dream somewhat connects to a dream I had three or four months ago, where the house was being enlarged. I think that one was actually posted here, and I may go back and link to it.

      And all this time I was still trying to remember the lyrics and the tune to the brief bit of song. When I really woke up, it was the first thing I wrote down, before I could lose it.