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    1. Morning Scare

      by , 01-11-2015 at 08:52 PM
      I woke up at around 6 AM this morning after grabbing a drink of water from the kitchen(best time for me to induce WILDs). I went back to sleep after feeling a bit tired and had a short dream. I'm not sure what I was doing in it. I can almost remember what some scenes looked like but only one scene caught my attention.

      I was inside to small office apartment. I walked around the lobby which consisted of a big plain open space in the middle with a few desks and computers right next to the walls. I was standing in front of the direction of two door way, and within them I only two closed closets. I stood there for a moment until I took a set of sleeping pills and slowly started to collapse to the floor as I gazed at the handful of pills I had in my hands. That's when the dream started to fade away.

      Seconds after that happened, I woke up in my own bed, or at least it felt like I did. It took me a couple seconds to realize that I couldn't rise my chest up. I thought of two reasons this could be happened...1. I was really tired or 2. I was stuck in sleep paralysis. The answer is obvious.

      I started to panic, not knowing what could be within the room. I wanted to get up quickly, using the shoulders of my bed to help me get out of this paralyzed position. I yelled out in fear with both my eyes closed as I struggled getting up. I wasn't sure what to do until I recalled one of the ways I could use to help me maintain my sanity.

      Because this felt a lot like a dream, I wanted to summon someone quickly to help me change the dream scene. I yelled out random names of girls I admired in the past and in the present.

      "Trinh!!!" I yelled out, "Sophie!!!" I was yelling a few others but I tried to recall that one person I really wanted to summon, but had trouble doing so. Once I found out who it was I yelled it out. "Syd!!!"

      None of them wanted to appear. That's when the most creepiest moment happened. I opened my eyes slightly and noticed something moving over my right shoulder. It was a ghost. I continued to yell out and once it finally seemed that I leaped up out of the bed, I heard a little girl's voice, giggling. I'm not sure whether she was next to me or inside my head. The dream ended there.
    2. A Gateway to Death

      by , 10-05-2013 at 11:46 PM
      I'm just outside the front gate in front of my home. I'm going inside one of the families' cars and going to be waiting for the rest of my family to get inside. It's going to take them a while for all of them to get in.

      I waited a bit longer but they still didn't show up. I then decided to start the car up making it easier for us to ride on the road already. Suddenly, something happens. A few seconds after I turn the car on, the car began moving. It moved in reverse for a few seconds and the mirrors on the front seat passenger's side was torn apart by a nearby wall. I was in trouble.

      I immediately took control of the wheel to try and get the car to stop. Unfortunately for me I have a tendency to afraid of being insides cars in dreams. The car begins to take off by itself. I begin to worry, but still, I must make sure I do not crash as bad as I did before.

      The car begins to ride itself down the road and I begin to panic. I have always been afraid of being left alone in a car in dreams. While inside this moving car, its speed begins to increase. There were a few cars coming my way but I tried my best to get out of their way. I hit a few other obstacles on the way such as trashcans.

      I eventually found out this wasn't real but I was not fully lucid. I then began to think. There's a good chance that I may die now and if that's a possibility, I'm going to make sure I crash in to Trinh's home.

      The car begins to go as fast as it can and eventually I knew I was going to die soon. I felt a sense of adrenaline and excitement, almost as if I wasn't afraid to die. I was soon able to see Trinh's house. Before the car could reach the home, I closed my eyes and began to think it was a mistake. I wanted to wake up, and so I did.
      lucid , non-lucid
    3. A Parallel Universe

      by , 10-01-2013 at 06:06 PM
      My love for lucid dreaming is strong as I cope with the loss of a friend, but I cannot stand seeing their home inside the dream and wanting to be able to do what I never did with them in person whenever I would walk her to school.

      It's happening on this street I currently live in. It's not a long street, as a matter of fact, it could take me about 10 minutes to walk across it in reality. It isn't like that in dreams. In dreams, the time it takes to walk down across this street is determined by how many memories I have within it, I assume. My father is driving me down this street in this blue car. He is going to take me near the other side of this street. As he does, I notice a few elements on the way.

      On our way down I saw one of my friends' home. Her name was Trinh. Me and Trinh lived on this same street(a little funny because she is the friend of the girl who I tried apologizing to for a year). Unlike her real home, which was a little bit trashy(okay, a lot trashy), this home is as clean as a rich, suburban home. But I'm still not convinced that this may be a dream.

      As we're driving on to the next houses, I see Trinh's house again. This made me to believe that I am in fact in a dream. After that my father turned at a corner and that was basically it for this scene. My dream was beginning to fade when I kept on emphasizing to my mind that I AM in a lucid dream.
    4. Good Old Friends

      by , 03-21-2013 at 02:50 AM
      I think I've seen this place before. There's a lot of posters and accessories in this room that looked to have belonged to a girl. There's nothing interesting in the room. The only interesting thing I saw was someone I had seen before on one of the television shows I watched. She keeps changing from body to body.

      I cannot recall much from the whole dream. After leaving the room I was first in, I was outside walking in the rain while following a group of kids through abandoned buildings somewhere around the village. Most of these buildings were burnt out, so there wasn't really too much to explain right now.

      This next part I met a friend standing on a parking lot next to a few homes. There is a group of other people standing next to her. I walk up to Trinh and ask her a question. She didn't give me a good answer. I got a bad vibe from her, but I'm still not sure if she hated me at that moment. Me and everyone else who were following me now went separate ways. I walked in to one of the buildings next to the parking lot and rain was then stopped.

