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    Linkzelda's Dream Journal

    1. Hotel Alarm, Albino Rats Floating, Apartment With No Bed, Jumping Out of Windows (SDE Day 22)

      by , 09-05-2012 at 02:31 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Hotel Alarm (Non-lucid)


      It's very dark at night, and I need to find a place to stay in, and I forget who tells me this, but there's only one hotel available, and it has what I needed to get. I go inside of the hotel, and there's a lady in front, assuming she's the one who gives out cards to go into hotel rooms and all that. She's wearing the preset secretary type of outfit, dark blue dress with a white long sleeve shirt underneath, and she was fairly tall.

      I could barely see her face at all.....she was literally that tall, or maybe my perspective of being able to look up was very limited. I walk around the hotel a bit, and I open a door slowly, and I see that this much be the kitchen, or the dining area of the hotel. The floor was a black and white checkered floor.

      I think I saw a white microwave, those really big ones that huge a lot of energy, but heats things faster than the regular ones. I thought that I would be able to go inside of the kitchen/dining area, but then an alarm triggers.

      It sounded a lot like the alarm I was going to use to wake me up, and it made a strong beep and faded it, but it was still really loud. I look over and found the alarm, it was white, had a small black screen on top, and I saw some green numbers and/or font glowing. I call the lady, and she quickly comes, and I said that the alarm triggered.

      This moment felt weird to me, I felt like it was supposed to be my fault, but the lady didn't mind setting the alarm off at all. She does some weird motion with her hands pressing the buttons that was underneath the covering that moved downwards.

      She comes back to me,
      and that's all I remember.

      Making Albino Rats Float and Die (Non-lucid)


      So I'm on top of a black metal building, and I believe I'm with a male that's sitting down on the A/C fan. He's wearing a white shirt, dark pants, but I'm not sure if that's him or if this was just me looking at myself, and then shifting back into the perspective of the person sitting down.

      Anyway, I have in my hand an Albino Lab rat, cute little thing, too bad it's going to die. I get a very strong urge to see this thing eradicated. I forget hot it dies exactly, but I do know some kind of crushing was involved. After one rat is gone, I remember another one showing up on my hand, except this time, I'm making it float move my hand. It looks at me, and it's just as cute as the one before.

      I think some electricity surges out to my hand, and I probably killed the little guy right there, but I don't recall actual experiences of seeing it die.
      Apartment with No Bed (Non-lucid)


      I remember going up an elevator that was white, and I'm following some girl to the right of me. She looks familiar, but I'm not paying too much on how she looks like. The elevator finally reaches the destination, we both get out and turn to the right.

      She mentions that we're close to the room now, and I believe the levels in this floor was in the 400s. I look to my right, counting the rooms we're passing, and after 2-3 doors, she opens the door I'm supposed to go in, though I don't know why I need to go in. I believe she's wearing a white sweater that's faded a bit.

      I look down on the floor, and to my left, I see a gray carpet layer on top of the dark brown and shiny wood flooring. To the front of me was a window, it was closed, but it was the main thing that enticed me in this dream. It was so nice outside, calm, a few gray skies, and I would presume that it was fairly windy instead of it being hot as hell here in waking life.

      The girl disappears, probably went to the bathroom, but then again, everything was so enclosed, it's like this place would be perfect for those who want to have an efficient lifestyle with minimal distance to get to where they needed to go. There was a sink to the left of me as soon as you entered the room, I think, and the toilet was just a little bit further.

      I'm wondering where the hell is the bed in this place, and I assumed that the gray carpet layer was a spot where a previous bed was on top of before.

      I can't remember much after that.
      Jumping out of Windows (Non-lucid)


      This dream was a sudden rush, you either get out as quickly as possible, or die. I don't know what the hell is happening in this dream, but a random dream character in some kind of dark outfit tells me to come quickly and get near the window. I wonder why, but the moment I hear some noises in front of me, I could sense that a lot of entities would be coming it, so I take immediately catapult through the window.

      I believe this dream resets itself a few more times,
      that's all I remember.

      Updated 09-05-2012 at 04:22 PM by 47756

    2. Birds, Oneironaut Zero Cycling, Telekinesis, Runescape Video Recording, Drive, Tower, Video, House..

      by , 03-31-2012 at 05:27 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Birds, Oneironaut Zero Cycling, Telekinesis, Runescape Video Recording, Drive, Tower, Video, House (Non-lucid)


      Dream 1: Birds

      Outside was really bright and sunny, I was sitting somewhere, I think near a cut off tree stump that's in the middle of concrete. I don't know what I'm doing, but it's attracting birds to come close to me.

      Then for a while, I see a construction worker trying to park a really weird construction vehicle. It was one of normal ones you see that could pick and drop things like dirt, grass, etc. The construction worker is failing when he's trying to park the vehicle.

      He was going so fast that I heard the vehicle go, "REEEEE ROOOO REEEE ROOOOO!" each time he went in and out of the small area he tried to park into.

      He eventually gave up and carried the vehicle somewhere else. However, he rode it like a bicycle, it had pedals and everything, but its composition was so abstract that the lower region couldn't have supported the large torso of the construction machine.

