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    1. Voices

      by , 01-29-2015 at 08:26 PM
      After waking up at around 3:57 in the morning and spent enough time to get my mind focused back on becoming lucid, I laid in bed turning over again and again for almost two hours. I'm not sure if I felt asleep during that time or I might of not noticed I was already asleep, but it felt like I didn't get any sleep until sometime before 8:00 later that same morning.

      I continuing laying in bed for a few more minutes to see if I'm still able to go back to sleep. Moments later, I noticed a strange vibration going on through my chest. I was laying on my side facing the wall. At first I thought it was because of the amount sleeping pills I was taking. Then I noticed a blurry scene as I began drifting off to sleep. In this scene I saw a small bond with a stack of wooden sticks laying on top of each other. I stared at the pond trying to figure out what to make of it - whether I was dreaming or not. Seconds later, I get this sudden urge of panic. After staring at the pond with the set of sticks nestled in to it for a few more seconds, I felt a strong vivid sense of sinking inside it. I woke up startled, but then found out it wasn't over.

      I woke up laying on my side facing my bedroom. I was wrapped up in my blankets as I slowly began opening my eyes. I tried to move my muscles but couldn't. This obviously meant only one thing. I was paralyzed. Upon realizing it, I heard voices going on in the bedroom. I heard my sister telling me happy birthday. I heard my mother telling me something nice about me. The rest, I couldn't remember. The voices started to get closer. I panicked. Nestled in to my blankets, I reminded myself of something. It was all just in my head. I was hallucinating. It wasn't real. I did my best trying to realize that and remained as calm as I tried to be. I kept my eyes closed and thought of a place in which I could become lucid in. I first thought about Sydney. I thought about trying to summon her back on my parking lot just like the previous night. It wasn't a bad idea but then again, I didn't want the dark skies to be there if I did wake up to that same dream.

      Instead, I wanted to go back to my elementary school. I wanted to see the beautiful playground standing in the middle of the school. I wanted to be safe. I imagined this location as best as I could and after a more seconds of listening to those surrounding voices, I started to drift away from my dream bed. My body flew out of the bed, without any effort on my part, and started flying straight towards the door exiting my bedroom. Unfortunately, that was all that happened. I woke up.
    2. Broken Guns, Sharper Knives

      by , 01-29-2015 at 02:19 AM
      After waking up at around 3:47 AM, I thought about trying out WBTB. It was hard going to back to sleep. I laid in bed for about an hour trying to. It wasn't until I noticed the shadows entering the bedroom windows that I realized I wasn't going to have a lucid dream that morning. Luckily, I was able to fall asleep minutes before everyone in the house got up.

      Like many of my dreams, I started out inside my room. Two of my younger cousins were with me. The room around me was a complete mess. Everything felt so out of order. It also felt like a depressing night, especially with my two cousins with me. I watched the both of them playing video games on the television while I sat back and observed them. It got boring after a while. I didn't like having them here. They were hogging up all the fun.

      Moments later, they finally announced that they had to go back home. I felt excited when I heard of this. They then began packing their things and headed out the room. I followed and noticed a change in the atmosphere upon entering the living room. It was dark, very dark. It also felt scary. My vision was blurred at that point and I couldn't recall what I had seen while walking through the living room. All I could see was the front door that led out to the front yard.

      After both of my cousins left, I stood just outside the front porch watching both of them leave. My mother then came out of the house and did the same. I stood standing there, staring at the dark black sky and couldn't help but to feel something scary was about to happen to me. That is when I decided to manipulate the environment and take control of the dream. I didn't like how dark the sky was, so I change it. I closed my eyes and looked down at the ground right in front of my feet. I tried my very best to change the color of the sky. After a few seconds of imagining these dark skies to go away, I looked up and noticed a lighter color portion on the sky being lit up. It wasn't enough to get rid of all these unknown fears but it was good enough.

      I became lucid in the dream just after the moment. The next moment got a little more intense. I walked out to the parkway next to my house and thought about some of the many things to do while lucid. After a brief pause, I immediately remembered that I wanted to summon someone. I wanted to summon Sydney, again. I extended my right arm back and summoned her behind me. After noticing her soft hands in my grasp, I pulled her out in front of me and immediately went for the kill. I pulled out a sharp knife and pulled it out in front of her. At that moment, something amazing happened. A couple of cop cars showed up; one to my left, one in front of me and Sydney, and one to my right. It was almost as if they were on my side. I wasn't even concerned if they'd try and detain me or not. I was bound to try anything.

