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    Linkzelda's Dream Journal

    1. Burnt Toast, Sonic and Knuckles, Train Station Security

      by , 07-24-2012 at 01:29 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Burnt Toast (Non-lucid)


      I see my Uncle and older cousin again. They were talking about something, and throughout the whole dream, I smell slightly burnt toast.

      (I didn't know what there was actually a burnt toast smell spreading around the house I'm at for vacation in Florida as yet).

      My older cousin is cooking two pieces of bread, and he has another pan to the left that's heating up some butter that's already in the liquid phase (I'm assuming he took a block of butter in the fridge and let it simmer a bit until it melted).

      The same pan he's melting the butter in, I believe it is tilted to the left, so that all the butter would be allocated in one spot, probably so he can poor the butter with ease, without having to worry too much on grease that might accumulate on the pan.

      While he's waiting, I notice he looks kind of tired, or maybe he looks depressed. His facial composition is slightly droopy in all areas, and he doesn't look too happy that he has to put some toast on a skillet. My uncle then shows up finally to sit next to my older cousin.

      My uncle queried my cousin about something related to the toast, but I couldn't remember.

      The burnt toast smell gets stronger and stronger,
      and my eyes immediately open, and I really DO SMELL BURNT TOAST IN THE HOUSE.

      I realize that I haven't been burned alive as yet, so I calmed down. I look at the timer I had for the alarm, and I woke up 25 minutes before it actually rings.

      Hahahaha, interesting dream, thanks subconscious, for telling me there was burnt toast.

      Maybe now I can float above shark infested waters, and doze off a bit, and trust that my mind is going to help me wake up and realize I should get the hell out of those waters....hahahahaha.

      I feel like I'm laughing at myself sometimes.


      Sonic and Knuckles? (Non-lucid)


      I only remember either Sonic or Knuckles carry the other while flying....without Tails being the one holding them up like in Sonic Heroes.

      That was weird...


      Train Station Security (Non-lucid)


      I only remember going through some security after getting off a train stop. I take the time to make sure I'm going through the right place to get scanned, and I think I went to the wrong section.

      The security man simply told me that I needed to go back, and I quickly complied with his order and wait there for a few seconds to pass through with no worries.