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    Death's Other Kingdom

    1. From Wolves to Bunnies

      by , 07-05-2014 at 03:56 PM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      Quite the Wolf Problem (DILD)


      I am taking a stroll down the road late at night. As I pass the cemetary, I encounter a girl around fourteen years old who warns me that she's out hunting werewolves with her grandfather. She is clutching a vicious looking shotgun in a manner that suggests she's well accustomed to using it. While I'm talking to her, we hear a ruckus nearby. A werewolf is attacking her grandfather!

      Suddenly lucid, I remember that I, too, am a werewolf. Fortunately I happen to possess much greater self control than this brute, who is out of his wits with the change. I morph into my werewolf form and leap onto the other wolf, tearing at his throat with my teeth. I can see how it could be tempting to go on a murderous rampage while in wolf form--- letting out my inner beast feels amazing! Still, I hope that the girl realizes that I'm helping, that I'm protecting her from this other wolf. I'm not too keen on being shot.

      Suddenly, I'm pulled from the dream into sleep paralysis as I feel someone shaking me awake. It seems to be my mother; I hear her voice telling me to wake up. I try to explain that I'm in sleep paralyis, but it just comes out as a mumble. I try to roll over, but cannot move. My mom continues to shake me, telling me to wake up.

      By this point I'm a bit irritated. I manage to get control of my foot and shake it back and forth enough to
      jar me awake. (This has proved the ONLY way I can force myself out of SP. I don't know why I'm able to move my foot; it's literally the only real part of my body I'm ever able to move.) Once awake, I realize that my mom isn't even here. I'm house sitting for her while she's in Florida.

      George and the Rabbit (Non-lucid)


      I seem to be a well-known scholar, and I'm staying in George Takei's house for my current research, as he lives in a convenient location.

      I step out the front door to begin my day. Beside the step is a white rabbit wearing glasses. Insteac of fur, the rabbit has wool like a sheep. It seems happy to let me pet it, closing its eyes in content.

      George Takei is doing dishes behind me. I try to get his attention to show him the rabbit, but he does not want to be disturbed.

      The Tornado Approaches (Non-lucid)


      We are out in the open country by a little house. My grandmother, who suffers from alzheimer's, wishes to drive to the store. We are desperately trying to talk her out of it, but she will not listen.

      As we're arguing, the sky goes dark. A storm is nearby. I can hear the sounds of a tornado quickly approaching from behind me. Not even looking back, I lead everyone to a manhole by the house that appears to lead to the sewer. Not a proper storm shelter, but it should serve the purpose all the same. We hurry down the ladder before the tornado can reach us.
    2. Of Shapeshifting and Invisibility

      by , 11-17-2013 at 05:39 PM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      Not so great recall last night, and what I do remember is a bit vague.

      Transformation (Non-lucid)


      I am on a secret mission that somehow involves stealing a particular item from this girl's bedroom. To accomplish this, I knock on her door and proceed to transform into an adorable black bunny. She comes to the door, squeals in delight, and carries me up to her room. I notice that it feels kind of nice being held while in this form.

      In her room, I change shape again. This time, I'm a black cat. A talking black cat. I talk to her and trick her into helping me out with my mission.

      Ghost Hunters (Non-lucid)


      I am with a friend in the lower rooms of an old, creepy building. My friend is hunting a ghost, but I happen to really like the ghost she's trying to get rid of. I turn invisible and screw up my friend's hunt while trying to help the ghost girl get to safety. There is also an evil spirit there that we're all avoiding. The ghost girl is terrified--- she holds my hand the entire time.