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    1. Doctor Who and the Time Travel Kidnapping

      by , 09-04-2018 at 05:36 AM
      09-02-2918 -- Massively cool Doctor Who dream, at least in my mind as I woke up. Earlier bits stumbling around in a house, half asleep, barely able to walk because of a bad foot (from real life today), then I find myself in a sort of a cross between a space ship and a planet. The place is mostly metal, and a slightly odd mix of seeming both medevil and futuristic. The TARDIS is parked in a sort of a junction of blocked off corridors, and is within a slightly shimmering, but almost invisible bubble of some sort of force, so it looks like just the walls of the corridor, but if you walk up to them, you can pass right through them.

      I am Andred, the place guard, played by Peter Davison, and the Doctor in this story is the 12th Doctor, Capaldi. I'm not traveling with the Doctor, I am simply on the planet he has landed on. He and his companions (who are never quite seen) are running through corridors trying to figure out what is going on, but I have seen this before, long ago, so I am kind of starting to remember things. Eventually the section of wall that is phased out, allowing passage, is starting to look like some sort of dark iron mask, and as things are becoming more intense, the only thing that is missing, are the glowing red eyes, but I know they are coming.

      As I said, things are getting more intense, and one of the Doctor's companions has gone missing. He is trying to find them, and is half-listening at the iron mask, when the bad guy makes some sort of comments about the might of the Sycorax or some such thing, and the Doctor is commenting about how something isn't right here, and I know what it is. At this point of time, the Sycorax should be barely starting their evolution, and incredibly slow and stupid, without enough knowledge or interest to kidnap one of the Doctor's companions ... except that (remember, I've seen this episode before) because of traveling in the TARDIS for a while, they are all soaked in chroniton particles, and having one of them around will jump-start the species' evolution. I know that in a few minutes the Doctor will realize this, and will take the TARDIS back in time to rescue the companion before they manage to get a hold of her, and thereby keep them too stupid to think of kidnapping her in the first place.

      But first he has to run around for a bit, and find the clues he needs, to tell him this, and in the meantime, I am just kind of wandering around with him. At one point, he finds a silent sort of weird guy he is trying to communicate with, who seems to look kind of like Chip (Cassandra's servant), but Chip pushes his way head-first through a small hole in the floor. The Doctor begins to follow him, and I'm looking at the small hole and thinking of my large size (mine, not Davison's) and am thinking 'there's no way.' But then I notice that the carpet is rather flexible in the area, and realize the hole is a lot bigger than it appears, but the carpet hides most of it, and I go head-first through, as well.

      Dropping to the next level, the Doctor has already run off, and I find myself in a large set of rooms divided by walls here and there, but no doors, a sort of open floor plan. But around the edges of the area there are a lot of confusing, unmarked doors, leading to small corridors with more doors, and a fair amount of people running through them, and nobody is paying any attention to me at all. There is a sort of storage area, with boxes and crates on the ground, and people wandering through the 'aisles' picking out supplies and parts and tools, and there's a sort of lounge area with a bunch of chairs. I duck through one of the doors and through a couple of the small corridors and more doors, but things just keep opening out on even more corridors and rooms, so I head back to where I started, just to find everybody is gone.

      So I keep looking around, and more people are arriving again, and in the lounge area, there is an odd sort of display called something like the Eye of Boh, where you sit in a seat and look through a sort of telescope, and your mind is being focused across the universe, to where you are staring into the eye of the provinence of Boh, and are kind of hypnotized. And the passage through the area sort of passes right through the viewing area, so people try to dodge around to avoid being caught in the line of sight, for fear of what might happen. And I see somebody that looks kind of familiar, and find myself asking 'Is that Emma Watson?' and I remember, 'Oh yeah, she did have a guest role in this episode, didn't she.'

      She is somewhat young, probably 15 or 16, and looks a little bit different than usual, but still pretty recognizable, and she has taken a seat in the lounge area with a bunch of other fairly young people, and more are gathering all the time. I stumble, and fall back against a wall, and am hoping as I fall that it is a real wall, and I'm not going to knock down part of the set. It is real, and I don't collapse the set, but in the fall, I spot a camera man filming in a dark corridor, and am thinking to myself that the low lighting helps, and that the less observant viewers won't manage to see him in that scene, but the sharper ones will. (ie I am the camera, so his filming there will be caught on film.)

      I make it back to my feet, and return to the lounge area, which is getting more and more crowded, and as the crowds grow, balloons are starting to pop -into- existence above them. They make almost no noise, and a barely audible over the industrial sounds of the area. It's also getting darker and darker, so there is less chance of people noticing them appearing, either. The balloons are all black and white, and oddly shaped, somewhat like a Mickey Mouse balloon, except they don't look at all cute, but rather creepy, and as the crowds grow ever larger, and more and more balloons appear, they start drifting down onto the people, where they cause great pain, and cause the people to start screaming and disappearing. I dive out of the way, and am dodging through the corridors again. This time other people are starting to notice me, and beginning to call out for me, and I'm starting to run from them. I find myself back in the shopping/storage area, but this time it is really crowded, and I am having to push my way through the crowds, and am hoping the Doctor hurries up and figures it out, so he can go back in time, and I can take the companions' place, since I am of this time and world, and don't have any chroniton particles to fuel their evolution. I'm ready to sacrifice myself for the team.
    2. Adopted While at Disneyland

      by , 09-16-2017 at 04:56 PM
      09-03-2017 -- Pat and I are in a house somewhere, in two separate rooms, but both trying to play the same computer game. Problem is, neither of us can manage to log in. Both keep entering what we think is the correct password and both keep bouncing. (When the wrong password is entered, the program just quits, so we have to relaunch.) Eventually I check carefully on the password and it seems to be something like 'play and spell' when we've been typing 'play and sleep', almost the same letters, but a different order. So we finally get it right, and are both able to play.

      So about this time it is turning into the usual Runescape-based game that I am frequently playing in my dreams that includes running around to farm patches hidden away in the distant back of the game world in an area with a bit of a Morytania vibe, trying to find the nearly hidden herb patches that I need to pick, or at least tap. At the same time (also as usual for these dreams) it is becoming more and more live action, living the game, rather than just playing on a computer screen, and finally the location is starting to change to Disneyland. Strange but fun.

      So soon I am running around Disneyland, planting seeds, picking herbs, and running around some of the restaurants at the same time. At some point I find myself getting quite hungry, and find myself on the outskirts of River Belle Terrace, talking about being hungry, and remembering the Mickey Mouse Waffles from the past. [I thought this was just a dream item, since I only knew about the Mickey Mouse pancakes, but a quick google search turns up the info that the waffles are real, too.] Anyway, there is an employee at the restaurant who seems to be a version of Greg S., even if I don't remember him all that well after all this time, who, even though I do not have enough money, decides to sell me a waffle for what I do have, so I am enjoying it.

      But somehow something has come up where a family I know from around the parks has decided to adopt me and take me home with them. This is a strange thing, even in the dream, and there is a daughter in the family who may be somewhat upset with this, either because she does like me, or because she doesn't. I am unsure which. So at this point the dream is half taking place in Disneyland, and half in these peoples' home. They kind of look somewhat like the Bests, but they aren't. Their appearance is just very similar. I wake up in the master bedroom, between the two parents (nothing is going on, that's just where they seem to have had me sleep the first night) and move on to the breakfast table.

      Just waiting for the daughter to get home and find me there to see how she reacts, and she is surprised, but doesn't seem to care. There is a son who largely reminds me of Bynner, who is not allowed to eat Chex cereal because it disagrees with him. The grandma is there, keeping an eye on everything. He knows he isn't allowed to eat the Chex, but he still kind of bites on the box and inhales to suck up just a couple of the cereal pieces and eat them. The grandma is horrified at the poor manners of this, but I find it hilarious, and do the same thing. In a way, there is a sort of a vampire vibe to it. We're laughing uproariously, while the grandma lectures us on manners and proper deportment.

