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    1. 2013, September 21 Saturday; Dark shadows and Lego Island

      by , 09-21-2013 at 05:27 PM
      > For some reason construction workers and the color yellow come to mind, Possibly also hay and sand and a desert. The construction workers might just mean that I haven't thought of this dream very much prior to writing this.

      UPDATE: I think this referred to the next Fallout video game! I'm not sure how exactly but I'm certain!

      (I decided to leave the above text, As I wrote it at about 3:40 AM, There.)

      > Recalled Dream #2. This one all started after Mother came home and I'm not sure if I was already sleeping for a while or not but she came upstairs and I tried to sleep as well as I could once she turned the TV on and started watching Dark Shadows, The 60s TV show in the same room I was in. (These are awake parts.)

      I (Dreaming) saw a resting (Probably sleeping) vampire in a coffin with a disembodied brain to his right side and a tube going from the brain to his feet. A woman had walked in on him while this was happening and she screamed and I knew he woke and had a difficult time not draining her of all her blood; I thought of her offering him some of her blood by her arm and that may have transfered to the dream.

      I then fell asleep deeper and was in the laundry room and thought of a cat, I think. We've had stray cats around here in waking life. I then went out the back door of the laundry room and thought to make one sound a whole world or to meditate on one whole sound in the distance. Meanwhile an episode of the TV show must've ended because the Dark Shadows music popped up in my dream with water receding from an area where I saw someone in and this was like a video game; There were magical portals around him/me and Xbox 360 notifications at the top of the screen which didn't always show up (As I may have been going through menus or in and out of the dream?) that said that someone wanted to play with me. Someone had died and the portals showed up, One was green and one was purple and another was another color. The Xbox 360 controller was hot and I had to keep moving it to not be burned and then I went in the house in the laundry room and I knew Father would wonder if I was going to bed as it was late; I think he asked me if I was going to bed. Also, I knew in the dream that it was 3 AM when I had the dream though this part about knowing the time might have applied earlier.

      > ? As of 12:08 PM

      > Lego Island 1-Esque; I was looking at Lego island top-down as if I were playing Zelda or the first Sim City game and I was shooting Donuts to Nick and Pizzas to the Brickster. Giving donuts to Nick made him go faster, Giving Pizzas to the brickster made him go slower. Lego Island was a much bigger place and there were at least two hospitals though I think there were three or four or more; One was in the southeast corner and one was on the west side and this time the Brickster wasn't targeting every single building, As far as I know he was targeting the hospitals and police stations. I also had a budget for the donuts so I could only shoot so many donuts to Nick at a time before I had to wait. At one point on the east side of the island I thought of eating donuts while I shot some to Nick.
    2. 2013, August 26 (Thursday); Dreams of Vampire Rain and The Black Hole

      by , 08-26-2013 at 03:58 PM
      *Edit: The dream I had prior to this involved Johnny Bravo in the side-yard*

      > One of the first dreams I had that I recall on this night was of drawings of Vampire Rain followed by another dream. I had more dreams before then but they weren't in mind when I wrote this.

      Then, In the morning:

      > Bit about the air conditioner in Mother's bedroom having red knobs or red something on the interface. I think this means we just need to remove it.

      > Then, "The Black Hole" Bits - Vincent the android was in a lower section of the ship and was followed by STAR the robot who was pissed at the android and was going to blow him up with a blue explosive, But VINCENT gave him back his guns while accidentally picking some back up (As if it were a video game) and asking STAR to not blow him up when he kept picking the guns back up. STAR then went back up the blue vortex/beam/alien spaceship teleporter thing/whatever you call it. After that, VINCENT went into a room near the beam and saw someone there who resembled Dr. Fred from Maniac Mansion who sucked VINCENT into him somehow and used him while VINCENT argued with him and "Dr. Fred" said he was always in control of what happened on Dr. Reinhardt's ship and the mayor was dead, As he had to have him killed or something.

      Then, The Intelligent Heavy and Stupid Heavy (Fan-made Team Fortress 2 characters) were together and an explosion happened, Possibly while they were gathered by a sandwich. The Intelligent Heavy fell into "Dr Fred"'s place as an engineer and I didn't see what happened to him and the Stupid Heavy fell into an area near Dr. Reinhardt's and talked, I think, And someone (I think Dr. Reinhardt) said that he (the heavy) fell into his (The heavy's) pocket. The Heavy said something like "Oh-Oh! How do I get out?" As I thought of laughter, Possibly from people who would read this.
    3. 2009, Dec. 1 (Thursday): Ranch, Vampires, Werewolf following friend.

      by , 05-08-2013 at 03:51 AM
      What's in between the quotation marks is what I wrote shortly after having this dream.

      "Nov. 30 09 - Dec. 1 09*

      I can't remember all the parts of this one.

      Part 1... I remember being at a park, Or maybe it was a ranch. Anyway, There were lots of dead leaves and there were some fences and maybe a few trees. The only thing I seem to remember that happened there is a part about Reed's Ginger Ale.

      Part 2... In a basement, There were a few bits that were similar to The Sims 2 as in placing objects here and there. Then, I was in the basement and I turned a TV on to watch music videos with my dad. The Offspring's "Self Esteem" (** That's a Music video) Came on. There were two vampires in the other room, Or at least it is assumed there were because I only knew their coffins were in there. (I think they were Dracula and his wife from the movie "Love At First Bite")

      Part 3... It was like a top down video game like Zelda: A Link To The Past. A Werewolf, The Mona Lisa (An actual person version of the painting) And a friend of mine were there. As the Mona Lisa and my friend went into a cave there was green writing being written all over the "screen" by the werewolf, (** Even though he was walking into the cave) Who was also narrating his writing about the Mona Lisa. Then, The Werewolf went into the cave presumably to bite the Mona Lisa. Then the "Screen" Turned into a painting or something and I woke up to my alarm.

      More to follow.

      *I didn't fall asleep until after midnight."

      I saw the coffins from a view like I would've seen them in The Sims 2

      Updated 09-02-2013 at 01:09 AM by 61868
