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    1. Friday, March 3-4th, 2011 - (3 Dreams)

      by , 03-04-2011 at 06:54 PM
      Glasses Classroom (Non-lucid)


      Log: 11:00pm Friday, march 3-4th, 2011
      Hours: 7:00m Alarm: 6:00am Natural Awakening: 4:30am

      The first dream starts out as i walk into a class late. I had my flippy glasses on and as i sat down the teacher told me to take them off. I took them off and we got started. After a minute, he told me to take them off, and i was confused because i thought i did... But i didn't apparently. It happened one more time and by now, i was laughing and so were the other kids inthe class, and the teacher. It was funny. Then it ended.


      Choir Running Singing (Non-lucid)


      This second dream started in the hallway near the band and choir rooms. All of the choir plus Jacob was there, and we were all running and singing at the same time. We sang one song, then starting singing Poker Face by Lady Gaga. I remember specifically singing it, it was weird... But we kept going and kept singing until we got to the ramp. We went down it and into the West Atrium. There were many people, and they were confused about why we were singing, but they also started to realize and get happy about the fact that they got a show. Jaocb wanted to sing a specific song, so he needed someone's phone to look it up. He got someones, and it was fancy and big, and he searched and found it, and the one he chose was that which contained a funny Japanese man singing a very annoying tune, but as it played, and my brain comprised a song to play, it was more of a techno song and i could never hear the Japanese man. And then it ended.


      Hugs and Warmth (Non-lucid)


      The was one of the best dreams i have had in a while, it was so simple, yet so amazing. I was in my room with Izzie, and we had been hanging out or something previously. It was casual and nothing was really going on, but it was nice. It seemed as if it was time to go now, and we were heading out. I was giving her a hug, and it was nice, but i said, " Oh, come on, you can do better than that!" So i squeezed her tight and she squeezed back and it was very close, and very warm. We both smiled and walked dowstairs. Jacob and Megan were in the basement and they were talking about how Megan needed to get home and she might have to take the bus, we were simpathetic and all trying to figure out how we could get her there. We thought of going with her on the bus, but we didn't. I cannot remember the dicisionwe finally came to. And then the dream ended.
    2. Thursday, March 2-3rd, 2011 - (2 Dreams)

      by , 03-04-2011 at 05:40 AM
      School Hallway (Non-lucid)


      Log: 10:30pm Thursday, March 2-3rd, 2011
      Hours: 7:30m Alarm: 6:00am Audio: None

      This first dream was fairly short, as i remember it, but it was probably longer in all actually, as in any other dream. I was in the hallway of the school, the upper left hallway where the history classes are. I was heading to class and Tessa and Carly were there, along with Jacob. I was about to go in, but i decided to talk to people instead, so i went over to Carly and the others.
      The next thing i remember is being in class and being taught or talked to for a brief amount of time. And then it ended.


      Driving, and Houses (Non-lucid)


      This dream was fairly more extensive than the last dream. I was in the car with Jacob and his mother. It was dark outside and we were driving through a neighborhood filled with houses. We passed a house that was lit up and I noticed that the person inside was Kevin's Mom, or atleast someone who looked like her... I pointed it out to Jacob and his mom and they agreed with me. We all were kind of laighing and talking and we kept driving. It started to get light outside as we drove on and we came to some houses. They were white and they were halfway underground. They were white and they looked fairly attractive. It was a developement and it was pretty awesome, in the way that i admired them and thought they were cool. We were apparently in one of them, Jaocb and i got out of it quickly, and then Jacob's mom was trying to get out of a tiny exit in the top, her limbs were sticking out, but she was stuck. And then it ended as Jaocb and i were laughing.

      Updated 03-04-2011 at 05:50 AM by 41214

    3. School, IB, and Turtle

      by , 03-03-2011 at 06:13 AM
      School, IB, and Turtle (Non-lucid)