      While all that commotion was taking place, Sydney appeared to be a lot smaller. As a matter of fact, I think she went from a young girl to a really small old man, judging by the amount of wrinkles I noticed on him. I played along with the dream and decided to murder him anyway. I aim the sharp knife towards his chest and pierced his skin. The old man was scared at that point. He looked more pissed off than happy. I wasn't sure whether I should of taken the knife out, or leave it strapped to his skin. Seeing how the cops were already there, it didn't even matter. The policemen lead him towards my front door where he would be detained.

      The scene then began settling down. I was still lucid, but the dream started to turn against me. It wasn't my vision, I just felt like something I was doing was making the dream go away. I refused to let that him and took advantage of one of the techniques I learned to help prolong the dream - the spinning method. I start spinning around like a top in hopes that I would stay in the dream longer. After a moment of doing that, it turned out I was doing it wrong. Not only did I have to spin but I had to feel the motions I performed while spinning. That worked a lot better.

      After feeling it was safe to stop, I then decided to go on and summon Sydney, the actual her, a second time. I extended my right hand back and like many times, it came out a success. I pulled out Sydney in front of me and noticed a change in her clothing. Rather than wearing the purple uniform, she was wearing the white one. I looked up at Sydney and without a surprise, she smiled. Before I attempted to stab her in the gut, I told her how much I loved her. I then pulled out the same sharp, Micheal Myers knife out in front of me with my left hand and pushed it in to her skin. Unlike one of the previous dreams I had about stabbing her, I didn't feel anything after doing it. I don't think I remember looking at her while I did it. The dream ended seconds later.
    3. Fear

      by , 01-27-2015 at 06:28 AM
      1. I started out walking through a small field inside a middle school. It was sunny and it was sometime around noon. I was walking towards a set of classrooms and stared around the area I was in. It wasn't until I looked up at the light blue sky when I slowly realized I was lucid. The feeling was intense. My mind slowly questioned itself whether or not the environment was real without doing any reality checks. I just sort of reminded myself how important it is to remember to question whether or not I'm dreaming.

      When I became lucid, I immediately started speed walking towards the right side of the classroom building. I tried summoning a dream character but the dreaming started fading away. I used the spinning technique to try and stay in the dream but it didn't work out as I planned. Somehow the dream didn't want me to stay in it longer. I'm not even sure if I left the dream, though. As soon as my vision turned black, I still felt as if the dream was still going on, I just couldn't see it. It happened a couple more times the same morning.

      2. I was somewhere inside a dark abandoned building. All the lights were off and no one was nearby. I was scared. I didn't know what to do. I knew I had to do something quickly before anything came out of the dark and attacked me. That's when I figured out the solution. Though I'm not sure whether I was lucid or not at this point, I still managed to do what I planned on doing, in waking life, to light up the darkness. I extended my right arm back and reached out for a summoned flash bang grenade. I held it in my hand and threw it at the ground. As soon as it hit the ground, light started to appear. Not as much as I wanted there to be, but enough to get out of the building quickly.

      When I climbed out of a window inside the room, I was standing on the roof of an average size apartment building. At that point of time, my lucidity went higher. I took advantage and summoned someone I've been wanting to meet. I extended my right hand back again and felt her hand. It was Sydney. She was wearing a different uniform this time. I pulled her out in front of me. She looked back at me and stared at me with a seemingly happy smile. Without saying anything to her, I extended my hand back again and summoned a sharp knife. I pulled out the knife in front of me and noticed it was way too long. It wasn't also the knife I wanted. I wanted a sharp, simplistic knife, one that looks like Micheal Myer's knife.

      I extended my right hand out one last time and summoned one. This time I got the knife I wanted. I pulled the knife out in front of me and turned towards Sydney. It didn't seem to bother her that I had a knife in my hand. She was still smiling.

