Recent Goals
Start dream journaling again ✓
Summon my partner✓
Explore the Oasis ✓
(TOTY)Explore the Dream Views base ✓
Teleport with The Robes of Anorak ✓
Fly to the Moon ✓
Spar with JadeGreen ✓
Look at the sky on Woue ✓
Visit with JadeGreen and Manei ✓
Meet Elminster ✓ ✓
Spectate JadeGreen and Juliana fight ✓
Take off the VR headset ✓
JadeGreen Fight Scoreboard!
JG: 6W 0L
MM: 0W 4L
Jay: 0 W 2 K
Current goals
Dream Yoga on Dagoba
Start A New Hope Quest
Talk to Shayna Again
Spar with Jay