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    Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles

    So, this is my new journal. (Ask me about a link to my old journal, from 2005 - 2010) Not much to say, that my original intro didn't say. I began lucid dreaming as a response to vivid nightmares, as a kid. Over the years, I learned how to wake myself up, when I knew I was having a nightmare, which later developed into a curious resolve to stay within the dreams, instead of trying to escape. Now I practice lucid dreaming and dream control regularly (or as regularly as my undisciplined ass can stick with it). Most of my lucid dreams are still spontaneous, but I have my fair share of successes with induction methods, when I apply myself. Lucid dreaming has become a beloved hobby of mine, both for adventure and because of my deep-seated interest in consciousness, psychology, and the human mind, in general. It also just happens to be a hell of a lot of fun.

    So...that's about it. I guess all that's left on the agenda is the ol' disclaimer:

    In short; by reading my dream journal, you are hereby in agreement to forfeit the right to use any
    information or situations, herein, against me...for any reason...under any circumstances...

    (After all, they are just dreams.)


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    Todd's (aka My Main Dude) Epic Waking Life Adventure / Blog


    1. 1/2/2016 - "Hallway to Haven"

      by , 01-04-2017 at 08:41 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream One
      "Hallway to Haven"

      I was walking through a tile and concrete hallway, metal doors and drawers lining the walls, with the feeling that someone(s) was following behind, searching for me. Eventually, while searching for somewhere to hide, I realized that I was dreaming. (Upon going to work, this afternoon, I recognized the hallway in my dream to be the parking garage hallway I normally do my reality checks in, when I'm entering or leaving the office.)

      The first thing I could think of to do, with my lucidity, was touch one of the concrete structures and ground myself into the dream. Then, I decided to try and change the scenery. Since I've had pretty good luck with creating and utilizing doorways, I turned to the wall and pulled open one of the panels, imagining that there would be some other, random scene within. I don't believe I waited to see if anything showed up, visually. I just moved my head in and 'dove' into the opening, focusing on the intention to simply 'be somewhere else.'

      My forward momentum turned into a headlong dive, and I immediately found myself flying over dark blue ocean in midday. I was moving at a high speed trying to keep myself above the surface of the water. I could sense the feeling of being over the ocean becoming more and more overwhelming, and the water, itself - already a strange and almost 'fake-looking' hue of opaque, navy blue - began to form long strands or tendrils, that rose up from the surface like tentacles as I flew just over it. The entire ocean looked a bit like ferrofluid, writhing and undulating beneath me, and it was starting to freak me out.

      I turned to find land, and saw a large landmass in the distance, completely surrounded by water. I flew closer and saw that it was a sort of plateau, with a raised center. The entirety of the surface was covered with lush, green jungle, leading up at a gentle incline - over what seemed like a few dozen square miles - to a central point in the center that housed some sort of large castle or fortress. The closer I got to the raised structure at the middle of the landmass, the more I could see that there was something flying about it, circling over the top of the building. A dragon.

      The moment I recognized this dragon for what it was, I got the feeling that there was something large coming up behind me - possibly flying, but that could have been moving through the water but standing tall enough to feel like it was breathing down my neck as I flew. Still flying to the island, now trying to escape what was behind me more than what was in front, I saw that all of the color from the jungle trees and tropical landscape was beginning to 'drain' down off of the mountainous incline upon which the building sat. All of the greens and purples, browns and reds that made up the jungle beneath me now began to run like dyed water, down to the ocean that surrounded the island. (It reminded me very much of the painted field from What Dreams May Come, but after someone would have thrown a glass of water on it.)

      I don't remember ever touching down on the island or making it to the building.

      Dream Fragment Two
      I was at someone's house, cooking. Standing in the kitchen, I spontaneously remembered that I was just lucid dreaming, a moment ago. I became lucid, again, and felt kind of stupid that I'd gone from lucid dreaming to spending a dream cooking. Before I could really think of anything else to do with my lucidity, I woke up.

      Updated 01-04-2017 at 09:59 AM by 2450

      lucid , memorable
    2. 12/08/2014 - "Social Slug"

      by , 12-30-2014 at 03:32 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "Social Slug"

      I was swimming in a lake or pond, and I could see a large, unfamiliar creature nearby. I couldn't get a good look, at first, but finally saw that it was a long-face creature that, aside from its exaggerated snout, looked like a big, green manatee with triangular, spinal protrusions on its back. It was very docile and social, swimming around idly and playing with everyone. Overall, it was about the size of a full-grown hippo; large enough to come from beneath someone and toss them in the air, playfull, and into the water. We were all having a great time with it. Over time, though, we could see it becoming more and more 'clingy'. It didn't want to let anyone swim away, or take their attention from it. It would follow as all relentlessly, until we managed to slip away.

      Later, still hanging out in a wooded / park area (it seemed like a campground or something), we did some level of research on this thing; on our phones, I believe, and saw that it was some kind of mutated sea slug or something. We eventually found another, smaller version of the slug. This one was much more lively, and running and from person to person and trying to get everyone to pet it. Then, even more surprisingly, the zippy little slug revealed that it had the ability to speak. I believed the thing to be alien (and I think, at one point, it told me it was, but I'm not sure on that one).

      We played with this little guy for a little while longer, and over the course of this time, the slug continued to talk about him and his kind - about how they grow to be such 'loving' creatures. I said the other slug was more "clingy" than "loving". This little one said that he was much different. And, for a moment, it seemed like he was. But..then it was time to leave.

      He began following us. We would look back and gesture and hint that it was time for us to be parting ways. He was having none of it, and would faithfully follow every step we took, continuing to banter on like our visit had just begun. Once we got to our canoe, though, his entire behavior change. He became manic and aggressive, demanding that was stay and starting to scamper around, enraged. By the time we got about a dozen feet from the dock, the slug shot into the air and then dive-bombed our canoe, bouncing around it like a ricocheting bullet and capsizing it, dumping us into the water.

      Finally, soaking wet and chest deep in this water, I realized that this was all a dream. Instead of swimming, I attempted to levitate myself out of the water, but the dream quickly unraveled, here, and I woke up.
    3. 10/14/2014 - "Pirate Punishment", Fragment

      by , 10-15-2014 at 08:11 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream One
      "Pirate Punishment"

      I was boarding a ship with others. It looked to be a cruise ship, but smaller than the large vessels that you would normally see leaving from the cape. I don't remember where we were going, but there were quite a few people on the boat.

      While out on the water, before even having gotten too far, our ship was attacked by 'pirates' (for lack of a better name). These guys were real bad news, and seemed as if they had just stepped out of the pages of a comic book. One of them was a dark-clad, helmeted, Darth Vader-looking s.o.b., and he was apparently the overlord of the group.

      The majority of us were down in the ship's hull. The bay door was open, and these goons were ordering us all to surrender to them, or they were going to blow us out of the water. Though there were only a handful of these assailants, we could see that they had the weaponry to take us all out (some of them having metaphysical powers, as well). There was no way we would be able to stop them.

      That's when I realized that I was dreaming.

      Despite having planned to use my lucidity for other things - and never being one to shy away from lucid combat - I allowed the storyline to conduct me and stepped out onto the open rear hatch, eager to turn the tables on these guys. I assured the rest of the people that things were going to be just fine, since "this was just a dream" and "no harm could come to any of [them], anyway!" With that, I levitated out from the wide mouth of the ship's bay door, hovering over the still water of the harbor and squaring up in a position to where I could better face our would-be captors.

      I don't remember too many details of the battle, but I was controlling my flight rather well, changing elevations over the water while evading the attacks from the group of baddies. A bit more action took place between me, the pirates and the passengers, but I don't recall much. Throughout the fight, there were a few times that I used telekinesis to sling my enemies in all directions, but the main thing I remember is facing off against one guy, in particular, that had a throwing knives or straight-razors, that he would throw at me. I don't remember if all of the pirates were able to fly, but I know this guy could. We had a good mid-air cat-and-mouse, and I kept flicking his projectiles away with TK, before they could reach me, guiding them with my hands outstretched, to mentally arc them around my body.