      Log: 11:00pm Wednesday, March 2, 2011
      Hours: 7:00m Alarm: 6:00 Audio: None

      This dream starts out in a classroom that is on the second floor. I was getting ready to do a project or assignment of some sort, and i needed my dad to bring me something. I was looking out the window at the line of cars piled up outside the school, desperately looking for him. I finally saw him and headed downstairs to go get what i needed. I was in the lobby of the school and i saw that he was waiting there all along and that there was no reason for me to be waiting, i was kind of pissed... I got my polygonal snake figure form him, tried to explain to him what i was doing, then rolled my eyes as he didn't understand, and then i walked away.
      The dream either changed or transitioned, but i was now in an office of the school and i saw an administrator that was not my couselor but her role in the dream was such. She asked me why i wasn't doing IB and trying to convince me to join again. She led me to a door, and she was talking about megetting something, i cannot remember what. But i walked through the doors and went through few others. Soon Jaocb had come with me and we were wandering together through this what seemed now to be a hardware store. I told him i was looking for a tiny turtle. We looked and looked, and in the process, we kind of messed aorund in the store, but we knew we were allowed to be there and we weren't doing anything wrong. But soon we came upon a big scary guy, who was apparently an employee. He was rude and told us we shouldn't be there. I told him that we weren't doing anything wrong but he insisted on fighting and taking us down. There was a slight crowd around us now, but it was just him and me now. He started out the fight ok, but i titally owned him beyond belief in a wise, planned out, Sherlock Holmes way. It was amazing and everyone was cheering.

    4. School, Clothing, and Sam

      by , 03-03-2011 at 12:52 AM
      School and Clothing (Non-lucid)


      Log: 6:00am Monday, February 28, 2011
      Hours: 0:20m Alarm: 6:00 Audio: None

      I obviously got more sleep than 20 minutes, but i only remembered this dream.

      The dream starts as i sit bored in a classroom. I start to get organized as the class comes to an end. I had to grab a lot of clothing for some reason, i had two pairs of shoes, a pair of shorts, and something else i can't remember. I got it all in my arms and backpack on as i left the class, and as i left, about a program the school was doing that involved giving points equal to those of the dumb people to the smart people, Austin Swaim walked out saying some stupid remark about it. I walked out and i was headed toward homeroom. I went up the stairs, and when i got to the top i saw Sam and we grabbed hands and i told her i would meet her back here, because i had to find my shoes that i lost. I looked around and decided to go down the stairs again, but as i was trying to get down the stairway that was kind of small, Mrs. Frazer was at her desk getting something, and as i tried to step down, Franklin put his arm out and stopped me. Apparently Mrs. Frazer needed to talkto me and the other homeroom people. I told her that i would have the money next time (For something having to do with Cancer...). So i decided to go back upstairs instead and i then saw a shoe lost and found! A few people, 3 or 4 were there frantically trying to find their shoes before class starts, and i saw mine right there! But, before i could go over and get them, my brother woke me up, his voice saying my name through a dream character, and then i woke up. It was awesome.
    5. Wednesday, February 22-23rd, 2011 - (3 Dreams)

      by , 02-25-2011 at 08:25 PM
      School Mall and Water Park (Non-lucid)


      Log: 9:30pm Wednesday, February 22-23rd, 2011
      Hours: 8:30m Alarm: 6:00 Audio: None
      WILD: No

      Yet again i woke up naturually, but this time it was at around 2 in the morning, and a second time at around 4 in the morning. When i did the waking up, i immediately and alertly sat up and said, " Yup, i woke up." And then checked the clock.

      I was on the second level of the school, and i needed to go down to the first floor. As i was walking down the steps that lead into the East Atrium, the step wound more than usual and there were numerous couches lined up in the outside of the stairs. They were out of the way so people wouldn't trip or be blocked by them. There were names engraved in the couches. The intercom was saying something along the lines of the fact that the names of really scholarly people and people who have achieved great things at Lakewood High School. I aspired and knew that i would be on ther ein the very near future. So as i got closer to the bottom of the stairs, i saw Mr. Castagna and another administration official. I was fairly far away and i could hear them anyway. They were talking about me as i walked down. They said things about how well behaved i was and how shocking and delicious my smell was. I smiled and kept going trying to avoid them so they wouldn't see me. I saw a glassed in room where there was a water machine thing. It was a water park of some sort. My whole family was there, and i wanted to avoid them, so i went in, tried it out, and left before they could see me, and afterwards i was out in the hall of the mall and as they came out i ran to hide form them. And that's all i can remember.


      New Semester Math Class (Non-lucid)


      This dream starts out in my math class. It's the start of a new semester and all new people are in the class. Jacob was there, and for some reason i came in late. I was flustered as i looked for papers and things and tried to get ready. People were talking around me and there was one girl in particular who was talking to me, i was listening, but not intently. Jacob was talking andi could hear him talking in an extreme New York accent, and it was relaly entertaining. But the thing is, he only did that when we had a class together. I was talking about it and laughing about it as the class went on. And then it ended.