      The next thing I know, I find the family has gone for a walk through the neighborhood, and I am trying to catch up with them. There may be dogs involved in the walk, itself, or there may be dogs at the neighbor's house they end up visiting at ... I can't quite remember. I am surprised to discover the neighbors are the Bests (which is why I know my family looks somewhat like them, but aren't them), and they are very surprised to find that 'my' family has adopted me. Odd stuff.
    3. Dream Bits: Mammoth-Eisenhower and Lanes, Airplanes fly Thru Buildings, Bonnie and Parachute Jump

      by , 09-16-2017 at 04:51 PM
      08-31-2017 -- Let this sit for too long, and the ones for the last couple days, as well, so they will probably all come out as fragments, rather than detailed enough to get full entries for themselves. For today's dreams, I know there were bits with Cindy L., and something about delivery driving or mystery shopping. I know there was something with Joe L. and cell phones (probably being broken or dropped or something) and Ubering. And then the finishing bit ended up being in an Eisenhower Park-like setting with hints of Mammoth Cave. I was walking near a river above ground, and there were hints of some sort of miracle-like healing tunnel rumored to be in the area. It had been mentioned earlier, during a camp-out (perhaps with Joe as the scout master), and I was wondering where it was, and looking for it.

      The 'cave' areas were looking quite man-made, and there was supposed to be one 'pipe-like' tunnel leading to the special healing area, but instead it looked like some large sort of sewer with dozens of pipes coming in. When I started asking around, some of the regulars made me aware that there were several levels of the cave, and the healing tunnel was on the lowest level. Unfortunately, it has been raining recently, and I can see at least one large stream of water pouring down a ramp to lower levels, and am being warned that there is at least a 50-50 chance that the lowest level is currently completely flooded, and that if it isn't, it soon could be. Interesting dream, that I wish I could remember in more detail.


      08-30-2017 -- Or perhaps one day earlier. Who can say. Odd dream where I am riding a bus with mom, and talking to the bus driver. For a couple of minutes I take a seat in the row right behind the driver, next to a black woman, just to chat. But when we finish our brief conversation, I excuse myself, apologize to the black woman for encroaching on her space, and move further back in the bus. Soon after that, I find myself standing near a building as a low-flying airplane flies right into it at fairly low speed. The building cuts an airplane-like shape into the wall, much like a cartoon.

      The building turns into the Pentagon, and soon the airplane is backing out of the building again, unharmed. We're discussing these new planes that are still light enough to fly, but strong enough that they can pass through buildings without bringing harm to themselves. Meanwhile, I am right behind the airplane, filming it coming out of the building with my video camera, while having to throw myself to the side to avoid being run over by its tires as it backs out of the building.

      Find myself sitting on what starts as the bus, but soon turns into the airplane, itself. We are in the process of being recruited to work for the US government in various capacities, and I decide I want to fly the big 747s that can fly through buildings. Olga Vukavitch is the one asking us what areas we would like to be working in, and I am trying to bring up the footage I just shot under the airplane to show her what I would like to be doing, but my laptop computer is not cooperating.

      Soon things turn slightly odd, as a bunch of enemy soldiers are storming into the plane, trying to take over and catch prisoners, and their leader seems to be Kim Jung Il. I'm kind of sitting back out of the way with my laptop. I have no weapons, and I don't have any idea of what to do. Somebody else is somewhat insulting of me, for not being more involved to try and stop things, but I excuse myself by saying I haven't been given any orders, yet. Sad.


      08-29-2017 -- Or around there. I'm somewhere, watching Bonnie going on some sort of slingshot-like ride that has her being hoisted up in chains to the top of a parachute jump-like tower (like at Knott's) where she is hoisted up by her arms, but also kind of runs along the tower like a slightly off version of rappelling. When she gets to the top, she seems to be kind of making some kind of meal (or perhaps potion) with ingredients that just kind of appear in the area, which could be quite valuable. She is assisted in this by a woman who works at the top of the tower, who most reminds me of 'The Architech' from the Player-Owned Ports content of Runescape.

      Meanwhile, I am helping her bundle up her creation in a large storage container, in preparation of getting it back to the ground. Oddly, though I am at first at the top of the tower with her, I soon find myself running around at ground level again. I seem to spend a lot of time trying to use a small elevator which doubles as a waiting room at the odd cross between a doctor's office and Hewitt Associates. It seems that what everybody thinks is an elevator may only be made to look like one. Or not. It is very confusing. At least at one point, I end up a couple of stories further up in the building, where upper management hangs out in rich quarters, with spas, and a large swimming pool, lording it over the peons. There is also at least a little bit involving them trying to get me to come back to another position in the company, but by this time, I have had, and eventually gotten fired from so many positions so many times, that I really have no further interest in working for Hewitt, and I am amazed they keep trying to bring me back. Would have remembered more of this, the first day. Too bad I waited three or four days to write it down.
    4. Desperately Seeking Susan

      by , 09-16-2017 at 04:42 PM
      08-23-2017 -- Get to visit with Ms Cummings again! I find myself at a grade school, just about as classes are going to get out. Somehow I've been told this is the school that Ms Cummings is now teaching at by someone on Facebook, and I am trying to find her and meet with her. It is the same rough school layout as Marshall, probably in the same district, but there are six rows of classrooms instead of five, which means probably one per grade, plus the couple of kindergarten class rooms. Anyway, it is about 2:45 in the afternoon, and a bell has just rung, and the teachers are starting to release their classes.

      I'm wandering around, trying to glance at any teachers among the students who are starting to fill the halls, and attempting to see any teachers still in their class rooms, and a couple of the kids are following me around. The odd thing is, most of the classrooms have disappeared. A row of classes that should have four rooms, only the first is there, then I am just looking at an empty field. I mention it to the kids, and they are commenting on how there used to be four classrooms there, just a few minutes ago, and they have no idea where they went. But while I am trying to figure that out, I hear a vaguely familiar voice, and turn to see a teacher walking down a hall that looks familiar, and might be my fifth grade teacher.

      I hurry to catch up with her, and overhear a staff member call her Ms Yourshaw, so I realize I've got the right person. I try to call out to her, and she turns to me slightly, but disregards me almost immediately. She has bandages covering her face, and seems to be hurting, and is fairly cold and seems kind of uncaring, and when I tell her I used to be a student of hers, she doesn't seem to care at all, and tells me to go away, as she starts to climb a stairway to the second floor of the building that we are in. I call out that I can go away, if that is what she wishes, but only after I let her know that she was the best teacher that I ever had! She kind of laughs that off, but actually starts to pay attention when I list creative lesson plans and the like, and actually starts to try and remember me.

      She says something trying to identify me with a specific time period, and I bring up incidents of that time, including her taking me out for a sundae at an ice cream parlor at Brookhurst and Orange avenues (I think that was where it was, though I can't remember the name of the place. Did Smucker's ever have its own ice cream parlor chain? [Have since managed to remember it was probably called Swenson's]) and the year she lost a half a year to injuries from the auto accident, and she is actually starting to remember me, and cheer up a bit. Slightly worrying, but she invites me to join her in going to a local bar and having a drink, and while I don't plan to have the same exact drink, I figure I'll get a Midori Collins.

      As I am following her out of the school, she runs into the principal, who is greeting her, and asking her about when she is going to be home, and asking about who I am, and she mentions me as a past student who, the last time she saw me, was trying to sell my copy of Roller Coaster Tycoon to get some funds (something I do not remember at all <ggg>). As she walks along, Ms Cummings slips on something and falls to the ground, and suddenly the principal is trying to control the scene around her, and kind of rolls her around to a position where she can apply a jerk and kind of align her back, damaging her own, in the process. Ms Cummings returns the favor, and cracks her back, then the principal starts asking me more questions. Indication is she rooms with Ms Cummings, who seems to have gotten jaded and depressed, and she is excited to see her showing a little bit of interest from her again. She actually seems to expect to see something romantic going on. I don't have any similar expectations, not that I would be particularly opposed to them. (Always had a little bit of a crush on her.)
    5. The Tour Guide and the Evil Brother

      by , 09-16-2017 at 04:35 PM
      08-22-2017 -- Unsure how this will come out, how much I'll remember, and whether it will be interesting or not, but we'll give it a try. There were earlier bits, but the first thing I can remember is riding in a sort of passenger van down a street that I've remembered from many other dreams, a slightly smaller road connecting major highways, sometimes in the RPV area, sometimes in Washington, and sometimes in England, kind of connecting Cambridge and London This time is one of the Cambridge ones, and the beautiful blonde 'guide' (for lack of a better term) is commenting how we'll soon be at our destination, and I mention it should be right over the next hill, and then make a big deal about how I remember that from my England trip in '92, even though I have not been back, since.