      Finally, unexpectedly, he pulled out a large meat-cleaver and chucked it at me. Still on a telekinesis roll, I waved the weapon off to one side, but then imagined it spinning around behind me, hooking around from my other side and launching back at its previous owner. In a state of shock, the other guy didn't seem to know what to do. It tore through one of this legs, opening an enormous gash in his thigh. When he grabbed his leg and yelled in horror, I knew he was done.

      With the still-spinning cleaver now hovering in the air, nearby, I turned to confront the rest of the invaders. Unfortunately, I don't remember anything passed this point.

      Fragment Two

      I was on a ranch, and about to be taught to ride my first bull, just after seeing a more experienced rider get dumped on his ass. They had smaller, tamer bulls for us amateurs to ride, and I got a good look at mine, through the rails in the fence, while making my way to the pen. Smaller or not, I was preparing for the worst, and wasn't feeling all too confident as I climbed on his back and began to strap myself in...

      All I remember.

      Updated 11-04-2014 at 10:48 PM by 2450

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. 10/13/2014 - Fragments

      by , 10-15-2014 at 07:18 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Unfortunately, my laptop is temporarily out of commission, so I don't have access to a few of my notes for the past week, but I'll get back to them. Here are the ones from Monday morning, though.

      Fragment One

      I was with a group of people, exploring a vast, underground cavern. It was maybe half the size of a football stadium / dome, and loomed over a massive body of water. At some point, I remember that we were hanging from the ceiling, though I can't remember how we got up there. I can only recall that we were trying not to fall in the water, due to the notion that there was something large and deadly living in it. (Possibly inspired by reading a dream of OpheliaBlue's that referenced huge, underwater beasts, recently).

      Fragment Two

      I was talking with an apparent 'girlfriend of a friend' (though I don't know who), about her "superstar" ex-boyfriend coming to town, soon, and her wanting to go to dinner with him and catch up, despite being in a relationship with my friend. (A topic of conversation, that came up, a couple of days ago.)

      Updated 11-04-2014 at 10:48 PM by 2450

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    5. 09/22/2014 - "Breakaway Beach", "What Pills?"

      by , 09-23-2014 at 05:54 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream One
      "Breakaway Beach"

      I was walking around on the beach, along the base of a cliff-side that approached the shoreline. With the left side of my body hugging the wall, I began to notice that the tide was steadily coming in, toward me. I started shifting my path to the left, getting pushed in toward the cliff by the water which came further and further up onto the beach with every subsequent wave. Eventually questioning just where I was, and how I got to this beach, I realized I was dreaming. I tried to think of what my goal was, once I became lucid. I knew there was something I was intent on doing, but couldn't quite put my finger on it, at the time.

      I was then distracted by the tide, which proved to be continuously rising, and I gradually started to climb up the side of the cliff as the water was now starting to flood the entire beach. The higher I climbed, the more the water level rose. It was soon breaking off large chunks of the cliff beneath me, causing me to scramble further, faster, toward the top. Looking down, I could see that I was a few dozen feet above sea level, but now I could see that not only had the tide come in, to cover the sand, but the clear, green-tinted waters of the shallow beach had turned almost black beneath me. This wasn't because the water, itself, had turned black, but because the shallow ground seemed to have completely dropped away, below the water, meaning that what once was a shallow beach in overwhelming tide, was now a deep, ocean trench. There was no hint of a ground beneath the surface. The water just stretched down into absolute nothingness.

      Getting really disconcerted by my situation, being on a cliff-side over all this open water (which is a situation that always makes me uncomfortable, even when lucid), and with the ominous way this dream was heading,
      I lost all lucidity and just kept trying to climb higher and away from this crazy ocean.

      Dream Two
      "What Pills?"

      I was camping with friends (my roommate, and his wife, I believe. We had all done some camping recently in waking life), and we had some swanky log cabin, which sat out in a clearing the center of the woods. Sometime during our trip, I was wandering around through the woods, eventually rounding my way back toward the cabin. On the way there, I looked down and found a clear, plastic bag on the forest floor. A few, dozen yards away, there was a service truck parked, facing me, which looked like it might belong to a ranger or worker or something. I could see that the driver had noticed me, but didn't explicitly seem to be paying much attention to me.

      Inside the bag, I could what I knew, immediately, were 3-4 pills of ecstacy (which I used to do, back in the day, but I know that this particular part in the dream was inspired by a story my roommate just told me, this past weekend). I discretely reached down and picked up the bag, balling it into my hand so as not to broadcast what it was I had just acquired. Nonchalantly, I set my hands in my pockets and continued off on my walk. When I passed the man in the truck, he watched me out of the corner of his eye. Then, when I had gone by a good ways, he started up his truck, turned around and began following me.

      The more he followed, the more nervous I got. Finally, before making it back to the cabin, I pulled out the pills from the bag and popped them all in my mouth, so that if the guy was a cop, I wouldn't get caught holding them, or seen tossing them. The guy pulled up and actually started heckling me, because he saw what I did, and he was joking about how fucked up I was about to be. I played dumb and told him that I didn't know what the hell he was talking about, then just continued off to the cabin. The guy turned around and left, seeing as how there was nothing he could have done at the time, even if he was a cop.

      When I got back to the cabin, having actually held the pills in my mouth, and not eaten them, I spit them all out. Since they hadn't completely dissolved, I believed I saved myself from having been too messed up, at a time when I hadn't even planned on taking them. The others and I enjoyed the rest of our time, and even had a fun sparring session, out in front of the cabin. There was a point where I was hanging from a wooden platform, by my hands, and I was using my feet to fight off the other two, blocking and pushing them with kicks and evasive footwork. I also remember letting go with one hand, and only hanging by the other, and using that free hand to aid in holding my own against my friends on the ground. We also played a game where we threw sponges at each other like shuriken. LOL. I dunno. It was weird...but fun!

    6. 01/13/2012 thru 01/22/2012 - 1) "Tatano", 2) "Indecent Proposal" [+ Fragments]

      by , 01-29-2012 at 10:04 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream Fragment One

      I had gone to a club with T, in Orlando, and we had taken some 'skates'. During the course of the night, I'd seen him about to get into a fight with some random, really tall, dude. They were in each others' faces, and apparently only seconds away from throwing hands. Attempting to intervene, I stepped between them, somewhat sliding them apart with my hands. Obviously upset with this, the tall guy reaches over and shoves me backward, forcefully, as if trying to knock me to the floor. I instinctively rebounded back at him with a lunging fist to his jaw, completely laying him out. In no time at all, I was being ushered outside by the police, and questioned about what happened. I don't remember much of the interrogation, but they ended up letting me go.

      Dream Two

      I was exploring a mine, or some other sort of underground cave, which was flooded with waist-deep water. A small ledge rimmed the outer edges of the chamber that I was in, along with a few friends of mine. The water was very murky and someone soon exclaimed there was something moving in the water. Shortly afterward, a surge of current came through this waterway, and some of us began to get swept away and toward a dark tunnel ahead. We were able to hang onto the wall, where the current was much weaker then in the center, and pull ourselves out of the water and onto the ledge.

      While we were sitting there on this leg - pretty much stuck, until the current subsided enough for us to make our way back out the way we came - we encountered another group of people coming (somehow) out of the cave that we were almost just swept into. They were of either Native or Latin American descent, and all carrying guns. Apparently, it was some kind of illegal faction or cartel. I also had a small pistol on my hip, but there were more of them than there were of us, and I figured drawing on them would probably be the worst mistake I could make. The leader of the group made some rambling threat to us about how "the Tatano Comes" for the people of our region, however, they didn't really go into detail about just what 'The Tatano' was. After holding us for a brief period, they let us go home. We were all terrified, though, because they had issued the threat not necessarily to us as individuals, but to all of the people in our community. They were extremely vague, though, so even though we knew that they were planning something, we didn't exactly know what. Once back in our community (apparently, we shared a neighborhood), we started theorizing what they meant by 'The Tatano Comes'. I couldn't figure out if they meant some kind of abominable monster or if 'The Tatano' was the name of their outfit, and they were going to raid our community with guns and whatnot.