      I put my attention back looking at the birds really close to me. It was the typical brown ones you see here in Texas, and they're literally looking at me, and it felt so nice to have them around me.

      They were either really brave to be near me, or maybe I had a positive energy that made them want to be around me. Then after getting into birds surrounding me, more come, and they're small gray birds.

      I could feel some on my shoulder, and one accidentally flew into my right ear. I could tell because I heard some echoing with my right ear. It kind of tickled, and I basically spend the rest of the dream being around birds.

      Dream 2: Oneironaut Zero Cycling

      Okay, this time, I knew this was O in this dream. There was this huge gray fence with the holes in between each link, and I'm riding my bicycle.

      I see a person, who looks Black, wearing a white vest and long white sports pants. There were red stripes going down vertically along the sides of the vest and the pants.

      I couldn't catch up to O, he was going way too fast with his bicycle, which had yellow on the metal I believe, kind of like the bicycle I saw him use recently in post pictures of your everyday life.

      I eventually went to spectator mode, and I'm seeing things from above so that everyone looks small from where I'm elevating. O is just going crazy around the corners....is it even possible to drift with a bicycle?!??!

      He does this for a few laps around this huge barrier fence, until he stops near the entrance to get into it. My consciousness and/or body shifts back to the surface.

      He said something along the lines of saying this was a great workout.

      Then there's a laptop near the both of us. I wanted to log in, but I had to go somewhere in the mean time, probably to use the restroom.

      But when I looked at the laptop, it seemed that I had saved information at the log-in screen, so I wouldn't have to type my password.

      I wanted to leave, but I was worried O would log in into my account, so I just stay near the laptop. xD

      Dream 3: Telekinesis

      I was in a fairly large room, with a good amount of people, mostly females, actually, I think all were females at the time. The environment, the floor was dark brown, and it had a shine to it, and the walls I believe were gray bricks, the kind that has been painted over to make it smooth.

      There were several purple light objects, it looked like plastic table cloth jumbled up, placed on the floor.

      I was practicing Telekinesis with it by making them elevate about 5 feet or so from the ground, flip them over, and then put them back down. I do this for a while, having a bit too much fun with it.

      Then I sit on the floor near some table and some mini brick ledge. There were females sitting on the other side of where I am, with their legs extending outward completely, resting on the wall.

      One was blonde, that's for sure, and she's talking to another female that I can't make a good description of. I decided to use Telekinesis on one of their backpacks.

      The backpack was white I believe, with brown handles, but it had a slightly dark color to it, probably from small dust and it being on the floor.

      I moved it up a few feet from the ground, just like I did with the light purple objects, and I think the girl gets annoyed that I'm doing this a few times.

      I stop, and there's this girl next to me. She's petite in size, really beautiful girl. Her cheeks had this glow to them, maybe it was the make up.

      She had long black or brown hair, along with wearing a gray hoodie I believe, not to sure on that, but she was concealing most of her top region.

      She was talking to me about something, then told me,

      "Your handsome."

      It takes a while for me to try and respond because it came so suddenly, then I declared,

      "Thank you," and smiled at her. I noticed that when I said that, I was laying prone on my side, use my arm to support my head.

      Then we went back to another conversation, I believe we were talking about dissections. She later tells me that she never did a dissection in class before.

      I asked her, "You never did a dissection!?!?!?" and I look at her for a while, still surprised from this. She told me that she didn't want to overload herself with hard classes.

      I responded saying that I took a lot of AP and Pre-AP courses in High School during one semester that I can't remember I told her, probably my senior year, where I only had one regular class.

      I can't remember much after saying that, maybe seeing a person who is near us standing up talking with someone else, I'm not sure.

      Dream 4: Runescape Video Recording

      Apparently, I'm recording, or watching a recorded video of someone in Proselyte armor, Helm of Neitiznot, the old Dragonfire Shield design, dragon boots, whip, and even had a pair of dragon claws in their inventory as well.

      They were picking up some items in an area that had a turquoise setting it, maybe it was the Ancient Caverns. The video was running smoothly, didn't see any kind of static or lag from it.

      Woke up from those set of dreams for a WBTB, wanted to meet Melanieb in a dream, but that failed.

      Dream 5: Late Night Drive

      I'm driving on the slow lane in a car late at night, don't know why I didn't RC, because I only drove a car once in my life.

      Dream 6: Underwater Clock Tower?

      I remember having to swim underwater to fix some gears with a clock tower. It was pretty dark when I reached the gears room. Everything is flooded, so it makes things even harder because to relocate one gear meant putting more force.

      I get near some of the gears, and had to attach something for it to connect, some kind of magnetic object.

      The dream shifts to where I'm talking with some people, but I can't remember who, all I know is that I was in a dark blue pseudo space dimension.

      Dream 7: Facebook Video

      I posted a video as a comment on a person's status to add some humor to something, but it ends up being some guy ramming fairly huge objects into a women's private parts.

      I think some person commented below me and had horrible spelling, but I can't remember what he typed exactly, but I knew it wasn't a good response towards the video I posted.

      Dream 8: Searching Around House???

      I can't remember this one too clearly, but I was in a house looking for something. I was with somebody, but I can't remember their facial or body composition.

      Updated 03-31-2012 at 06:35 PM by 47756