      There is a guy driving the van, dark hair, fairly slim, but we're told to ignore him, as he 'doesn't exist.' Indication is, the blonde should be driving, and the only person here, but she prefers to have help. She's quite attractive, and a mild flirt, and I can't help but hope something eventually happens with her, but for now she is mostly involved in serving us as a sort of guide. There are several others on the van, including a family with several children, and I am trying to entertain them by picking up some candy and juggling it. There are several small chocolate balls maybe a half inch in diameter, and then I accidentally pick up something that looks much like a Cadbury egg, and hold it up next to the others and comment on "No, that's not right!" and drop it. So I have the three small balls, and I am trying to juggle them, but I can't juggle, so I end up tossing one up and down in my left hand, with two in my right, just tossing them up and catching them with the same hands. The kids know that isn't what juggling is like, so they laugh at my antics, which is what I wanted in the first place.

      Somehow we've eventually arrived in France, and though I don't get the hows or whys of any of it, we all end up strolling into a classroom where the class is in session, and this annoys the professor, who is poking fun at us. The driver, who was the one who brought us here, is being forced to smoke the professor's pipe, and told he needs to cough like the professor before the professor will listen to him. Meanwhile, the professor is blowing smoke in his face. So the guy takes a puff or two on the pipe, then starts blowing odd smoke formations. Instead of 'simple' smoke rings, he is blowing a sort of smoke chain or smoke 'lattice' that kind of reminds me of making balloon chains. Very cool stuff. The Professor seems kind of offended by that, and then asks the driver if he is a secret agent. The driver says no, and the professor answers with 'Well I am, and we've been after you for a while," and arrests he and the gorgeous blonde. Myself and the other passengers are just kind of brushed aside, and left on our own. The blonde tells me not to try and find them, I think, as they are hauled off.

      The family is looking to me for leadership, no idea why, but is ready to throw me off at a moment's notice, so what's the point? They are talking about where to go next, and how to get there, and we get separated for a minute, and I end up spotting the driver and the guide running toward a train station. I guess they managed to escape the folks who had them, and are making a break for it. I chase after them until I reach the ticket takers, who aren't about to let me in without a ticket, but that's ok, I just wanted to get close enough to call out a 'good luck' to the blonde, who has short three letter nickname that is masculine, while she most certainly isn't. It's as if I were calling her Bob, though that wasn't actually it. Anyway, the ticket taker/guard looks at me strangely, but I don't care.

      I run into the family again, and the oldest daughter has decided she wants to go to Publix, because of how great a store it is, and I am kind of surprised to learn that the chain has spread throughout Europe. I'm trying to figure out how to find one, as the others just walk up to a mall directory, and discover a Publix in the mall (which is huge, with something like 6 or 8 'wings' of shops, and much larger than any other mall I've seen before), but of course it is on the entire other side of the mall, and I'm fat and out of shape, so my comment on the whole thing is along the lines of 'of course!' I turn around and discover the family is gone again, so I glance at the map, identify where the Publix ought to be, and try to head off in that direction.

      I'm kind of walking, kind of running, but things get a little strange, as I look in the direction I want to go, and am suddenly moving much quicker, almost like I was riding a segway or something, except there is no equipment, it is just the dream helping me get around more efficiently. I must have made a wrong turn somewhere, as I find myself in a huge hotel on the outskirts of the mall, and since I still need to get to the Publix, I try to turn around to get back where I started. Suddenly I find myself in somebody else's vehicle again, and I come to realize it is Uber, but that Uber is very strange and different in other countries.

      The driver is a sort of a young punk, and quickly runs his very strong car (build like a tank) into the back of a pick-up truck, which knocks it into the smaller car in front of it, which is then knocked through a barricade, as my driver laughs at them. He offers me a couple of tootsie rolls, and I am about to turn it down because I don't like tootsie rolls, when he reminds me that in other countries, Tootsie Rolls are not just the sticks of weird 'chocolate' that isn't quite chocolate, but a wide variety of different treats. I unroll the roll, to discover four pieces of candy of the See's or Russell Stover type inside. Yummy. Meanwhile, the driver has caused another crash that wrecks another car, and leaves his virtually untouched, and he continues to laugh as he explains he is taking out his competition, while refusing to pick up their passengers who are desperate for rides.

      Soon I am back where I started, in the mall, and still trying to get to the Publix, but now I seem to be driving my own French Uber, problem is, I turn onto a highway I hope will take me to the Publix, only to find all the traffic heading directly at me. Forgot I was in Europe, and have to drive on the left side of the road. (Obviously my dream cannot remember that's only the UK!) So I swing off the road and quickly turn around, heading back off the freeway without causing myself or anyone else any trouble. I drive a few meters down, and find the correct entrance, heading the right way, but there is a large gang of bikers parked there. I am worried they might want to cause trouble, but signs and announcements proclaim that biker gangs often help maintain the peace and keep order. What?

      Anyway, momentarily I find myself pushing my way through crowds on a train, as part of another Uber tour where I am just along for the ride, and the person who is in charge is very much like the other punk, and likes to pick up little kids who need to go pee and set them on top of tables so they pee on the tables and when the train shifts, it runs into people's laps, so he can joke about it. These folks are nothing but trouble, and I keep moving along, wanting to make it to the next car, where I find myself sharing space with the gorgeous blonde and her driver again. He's worried to see me, but she's just flirting again, and rubbing up against me, as she tries to 'explain' things without explaining anything. I ask if they heard me call out to them before, but get no answer. Just more flirting from the gorgeous blonde! All I know is I want her, and every time it seems something might happen, he just happens to pop up again, and she says I'll just have to wait and see if he ever lets anything happens! AAUUGGHH!!
    6. Moving and the Lion

      by , 09-16-2017 at 04:26 PM
      08-20-2017 -- At the Hickory house doing packing, I think. Not quite sure what is going on, but there are disappearing pets, and injured cats, and we're trying to figure out what is happening, when I discover that there is a lion running around the neighborhood, killing and eating other animals, and mauling people when it catches them. The neighbors at 8439 are running around in terror, trying to hide behind their big mobile home trailer, while the lion is just laying under the thing, eating the family dog, and occasionally taking a swipe at their legs.

      So I'm looking around for Sammy, hoping he's safe, and trying to figure out where the lion is and when it might be safe, and the answer is pretty much never. The lion seems to be hiding off to the right side of the house in an area where the garage should be, but it is not. At one point, I am wandering around trying to find things, and come across the lion around the side of the house, and start to run for the door, and the lion starts to chase me, and I realize the running attracts it's attention. When I was just walking, it paid me much less attention. So I slow down, and before it can react, dart toward it and start scratching it on the head, and to that it reacts like a kitten, and purrs and loves the attention, and I am able to get back into the house, where I borrow somebody's phone and call for animal control to come and get it.

      Dobby is here for a while, and trying to protect us, but he moves far too quickly, and is eaten several times (and just pops back into existence, ready to be eaten again) until he learns to make a big, pillow-like shield around himself that the lion just bounces off of. Meanwhile, Billy Damon is here, demonstrating some magic tricks, while a piano competition-like magic convention is going on, with a kids division that is competing, as well as an adult division, and some kids that are a cross between the younger ragtime writers and the stars from the Big Bang Theory are showing off their magic acts.

      I keep opening the front door, and the lion is now pretty much camping on the front porch, and I am petting his head until he purrs, and keeping him calm, while urging others to move cautiously, and not trigger his chase instincts by running, while waiting for animal control, who seem to be incredibly slow about getting out here. But finally they arrive, and after a long time of setting up their trucks, they wander around and spray the two lions with some sort of foamy spray that may remove oxygen from the area, and knocks them out, and probably eventually kills them, which kind of bothers me, because now that I've started petting one, I'm bonding to it, and just want to see it removed from the populated area.