      It turned out to be the latter. A short while after our encounter, the men had begun to invade our neighborhood. It was now the dead of winter (and was snowing heavily, even though I live in Florida), and I was now watching the dream from a disembodied perspective. I was watching a tiny Latina friend, from my earlier group (whom I believe is someone I know IRL, but am not sure), and she was dressed in a ninja dogi. My perspective followed her as she sneaked around through the night time snow flurries, using stealth to sneak up on the individual, occupying members of 'The Tatano', silently executing them, one by one.

      (Sometime during the day after this dream, I came to realize that this dream was directly influenced by a mission that I'd played on Skyrim, before bed. I'd tried to incubate a Skyrim related dream, while playing, and didn't even recognize the similarities, because of how well-hidden they were. In the game, I had to break into a cave belonging to a group of bandits, who wore primitive, Native American-esque outfits. The cave was slightly filled with water. There was a lot of tension building up, while I made my way into and through the cave, stealthily taking down as many opponents, individually, as I could. The apparent 'boss' of these bandits was a female, which might be the reason why I found the tiny female in my group to be such a prominent character.)

      Dream Fragment Three
      (This entire dream was disembodied, though I only remember two very brief scenes.)
      I was watching Marty McFly (Back to the Future) test out a hoverboard in Doc Brown's garage/lab. I got the distinct impression that this was still the 1985 reality, and that the hover-board was either brought back from the future or built from the design of the one he had in the future (and then the past). There was some little kid hanging out in the garage, too, and he said something like "whoa! A hover-board!" and, even though I was just kind of observing this dream, passively, I remember wondering just how this kid from the '80s knew what a hover-board was.

      Later, Marty was at home with his girlfriend from the movie. She'd gotten around to telling him that she was pregnant and they were going to have a baby. They were both overjoyed with the whole thing, and began making love on the couch. Again, even though I was nothing but a spectator, I remember becoming a bit jealous at the amount of raw emotion and passion I was seeing in the scene.

      Dream Fragment

      (Unfortunately, I've pretty much lost all of the details to this dream. I had watched the movie The Immortals before going to bed, so the dream was heavily based upon that.)

      There was some epic, mythological battle going on, and I was entrusted by the Gods to wield Poseidon's trident. Of course, I was reluctant to take on the responsibility, but the deities (whomever they were) were convinced that I had it within me to succeed in destroying Earth's foes. The main thing that I can remember is a part in the battle where I was treading water in a seemingly bottomless ocean or harbor or something. There was an opponent coming up at me from the depths, and I kept firing shot after shot of golden light from Poseidon's trident, down toward my attacker. Every desperate shot pushed him/it further and further deeper into the water beneath me, as I just continued frantically blasting away from the surface. There was so much more that went on in this crazy, action-packed dream, but I really don't recall anything else.

      Dream Fragment

      (I successfully incubated a guitar-related dream, after a night of guitar practice.)
      The only thing I really remember was that I was teaching someone to play guitar, focusing mostly on fingering the fretboard. That's about it.

      Dream One
      "Indecent Proposal"

      I was in my old neighborhood, at the house my baby's mom and I used to share with her dad. It was late at night, and some unknown guy comes by. I happened to see him standing on the porch, through my bedroom window, and was wondering just wtf he was up to. When I went outside to question him, he told me that he was new to the area and thought that someone else lived here. We started talking for a moment and he told me that he'd been going around the neighborhood meeting people and had been set up to meet some girls in a nearby house, for some fun. He said that I seemed pretty cool, and he invited me to tag along. Apparently, my ex and I were still together, and I told him that I wouldn't be able to join him. He then smiled and asked if my girl was a freak, because I could just bring her along. Lol.

      Again, I respectfully declined and sent him on his way. After that, I remember having a brief conversation with my ex's dad, whom I was surprised to find was actually home at the time. Then, sometime later still, I was out on the porch again and saw that the guy I'd met earlier was coming back around in the direction of our house, with a girl on each arm. He noticed me standing around outside and, just as he was restating his offer for me to come hang out with them, I woke up.

      Dream Fragment Two
      I was with some friends and family, at some kind of massive protest downtown - like an OWS function or something. There was an insane crowd in the street. My mom was with us, and I think my friend JS was there. The more the night went on, the more volatile things were becoming, and we were beginning to fear that violence was going to erupt, any moment. Indeed, in one corner of the sea of people, a commotion started. The small scuffle led to a lot of pushing and shoving and angry words, in that region of the crowd. The last thing I remember is my group wading through a crowd of the potential rioters, in order to have some words with the more important figure heads of the event, and try to help them restore order.
    7. 12/27/2011 thru 01/09/2012 - 1) "Beachside", 2) "ET Eviction" [+Fragments]

      by , 01-29-2012 at 09:44 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Fragment One
      There was a huge war going on between the Autobots and Decepticons. I was Optimus Prime, and just going around and completely destroying all of the Decepticons in my path; ripping them apart with my blades and cannons. At one point, I was having an argument with one of the other Autobots about whether we should drive into battle, in our vehicle forms, or just run in on our robot legs.

      Dream Two:

      A had a white horse, which I was riding up and down Daytona Beach. After a while, I had gone into one of the larger hotels and was riding the horse all through the building, while people tried to dodge out of our path. At one point, I remember dismounting the horse and was petting it, then it dropped down onto its back and 'offered' its stomach to me, like a dog waiting to have his belly rubbed, which I did.

      Later, back out on the beach, I was 'bodysurfing' on some of the waves. I remember catching one that seemed endless, and pushed me back toward the shore, for what seemed like a half mile. I achieved a very low level of lucidity around here, and I began to wonder if being out in the ocean was going to make my subconscious manifest any nightmare creatures. I kept bodysurfing, but was getting increasingly worried about that, so I ended up making my way back to dry land. While walking around the beach, I spotted a gorgeous girl, sitting on a wooden deck about 20 yards from me. Having thought back to the conversation I'd been having the other day about using lucid dreaming as an arena to practice social activity, I began making my way across the sand, to talk to this girl, which isn't usually something I'd just up and do. The walk in her direction seemed to take forever. In fact, it seem that, the more I walked, the more I was just really not getting anywhere. It was like the ground was stretching as I was walking across it.

      I don't actually remember making it over to her, before waking up.

      I was with a group of people that were breaking into someone's house. (I believe I was younger, in this dream.) There was really no reason we were breaking in. It was just an empty house, at the time. Later, the owner of the house - who was supposed to be gone longer than he was - came home. We all tried to bolt, but some of us couldn't get out fo the house in time, and had to hide. One kid was caught, and was getting interrogated by the house owner, so he ended up telling where some of the rest of us were hiding. Just I was about to be discovered I became lucid. Knowing it was just a dream, I decided to save the guy the trouble of coming to look for me, and I just walked out of my hiding spot to give him an explanation of what was going on.

      That's all I remember.

      "ET Eviction"

      I was practically at War with this little, red, alien thing that had found its way into my house. It was a thin little red tube of something - kind of like a parasitic worm or something - that was really thin and about 8 inches long. On top of that, it could stretch to a much greater length and had a tooth-filled mouth on one end. With its malleable, stretchable body, this thing could fit through the smallest cracks and hold onto most surfaces, no matter how hard I pulled on it, because all it would do is stretch like elastic. Sometimes, I would try to shove it out a door, and then it would squeeze itself back in through the cracks in the doorframe. Or, if it was holding onto something and refusing to budge, I would pull and pull - stretching it out to about 5 feet or so, and then it would 'snap' back onto my hands and wrap itself around my wrists, like a child holding onto your leg to keep from being made to leave your side. Sometimes, I would get it way out into the field outside my old house, and throw it at the ground, and then I would haul-ass back to my house and try to close the door, only to have it somehow arrive at the same time and we'd continue our struggle again.

