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    The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey

    Hello and welcome to my dream journal. I try to journal all my most important dreams here, especially my lucids.

    I have a dream guide named Juliana. She takes the form of a twenty something witch that that looks a lot like Vin from Mistborn.

    Juliana also became a tulpa in October of 2021. Together we plan on fighting the evil witches in my dreams who seem to also know that is a dream.

    1. Sparing With JadeGreen One

      by , 06-17-2023 at 07:08 AM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      This dream was during a nap. I took a nap even though I slept in today because I wanted to procrastinate on programming.[/SIZE]

      Sparing With JadeGreen One (NLD) 06.16.2023

      I am in a classroom at a college and apparently there was more I was supposed to have done even though I already have my Bachelor's degree. To make things worse, my gpa has gone down to 3.20 from never showing up to those classes. The next scene I was talking with my mom and telling her about the problem which triggered some small
      amount of lucidity since being back in school is a common dream sign in me. However, I did not gain enough lucidity to not follow the plot of the dream.

      There was another scene or two in the middle here in the middle. Maybe something to do with fishing? I can't remmeber.

      The next scene I remember I am in the hallways of the school and I seem to have some amount of control because I summon a ball of kenetic sand and play around with it using telekinesis. I can feel the unique properties of the material through the telekinesis. For me, doing telekinesis is like flexing a muscle that pushes against the gravity of the scene. How it feels for me to fly is similar. I make the sand into the shape of a sierpinski pyramid. I summon a mirror that I hold underneath the sand, I think so I can see it from both sides.

      Someone is walking down the halls who I somehow know to be JadeGreen! He doesn't look to be in his hade form but I somehow know it's him. He looks like a younger version of me, before I gained weight and his face is blurred but I know it's him. I float the sand over to him and he shapes it with telekinesis too. I hand him the mirror and make one side of it some sort of pattern, maybe as a way of calibrating the telekinesis? He starts to walk away and I remember we are supposed to spar! I tell him to come back and we both summon bo staves. Right as we start the fight I lose stability and visuals but I feel the distinct feeling of his staff hitting my right leg. It hurts! I find myself in a new dream scene and I pull out my phone and discord message him "Ow!" to acknowledge that he won. He responds back with 3 Superman logo emojis and I wake up for real.
    2. Random Witch Cats (04.06.2017)

      by , 04-10-2017 at 06:49 AM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      I have had pretty inconsistent recall lately but a ton of spontaneous lucids and semi-lucids. I only consider lucids that I write or type toward my lucid count so I feel like I am letting myself down by not dream journaling a lot. I'm not really in a dry spell but I need to focus on dream control goals as that is how I make the most progress. I will be preping for the upcoming Spring lucid competition and next month I think I will foucos on TOTMs for a while.

      I may transition entirely to using the DV dream journal system but I am pretty determined to completely fill my paper journal. We will see how it goes.

      This dream was a spontaneous lucid I had a couple days ago but it had witches in it so I feel it is worth adding to my DV journal.

      09:00 AM
      Random Witch Cats (Semi-Lucid)

      I am at some sort of lunch party with my girlfriend. We are on a large balcony filled with lots of people mingling and drinking mimosas but I don't really remember where I am or why I am here. A couple girls start talking to us although now I have no idea what we talked about. After we finish our conversation I turn to follow my girlfirend but then I notice the two girls transform into cats and disappear into the see of legs. Based on my previous dreams these are clearly witches and I do become lucid for a moment but I don't make the connection until long after loosing lucidity and waking up. My girlfriend and I enter the building. She needs to go to the bathroom so I wait outside the door. A black cat and an orange cat walk by but I think nothing of it. After my girlfriend gets out of the bathroom we rejoin the party in another room and the two girls are there again I become lucid again for a moment but I don't have any goals in mind so what should I do? "These girls are pretty hot I guess I should just make out with them", I think, as I loose lucidity again. Yada yada yada, everyone makes out with everyone else until I wake up. lol
      side notes