      But even though I am opposed to the killing of the animals, and just want to get them moved safely, I have grabbed a small bottle of the spray that is killing them, and am running around spraying most of the people in the house (which may be forcing us to move) and giving them a brief spray to the air just in front of their faces, to try and knock them out, yet not kill them, and take everybody out in the hopes of moving them somewhere and getting them out of the way. But of course it is still very dangerous, and some of them turn their heads or don't breathe in, and the whole thing is just a mess.
    7. Taking Mom or Pat on my Motor Scooter, Eventually Traveling at Disneyland

      by , 09-12-2017 at 04:17 PM
      08-19-2017 -- What I can remember, lightly, since I should still be asleep. Driving somewhere with mom or Pat (thing it starts as mom, changes to Pat) perhaps grocery shopping. Stop for a quick stop at a Denny's (with what may be an Uber passenger) because I need to go to the bathroom. Usual mess in the restroom. Group of punks went in right before me, part of toilet missing, but the parts that are there are clean, so I have to half crouch above the bowl, but it actually works halfway decently. Someone gets around the lock somehow and enters the cubical with me. I kind of expect trouble, and end up chasing some dirty looking woman out, but she may not have actually meant harm.

      Eventually get back to the car, worried it might have been towed because I took longer than expected, and drive home to the Hickory house, where I have to avoid a bike or motorcycle in the driveway. Am kind of asking whose it is, then realize it must be Melody's boyfriend. Mom agrees. Playing with a cat, then a whole bunch of cats. Nice kitties who want and get lots of petting. Soon time to head out for a second trip, perhaps to the grocery store or something. But somehow I get distracted, and am now back from the second trip and getting ready for a third trip. Or maybe not. It's all kind of fragmented.

      Eventually leaving the property again, now on my old scooter, with Pat on the back of it, going down a couple of steps slowly, which jostles her a bit, but I'm at least trying to avoid it. Driving down a long, gravel driveway like Grandma and Grandpa's older place in Washington, when there are a bunch of other people around, following us, and commenting on it. Scooter starts up whisper-quiet compared to a real motorcycle, and someone is commenting on it, while I am just trying to avoid having the cycle spill in the gravel.

      Go down through a couple of small hills and some sand, turn a corner, and find the way half-blocked by street construction. One guy goes around a crane, but then another hauls away the board I was supposed to drive across, and I have to call out. It eventually swings back, and I perch the cycle on the swinging board, trying to keep my balance until it swings over another board which returns to the main road, and I drop a couple of feet and end up with the back of my cycle in some water, but manage to get out of it, and people are chuckling and joking about it, but all seems to be fine.

      Somehow we're now at the entrance to a sort of shopping mall, and Tim Goodwin was one of the people with us, and he branches off to get ready to do his current work (which seems to be retail) at the mall, while Pat and I continue on. No idea where we are going to this time, and for a while Pat disappeared, but we now seem to be in Disneyland at the Rivers of America, because even though it is the middle of the night, we seem to be climbing onto the top of one of the Keel Boats, and quite near us the Columbia is sailing around, with an attractive blonde who looks a little like Anne (but isn't) wearing a cross between and Indian garment and either a Sea Singer or a Tetsu ports outfit, while practicing a song and dance. I point out the costume to Pat, while wondering about a connection between Runescape and Disney, then get out a camera and snap a picture of the beauty, who is a little shy, but doesn't seem to mind too much.

      As we are pulling away from the dock, I catch a glimpse of some animal trying to jump aboard and look down to see a cougar or bobcat down on the dock, jumping at the top deck and just barely missing. I comment on it, and Pat doubts it until she sees it herself, then is a little worried, but the cat just barely misses again, Meanwhile, a small dog jumps on board the lowest deck without problem, and runs up to the top deck (of what is now a half Keel Boat, half Paddle Wheeler. Meanwhile, we see the Mark Twain in the distance, and they are singing sea shanties on it (more of a Columbia thing to do, but it's a dream, lump it), and Pat leans out to take a picture of it, while the person in uniform on the other boat makes some sort of comment and pulls out his own camera, and soon leans out over our boat to hand Pat a Polaroid of him taking a picture of her taking a picture. Nice bit of show there! Fun if weird, combination of stuff.
    8. Meeting Dale at Disney World, Flying a Huge Kite, and Getting Lost in the Hotel

      by , 09-12-2017 at 04:03 PM
      08/06/2017 -- Can barely remember earlier bits of this, though they involve a game or app on my phone and driving back and forth between two retention pond areas on a freeway (probably I-4 near downtown) where the app guides me down onto small islands in the retention pond, followed by being on the grounds of a high school style track meet where I am dodging the racers and trying to avoid bullying jocks. But details are not clear, and things soon change.

      Meeting Dale at Disney World. I am kind of tired and worn down. I'm not sure where I am staying, and I am not sure but I may have even missed his trip, though I hope not. He seems to be staying at Animal Kingdom Lodge or something like that, and as I am trying to find his room, the numbers are doing their usual changing around, making things more difficult. But about that time, Dale calls out to me and leads me over to his rooms. It seems he has booked another large suite with several rooms, though there seem to be other people we don't know interspersed in some rooms in between the ones we're in. It's still a little odd.

      So we're talking and visiting, and I find his mother is along on this trip as well, and getting ready for a final trip out to one of the parks or something with Dale. I;m too tired, and not up to going out, so he and his mother head out, mentioning on the way that Kevin is still in bed. So he's his usual under the weather, just sleeping and going o the bathroom, and I've got a headache and a lot of stress, and just hope KEvin will stay out of the way so I can take a nap. I wander into one of the overly air conditioned rooms, hoping to be able to find a spot in the sun to lay down on the floor and take a nap.

      I find my spot in the sun, but for some reason there is no heat. Though we are several floors up, out our back door (one of those glass French doors) is a full meadow on our level (and how they do this for every floor is a puzzle lightly in the back of my mind even during the dream.) I still have a headache, and want to nap. I am also still feeling worried and confused, and am praying for guidance and closeness with the Lord, and having to fasten the door shut with one of those gate-style pieces of metal that you drop into a hole in the ground. The problem is that this doesn't provide a good seal, so the cool air is blowing in, while also meaning anyone who was walking along could open it again.

      And of course, this is when Kevin walks in, loud and boisterous, when I just want to take a nap. I try to explain this, but he just can't stop talking, and after a few minutes I get up and stagger from the room, heading away from him and into one of the other rooms to try to get some sleep. But Dale and Betty are just making it back, and Dale is flying a large Chinese kite of some sort that was used in a recent (in the dream) Disney movie. This thing is like a silk banner, perhaps four feet wide and something like 20 feet long with a dragon screened onto it. He is pulling the thing along as it flaps in the breeze, while making puffing sorts of sound effects and humming a song from the movie that sounds vaguly like Toot, Whistle, Plunk, Boom. And in the process, his 'kite' is drifting over and covering one of the front desk people.

      So I'm back outside the hotel, trying to find the room again (which is now on the second floor), and I know the room number I am looking for, but halfway down the hall the numbers change drastically, like I'm on another floor entirely or something. I have to turn around and head back down the hall, now looking on the other side, because obviously further down the way I was going is completely wrong. I find the rooms, but there are even more outsiders in between the two or three rooms of the suite that are ours, and I am worried about both where we are going (I am now homeless) and how long the airline flight is going to be (I'm worried about my blood pressure and flying), and even how much stuff I have in the hotel room and how much time it may take to pack it all up.

      Next thing you know, someone is playing with a long (two segments, each about 6 to 8 feet long that are somehow fitted together) whip-like thing, it may be Kevin. Anyway, he drops the thing when he gets a slight CRACK out of it. I know that is what is supposed to happen, so I grab the thing and start swigning it, but I don't really know how to use one, so first I knock over a small vase or something. Then there is a huge (but friendly) creature that wanders around the place that is a cross between a large gorilla and one of the slow moving dungeon monsters from Runescape that you can ignore in the dungeons because they don't attack or anything, and I catch it with the whip, though I manage to not hurt it in the process. This is good, because even with a placid nature, if I'd hurt it, it could have really hurt me back, quite easily. Then with another swing, I manage to knock a huge, but fragile statue of the same beast off it's pedestal, and I finally realize I am dangerous with the darn whip, and unscrew the two parts and give them to Kevin to pack up.

