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    Linkzelda's Dream Journal

    1. Gunfight, Infection, Herbs, Lucid Sex Attempt Fail, Take out, Getting a Job, and Airport Brochures

      by , 07-11-2012 at 04:39 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Gunfight and Fashion Assassination? (Non-lucid)


      I took two tablets of Halls Cherry Cough Drops, each containing 9.8 mg of Menthol. I woke up with an erection, so I guess that's because I had a REM cycle or something like that. I doubt it was the Menthol though.

      I can't remember any romantic or sexual dreams unfortunately, and I believe I slept for 3-5 hours. I slept around 1-3 AM, and woke up around 6:30 AM-6:45 AM Canada time. (So one hour ahead compared to Texas time).

      I'm sucking on two more tablets because I'm going to attempt an WBTB, each 9.8 mg of Menthol as well.

      In case anyone is wondering why I remember so much, it's because I closed my eyes and tried not to think about daily life (though it still was on my mind a few times, but I guess I can get away with that by trying to keep up a daily draem journal that helped with recall tremendously....even though I'm still a newbie compared to some great people with amazing recall like Hyu, Melanieb, Kaomea, and such.

      The color of the atmosphere was orange, so the sun must be now setting at the time in the dream.

      I'm standing outside in a field, the whole dream is blurry, everything is a rush. I'm frantically trying to avoid men who have costumes like the common enemies that I forget the name of, but the outfit itself was the black version of it.

      It wasn't exactly like it, but it didhave some features of it. The grass was very high in this dream, it was a faded brown, and looked like wheat. It probably was as high as to reach my chest. While I'm escaping, I have moments where I'm walking backwards and shooting at random people in the same black outfits.

      I'm using an Assault Rifle on one enemy, and I feel like I'm not damaging him at all. For some reason, I feel as if I get some logic in and realize I have to aim the guy at the guy instead of just firing out of range.

      The gun sounds were diluated and slow, probably because some moments of gun fighting were literally in slow motion. This created augmented pitches of bullets being fired, and I believe I die a few times in the dreams, but had a dream resets each time.

      I finally reach a dead end, and I quickly turn around, things get a little faster, but not too fast, normal-paced now. I see a black helicopter coming in my direction, and I feel like the person inside is trying to shoot me. I quickly aim my guy and the window, but I couldn't see anything beyond that.

      Then I did something crazy, I literally zoomed in to the window naturally. I don't know if it's because I'm still feeling the adrenaline from having to avoid and kill some enemies, random luck, or just a natural skill I never paid attention to.

      The insides of the window of the helicopter went from blurry to crystal clear. Things went in slow motion again as I'm preparing to shoot the man in the helicopter with my new zoomed in HD vision skill. I think the helicopter crashes, but it doesn't explode or anything, it just grazes the ground hard and is probably stopped by a wall.

      The dream shifts to where there are several men and myself inside of what seems to be like an old-fashioned garage. Things still feel sketchy for me at the time. I have a feeling I have to start shooting these men before they shoot me.

      There's a man looking in front of me, he has brown hair, looks like he's in his late 30s, early 40s. He's wearing a jacket, probably gray or a faded swampish green one that does all the way down his ankles or knees I believe. He's wearing some bland shirt and pants as well.

      I presume they were gray too, his visage is what I remember better, since I am aiming my gun at it.

      Back to his face for a moment, it felt animated, like a Oblivion/Skyrim-esque type of animation to it. I believe he had brunette hair, or a very dark red hair, and his facial composition was wide and cheeky.

      He was probably chubby based on his facial composition, but the jacket and everything gearing my attention towards his head instead made it difficult to analyze more before I shot him.

      As I'm getting ready to shoot him, he opens his eyes in shock, and I believe he says something like,

      "No.....he can't do that!!!"

      Too late. Bullet pierced right into his forhead. There's probably a 2-3 second delay time for me to collect my thoughts, and for the other men around us to react to this as well.

      I feel there's a dream reset here, because the man I shot in the head was in front of me again. Maybe I was shot somewhere after shooting him the first time.

      I aim my gun again, but this time it's a slightly different weapon. It's a semi-automatic I believe, and I aim for the guy's head again. Same reaction he gives me, and he dies.

      I don't see his head being splattered on the floor, just a bullet wound that gets pierced into his head deeply again. I believe the dream resets again at some point, but I'll just skip those because it'll just lead to confusion on the recall.

      After I kill the same guy in front of me, I believe I shoot the other one to the right in front of me as well after he heard the gunshot. There's one guy on the left of me, and I threw a cold water bottle at him as a distraction.