      Finally, after what seemed like dozens of minutes of work, I was able to get the thing out of the house, again. It was latched onto my wrists and just biting the shit out of my hands. I was trying to take it even further than I had before, but I woke up before I was able to get it unlatched from my hands.

      My friend and ex-g/f MJ was telling her present b/f lies about me, to justify our hanging out together. She had been telling them that I was now gay or had HIV or something, in order to convince him that we weren't sleeping together when we were hanging out and he wasn't around (which we haven't been). I'd found out about this, though, and became really upset that she took to lying about it instead of just telling him straight up that I was still her best friend and we will still be hanging out, even though we're both straight (which is the actual situation now). I confronted her about it and she got irrationally crazy about the fact that I was even bringing it up, and she stormed off.

      All I can remember is that this was a short fragment about having an extremely badass bicycle, which was something of a cross between a touring bike and a mountain bike. I was riding toward MJ's house, who apparently lived in Longwood, in this dream, though she doesn't in real life. I really don't remember very much at all, though.

      I was in an apartment complex and getting attacked by a porcupine. It ran out of the bushes and I got its quills stuck in my foot - straight through my shoes. Dropped to the ground, from the pain, I crawled my way away from this advancing porcupine, dragging myself up the nearby stairs, which the porcupine was not able to climb. Once at the top of the stairway, I began pulling all of these twelve (or so) inch quills out of my feet. It was excruciating. (It was a lot like the old Freddy Kruger dream I'd had, years back, where I was pulling the long nails out of my gums, but this was in my feet.) The last thing I can remember is the few agonizing minutes I had, trying to get the barbs from out of my feet and toes.

      Dream Fragment Two
      My best friend was leaving for Australia again (which he is), and we just spent the whole dream hanging out with each other and enjoying each other's company before he ships off again.

      Getting to 3rd base with TW, an ex-co-worker of mine who extremely attractive. There were a bunch of people in my house, who kept interrupting us, every time things would start to heat up between her and I. One of those people happened to be my baby's momma.

      It was the middle of the night, and there were three Hagravens in my house. (Been playing a lot of Skyrim lately.) The only thing I really remember is running into my room and trying to slam the door behind me. The trio got caught in the door frame and I had to keep pushing and slamming my shoulder against the door to beat them back. I was also trying to take care of them as quietly as possible, because my daughter was asleep in the next room and - Hagravens or not - I was really trying not to wake her up. After a short scuffle over the doorway, they were finally able to bust into my room. I woke up as soon as they smashed the dooframe in.
    8. 12/11/2011 thru 12/13/2011 - 1) "Make-Shift Assassin", 2) "Losing My Best Friend", Fragments

      by , 01-29-2012 at 09:26 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream Fragment One

      I was lucid, from my earliest memory of this dream, riding down the highway in a ridiculously fast sports car. I was in the passenger seat, and my cute Puerto Rican friend AR was sitting on my lap, while her friend was driving. AR and I began to fool around, and slipped one hand down the front of her pants, rubbing her chest with the other, and kissing the side of her neck. We were all just completely having a blast. The more I would massage AR's erogenous zones, the faster her friend would push the car, until the sound of AR's moaning was revving right along with the engine, as was the grinding of her ass against my lap. It was probably one of the most fun lucid moments I've had, and just insanely hot. She'd throw her head back and over my shoulder, every now and then, calling out while her friend would watch us out of the corner of her eye, laughing.

      It was amazing. Lol.

      Dream Two
      "Make-shift Assassin"

      I was searching through some house; again, already lucid. Walking into one room, I noticed a vase with a head and face on it. The more I walked passed it, the more that I noticed that the face was apparently alive, and eerily smiling ever wider, as it watched me move across the room. Near the vase was a mirror, which I started into for a while, noticing the way that the furniture in the room had moved, which didn't seem to match what an actual mirror should show.

      Eventually, I walked through the mirror and ended up in a different scenario. I was running assassin/theif missions with someone else, and we were both dressed as ninjas. I don't remember much of the transition into the scenario, but I was still lucid and completely enjoying the story, so I continued to play along. We did some amazing parkour across rooftops, and I would occasionally phase through the doors and walls of the buildings.
      There was one moment I vaguely remember, after I'd lost lucidity, where we'd gone to the house of a particular mark. After spending some time looking through the mark's personal belongings, we were found out, and I was able to escape a second story window before my partner was. While hanging on a ledge, outside of the room, I watched while the mark's posse came in and caught my partner, though I knew that I could not give away my position.

      "Losing My Best Friend"

      There was a massive skydive training function / party going on, involving hundreds of people. My very first jump was to be a base jump off of a tall cliff or ledge. Not to prove myself timid, I did a back flip off of the ledge, but what once seemed to be a jump of a few hundred feet turned out to last a fraction of a second, and I couldn't even finish my rotation. It felt like I tried to do a back flip off of a coffee table. Not having nearly enough rotation to complete the flip, I ended up face-planting on the ground - no pain or anything, but it was embarrassing as hell.

      After picking myself up, I went around the grounds of this festival and mingled for a bit. A lot of my old friends were there, including my best friend Todd. Soon, my second jump had come up, and Todd and I were now jumping from a plane, simultaneously. In the middle of these festival grounds was a huge cave that went straight down into the Earth. It was basically an enormous hole in the ground, that people were partying around, down below us. (Something like This, but maybe not as sheer on the sides.) Todd and I had no intentions of landing in or around this hole, but we ended up traveling off course and headed in that direction. Unable to avoid it, I crashed against one side of the cylindrical wall, just a few feet from the top, on a ledge just barely big enough to hold me in a standing position. Todd dropped a little further down, and landed on a small protrusion of rock on the opposite side of the expansive cavern, on his stomach, with his head nearly hanging over the edge and facing down into the void.

      I barely had three inches to spare, on the tiny ledge that was holding my feet above a deadly fall. The more I tried to climb out, the more the lightly packed wall of earth began to give way in my hands. Looking back across the gap at Todd, I could see that he was having trouble keeping his position, and his body was naturally beginning to slide down closer to the lip of the ledge he was on. His eyes screamed the extreme fear that his mouth would not, and the more he attempted to inch himself away from the ledge, the more the ledge began to give way. I could tell that it wouldn't be long before it completely failed him. I yelled his name, trying as desperately as I could to climb up from off of my ledge. It seemed impossible, though. Every time I tried to climb out, my hold would give way, and I would put myself in danger of falling to my death as well, but I could see that Todd was running out of time.

      Finally, the last bit of solid ground he had gave way, and I watched him slide forward, his body diving, head first, off of the tiny ledge, and down into the hole - which might as well have been bottomless, from as far down as I was able to see. I lost sight of him withing just a few moments, but then I heard that horrible Crash from down below. It hit with such force that I knew, instantly, no one could have possibly survived. I think I called out for him one more time, and - not really giving a damn about my own safety anymore - I scrambled up and out of the cave, somehow pulling myself up onto the ledge and level ground, along with the scores of other people who had been watching the whole ordeal.

      I ran around the rim of the cavern to where he once was. On the way over, I came across some drunken idiot who was laughing at the situation (while everyone else was quite visibly stunned). For the shortest moment, I almost got into a fight with this jackass. He said that he thought it was funny because Todd was 'just some random dude' and was 'nothing special'. Right. This was not his best friend we were talking about. Fuming, but still overcome with concern, I continued running around to the other side of the hole, knowing in my heart that no one could have survived that fall. Almost to the railing, where everyone else was staring down into the hole, I began pushing my way through the crowd. Suddenly, I was blocked by T's mom (whom I love dearly). She ran toward me, crying her eyes out, and threw her arms around me. She had seen the whole thing from an angle that I had not, and I could tell by her reaction that I had been right, and my best friend in the world was dead.