      So I am now gathering my stuff together, and just wandering around, and come across a small young lady who quite reminds me of Allison from the Adventurers Club, and she makes some kind of comment that seems to be an AC pucnh-line, as well, which has me trying to respoind in kind, just to try and figure out if she is from there, and if I know her ... because whereever we are now, we seem to be some distance from Florida. Anyway, she turns out not to be from the AC, but still is some kind of actor, and for some pleasant reason wants to be my friend, so by the end of the dream, I'm walking with her and smiling.
    9. Flying a Plane 10 Feet Above a Mountain, and Working NCIS with the Hardwicks

      by , 09-12-2017 at 03:53 PM
      08-04-2017 -- First part I can remember of this, I have just taken off in a medium sized, but very fast private plane (think something about the size of the smallest major airline plane, but the speed of a Concord. After an extremely short take-off run, we are climbing at about a 45 degree angle. Can't say who is flying at first, but it very quickly turns into Director Leon Vance, though sometimes it is he who is flying it, and sometimes it is a character who is played by Morgan Freeman who is flying with us.

      Anyway, I'm sitting in my seat, feeling my ears popping, and thinking how I ought to go up front and be able to see where we are, yet I am uncertain of trying to walk up the aisle while climbing at such a steep angle. Instead I wait until we level out a bit. But when I make my way up front, my eyes are kind of bugging out. We are flying over a mountain road, but we are hugging the mountain, flying just over the tree tops, dodging this way and that to make it around obstacles. I am about to ask about this, wondering what is wrong to cause us to fly this low, when I spot a bunch of other planes flying the same way, so whatever is going on, I guess it is supposed to be going on.

      So I'm looking at all this, and watching these tons of planes flying low over the mountain roads, and the scenery is beautiful, and so amazingly close, and as I watch one plane catch a wing in a snowbank and flip over, I think I ought to be video taping all this ... too bad I don't have a camera. Then I remember, there is a camera on my cell phone. But of course, the moment I pull it out, we run out of daylight, and it is suddenly night, so I think I have missed my chance. But I take the camera out anyway, and start filming, and Morgan asks sarcastically if I have night vision on the thing, and as soon as he asks the picture being filmed starts to lighten up nicely, and then we are back to daylight and I am getting some amazing footage.

      Slowly my phone is turning into my video camera, and as I flip open the view screen, a cat falls out of it's storage compartment on the camera. It seems to be a cross between Black Lightning and Ray. It is not blind, and not fully black, and a real cuddler ... and it does not belong on the airplane. Vance is making comments, and I am trying to explain that I didn't even know the cat was a part of the camera (which has now turned into a cross between a video camera and a laptop computer, now), and I am trying to fold it up and fit the cat back inside and put it away, but the cat wants more attention and petting, so is not making it easy. Meanwhile, Quinn is starting to make comments about maybe having to do something to the cat, since it is not allowed here.

      I'm not sure, but I think I may have woke up briefly here (either that, or I started repeating the details of the dream to myself a couple of times to try and fix them in my memory within the dream), then fell asleep again, back into largely the same dream. I am now working as a sort of a temp in the NCIS office (which is located in a place that is half downtown Orlando by city hall, and half May Company area in Buena Park) wandering around, handling paper work things, while the agents are trying o solve cases around us.

      Quinn is starting to put forth a theory to Gibbs. She says she is noticing something strange with the company vehicles that are being sent out and coming back in, and she is starting to see hints that they are being used for some sort of traitorous smuggling operation, and she is starting to pin it down to the person responsible. She is beginning to finger Clayton Reeves, and say he is going bad just like Jenny Shepard did, before him. Gibbs doesn't seem to be buying it, and can't understand the methods she is using to track this down, and nobody else seems to, either, but to be safe, they are trying to break into Reeves' encrypted files, using an automatic cracking program which is running on the floor, which indicates it could take up to something like 16 hours to crack the encryption.

      Meanwhile, I am still carrying around boxes of papers, and Gibbs is turning into Dick Hardwick, playing the role of Gibbs, and I'm talking with Claudia, who is meeting him after work, and we're discussing actors and performers, and I am asking something about John Jorgenssen kind of 'deserting' the group as he went off to do other things, and we end up discussing his beautiful daughter who is now a budding country western star, and I'm surprised to learn he even had a daughter, as I thought he had all sons. And by this time Claudia has turned into Luralee, and the dream has somehow shifted for a couple minutes where I find myself elsewhere outside a place where I am renting a room from a combination of Rosemary and some guy that I have never rented a room from, but often dream I have, thinking I've managed to keep things a little cleaner this time, before I find myself crossing a couple of streets to get back to where I was talking with Luralee, except she is now possibly gone.

      So I am standing by a drinking fountain, waiting for I have no idea what, when somebody that I think is the actress playing Quinn comes up, cleaning things. I am thinking of saying something to her, when somebody else comes up and makes a comment instead. The person responds by saying she isn't Quinn, she is only the cleaning lady, but they do look a lot alike, though she admits she isn't as wild as the Quinn actress is. About that time, the Leon Vance actor walks out of a room calling out loudly for Leon Vance. He does it once, twice, then you see the look on his face as he realizes he's calling out for himself, and has flubbed the scene, and he calls out a third time, "Leon Vance ... go screw yourself!" as everybody bursts into laughter. Kind of nice that my dream ended on a blooper.
    10. Spy Handlers and Guest Stars

      by , 09-12-2017 at 03:41 PM
      07-29-2017 -- Well, this one is strange and abrupt. First thing I can remember, I am walking to Lucky or Thrifty for a bottle of soda, it is late at night, and there is this little kid who is asking me all kinds of questions. All I can remember of the conversation is being very snarky with all my answers. All I remember of the setting is being roughly at Tamarack and Dale, walking along. There is a creepy vibe, nothing with me and the kid, but just an odd feeling that something is wrong, just underlying everything.

      The kid just suddenly reaches the point where he wants to go home, but I still want to get my soda, so he says something that hints at maybe stealing one or something, and I make a snarky comment about hoping he doesn't do so, because that would make him a bad person, instead of the good, but insufferably annoying person that I think he is. Anyway, I buy a two liter of A&W and stick it in my pocket, and we leave the store. We are soon walking on Tamarack headed for Hickory, and as we pass a very large black girl (late teens to early 20s) she makes some sort of rude and slightly threatening comment to me, and I can't figure out why. Can't see anything I've done or said to her to deserve it. Kind of glance at some slightly punk teen blacks in the area who don't seem to have any problem with me, and they just shrug, with no idea.

      The kid sort of vanishes, so we probably passed his house and he wandered off. I am now walking down Hickory, and the ground is very wet, with puddles I am trying to avoid, and a couple of the black punks are doing the same, and we almost kind of get in each others' way in trying to avoid the puddles, but again, it causes no actual problems. Though I almost think there may be issues when I am forced to jump over someone's 10-speed, and I don't jump far enough and land on the middle of it. Thankfully, I am very light on my feet, so no harm done.

      I wander along, now alone, and soon reach Greenleaf and cross over to my own block, and run into friends or associates at the corner house. This gets really weird, really quick. Me and a guy here are good friends, and somehow as a sort of a prank, he has got me dressing up in a powder blue sweater that belongs to one of the girls, and we are making comments to try and make her look at me closely enough to notice. The other girl (both of them are fairly cute at this moment, but that will change quickly) makes a comment about how she fills it out far better than I do, while the other is holding up various bits of lingerie and commenting on how I ought to try wearing the rest of her clothes, and I'm completely out of my depth.

      The comment about filling it out better is becoming absurdly true, as the two girl are morphing into very freakishly odd people. The one whose sweater I am in has now got a set so large they are hanging down past her belly button, but that is almost normal, compared to the other. She is now over seven feet tall, dangerously thin, and wearing a sort of iso-skeleton-like set of crutches to even allow her to stand, while wearing a slightly see-through top, with her pair hanging down to her ankles, looking almost offensively freaky. We're all walking down the street, talking, and our discussion is turning more and more to spies and secret agents and handlers, and things are changing again.

      I am still physically there, but I am turning into someone else, who is kind of whining about who I am being forced to handle, because it turns out the agent (or more properly the 'asset' 'I' am supposed to be keeping under some kind of control is Bellatrix Lestrange, and she's a stone-cold killer and bat-shit crazy), and the whole 'game' is getting out of hand. I turn off to walk into my back yard (though I am not me) when a poorly maintained lime green car turns into the driveway, and I start to run through the side yard toward the alley, because I know it is my handler, and I figure I am either in trouble for not controlling Bellatrix well enough, or for something evil that she's done, and I fear they are either going to kill me, or force me to do something horrible, so I am on the run.