      I grabbed the knife hard and aimed it towards her left lower part of her stomach. The knife went in to her skin as my body moved in closer to hers. The feeling of my knife going through her stomach was intense. I'm not sure how I can describe it. After stabbing her, the dream then slowly faded away.
    4. Twisted

      by , 01-24-2015 at 06:08 PM
      I didn't prepare too much to try and achieve a lucid dream last night, not like this past week where I spent about an hour thinking about having one. I did have one last night after falling asleep a few minutes before 2 AM.

      Like many other of my dreams, I was back home when I first realized I was dreaming. It was already dark out, which is one of the scariest moments I noticed in my dreams. I had this sudden urge of fear that haunted me while gazing around the parameter of my home. It was really dark and there was nobody else with me. I was alone and afraid.I knew there was something out to get me, but I just wasn't sure when or how they'll catch me. Something was bound to happen if I stood a little while longer.

      I hovered above my backyard and noticed my neighbors backdoor lit up by a lamp just above the door. My first thought was to head there in hopes that I would find someone who could help me throw these feelings of creepiness away. I disapproved of it and immediately flew towards the side of the my house out towards the front yard. My flying abilities were weak at the time. I wasn't able to ascend to a higher position until I got enough run speed but as soon as I did, I quickly flew out of the backyard and landed on the front yard on grass.

      I began to calm down a bit, though still a little scared about what might happen next. That's when I was reminded that there was one way I could make my fears go away. A meteor. I wanted to summon a meteor. I wanted a big ball of roaring fire to come hurling through earth and destroy everything and everyone in it. I raised my right hand up towards the sky and ordered the dream to give me that meteor. Moments later, the meteor came hurling down earth and big waves of fire came mowing down everything and everyone across my field of vision. What happened next is a mystery. I woke up to yet another dream(after waking up and falling asleep again).

      This time I appeared to be inside my bedroom, along with both of my parents drunken out of their minds leaning against a wall while on the bed. I laid there right next to them, drunk as well. We were all just laying there having a good time until one of my dad's friends came walking in to the home for a visit. I didn't really want to talk to him at the time but seeing how I was drunk, I decided that perhaps I'll have a few good laughs and have a good night. I placed my drink down nearby and followed both my parents out the door. When I walked outside, I noticed two kids sitting on the couch watching television with my dad. They were my dad's friends. They looked bored out of their minds. I went up and talk to one of them but they didn't seem to care about what I had to say. It was a good think I was drunk, so it really didn't matter.

      I then walked over to the kitchen where I see my older sister and mother. My mother was sitting at the table near the backdoor enjoying her drink while my sister was near the sink cleaning some of the utilities. At that moment, somehow, it struck me. I became lucid. I'm not sure how but, I felt this sudden urge to do something insane(one of them being too strange to type). One of the things I done second was to try and summon a dream character. Unknowingly, that's when the dream felt like it was slipping away from me. I immediately used the spinning technique to help me prolong my dream time. I turned around and around like a top as I felt the movements of my dream body move in a vibrating-like motion. It took a lot of spinning to get it to work. It wasn't until a few moments in when I felt amazed at how much this technique was working for me. It got even better. After a while of spinning, the dream started to fade a lot more quickly. It came to the point where I couldn't see anything. I started to panic and yelled out something like, "Keep me in the dream!" or something along those lines. I also spun quicker. It worked, surprisingly. I might have not lasted long after all that turning but it's definitely worth practicing with.
      lucid , non-lucid
    5. A Gateway to Death

      by , 10-05-2013 at 11:46 PM
      I'm just outside the front gate in front of my home. I'm going inside one of the families' cars and going to be waiting for the rest of my family to get inside. It's going to take them a while for all of them to get in.

      I waited a bit longer but they still didn't show up. I then decided to start the car up making it easier for us to ride on the road already. Suddenly, something happens. A few seconds after I turn the car on, the car began moving. It moved in reverse for a few seconds and the mirrors on the front seat passenger's side was torn apart by a nearby wall. I was in trouble.

      I immediately took control of the wheel to try and get the car to stop. Unfortunately for me I have a tendency to afraid of being insides cars in dreams. The car begins to take off by itself. I begin to worry, but still, I must make sure I do not crash as bad as I did before.