      (This was the absolute worst dream I have had in a very long time. I woke up feeling absolutely horrible. Todd has been in Australia for the past year, and I called him a few times after hearing this dream, just to hear is voice. Wasn't able to get in touch with him until a few days after this dream, though. It was pretty rough. )

      All I remember is that I dove into a large, rock-filled lagoon with some friends, and began swimming down into a huge hole (much like the one in the previous dream, but in the water instead of on land). Apparently, we could all breathe underwater, because we just kept swimming further and further down. Eventually, what was a tunnel opened up into a seemingly-boundless cavern of sorts. We began to see lights and over-sized mechanisms like cogs and chains surrounding us. We had swam down into what turned out to be an underwater civilization, reminiscent of what some might depict Atlantis to be - domed buildings and rock-set architecture. Never got a chance to associate with any of the locals, though.

      Updated 01-29-2012 at 09:38 AM by 2450

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. 12/10/2011 - 1) "Bouncer Housed", 2) "Gush Hour"

      by , 01-29-2012 at 08:58 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream One
      "Bouncer Housed"

      I feel that I can only remember a small portion of this dream. There were many occasions where I kept trying to find lucidity, but I would only get to the point of figuring that 'something was strange.' Finally, I was able to levitate some objects (though I can't remember what they were), and convinced myself that I was dreaming. I'd been driving around, at one point, and remember phasing through the roof of a moving car. Most of this was lost in memory, though.

      What I remember the most, is one moment when I was apparently in some type of nightclub. I had gotten into an altercation with a bouncer, and we were squaring off against each other. The thing about this bouncer, though, is that he was practically a giant. He stood no less than 9ft tall, and was easily tipping over 500lbs - not your everyday 'tough guy.' I was already lucid at this time, though, and I was just talking all kinds of shit to this guy. I don't remember exactly what I was saying, but I was pretty much just warning the guy not to press his luck, because this was my dream, and it could easily destroy him, if I wanted to. For a few moments, he stood his ground, but after a while, he seemed to just think I was out of my mind for fucking with someone as large as he was. After a short while of barking back and forth at each other, the bouncer finally said something along the lines of: "Dude, you're fucking crazy..." turned around and walked away. It was an obvious gesture of pity, because he figured that he would pummel me into the ground, if he'd allowed himself to lose control. I knew otherwise.

      When I looked back at my friends, everyone was staring me in complete awe. They told me that they'd never seen me take on such a challenge, head-on. It was actually kind of shocking. The awkwardness of it felt so real that
      I began to lose lucidity. I started questioning whether or not this was a dream, and became somewhat startled at the idea that I might have just told that enormous bouncer off, the way I did. (The fact that he was probably 9 ft tall stuck with me as 'something that was strange', but it was no longer something that registered enough to keep my lucidity.)

      Dream Fragment Two
      All I really remember is something about my dad sleeping on a mattress on the living room floor.

      Dream Three
      "Gush Hour"

      I was on a boat, and there was some kind of battle going on.

      I'd been with T, and his Jeep (which apparently had the ability to float in water) was bobbing along behind the stationary vessel - our getaway vehicle. During a scramble, I had safely bailed out of the boat, and crawled back into the floating Jeep. Once inside, I stared anxiously through the windshield, waiting for Todd to emerge so we could get the hell out of there. Instead, there was a large disruption (which might have been an explosion, but I really don't know), and the Jeep was suddenly rocked by a large wave. Not being strapped in, I found myself being tossed around, inside the vehicle, while water poured in from all sides, through the open windows. The Jeep was swept back onto land, though the wave itself never really seemed to end. It was just a continuous surge of water, which pushed the Jeep through the city streets, blanketing the coast and quickly rolling its way into Central Florida. Before I knew it, I was being pushed down State Road 436, which is nearly 50 miles from any coastline, and dead in the center of town.

      Inside the Jeep, I was practically drowning. The tidal wave kept the vehicle flipping and rolling through the streets, still dumping water in through the windows, and completely overwhelming me. It was almost completely filled, at this point, and I knew I couldn't take anymore. Somehow, I knew that my family was at a nearby store, and the flood would be pushing me past it, soon. As a last ditch effort - coming up along this familiar intersection - I threw myself at the door and burst out of the Jeep. The water level was just around 3 feet deep now, but it was still pushing the Jeep along the roadway, as if the Jeep was completely weightless in the current. When I spilled out of the doorway, I rolled helplessly on the concrete for a few feet, and lurched to a stop with both hands on the curb, choking and coughing up the water that I'd carried with me, all the way from the Eastern coast.

      In a matter of seconds, my mom and a few other family members were at my side, tending to me as I continued to gasp for air. It took me a moment to even acknowledge that they were there, but, in a fit of perfect comedic timing - and between labored breaths - I looked up at my mom and said "...You know it's flooding up there?" and I pointed down the street, from where the ocean had just spit me out into the streets. Everybody laughed.
    10. 12/04/2011 and 12/05/2011 - 1) "Tactical Entrapment", 2) "Halloween: Reincarnation"

      by , 12-13-2011 at 08:24 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      (Got some catching up to do. I actually just bought myself a 'sleep mask', because I figured a lot of my trouble with recall has to do with the fact that I'm waking up around noon now, usually, and light is always streaming into my room, interrupting my sleep. I've never slept with one of these sleep masks on, before, but I'm beginning to like it. My recall and lucid count has skyrocketted, in the past few days. I'm sure the melatonin and alternating doses of 5-HTP and B6 are probably helping. )


      "Tactical Entrapment"

      I was back in high school (maybe. At least it felt like high school), and some friends and I were talked into bringing out favorite weapons from home, for some kind of show and tell. We'd been told that it was perfectly fine, and we weren't going to get in trouble for it. Of course, as soon as we were about to start our presentations, the police busted into the classroom and apprehended us. We sure that we'd been sold out, and were going to be taken to jail, but they had other plans. They offered us a pardon, if we would be a part of a 'super-soldier' experiement and agree to be given a drug that was supposed to make us stronger and faster, after which, we would be properly trained for combat. Fighting what? I never found out. Even though they were police, they were very straight-forward about this procedure being completely illegal, but times were appearently desperate. There were others there with me, and we all took turns explaining what our skills were, if any. Not really just fighting skills, but what we were good at, in other areas of our lives. After this little 'getting to know you' session, we all eagerly took the experimental pills and began our training.

      Later, we were all out battling in the middle of a desert. I remember 'scrolling up' to see a map of our area (as if pulling up the map on Skyrim), and seeing an icon of an enormous serpent, coming up in front of us. Shortly after, we reached the creature. I'd thought it was dead, because it just sat there, motionless, as we approached. After a certain distance, though, this huge beast sprang to life. It began slithering fluidly about the area, snapping at us with quick, powerful strikes and then burrowing away into the sand to strike from another angle. The last thing I remember is fleeing the scene, while a tangled knot of numerous, identical serpents writhed and tumbled itself around us in pursuit.

      "Halloween: Reincarnation"

      I can't really peg whether this dream happened in an huge mansion, or a giant facility, like a factory or service area of a mall or something. I do remember that the place was crawling with supernatural creatures, from zombies to ghosts, and that the story centered around a mother and child that had something to do with a reincarnation of Michael Myers. I can't remember if they - combined - were supposed to be his reincarnated self, or maybe just one of them. In any case, I had to fight my way through all of these 'low-level' creatures, in order to finally get to them.

      When I'd finally caught up to them, we were on the second floor of large room, like a lobby or a main hall. I had become lucid, somewhere during the chase, and was able to take out the mother without much problem - though I don't really remember doing it. The second floor railing had overlooked the first, and we had a short standoff near the banister, where she ended up falling over the railing to her death. The son, I remember perfectly. I'd picked him up by his collar. He'd been trying to stab me, before then, but really didn't pose all that much of a threat to me. I was still following the story line, though, so I felt obligated to get rid of the kid, somehow.