      Expecting to be shot at any moment, I dodge sideways through the supposed fence between my yard and the neighbors' yard, then into the alley and down a few yards. As the scene starts, I am Harold Finch from Person of Interest, but within a few seconds, he's the handler that I am running from.

      There has just been a lightning strike, moments before I reached one place in the alley, and I climb the fence into a backyard that just had its satellite dish fried, where I run into a slightly older version of Claudia Christian, who is my sister or my girlfriend (not sure which), who is also forced to handle a crazed psychopath, and we're muttering about getting out of the 'game' while grabbing our things and trying to run out onto Dale and away, when we come face to face with another agent who looks kind of like a near-death Carrie Fisher with a gun ready to shoot us if we don't stop. Very strange and disjointed.
    11. Shootout in New York City

      by , 09-12-2017 at 02:54 PM
      07-28-2017 -- Starts slowly. Driving around Orlando, trying to figure out how to get certain places. Taking what is probably to 408 to it's end over by UCF, but calling it one of the odd-numbered toll roads like the 417 or 429. Eventually somewhere more over near downtown, wandering around with Dale, and perhaps KPSB or Nick W. Maybe. Anyway, there is somebody that is somewhat punk-ish, but I still think or still hope is OK, and Dale ends up painting their picture, and does a remarkably decent job at it, so they don't destroy it or tear it up, but let him continue. Meanwhile, a cat gets its head stuck under a rock, and four or five other cats and kittens help to move the rock enough to free it and save it. Cool.

      Meanwhile, there are a couple of girls, seemingly somewhat homeless or something, possibly with several kinds of various ages that they are trying to care for, and I am helping them put some groceries in a fridge, while a couple of older ladies come by who seem to be trying to help them out a bit. They seem to be trying to provide significant help, because they have bought 5 or 6 prepaid trac-phones for the girls to use, which seems like a fairly good investment for a couple of girls who they've just run into on the streets. Problem is, the girls seem to be involved with the punk and his friends, who are also punks, and who no longer have anything to do with people I know.

      The punks are seeming to get more threatening, and because I dare even talk to the girls, are starting to push me around slightly and act like they may be starting to steal some of my stuff. Anyway, things move on a bit, and I have hiked through the downtown area for a distance, until I run into several of the girls and kids again, near the hospital, where they seem to be trying to get some help, trying to sign up for benefits or something, while seeking minor medical aid. A bunch of us are sitting in the area, and being called on one at a time to speak forth our relationship, and I end up calling out something like concerned bystander, and am trying to help out by explaining the ladies who helped them out with the prepaid phones in the hopes that it will help them get benefits. But the guy in charge is explaining how the biggest need is for a stable address where they can get mail which is not owned by the council. (Yes, my dream is starting to sound British here.)

      Eventually I leave the hospital, and head back to the area where I started in, and am starting to gather up my things, but a couple of the punks are coming back and becoming a problem again. I try to get rid of them, both by sending them off to the hospital, and by warning them that the girls are my friends, and they will be mad at them if they pick on me, but they continue lightly shoving me, and making grabs for some of my stuff. By this point, I've packed all my stuff up, and am wearing two large backpacks (one of them a European-style hiking pack) and pulling two large suitcases, and am simply trying to get away. I've got my Corolla parked around the corner, but they have at least one motorcycle, so I don't want to lead them to it, but want to lose them, first, then get in the car and drive away.

      There are a couple of uniformed cops standing around, and I am considering going to them for help, but I decide against it for now, and move a block over and head down the road a bit. At one point I put a little distance between myself and the guy following me, but then a lady gets knocked to the ground by the crowd and he helps her back up, and says something about being an Uber driver. I ask him about it a few minutes later, and he admits he is not, and says he just said that because I was an Uber driver. Odd stuff.

      We wander through a flea market-like area where I am glancing at some used books, but it is getting late and the place is shutting down and locking up, so we have to reverse directions and get out of there, which leads back to walking back the way we came, near where all this started. The one punk is still keeping an eye on me for all the other punks, and I am getting desperate enough to consider approaching the cops to ask for help. If they can distract and hold off the punks for a few minutes, I might be able to get my car and drive away. The problem is, though the cops have not stopped us from walking back into the area (strangely), they are in the middle of blocking everything off, and are holding machine guns in their hands at the ready.

      I realize that something is going down, and glancing up, see another machine gun sticking out a window, but notice it is a cop holding it. Things are obviously getting very tense, and suddenly something seems to break, and more and more shots start ringing out. Cops are firing up into the buildings towering around us (this is starting to look far less Orlando, and far more NYC) and people are firing down from the buildings into the cops. I see a couple of cops shot, and collapsing to the ground, bleeding heavily. There is a seemingly homeless woman who is calling out, demanding to give her back her gun, as she could use it better than the person who currently has is, and it seems she may be under cover, but she's shot down. By this time, several of us innocent bystanders are cowering on the grounds. I am actually underneath my backpacks and suitcases, which probably makes me a fair bit safer.

      More people are being shot, and several of us are just huddling here, but several others are grabbing us, and pulling us under and inside some of the buildings, hoping to get us out of range of the shooters. Some of the people have been shot, and are bleeding as they are being pulled along, but the ones pulling are hoping they are only minorly injured. Others, like myself, are unharmed, but either in shock or playing dead, and just being pulled along. Big sections on buildings are swinging up or down on large hydraulic systems, opening or closing access to large areas, and we are worried because we don't know what is happening.

      One lady (older than the teen girls looking for help, but seemingly younger than the middle aged ladies who were helping) who seems to be in her late 30s or early 40s sees me being dragged along there, and seems to be worried about me, and she is kind of cute, so I am considering getting up and speaking to her, but that's about when I woke up.
    12. The Tickle-Worm Dream

      by , 08-23-2017 at 03:37 PM
      07-27-2017 -- The Tickle-Worm. Dream starts out with me working as some sort of courier. I have stopped by a law office to pick up files to deliver somewhere, and they are a small pile of papers and a check that I have to take and place in an envelope (possibly re-useable) supplied for it. As I slide them in, the person there is telling me that there is no special hurry, and that I can take this and the one other package I currently have in either order, and I add in the instructions that I know are coming ... as long as I do not pick up any more on the way. This needs to get to their delivery spot quite quickly.

      Don't have any clue just how the scene reaches this next point, but I find myself in a hotel room somewhere with my dad. I have a small wooden box, slightly decorated, that I think may have been based on a box from a Harry Potter fan-fic I was reading last night, that in the fic was a sort of magical mail box. In the dream, it holds an unusual creature that I have somehow received ... a Tickle-Worm. The Tickle-Worm is a worm. It starts out looking mostly like a regular worm, with a slightly larger 'head' area that actually has a bit of a face, and is perhaps about 8 inches long. It springs out of its box, and is supposed to kind of half curl up in my hand and sleep there, as I go to sleep.

      The problem is, it seems to be curious and into exploring. As I go to lay down, it springs out of my hand and across the room, where it starts crawling around a book case, knocking books to the floor, and annoying my dad, who is trying to sleep. He's kind of upset about the thing making noise. That part I don't mind too much, but I do find it kind of irksome that it is knocking all of the Danny Dunn books off the shelves. I approach the bookcase, thinking I am going to have to kind of chase it around to try and catch it, but as I get close, it springs off the bookcase into my hand.

      I'm walking back toward the bed, hoping I can now get a little sleep, but as I draw near, it springs off again, flying into a slightly open chest filled with boxes of colorful breakfast cereals, again doing some exploring. The next thing I know, I am in some sort of classroom or scientific lab speaking with a female teacher or scientist, asking about the Tickle-Worm, and she is explaining where they are found. She shows me a large, octagonal aquarium filled with water and seaweed, but no fishes.

      This thing is probably about ten feet around, and perhaps four feet high, but weighs little enough that she can pick it up. Anyway, she picks it up and shows me a piece of seaweed that is long and wide and flat and thick (probably about four feet long, six inches wide, and about an inch thick) that is a slightly brownish green and now hanging from it is a tapeworm-like Tickle-Worm. Seems they start in sea water, but when removed, are perfectly fine.