      I see that there's an open entrance to some random room within the garage, and as I'm getting ready to get out of there before things get sporadic, I lied to the man and said there's a bomb inside of it.

      I don't really wait to hear his reaction, but seeing as a lied, no explosion happened.

      This part gets weird, I'm in the mental conflict of whether or not I've shapeshifted (dang it Alyzarin!!!) or if I'm inside the body of someone else other than myself, or if I'm watching someone move around.

      The girl that I feel I'm the embodiment of looks a lot like Azula from the Avatar. She has the agility like Tai Lee, but then again, Azula herself is in a completely different league than Tai Lee with her tact and all that.

      I honestly believe I'm Azula right now, and this is still occurring in the same dream too. I'm trying to run away from whoever it is that's chasing me. I don't look back at all, and I have to move around these really small gaps that would require someone with a petite structure to even wiggle through fast enough.

      And Azula's body is the perfect match.
      I find it weird that I would take on a female persona....hmm, don't mind at all.

      There's definitely someone chasing me, and the person is a female as well. But now I'm confused on whether or not it's Tai Lee from Avatar: The Last Airbender, or another person taking on the visage of Azula.

      Both of us are wearing the red outfits in the episode of Avatar where Zuko, Azula, Tai Lee, and Mai were at beach for a temporary vacation while Ozai made plans for his world domnition thing.

      I'm moving around, and I feel very flexible and sexy in Azula's body. All the walls are gray, and the flooring is tiled and has either a very light gray or white color with a faded hint of gray.

      Sorry if I'm getting to specific with simple things like that, but I need to start paying attention to things like this more.

      I'm really high above the ground, and I'm going around corners in this really narrow route I'm taking. It feels like I'm in a maze or something, since I'm constantly going left and right, and having to go back to a certain location to create a mental map of where to go next. There's some areas high off the ground to walk and brace my back against to carefully sidle to the side to here and there during my escape.

      But I couldn't just stand there, or rather, have my legs on the sides of the wall to keep myself high off the ground for too long, because the same girl in the red outfit following me has tentacles as arms. These tentacles with really huge suction cups have a light pink color to it on the bottom.

      As for the top section of the tentacles, it was probably dark violet, or a very dark shade of pink. She extends her tentacles to my feet, very smart thinking there, and I believe I try to spread my arms out and hold on to the sides of the walls with my hands.

      I don't really feel a grip from the tentacles, I feel like I've shifted consciousness to where I'm just a spectator, and the body of mine manages to do some tricky moving to get her feet from the girl's tight grip with her tentacles.

      My consciousness is shifted back into Azula's body, and there's finally some surface to walk on, and I believe the female with the tentacle arms is gone now. I see the body that I'm in from a different perspective, and Azula slowly elevates her body upward from being on the ground after trying to get loose from the lady's grip. Then I'm back in a first person view again, and I see some kind of red dress in the center about 10 feet away from me.

      To the left of it had some black text on the wall or like the stands where a first place winner would be at the center and higher than 2nd and 3rd place being on the sides.

      Anyway, the words were "First .........." something something. I get a feeling that this is some kind of fashion company brand of clothing in front of me.
      I start formulating that the lady with the tentacles was trying to assassinate me for some reason when I woke up to recall this dream.

      DAMN IT! I know I remembered what was the rest of the fashion name brand when I woke up, but it started to fade away too quiickly...ugh......

      Something tells me that this was associated with someone I know here on DV....maybe someone is the daughter of some CEO of a prominent fashion company?

      Hmmmm, and the color of the red dress being the only set of clothes standing out in the middle reminds me a lot of Kaomea for some reason. But it's probably just all silly stuff, and maybe it's because I was glancing at Soap Operas like the Bold and the Beautiful and the Young and the Restless hours during the afternoon.

      Hm....I wouldn't think Kaomea is the daughter of said CEO, so I guess I'll just put this dream as random since I don't like interpreting non-lucids anyway.

      Wrist Infection (Non-lucid)


      I'm sitting down with a group of people, probably all females, and the place is kind of darker than it should be if we'er in a classroom. I can't really pick out distinguishing features of people's visage, but I do notice my father is coming from the back.

      He goes up to a random girl that's two seats away from me. He's wearing a grey vest, and he has some hair under his pits. He's sweating a lot, and he has his glasses on.

      He's telling her about something on her wrist that she has, probably looks like an infection because there's slightly bigger bump on it. My father disappears, and then the dream shifts to where I see pictures of what I assumed to be the same girl. She was overweight, and I'm not sure if her face was like a mole or something.