      The car begins to ride itself down the road and I begin to panic. I have always been afraid of being left alone in a car in dreams. While inside this moving car, its speed begins to increase. There were a few cars coming my way but I tried my best to get out of their way. I hit a few other obstacles on the way such as trashcans.

      I eventually found out this wasn't real but I was not fully lucid. I then began to think. There's a good chance that I may die now and if that's a possibility, I'm going to make sure I crash in to Trinh's home.

      The car begins to go as fast as it can and eventually I knew I was going to die soon. I felt a sense of adrenaline and excitement, almost as if I wasn't afraid to die. I was soon able to see Trinh's house. Before the car could reach the home, I closed my eyes and began to think it was a mistake. I wanted to wake up, and so I did.
      lucid , non-lucid
    6. Revenge of the Killer Baby

      by , 10-03-2013 at 06:35 PM
      This dream contains sexual interaction. Viewer discretion is advised.
      Spoiler for Please keep out kiddies!:

      Because that didn't work out, I decided to explore this back yard. I'm walking to the garage but then I suddenly see something floating in the deeper part of the yard. There were a couple of flies, and not the normal ones. These flies weren't friendly. I later found out that if these new uniquely flies flew near you, they would stick their wings on you, which were very hard to remove. I felt pain trying to take the wings off, so I ignored it.

      There is something else I see in the yard. It's a little puppy. I immediately thought about killing it with an axe I had in the garage.I quickly walked in to the garage and started looking for the axe. I saw it on a table near the window. Before I could get to it, I see a baby running towards me. I quickly jump on one of the tables and find any other tools to help me kill the puppy/human. This baby was no human. I saw its evil eyes and decided that I'm going to have to kill it with the only weapon capable of doing it, the axe.

      Unfortunately for the baby, it couldn't reach me from the ground. I kept throwing random tools at it to see if it would die. There was one time when the baby got so close to me that I yelled like a girl. This is a baby you don't want to mess with.
    7. White Demon

      by , 09-23-2013 at 08:38 AM
      This was a very short dream, or probably just another moment of sleep paralysis.

      It happened around 5:00 AM in the morning, usually the best time of day for me to go through sleep paralysis. I woke up for a few minutes, and very tiredly, sat up to see if there were any monsters around my bed(what I always do). I didn't see anything but I heard the television playing in the next room. I heard my niece and father. I felt so tired I didn't even want to get up and prepare for the day. So I went back to sleep.

      As soon as I feel asleep, I fell in to a dream(one of those dreams where I appeared lost some where in the wilderness in Alaska or some other forest-consumed land). I woke up and automatically opened my eyes. It didn't feel like sleep paralysis but I do remember being inside my room. I was able to move a few parts of body. Not knowing that I was in sleep paralysis(not sure if it's a false awakening either), I saw a tall, skinny figure standing towards the left side of my bed. It had no clothes on, pure white skin, and no hair! It wasn't chasing after me, so I wasn't sure if I should of felt scared or sexually aroused. After a few minutes, I decided to close my eyes.
    8. Trapped in Fear

      by , 09-08-2013 at 06:12 PM
      Sleep paralysis decided to made its attack on me today. I'm inside my lonely, dark room. At around 5 AM, I'm laying in bed facing the wall next to me. A second later, I feel a strong sense of drowsiness. My eyes are forcibly closing themselves on me. This was a bad sign for me as I know what it means...I make attempts to keep my eyes open for as long as I can but my power is to weak here. I could only guess that I was already in sleep paralysis.

      I begin struggling to get myself out of it and as I am doing so, I feel some force growing around me. My left ear gets numb and by that time I have already heard something standing behind me...

      I'm going to assume it's an entity for now. It's putting its weight on the bed. I kept my eyes closed the entire time. The demon bends over and licks my neck. It tickles me inside but I remain calm. This demon licks me a few more times, then finally says something. "Uncle?", the demon says. I would believe it to be one of my nieces at the time but I knew it could not be because she would never lick my neck.

      Calmness filled the room. My niece kept saying those words for a while. I started making my way out of this mode, seeing how I always freak out whenever I enter sleep paralysis. I wiggled my fingers and toes and slowly worked my way up until I had enough force to escape. The demon started to say a few other things. There was one other and it would sound something like this, "I am sitting next to a twitcher."