      Not wanting to be too morbid about it, I simply tossed the kid off of the second floor balcony as well, compelled to follow him with my eyes, all the way to the bottom. I just wasn't quite sure how my dream would dictate the outcome of his fall. It was quite sickeningly realistic, though, with his neck snapping to one side as he landed headfirst on the first floor, next to his mother's body. My curiosity had been satisfied, but it made me a little remorseful. I didn't have time to dwell on it, though, as more of the creatures from before began to swarm around my position. Following the boy I'd just murdered, I jumped down from the second floor railing and landed on the first floor, bolting from the house, now that my mission had been done.

      The last thing I remember while trying to escape is driving backward into a lake, and having to crawl out the window as the car began to fill with water. I don't believe I was lucid anymore, though, by this time.
    11. 11/25/2011 - 1) "Parenting Fail", 2) "Blown Out of the Sky"

      by , 11-26-2011 at 08:23 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream One
      "Parenting Fail"

      I was at a party with a bunch of people. Everyone was smoking out of these massive hookahs, and just kind of lounging around the house. There were like a dozen or so adults, and maybe 2 or 3 kids running around. I kept looking at these kids, a bit agitated that their parents would let them roam the house with all of these activities going on. At one point, one of the kids was just sitting in a big group of smoking adults, just staring at the hookah while someone was taking a hit, with this big look of 'wooooow, what is thaaat?' on his face. I just kind of sat there and watched, shaking my head.

      Later, one of the girls was dancing around the room all provocatively to the music. She moved up to one of the toddlers and started dancing and grinding on him like he was some dude in the club. She even dropped down low and pulled him to her, planting a pretty filthy-looking kiss dead on his lips. She then pulled away and continued on dancing around the room, while the kid just stood there with this dumbfounded-toddler look on his face. I was pretty much just mentally facepalming at the whole ordeal.

      Dream Two
      "Blown out of the Sky"

      I was lying down, naked, in an enclosed area. Another body - petite; also naked - was sleeping on top of my chest. I could already tell it was a female, and she was lying face down with her cheek practically nuzzled into my neck. I don't remember the dialogue, but I heard a male voice, outside of the enclosure, telling me that it was TW (an extremely attractive friend of mine, IRL) and she had some kind of medical condition, where if she laid on her back for too long, she would stop breathing and die. She had apparently just rolled over, on her stomach, on top of me, and so the voice told me that I had to keep her there, asleep, so that she would neither wake up nor roll back over onto her back, where she would be in danger of suffocating. I had no idea what we were even doing, lying in this chamber together, but the feeling of having here there with me was just amazing. I was just loving it. I'd always had a thing for TW, and to have her lying here on top of me was just Heaven. She shuffled softly against me, and I put a hand dow onto her lower back, feeling her soft flesh rise and fall with another breath, confirming that she was breathing well and ok to be in this position. (With the lighting and everything, it felt like the final scene in The Fifth Element, where Corbin and Leeloo are in the rejuvination chamber.)

      The dream skipped ahead, and TW and I were then sitting on an airplane together. We had gotten word (over the intercom, I believe), that we were under attack from rocket fire. No sooner did we get this warning, than a rocket slammed into the far section of the plane, causing a huge explosion. The far side of the plane (which I'm guessing was the front, because we were facing that way) tore right off of the rest of the aircraft, leaving a gaping hole, through which people and chairs began streaming out of the plane, into the night sky. We could only brace against each other and watch scores of people rip away from us - flinging out to God knows where - while we, still buckled into our seats - spiraled sickeningly toward a ground that we could not see. (My notes say something about making a deal with someone, which I don't really remember the details of, but I believe it had something to do with the attack on the plane.)

      Soon, we were pulling ourselves out of the wreckage, having landed on some remote island somewhere. I don't remember the actual impact, though. (It all seemed very Lost-like.) The plane was in ruins, but there were still a few survivors. Someone, who I believe might have been the pilot (even though he should have been torn away from us, with the rest of the plane), came onto the intercom, and apologized for the rough landing, but said that 'at least it was better than the last time'...whatever that meant.

      We were then out in the wilderness, somewhere, and we ran across a group of bandits who held us up (presumably, the ones who shot us down). They seemed pretty primative, but they had weapons, and we didn't, so they began to take hostages. Once one of them got me in a chokehold, and I began to panic a bit, I also began to realize that I was dreaming. I held up one fist in front of me, and tried to make a large blade grow out of my knuckles. It didn't work, though, and I just could not get the weapon to materialize. Instead, I pointed to another one of the bandits, and made a 'flicking' gesture with my hand, as if I was brushing dust off of an old countertop. The man I was looking at promptly exploded and disappeared into thin air. The rest of the bandits stared at me in shock, and began to fall back. The one who'd once had a hold of me quickly let me go. Now content with the upper-hand, I let out a huge 'Shout' (taking a cue from Skyrim) and unleashed a nice shockwave of sound, which blew some of the bandits backward. I could see the shockwave roll across the high grass and a nearby river bed, blasting into a patch of trees in the distance, where a grizzly bear had been standing. The husky bear reeled from the sound wave and turned tail to run away.

      Quite satisfied with this, I went to turn my attention back to the bandits and saw that there was something coming, from off to one side. It was very large and moving over the river, but there was really nothing that we could identify - because of the wanton splashes of water, shrouding the large, dark figure. At first, I thought it was a giant alligator - with a body some 15ft in diameter. But, when it got close enough to cease run/stomping through the water, its true form was revealed. It was a dragon - a pretty badass dragon, actually; all jagged, bony features and dark, nearly-black scales. It stopped in front of us, staring directly into my face, and had a short conversation with me, referring to me as the 'Dragonborn' (which is the nickname given to the lead character in Skyrim, which I have been playing lately, of course). I remember that it had the deep voice of the huge first dragon that I encountered in Skyrim, but I don't remember the conversation that we had.

      Shortly after this, I was walking through a field, along with TW. I took a moment to look at my hands, trying to ground myself into the dream a bit. My left hand looked fine, but I noticed that my right hand was missing two fingers and the thumb, bony stumps left where the fingers should be. Again, my memory skips ahead a little while. We were then in a more urban area, and a group of thugs pulled up in a caravan of jeeps and SUVs. There were a few more people in my group, now, than when it was just TW and I. They held us all at gunpoint, and the leader had this weird-looking gun that looked like it had 100 taser barbs, ready to fire. From the hardcore look of the weapon, though, it looked like the barbs would do a lot more than just send a couple of 1000 volts through someone. Still lucid, though, I kept getting in the leader's face, daring him to shoot me, trying to keep his attention off of the other people in my group.

      There was another transition, and TW and I were back in the wilderness - more of a jungle area, actually. We were in a small pond of murky water. We were about stomach-deep, and it was only about 12 feet wide, so there already wasn't much room for us. It seemed much smaller, though. Much more crowded. That's when I noticed there was something very large, floating in the pond, just inches in front of me. It was actually taking up most of the space in the pond. I looked at it for a moment, and couldn't figure out what. It looked very rough, like it was a patch of hard Earth that was sticking up just a few inches out of the water. Then, I noticed it had a face, and on the near side of that face, I saw one, slit-pupiled eye staring back at me. An alligator. A very, very large alligator. TW seemed to recognize it as a gator, at the same time as I did. I could see a quiet panic building up on her face, and I was feeling quite intimidated, myself. We shuffled quietly, trying to walk our way around it. I could see, though, that with every movement I made to get passed the gator, the gator's head would turn just slightly, in order to keep its eye on me. It was watching me, and I had a feeling it was about to strike at me, at any moment. I knew that this was a dream, but I wasn't really sure of what to do in the situation. I knew had to do something, though.