      I'm sorry, but she wasn't attractive to look at in the first place.

      Most of the pictures involved her being in a forest, and her hair was dirty blonde as well. I would say her age was around mid to late 30s.

      She mostly wore a big white shirt, probably to conceal unwanted creases of her stomach from showing, and wore black sports long pants.

      Chopped up Herbs? (Non-lucid)


      Someone helps me chop up some herbs. The dream itself had a Runescape-esque kind of setting to it, but it still was a realistic setting for me.

      It feels like I'm walking around a house made of wood, and it's very fancy too.
      Lucid Sex Attempt Fail (DILD)


      I took another 2 tablets of the Halls Cough drop, so that's another 19.6 mg before the WBTB.

      I don't know how I do it, but something makes me do a nose plug reality check. I was able to breath through, and I had a "wtf" moment when I did realize I was dreaming.

      I think I was trying to call out someone's name before I was lucid. The room that I'm in is very bright and has white walls and floors all over. Things are a little blurry, but as soon as I rub my hands a bit, things become vivid now.

      For some reason, as I'm headed to exit through a door, my thoughts were,

      "Eva's Bedroom"

      "Eva's Bedroom"

      "Eva's Bedroom"

      "Eva's Bedroom"

      I kept doing this affirmation until I finally opened the door.

      No fucking bedroom, but I do get a garden. It's nice and green, bright and sunny.....DON'T FREAKING TELL ME I'M HAVING A HAPPY DREAM LIKE KAOMEA IS.



      Dream fades before I could decide to do anything else. I feel your pain Kaomea. This really sucks! I think I really was on the verge of a happy dream.

      Oh, and as I was waking up, I felt myself on the edge of the bed I'm sleeping on, literally. I convinced myself without thinking to not worry about it, and my body had this urge to just go ahead and lean over, but I knew I would hit the ground, I would most likely fall straight head first in waking life.

      But I think this was a false awakening, and I do a nose plug reality check.....but I think this was somewhere between the dream above, because the lucidity was very short, obviously because I was too damn horny to find a bedroom.


      Oh well, still have 5 Cherry flavored Halls tablets, and two more packs with 9 in each, so maybe better results tonight. n_n

      Ordering Take Out (Non-lucid)


      I think I'm driving some kind of vehicle, and my mother is to the left of me. I go to where you have to pay first when you made your order. You have to pay in quarters, and the paying medium itself sucks.

      It's this close from falling off, and when I do insert a few coins, the slot was in the wrong position, so the quarters were not recognized in the little screen that showed the price in increments each time you put a quarter or whatever small change inside.

      I grab the coins out of the awkward spot, and put them inside the right place, and it starts recognizing everything.

      I forget what I ordered though.
      Getting a Job (Non-lucid)


      I go up to another slot machine, and I wanted to book in confirming that I arrived at the place on time. It said "10:9" or something like that, and I assumed it meant I worked from 10 AM to 9 PM.

      But when I looked at my white card with various times on it, it said "9:9." I try to find someone to ask if there's some kind of mistake, and a person finally explains to me what it means, but it still doesn't explain the abnormality. Then I see some short man wearing glasses, a gray suit, a light gray dress shirt underneath, and some long black corporate office style pants.

      He looks Indian based on his skin tone, but he has a classic American accent. He elevates his nose and mouth a bit, and I just know he's going to be pissed off. He asks us with a slightly elevated tone on what we're doing here just standing.

      Obviously this guy is our boss, and I politely respond to him that I wanted to make sure the amount of hours I'm working is right. He goes back to a normal tone and realizes the situation I'm in. I eventually asked him if I can work part time.

      I think he's skeptical at first, but he smiles and says that I can. But I don't think he understood what I requested. I didn't mean part time just for the weekends. I mean part time for everything, and not full time for the week or anything like that.


      Glad that was just a dream.
      Airport Brochures? (Non-lucid)


      Bleh, don't really care much about this dream. I'm inside a building, with white tile flooring. The walls are made of glass, and I think there are some fancy stuff hanging on top, but I'm too busy looking at someone to get the details of what's above.

      The girl looks like someone I know in waking life, let's call her Am.

      "Am" apparently did something bad in college, don't know the exact reason, but her mother looks ashamed of her. "Am" has to go to the airport to hand out airport brochures, something like that.

      Too lazy to tell the rest.

      Updated 07-11-2012 at 05:36 PM by 47756

      lucid , non-lucid