      After a short while, I was finally free and woke up making sure there wasn't anything hiding around the bed.
    9. Convict

      by , 03-21-2013 at 03:06 AM
      Early in the morning, I was walking around a home looting goods from someone I've never met before. I have an accomplice with me. He's following me through the whole dream.

      There's a room we found interesting just down the fall we were standing on. I entered the room, close the door after my accomplice gets in, but something went wrong. Someone was following us. I'm guessing it was the cops which wasn't a good thing. I probably done something illegal. We both had to find a way out but the only way out was through the window behind us.

      The room we were in was empty. There was nothing here for us to rob. We both were panicking as we struggled to find a way out of this place free. That's when we decided to walk out the bedroom window and escape the area. I was the first one to exit the room. My partner was second.

      There was something strange after looking at the new area I just climbed in to. It was my front yard. I looked around to see if there was any cops around but after checking around the corner of the house, there was a cop running towards me. I immediately ran outside of the home property and next to there street where I found a car for my getaway. The street, as always, was lonely. I didn't see anyone there at the time.

      I waited for my partner and we eventually left the area together in this car.
    10. It's a Baby!

      by , 03-14-2013 at 04:13 AM
      I didn't even know I had a baby until someone told me. I was laying back on my living room couch, chilling. At first, I saw a few people gathering around me like something was wrong. There were also one or two babies in front of me. I didn't know what was happening until someone came in front of me and gave me something important.

      Some woman came in front of me and gave me a baby. I didn't question it, I only tried to remember the last time I stuck my thing up in there. I couldn't remember. At the time, I thought it was kind of cool because I had a female who was stuck with me but, having the baby being mine was ever better!

      The baby was kind of a whiner though. I picked it up to hold it and eventually realized it was a he. At first, the baby was beginning to cry but after rocking it in my arms, he started to cheer up. There were times when I almost felt like I was going to fall.

      There was also another baby in the room but I don't think she was mine. She looked a lot like my niece. She was standing on the couch waiting for me go outside and leave elsewhere.
    11. Child Care Center

      by , 03-02-2013 at 08:40 PM
      I just woke up with a headache and my hair is irritating me!

      I was supposed to me Jerimiah(friend) in the dream on a big grassy field. A few other people are supposed to meet up with us shortly to prepare for our first day working at the child care center. I couldn't remember who some of these other people on the field were. We eventually all met up with each other and started to perform activities together.

      I could remember spending a bunch of time doing a lot of fun stuff with Jerimiah and these few other people, but I can't remember what exactly it was that we were doing. I had fun with them. It helped me get rid of the anxiety I had before I walked in to the child care center. I'm also really shy, so I felt like I was being forced to get the shyness out of me(my father put me in the class so I wouldn't stay at home all day).

      We all soon had to get ready to leave each. Jerimiah asked out on who was willing to go to the care center and work with the kids. There were two other boys who volunteered, but I just waited until Jerimiah called out my name. I went. As for Jerimiah and the other couple people with us, they went back somewhere else. I followed the two other guys in to the care center building.

      We soon entered the building and started seeing the teachers and children around. The teachers were staring and for the children, they were playing on the floor. The teachers looked at us all suspiciously as if we were up to something wrong. Nothing went wrong. I continued following the two boys and eventually walked in to a room in which we had to work in. We all sat on the floor while a teacher was speaking and waited there patiently until the dream ended.
    12. I'm Not Afraid

      by , 02-28-2013 at 04:14 AM
      It was a raining day at Pacific High School. I can't seem to run away from this place and the more I think about it the more I start to believe about taking other in life. I started at the rear of the school. I'm inside a classroom, just waiting. There are a few people outside and we weren't allowed to go out at the time.

      This place gave off a gloomy, depressing feel to me. I was calm until I had to go out to the rain and speak with two adults. These two adults I spoke to, I don't know them, I forgot what they looked liked, but they were there to protect the school from this "unknown" monster.

      I volunteered to go with them and see if I could be of any use, despite not knowing what I was getting myself in to. They agreed to let me follow and from there, we ran down the halls of the school in to the danger zone.

      As I was running I noticed the fear I had preparing for this unknown confrontation. I had no idea what I was getting myself in to but no matter what it was, I had to be confident and defeat it.