      On instinct, I suddenly lunged at the enormous gator, landing on it's back and trying to wrap my arms around its mouth, from a mounted position. I landed a little too low on its body, though, and was only able to grab around its neck. The gator reared its head back, toward me, snapping its jaws just beside my head and grabbing ahold of my right ear with its teeth. I felt it bite down, but it didn't hurt all that match. I was, however, seemingly stuck. This thing would not let go of me, and I was not about to let go of it, giving it more room to manuever. This thing could have easily bitten the top portion of my body in half, it was so big.

      The last thing I remember is splashing around in the pond, fighting this massive reptile that had a vice-grip on my ear, while TW tried to escape the water.
    12. 10/16/2011 - "First Night at Dream World Academy"

      by , 10-18-2011 at 06:29 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "First Night at Dream World Academy"
      Uploaded with ImageShack.us
      (Ironically, I had almost forgotten this dream, upon waking. I'd gotten sidetracked, and it wasn't until a good 20 minutes after fully waking up, that I remembered the experience. Unfortunately, sooo many of the details feel lost (), but what I retained still left me with a feeling of total accomplishment.)

      I don't really remember anything that happened in the beginning of this dream, and my timeline is a little disjointed, but I will put it together the best I can remember. The earliest memory I have is of having just realized I was dreaming, and trying to fly, somewhere out in the woods at night. I was having a lot of trouble flying, and I seemed to just be sinking back to the ground with normal gravity, whenever I tired to take off. I don't remember the point at which I actually was able to take control of my flight, but I was soon zooming out toward the coastline, having remembered my intention to try to find the Academy. The last few times that I had been searching for it, it was always on the water, so I figured the best way to find it was to just fly out over the ocean and will it to be there.

      I overshot the shoreline, without pause, and continued out toward the dark horizon. The sky was this eerily-beautiful canvas of black, dark blue and purple, with the lightest colors having been pushed back beyond the coastline I was leaving; the last rays of setting sunlight behind me as I continued flying into the void, a few dozen feet above the water. The further out to sea I flew, though, the more uncomfortable I got. I could see that this deep, featurless, dark purple backdrop was beginning to project some detail in the sky. I could now see, thick, individual whisps of soft, purple/gray storm clouds, where there had once seemed to be none. (With my speed and low altitude, it felt a lot like the scene in Superman Returns, when he's flying out toward the kryptonite reef.) By this time, the sky was looking even more and more ominous, and I couldn't shake the foreboding notion that I was flying into something sinister. The puffy purple clouds - still barely visible against the dark backdrop - were beginning to swirl, and I half expected to see funnel clouds spike downward from them. Just on the horizon, I could see sporadic flashes of lightning on the water. I didn't like this at all. It's not secret that I'm pretty apprehensive about being way out in open water, in my dreams - because of my constant run-ins with sea monsters - and I realized that I was now out in the middle of nowhere, with no Academy in sight. More than a little intimidated by my new surroundings, I decided to turn around and fly back to the shore. (I have to go over the St. John's River Bridge, every night on my way home, and we've been having some pretty amazing-looking thunderstorms and cloud cover out here, lately. I'm thinking it might have been where the intense storm imagery over the water came from.)

      Soon back on land, I began to think of other ways to find the Academy, and I remembered about the portals. At first, I looked around for any of the puddle / water-hole type puddles I had been using in previous dreams. When I didn't find any, immediately, I thought about doors. I began wandering around, going through various doorways and trying to 'will' myself into the Academy. Behind one door, in particular, I walked into the setting of a previous dream from over a year ago. It was a theme park that some friends and I had gone to for a Halloween Horror Nights type of occassion. The room that I had walked into was the lobby of one of their haunted houses. I remembered previous dream and that it had been pretty creepy, so I really didn't have any desire to stay here. When I turned around, though, the door that I had come through was gone, and I was standing in the middle of the haunted house lobby, with no sign of the wall that had just been behind me. A little uneasy about this - trying not to get distracted from my mission - I searched around for another door, spotting a little service door in the corner of the lobby. I walked over to the door and opened it...only to find another door, behind it. Behind that one, was another. I was beginning to get a little fed up with this.

      I closed the door and focused on changing what was behind it. When I opened it again, the other door had vanished, and there was a dark, stone hallway, leading off into the distance. There was a soft light inside the corridor, but I don't recall what from. Stepping further into the hallway, I saw an opening on the other side, leading out into the night. When I stepped through the archway, I found myself outside, on the water, as if I had stepped out onto a concrete dock. I walked out away from the archway a bit and turned around, to get a good look at the structure from which I'd just emerged. It was a monstrous, stone building. It seemed a series a buildings, really, comprised of high towers and ramparts, various points in the seemingly-mideval architecture connected by high walkways and bridges. It looked like a great, dark castle, from down here. Immediately, I knew where I was; I had finally made it to the Dream World Academy! I walked along the narrow dock for a moment, looking for a main entrance. It was still nighttime, and it didn't look like there was much more than the moon lighting the outside of this place. Eventually, I came to a turn-off, and rounded it to see a gigantic stairway, comprised of what looked to be hundreds of steps, ascending toward a large set of double doors at the front of the Academy.

      I started climbing the stairs, taking in the spectacle, and just now beginning to notice that there were other people milling about the outside of the building. Everyone seemed to just be doing their own thing, and not paying any particular attention to me, which was fine, because I really didn't want to disturb too much, my first time here. I just continued to watch everyone, while I walked up toward the doorway. About halfway up, I passed a small group of people on the stairway. It looked as if they were practicing magic or something, but I don't quite recall. When I got to the large doors, I stepped inside and into a main lobby. Inside the Academy was nearly as dark as the outside; the soft glow of a few, scattered torches fighting against the cool blue of the moonlight coming in through the windows and portals around us, for possession of the black shadows which still dominated the majority of the what could have been adequetely called a 'Great Hall' of sorts. The whole place had a very Harry Potter / Hogwarts kind of feel, outside of being quite dark and having a very 'pre-electricity' atmosphere.

      Unfortunately, there is a lot beyond this point that I don't remember. Nothing too noteworthy, that I can recall. I vaguely remember just wandering the halls, talking to a couple of various DC's about the school, most of which were just practicing a few general abilities, here and there. I remember a portly old bald man being one of the instructors there, but I don't recall very much about him. The last memory I have of the dream is being out near the water again and trying to run back over the events in the dream, as a normally do, to try to help remember them upon waking.

      Updated 10-18-2011 at 06:37 AM by 2450

      lucid , memorable
    13. 10/08/2011 - "O Goes to the Movies"

      by , 10-18-2011 at 05:58 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "O Goes to the Movies"

      I was hanging out with a bunch of people, in a huge lake or pond type of setting, set next to a large, stone building. We would climb up on the outside of the building and do backflips off of the wall and into the water. There was a whole lot in this dream that I don't remember at all, but it was while we were playing here, in the water, that I became lucid. The water was very murky, and you really couldn't see below the surface. Somehow, feeling a little apprehensive about the low visibility, I'd become aware (or just anticipated) that one of my friends was going to try to scare me by acting like there was something swimming in the water with us. No sooner did I get this presumption, than I felt someone brush up against my leg and suddenly grab one of my ankles. Having expected it, though, it didn't really startle me at all.

      Having had my fill of swimming, I levitated myself up out of the water and floated off to another building. The day seemed to change to night, around this time. There is a lot of this part that I don't remember, but there was some chaotic scene going on, involving angels and demons. I want to say it was a battle, but I'm not too sure. However, one particular moment I remember is being on a rooftop and looking at my shadow, which was cast on a nearby wall. Apparently, I had been one of the demons. When I raised my hands up, I could see that I had a pair of huge, bat-like wings and what looked to be horns, in my shadow.

      There was another set of transitions, here, and I remember a short scene, where I was walking up to the front of a house. It was still night time, and I could just barely make out a figure that was lurking around the house. It was a man, and the moment he saw us approaching (I have the feeling I was walking with someone, but I can't remember who), he suddenly bolted to a nearby, waiting car and sped off.