      Afterwards, i had a false awakening in which i told Jacob about the dream i had with him in it. I've done this a few times before where i tell people about dreams i've had with them, but in a False Awakening.


      Walker's Diary (Non-lucid)


      This dream was short and sweet. Walker and I were in my living room talking with some other people, and he was writing in a diary that had the word "Wednesday" on it. I was curious as to what information was going into his dairy. So i wanted to grab it. Before i did i figured things in it would involve what he has done wrong and what he's gone through. So i grabbed it, and he chased after me, and instead of trying to get me, he grabbed MY diary, causing me to give his back. Then it ended.
    6. Integer Dance and Unknown School

      by , 02-19-2011 at 08:00 PM
      Integer Dance and Unknown School (Non-lucid)


      The dream started out in a school that was foreign to me. It was a High School, and it was fairly close to my original school in location. Jacob and i were walking through the halls of the school. As we did so we noticed that a lot ofthe poeple in the school, teachers and students, had somehting on their head, whether it be a bandana or a hat or something of that sort. I was suddenly jealous of their rules and was in awe. Then Fran either met with me or called me, but i knew i had to go back to Goldcrown for some reason. I told Jaocb that i didn't want to go back with Fran becasue i was so close to Belmar and my house, that i didn't need a ride. But regardless, he and I went wih Fran and the other two members from my Integer group, Jason an Magaly, down the stairs and into Goldcrown. When we got their i told Jaocb that i didn't mind because i needed to pracice anyway. The thing i needed to practice was a dance that we had all been aparently working on, because as soon as we got there Fran told us to get our CD's out and line up ready for the dance. I got mine out but she had already gotten one from someone else so i set it down on a desk. Then we lined up and i could remember a few things form the dance but basically blanked out everything. So when themusic played i did nothing. Then i politely asked if anyone knew the choreography. There were two replies form people sitting in desks beyond the front of the room. One was Kelly, and the other was a girl of which was way more attractive, but i cannot recall. So i chose the random girl, and Kelly came up too. They couldn't both teach it to me, so i said sorry to them both and Kelly ended up being the one that would teach me. But then the dream ended without warning.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 05:25 AM by 41214 (Different Color Scheme)

      Tags: integer, school
    7. The Contest

      by , 02-19-2011 at 04:09 AM
      Log: 9:30 January 22-23, 2011
      Hours: 13:41 m Alarm: No Audio: No

      People: Jacob, Franklin, Tessa, Chloe, Erin Janov, Kaia

      I walk out from class and head towards the atrium. I am called by Tessa and Kaia to come over with them. Today at school was Dress-up like someone famous or something day, everyone was just dresses weird. I had jeans on, my florescent yellow shirt and a cape. Everyone kept getting on my case because i wasn't wearing clothing up to my potential. So apparently there was a contest, where you get a certain amount of time. Everyone was standing in a line for the teacher to pick the groups. The groups had to have people in them that were a team or went together. Jacob and Franklin were a team that had something to do with a little Indian. Unfortunately, i was standing with Chloe and Tessa, and as the teacher asked them what they were they awkwardly added me into their name. I wasn't very thrilled to work with them.
      So when we broke apart to start our dance routine practice, i went with Jacob and abandoned my other team. Then i was standing there discussing the fact with Jacob of whether or not i should be with him and ditch the others. As this was going on, there was a group of girls farther down, and i kept secretly looking over at them. They were talking about me, whether or not i was gonna come over there, and whether or not Erin should date me, and she kept saying she didn't know me well enough, and that maybe i was more of Joslyn's type. Then i finally came to the conclusion that i was going to work with Jacob's group, so i climbed the railing and jutted myself up to the balcony. As soon as i did this, a few girls came from the other teams and they had cake as they climbed the stairs to get up to us. I knew they were about to shove cake in my face, so i took it like a man, i just said, "DO IT!" And they shoved it in my face while i ate some more that fell on the ground. Then they went away in defeat, disappointed. I then gave an idea about someone being Spider Man, because there was a Spider Man costume right there next to us. But then i became aware of the playground that was next to me on my left, so i left Jacob and the dream shifted.

      I was on the playground, and all of the sudden i was surrounded by many tiny blue bunny rabits, those of which are from the video game about all the crazy bunnies. They were turning nasty and turning into sort of Zombie Bunny creatures. I had to run to get away from them all, and i was jumping from different parts of the playground trying not to get eaten. I finally, somehow, made allof them explode into a giant, mushy, blue mess of goo. Then i pulled myself out fom under the playset. Then it was over.