      [I do not think I have ever heard the term Tickle-Worm before this dream, but looking it up on the internet, it seems it may be something created by a band I have never heard of, in a song that I also have never heard. How it came to be in my dream, I have less than no clue.]
    13. Weird Lighting Tricks and Moving to a Roof, Before Doing Courier Work in Warehouse

      by , 08-23-2017 at 03:28 PM
      07-25-2017 -- Strange all over the place dream, kind of disjointed. At one point I am waking up in mom and dad's room, and it is the middle of the night. I end up glancing out the window across the street, and notice a strange, pale blue light across the street, where somehow the area between Albert's house and Vinnie's house seems to have been built up into one big house. I know this is strange, and as time goes on, and the sun comes up, I keep glancing over at it. Somehow the dark of night made it look like the two houses had merged into one large house, but as more light is thrown on the situation, I can easily see they are still the two separate houses they've always been, with nothing to show why I thought they had merged together. Strange.

      As I more fully wake up, I find myself in a new house that I've moved to. This one is supposed to be two story, but somehow I find myself rooming on the third floor. It is a little hot, and only comfortable because of a breeze. I soon find myself needing to go to the bathroom, and I start to try to pee in a bottle, but somehow it is not working, and I find myself peeing on the floor. I am a little worried about it, until I realize that there is indeed no third floor, and I find I have set up my bed on the roof, which is a flat roof with about a four foot wall around it. The roof is open air, outside, so somehow the fact that I am peeing on it is ok.

      It seems to be a good-sized building, maybe about 100 feet by fifty feet or so, and I end up peeing my way around the entire building, and am slightly amazed that I have enough pee in me to pee around the whole perimeter. At first I am worried that someone might see me from surrounding buildings, but none are taller than mine, though some are as tall, so the angle shouldn't let them see over the wall enough to see what I am doing. In some way I feel like I am marking my territory. It's very strange.

      Anyway, after I've finished that odd bathroom break, I find myself looking around at the 'room' I've formed for myself. The only things I have moved up here so far is my bed and a couple of pillows, but I start thinking. I know it has been raining almost daily, and trying to live here on the roof, I am going to get soaked, and my bed is going to get ruined. I have to move back into the house, and take a room on the second floor. So I open the hatch in the roof, and start to shove the mattress and box springs back down into the house, while also trying to keep a cat (marmalade, I think) from climbing out onto the roof, for fear of leaving it stuck out there.

      The house is very hot, with little or no air conditioning, and I find mom (or perhaps Rosemary or Pat Q.) and try to explain why the roof won't work, and I'll need to take a room on the second floor, though I may try and get a plastic lounge chair and some water-proof pillows to put on the roof. But somehow I have opened a second hatch, and dumped the mattress and stuff down to the first floor, and find myself talking to another person in the house (no idea who), moaning that I've gone to the wrong floor, haven't I, and that now I am going to have to haul a very heavy mattress up a flight of stairs, just to manage to get it back up to the second floor.

      Somehow I then find myself in a warehouse area that is somehow connected to the house, and they are hauling around large stacks of paperwork that have been banded together with those tough metal bands, or in some cases, just stacked in tall boxes, about 16" square by perhaps three feet tall. It seems they need to have a couple of boxes moved elsewhere, and are asking somebody if they would be willing to run them to the other place as a sort of courier, and I'm not registering it at first, but it is me thy are asking, but when I don't respond, they start to ask somebody else, who claims because they have to watch a pet or something, they won't do it, while I am trying to say I will, now that I understand they were asking me. Very strange.

      Anyway, it's more or less settled, and they start to load up their forklifts to put various pallets of paperwork back where they belong, but one of them has accidentally picked me up with the pallet, and is hoisting me higher and higher into the air, and I am trying to call out about it, but I have no voice, and they don't seem to hear me. I try to wave my arms out far enough the forklift driver can see it, but it doesn't seem to register that there shouldn't be an arm waving out of his stuff. By this time, I am beginning to wonder if they know I am here, and if it is just a prank. I don't know.

      Soon I am back on the ground, and am walking the two big boxes they want me to transport through the warehouse, as if they are on rollers. I move them through the warehouse to the office portion, and push them into the office area, then go wandering off for a few seconds to try to talk to the lady from earlier (about the wrong floor), but when I go back to find the boxes, they have no disappeared, and I know I am going to be in trouble for losing them. I'm running around trying to find them and getting more and more stressed about them. Odd.
    14. Bits: Malfoy's RPG Dice Save the Day, Attacked by Gorilla, See Doctor at Bus Stop, MR Ducks routine

      by , 08-23-2017 at 03:15 PM
      A collection of fragments I can't remember in enough detail to get their own topic, but with some interesting parts I don't want to just forget.


      07-23-2017 -- Again, a bit of a shorter one. Another Harry Potter dream, taking place in a sort of a cross between a school, and a mall, I think. Something evil is pursuing us, and we're trying to find a way to defend and protect ourselves, and Hermione has come up with some sort of gadget that can help keep us safe, but it needs to be made with a fairly good-sized gem. Malfoy has been trying to become a better person, though he is still a bit annoying, but Hermione is telling him about the new devices to help keep us safe, anyway. When she mentions needing the gems to make them, he pulls out a bag with his D&D dice, and it turns out a couple of the larger dice were lost, and he had replaced them with large, multi-faceted gemstones, so he is able to give her a couple more to make more of the things. There was a lot more to this, originally, but it was very hard to remember, and faded especially quickly.


      07-25-2017 -- Can't remember all that much of this, but I am Harry Potter, and am on some kind of camping trip in the woods, and am trying to sleep in a sort of a camp bed, but I find that I am in some kind of a tree, and there is a big, violent gorilla who is trying to reach me and attack me. I am trying to stay out of his way, but he is fast, agile, and can climb well. I keep trying to get out of his reach, and he eventually does something that launches us both off the side of a cliff. He falls to his death, or at least serious injury, while I somehow manage to save myself with some sort of hover charm or something, then am explaining the whole situation to Tonks while listening to old music. Strange.


      08-19-2017 -- Anything earlier is gone. Waiting for a bus near Knott's Berry Farm. Kind of flirting with a girl who might, just might, be Amy F. And accidentally catch my phone between my body and something solid, and manage to more or less snap it in half, longways, and I am really disgusted with myself about it. Meanwhile, somebody sick has come along, and has their doctor along with them, and is giving them a check-up at the bus stop, and I had heard something about this and tried to make arrangements, so the doctor is willing to see me and prescribe something for my HBP, and in the aftermath of that, I manage to miss two buses by being in just the wrong place at the wrong time.

      Flash forward, and it is now a week later. I am out traveling with mom, and we are at the same bus stop, and I am hoping to see the doctor again, but I don't know if he travels this route weekly or only once a month or what. A doctor is passing through, but it turns out he is not here to do medicine, but just on a walk or something. Then 'my' doctor comes through and he is checking on me briefly, and I decide I want to tell him the conversation that looks like gibberish, until you know the secret. MR Ducks, MR Nott, OSAR CM Wangs? OILB MR Ducks. {'Em are ducks. 'Em are not. Oh yes they are ... see 'em wings? Oh I'll be ... 'em are ducks.) But he wanders off for a minute and before he can get back, the bus comes (on the wrong side of the street.) I catch it and go one stop, then decide to go off since the Doctor still hasn't come back yet, but as I get off I don't see mom and don't know if she got off, so I get back on the bus, and find her standing by the bus driver, talking to him, so I guess I am missing the doctor.

      The next thing I know, I've gotten off the bus somewhere else. There is no sign of mom, and I think I am having a short conversation with Sheila Smith, which has her commenting something on how she can likely answer a few questions, and I say sure, as long as they aren't on the subject of, say, Muslim dating rituals or something, and she seems hesitant, and I am considering making a statement about how I thought it was Anne who was the cast member with a Muslim history (something from another dream that wasn't written down, nor anything except that one bit remembered) as she walks into the Peter Marshall cafeteria for a rehearsal, and I wait to catch another bus. Weird.
    15. Fighting off Alien Invasion and Alligator Dogs with Calea Z

      by , 08-23-2017 at 02:55 PM
      07-18-2017 -- (2nd successful [to a point] use of Calea Z.) I took Calea Z last night, and it did not give me a super case of insomnia, as usual, to prevent me from being able to get any sort of sleep, and therefore prevent any sort of dreams. Instead I took it along with a dose of melatonin to encourage sleep. Slept for about four hours, woke briefly, could remember nothing, fell back asleep. Slept for about three hours, woke briefly, and could barely remember any fragments. Went back to sleep for perhaps another two hours, and woke with a fairly involved and interesting dream that included some (slightly muted) bright colors. While it was a quite cool dream that was well worth having, no idea how much of it may be attributed to the Calea Z, or whether it was random chance, and the Calea Z had no effect what-so-ever. It can be compared to my one previous successful Calea Z dream, here.