      Another transition (or gap in memory) occurred, and the next thing I remember is being a bbq with family and friends - my lucidity having pretty much left me, by now. There were a bunch of games being played at the gathering, and one of which was a match-making or kissing booth type of game, but I can't remember which.

      The next thing I remember is being in a movie theater, with my friends and family from the earlier bbq. I don't remember exactly what got me back on track, but my lucidity kicked back in, while in the theater, waiting for the movie to start. Someone had asked me if I'd won any games at the bbq, and I answered 'no'. Overhearing the conversation, a bunch of other people started ridiculing me, for having not won anything, and I believe it was this ridicule, that reminded me that this was all just a dream (though I'm not exactly 100% positive that it was that particular reason). I scoffed at them and told them that I didn't care about those games, because I had 'more important skills, than winning at some silly game'. Taking this as the perfect time to show off my lucidity, and wow this critical crowd, I raised a hand to the ceiling and focused on the lights, dimming them and brightening them with a simple, mental command. Everyone was immediately silent with amazement. I could tell by the looks in the eyes of those nearest to me, that it was also making them uncomfortable. I said something like "oh, that's not all," and I rose to my feet, looking up toward the window to the projector room. I focused on the beam of light coming out of the window, and made the entire projection flicker on and off with a few waves of my hand, showing all of the DC's that I had full control over this theater, with my mind.

      Suddenly, a large portion of the crowd started screaming in fear and running for the exit, acting as if I was some sort of evil sorcerer, or something, here to steal their souls. I thought the whole thing was hilarious, and just kind of laughed while the people ran. In the mix of it all, though, there were attractive girls, a few rows down, who had been eyeing me, during my antics. One of them was whispering something to the other, and kept looking back at me, giggling. Finally, she got up and sauntered up the aisle toward me, frightened movie goers pushing their way around her. Having sat back down, I looked up at her and grinned. She smiled back and sat down on my lap, saying that she wanted me, and something about how she was good at getting what she wanted. I laughed and played it nonchalant with her. We talked for a little bit, and my lucidity started fading again.

      The last thing I remember is the girl introducing me to her adorable little girl - who pretty much came out of nowhere. The little girl and I hit it off pretty well, and we were all laughing and playing around with each other, after most everyone else had left the theater.

      Updated 10-20-2011 at 05:49 AM by 2450

    14. 10/07/2011 - Fragment

      by , 10-10-2011 at 06:05 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream Fragment
      The only thing I remember is a very brief moment of lucidity. I was just offshore, in what looked like the familiar Harbor-Town, which had begun showing up in my dreams, after I began searching for the Dream Academy. The water was about waist deep, and I was looking to get out of it. Instead of flying, I wanted to try something different, so I held out my hand, and visualized a grappling hook and line firing out of the top of my wrist, like Batman from Batman Beyond. It flew up to the rooftop of a nearby building, and pulled myself up and out of the lake. I felt more like I was floating than was swinging from the line, but I eventually kind of 'wafted' my way up to the rooftop.

      That's the last thing I remember.
    15. 09/06/2011 - "Almost Reached the Academy Again...Almost" (Dream Chain)

      by , 09-22-2011 at 09:17 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream 1-A
      "Almost Reached the Academy Again...Almost"

      I was at some fancy dinner party, in a large, extremely luxurious hotel or something. The first thing I actually remember is walking through a large lobby area, and realizing that I was dreaming. I was walking through this dimly lit room, behind 2 or 3 guys. I believe they were friends of mine, but I can't really remember. However, I do recall expressing to them that I was dreaming, and requesting for them to remind me later, if I forget. (I figured it was worth a shot.) That was the last time I saw them in the dream, though, I believe.

      Walking up a flight of stairs, I took notice of all of the DC's milling about. Everyone was dressed up nicely, but I can't remember what I was wearing, myself. I passed by this one, Latin-looking girl in a killer gray dress, and we exchanged a quick glance. Moving on, I passed a table full of women who were having a conversation with each other, and I reached out to the nearest one, playfully grabbing her ass. She looked back as I walked on, and gave me a smile. When I turned away from her, to look where I was going, there was another beautiful girl standing in the doorway of a dark room, in front of me. She was petite and blonde, and also dressed very nicely. I'd remembered my intention to search for the Dream World Academy, and I wasn't really trying to get caught up in dream sex, so I simply asked the girl if she would show me to the nearest portal that could take me to the Academy. She agreed, and brought me into the darkened hotel room. I followed her into the bathroom, and she pulled back the shower curtain, motioning for me to step inside. A little confused, I stepped into the shower, expecting to be somehow teleported to the Academy. Instead, though, the girl stepped in behind me. Before I knew it, we were making out in the shower with the water off, and our clothes still on.

      Dream 1-B (Dream Chain / False Awakening)
      I 'woke up' in a dark room. For a moment, I though I was back at home but, after looking around a bit, I noticed that the room was unfamiliar to me. I could see what looked like an old dresser and TV in the darkness, and a curtain-less window sat nearby. Trying to remember how I might have gotten into this room, I recalled that I had been dreaming, and just woke up here. I recognized this to be a false awakening, got up and walked to the window. It was night out, and I seemed to still be in the hotel, judging by the look of things, outside. The thought came back to me, that I had wanted to find the Academy, so I decided to do some searching on my own. Placing my palms to the glass, I pushed forward and phased through it, stepping out onto the high ledge. From there, I hovered up to the roof, which was high enough that I could just about see above all the other buildings in the area. I looked out over the horizon, to see if anything stood out as an obvious sign that there was an Academy nearby, but didn't really see anything note-worthy.

      Then, I looked down to the ground, far below. I could see a small puddle/pond of water, positioned just beneath me, and remembered that these were told (in a previous dream) to be portals. Leaning forward from the rooftop, I dropped off of the ledge, and fell toward the tiny pond. During the fall, I turned myself around so that I was falling backward. Anticipating on hitting the water, I was surprised when I actually fell into what seemed more like a rabbit hole than a water hole. I was still in free-fall; dropping like a stone into the narrow tunnel, to the point where I could feel my stomach begin to turn.

      A little uneasy with the unexpectedness of falling backward into this empty hole, I turned back around to fall chest-first. Suddenly, I found that I wasn't falling through a dark pit anymore. Upon the simple act of my turning over, the pit had completely disappeared, and I was now free-falling through the sky, as if I had just been thrown out of an airplane. It was now daytime. Below me, all I could see was blue ocean, for countless miles in every direction, and I was falling toward it fast. A single stretch of island came into view. Even from the aerial view I had, I could tell that it was the Academy! It almost looked like a castle, and the grounds took up the tiny patch of land, leaving really nothing beyond the paved walkways that stretched right out to the docks and into the ocean.

      The closer I got to the water, though, the more I could see that there was some sort of chaos going on. Boats became visible in the waters blow, and jets buzzed in the air around me. I had forgotten all about trying to fly, and just continued my free-fall, which ended up dropping me out into the open water, maybe a couple miles from the docks. After splashing down in the ocean, I lifted my head above the surface and took a look around. I had apparently fallen directly into an aquatic war zone. What - from above - just looked like a fray of vehicles scurrying around the air and sea, turned out to be a full-on battle. (This was reminiscent of the last time I went searching for the Academy, and saw that the area was occupied by two opposing military forces. It seems my subconscious decided to throw them back in the mix.) Speed boats with machine guns were battling jets. Scuba divers were waging attacks on the boats. The water - which looked pretty placid, from the air - was now turbulent with the mayhem that was going on around me.

      I didn't want to deal with this, though. I just wanted to get to the damn Academy. Deciding not to waste any time with this battle, I levitated myself out of the water and bolted toward the shore, flying over the water like a missile and dodging all of the combatants in my way - just trying my damndest to finally get a chance to explore the actual academy, itself.

      Unfortunately, I woke up just before reaching dry land.

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