      Once I knew we arrived, I saw a big backyard full of dirty things. There were clothes thrown out everywhere, lots of jungle trees and wet writing paper everyone on the ground. The rain only made it look depressing. My team rain across this big, dirty yard and I followed. They went on without me. I heard some screams, scared screams. I didn't like it. I ran back towards the entrance from whence we came. I was running in fear.

      On my way to the entrance, I saw a gorilla of some sort. It seemed human but still I wasn't sure. I was too scared to go back to the entrance so instead I turned back towards the screams and ran as fast as I could! That's when I decided to fly. I got a running start and slowly jumped in the air and began flying!

      I was slowly ascending up towards the rainy sky and eventually went out of sight from the gorilla. I was scared at the time so I didn't care how high I went, I just wanted to get away from the gorilla! I heard the gorilla yell out to me as I was happily moving away from this part of land. When I finally escaped the proximity of the gorilla's attacking range, I reached the plains behind the yard. It was safe there but I still wouldn't trust it.

      I woke up.
    13. Tiger Chase

      by , 02-24-2013 at 09:50 PM
      This isn't good, I'm starting to forget my dreams. This was the only dream I had this week and I'm getting worried I'm losing my recall.

      Sometime in the dream I was standing next to the big plain field at my old elementary school again. I've been dreaming of this place ever since I left high school, one of my dream signs. I don't remember what I was doing here. I remember seeing a few people there but I forgot their names.

      This next part, I was being chased by a big white tiger. It felt more like a game at the time and my job was to escape from the area without dying. This tiger was really fast and no matter how fast I went, the tiger was always a few feet away from me. I was jumping from mid block to mid block trying to get the tiger to fall down to the darkness below and die. Instead, I fell down in to the hole and the tiger went down after me.
    14. The Rundown

      by , 02-19-2013 at 07:02 AM
      It first started back at the adult school I'm currently attending. It was around 10:00 in the morning when I was standing next to a wall in front of the school. Me and a few other boys were looking around to see if there were any other people trying to attack us. We stood together as people were walking around the school.

      There were a group of boys who passed us. They were teenage boys looking for trouble. Lucky for us we also had a group just in case one of them attacked. It's not something that would happen in waking life. The group of boys walked over to the side of the school, next to the road, and we watched them to see if they were staring at us or giving off any unusual attention.

      I never hang around with anyone in reality. Something a few minutes later occurred. There was a man in front of the school, an old man who looked to be around 50 years old. He pulled out a gun a few seconds later and started shooting up the school. Everyone was running scared, even my group. The first moment I heard the shots, I ran back to a thin alley way behind me. I ran as fast as I could. While running I thought about the possibility that this could be the last day I'd live. I followed the people in front of me. We all ran the same direction and as I was running I only thought about the fear that this shooter is coming after us. My only goal was to get the hell out of there as fast as possible!

      It started to rain right after we left school property. It was also gloomy and depressing as we were running for our live. Me and the rest already knew where to go but we had to make sure we didn't run in to the shooter. We came across a few homes and apartment buildings around the area. At one point, we did see the shooter again and when we did, I knew I was the one he was most interested in. The dream was over when I was about to enter an upstairs apartment building.
    15. Live or Die

      by , 02-14-2013 at 11:33 AM
      This is the only part I can remember after waking up from it a few hours ago.

      Me, my sister, and my mother were stuck in one of the most dangerous countries in the world, Mexico. It was getting dark and we had to find a home quick or we won't even be able to make it through the night.

      The sun slowly begin disappearing and before we could get anywhere it was nearly the darkest. I didn't know what we would do, if we didn't find a safe place to reside in for the night we were bound to die. Though it actually never happened but it's a thought that I kept in my mind.

      We were starting to get worried, especially when we were together. There was absolutely nothing else we could do but face death. My mother suggested we find a spot somewhere in the park to stay for the night but we already knew we wouldn't last.

      There was a guy who suddenly came around a fence in front of the park we were facing, he tells us, including himself, to end our lives already. If we're gonna do it we should do it now. I was worried about it all and even now, I'm thinking about how sad it is for my mom to have been going through this with us. There was no father at the time, we were alone.
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