      As always, starts somewhat fragmenty, with faded bits that can't be remembered. I think I am traveling somewhere, almost by accident, while trying to plan out future travels. Hints of some sort of large ghost tiger or something, but I simply can't pin down that part. There is a somewhat small, thin, waif-ish red haired girl who a lot of people are pushing around and insulting a bit. I'm trying to gently defend her a bit here and there. It feels like we're on a bit of a river boat sort of thing, and I may have won some kind of prize in a contest or something, but it is really small, and I am not worried about it.

      Anyway, I think I am trying to plan a trip to England and Scotland, more than actually be on it, but somehow I am there. I am in Scotland, in line to board some kind of ride. We are boarding colorful carriages of the sort that Cinderella might take to a ball, except that these are horseless, and 12 or 14 of them are kind of linked up to form a bit of a train. We've been waiting a while, and two of these trains have loaded up and rode off, and we're likely to make it on the third, but it is taking it's time. The tracks seem to be used by multiple trains, as there are cargo trains coming the other way, and people are getting ready to ride them, but I'm pointing out those obviously are not the same trains, and are going the wrong direction, and they aren't stopping for us anyway.

      The trains are taking a curve just past us, and heading into a warehouse area, but each successive train is becoming larger and taking the curve at a higher speed, while being even more off-balance (one seems to have a massive weight hanging off to one side as it makes the turn, and it feels almost inevitable that the weight is going to fly off and crash down on us). The next train has something even larger attached, but it is on a sort of boom or something, and is being spun around in circles two or three times like it is building up speed to throw it, and things just feel scary.

      By this time we're standing in a sort of open air station. There is only half a metal roof, and the place is open to the elements, and suddenly we hear this loud BANG! Another half a metal roof has just been dropped on the station by the train, which seems to be half-construction-boom, and I am wondering why they think it is a good idea to do this kind of thing while people are in the station. They continue working, and there is a lot more banging, but I think somebody has got something wrong, because suddenly the back corner of the building and the new roof are collapsing. People are screaming, and potentially being crushed, and Robert Bradford (who I was standing next to, and who I was hoping wouldn't realize I was one of the ones who was screaming) is in the process of setting up a lawsuit for the victims of this tragic accident.

      I am unharmed, and am kind of walking away, when I hear a sort of thrashing sound. Behind me, in an area I was just walking past, is a large something that I can't make out. Then it moves, and I can focus on it clearly. It is a large alligator or crocodile that has just crawled out of a waterway. I'm not too concerned with it, as it is several yards away, but it moves directly for me, and seems to be remarkably fast. So I keep putting things between us, but it either swats them away with its tail or its mouth, or it just crawls over the top of low things, and keeps coming after me. Soon I'm in a narrow alleyway, trying to find a way to chimney up the walls, and hoping alligators can't climb walls, calling for help and crying out "Alligator!" At least at one point, I've got my arms wrapped around its jaws, trying to keep it from being able to open or close its mouth.

      Eventually some sort of animal handler comes up and starts interacting with it, and he seems to know what he's doing, and the alligator seems to be shrinking, and turning into some strange sort of alligator/dog hybrid that is now about the size of a beagle, and kind of cute, and still following me around. At this point, our 'train' has finally come, and I've climbed on one of the back cars, and the alligator/dog is on the very last car, still trying to follow me. I'm backing off, but am no longer sure I want to escape the thing. Suddenly it looks like it is trying to go to the bathroom, and it sort of poops on a pile of canned goods, but the poop starts to move. It seems like the thing just gave birth to a bunch of baby alligator/dogs that are all less than an inch long, and almost look like slimy little tadpoles.

      Meanwhile, some woman is trying to get my attention. She looks like Mr. Sturgeon's secretary from the Bruno & Boots movies, and she seems to be in charge around here, and she is going on about that contest I won earlier, and how I have to take responsibility for my prize, and not just walk off like I did, earlier. It turns out I have won some land here in Scotland, and though it is only a small amount of land (I think three houses stand on it) it is enough to make me the smallest and least powerful or influential Lord in the land, which could be slightly cool.

      The problem is, several of the people around us are still mumbling about the small, slightly cute, unjustly picked on red haired girl. The woman snaps out something about how we need to get over it, she's just a Jew, and those of us who were trying to help her are horrified by this, especially since the poor girl is being held in her friend's arms, dying of a combination of the abuse she has received, and a broken heart.

      I am determined to do something about this, and walk away from the lady again, to lay hands on the girl's forehead. I'm not all that great of a person, but I know there have been times in the past that God has used me to heal, when it had nothing to do with me, but just a desire to help someone else. I start praying over the girl, and all her friends join me. We are pointing out how nice she is, and how sweet, and how much she spends her time helping others, and praying for God's healing and blessing over her, while the lady who'd just made the unfriendly comment is arguing that she "didn't mean it that way!"

      By this point, I've kissed the girl's brow, and she seems to be regaining her strength and mass, and is doing better by the minute. She's actually kind of cute, and I'm hoping she might need a boyfriend, but it turns out the reason she was brokenhearted was because she was romantically interested in this short Hispanic kid, and her step-parents wouldn't accept it, which is why they were abusing her and allowing others to do the same. Yup, she was a literal red-headed step-child! Unfortunately, he is backing away, and wants nothing to do with her. I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, figuring he may not want her to get beaten anymore, but if that isn't his reason, I'm seriously thinking of giving him a good, solid thrashing!

      About this time, I am distracted by a tanker truck flying by through the air. It has somehow been mounted on a plane or something, and it is some sort of terrorist attack. It is being flown and dropped on a half-distant air field, and we see it dropping down over the horizon, then a loud boom, billows of dust rising, and slowly a mushroom cloud forming. Wherever we are, we are very close to Cinderella's Castle, and it has been bombed as well, and towers are collapsing in flames. There are enemy planes in the sky, and more bombs being dropped.

      Suddenly I find myself facing a classic cartoon-style bomb just floating in the air in front of me, a bizarre, muted ultra-violet orange and green. I'm trying to figure out if it is friend or foe, but eventually realize it is some sort of small personal fighter, waiting for its pilot. There are a lot of dead people around, so I climb on and start to try and get my balance. Steve Koffroth climbs on another next to me, and I steady it (and him) until he's got it under control, then let it go. Two young kids come flying up to under their own power (not using ships or anything) and I am kind of staring at them, until I realize. "You're dead?" I ask them. They nod. It seems they were caught in some of the first blasts. Now their spirits are volunteering to inhabit our space crafts to kind of bring them to life and help to control them, as the pilots who have been trained to fly them are not available, and they were never properly activated.

      So their spirits merge with our crafts, and we grab up some of the odd green and orange machine guns, and fly off to face the enemies. The invaders turn out to be some sort of Oriental people, though I do not know which ones, and they've now got lots of troops running around with machine guns, while our flying missiles seem to have run out of energy, so we're mostly grounded. We find ourselves trapped in a large warehouse-like building with a bunch of the gun wielding enemies, and our weapons don't seem to really work ... or do they? They only seem to shoot tiny, dim beams of light. They seem to cut right through robots, destroying them easily, but seem to make almost no wounds to regular people's heads.

      But slowly I'm noticing something strange. People who are screaming to kill us one second, after I shoot them in the head, are commanding that we be captured ... then released. "What? We can't do th..." BANG! "... Sir, yes sir!" We're somehow turning them to our side, while still having to hide from those who have not yet been turned, who are still shooting at us with machine guns. Again, we're running through warehouses. At one point, somebody opens up fire on me, while I hide behind boxes which are being blown apart, as I try to fly a path through the boxes to reach the next floor, while being shot as little as possible. Very interesting and fun, overall.
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