      In the next home I entered I only saw one of my Aunts and she was waiting for someone in the house to walk outside and go some place with her. I was standing on the stairs, listening. It was a pretty calm night.
    5. Just the Way You Are

      by , 01-04-2013 at 09:26 PM
      The time is late in the afternoon, walking under the cold rain. My parents are walking with me. We're walking towards a toy store in front of the parking lot as I struggle making my way through the parking lot. I feel some sort of weakness. I don't know why but my feet are half paralyzed, so it's going to take a really long time to walk to the toy store.

      My parents are already there. "Keep walking!", I said to them. I made my way under a parking lot light pole and stood here for a while. I'm taking a rest here. It's such a really good feeling I have here right now. No one is bothering me which makes it even better!

      It seems pretty calm. I see a few cars pass me by and there's a school I see in front of me. There's someone in the crowd. She looks a lot like Trinh. She's wearing a red/white jacket and blue pants. I'm positive it's her! I'm going to walk up to her and get a better look.

      It is her! It's Trinh! It's really Trinh! She looks exactly the same way she does in the waking world! I haven't had this great feeling ever since I first saw Quynh in a dream! I can't believe this non lucid helped me find out the way Trinh really looks!

      I walked up to her and hugged her and gave her all the love she can get(not too far). I see her face and automatically believe this is all a dream. I will never have her in the waking world, friend or girlfriend, so I know her just standing her is all just a dream.

      I'm kissing the this girl and as she kisses me back, she makes those funny lip kissing sounds. Her lips feel nice as well. Nothing about her feels strange at this moment. And even though she wasn't the first girl I fell in love with, she is still more admirable than the first, and not so much like a bitch.
    6. Friends Yet Again

      by , 12-29-2012 at 04:54 AM
      I started out at a party somewhere in the dream. I cannot recall the faces of strangers, only close friends. The room gave off a noisy feeling as I walked around the ball room. There were a few family members who met up with me near one of the tables. It was at this moment where I felt a very small bit of lucidity. I saw my little niece Alyssa running up to me in a white dress. I felt happy to see her here!

      There was another dream I explored later on. In this next dream, I felt very lucid! Here is how it went...

      I started out in a neighborhood I recently visited inside one of my previous dreams. This place I was in, it was on a long, narrow street. I was lucid as soon as I stepped on to the road, but I can't remember how I got on it. There was a house in front of me. In front of this house, there was a tall man. My job was to kill him and make sure he doesn't kill me. I walked up to a car in front of the home and stood there waiting for a good shot. I saw the man walking down the porch of the house. I extended my hand in front of me and imagined there to be some kind of a special power within it. I pointed this imaginary gun towards the man and started shooting. The man fired back but never hit me once, his bullets only ricochet off the car.

      As soon as I killed this man, I felt in control enough to try and summon someone. This times I wasn't going to summon Quynh though. I summoned someone better. I walked back on to the road, extended my right hand towards my back and yelled out, "Come here, Trinh!" At first, I failed, but next time, I summoned someone. I turned around to look at her face, but it wasn't her. She didn't look anything like Trinh. I thought it could of been probably because I imagined her appearance from a recent Facebook picture of her.

      The third time I tried, I done something differently, and please don't take offense in what I'm going to write because I love these people! I turned back around and immediately imagined her and the way her eyes looked, beautiful Asian eyes. I extended my arm back again and yelled, "Come here, Trinh!" I turned around and saw the way I imagined her! There was something else wrong though. She did have the eyes but her mouth and teeth looked like that of a horse's mouth. I was still happy it worked though. And although it wasn't Quynh, I couldn't wait to try again next time, or probably something different. Hopefully...
    7. Old Friends Come Back

      by , 12-15-2012 at 08:31 PM
      I'm somewhere in the same city I grew up in when I was a kid. I was no where near my home but I was somewhere near a friend's house. Her name was Trinh. I've only seen her face in a few dreams before. I felt like I've been here before. This place looks a lot like a dream where I once became lucid by noticing the no need to catch my breath after a long run.

      At first, it made no sense to me what I was doing here. I wasn't here for long. I got teleported back to my old home in the same city. I don't remember much from being in the house once I teleported but, I do remember the time walking outside.

      I was hanging around outside waiting for Trinh, me and her are going to walk together back to her home. I was in this area for a while until someone finally decided to show up in front of our house. The people who arrived were a few of Trinh's friends, and her. They came in a car. I fell to the ground once I saw them. I'm not sure why. I laid with my face towards the ground, looking at them. I saw everyone come out of the car and walk straight towards the house in the neighbors house. I saw Trinh walk in as well. I assumed she didn't want to go walking with me anymore. I didn't know what to do. It felt as if I was of no importance to her.

      I got back up from the ground and walk over to my right, the garden. From there, I thought of another idea. Perhaps Quynh would like someone to walk with. After all, she is going to walk down this street in a couple of minutes. I noticed that my relationship in these types of dreams, Quynh was always my friend, never a stranger. I never did take a walk with her. I woke up instead.
    8. Finished

      by , 09-27-2012 at 03:34 PM
      I'm back at home, wandering around the yard. It was a dark time with an atmosphere so creepy I didn't dare to see what was outside the borders of my home. I felt like I had this dream before. I can remember feeling trapped and the only way out was to kill the enemy. But this time, I had no idea of my enemies' location. Instead, there was a friend with me. Her name was Trinh. The old side of her, not when she started showing hate towards me. We were both roaming the side of the house, deciding how we're gonna end each others' memories. Our memories were hidden inside an Enderchest. It was a sad moment for the both of us. I watched as Trinh destroyed our memories inside the chest. She cried for a bit after and then the dream was over.