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    The Oneironaut's Odyssey

    An Argonaut of the dream world, the Oneironaut. Every night a journey, every dream an adventure, every moment a treasure.

    1. #164 - Plane spinning

      by , 11-24-2015 at 10:43 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Once again I was too busy during the day and didn't get the chance to write this up until now (~10:30pm)

      Dream - Plane Spinning
      I was at my parents house where there was some sort of test going on, designed to determine your 'spirit power' or something. I remember walking from the kitchen into the lounge and I'd finished the test in this moment, my spirit was apparently the best. This high spirit meant I could qualify as a teacher which was what my friend Zac had wanted to be. Though, I wanted to be a bounty hunter which a high spirit wasn't really necessary for. There were other 'skills' which you needed to get these jobs too but I don't recall there being any specifics.

      Some time later I think we must be outside on the deck by the lounge, we're listening to something about bouncy balls. I look above me and peer at the sky, seeing a powerful stream of air flowing visibly in the sky. This part stuck out to me visually as I don't think I'd seen anything like it before and it was pretty intense looking. Besides me is an old school mate, Jeff. I alert him to the air streaming above us but he isn't interested, he just wants to learn about bouncy balls. Suddenly there's a big plane which flies in from that air stream in a nose-dive. It pulls up and levels out but the entire plane is spinning very very very fast. I remember thinking that even if they stopped spinning, the passengers would be dead from the intensity of the spin. Its wings look munted and it soars over my house (within like 20m) towards a tree. If it can't pull up the plane is screwed I think... I feel like there was a bit of dream glitch here, the plane collides with the tree and breaks so branches, somehow it stops spinning but then it's further back and it has to pull up now and go over the tree. Like it had two chances?..
    2. #159 - Concert / Rumpus room / I punch cars?

      by , 11-17-2015 at 10:08 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Dream 1 - Concert
      I remember being at one side of a building which was used for stage performance concerts. It must have been night time and there were people starting to show up. It wasn't a big concert, maybe a couple hundred people that were to fit into this place. The seats available were fold-out chairs and bleachers. I was sitting pretty far back on the bleachers, I looked down at the crowd and saw my mate Zac. He looked up at me and smiled, waving happily, then he turned and sat down on one of the fold out seats at the front.

      I have some dream fragments about this dream too:
      - My mates girlfriend was managing the show or was a ticket collector? I met her yesterday. I also saw my mate too who I also saw yesterday.
      - I remember something about another friend called Giles, but I can't remember what.
      - The area we were in was next to Castle St, one of the most famous streets where I used to live.
      - I seem to remember something about another friend being the lead guitarist for the band, he plays guitar in RL and was shredding like crazy. His hair was really long too. I remember that the sounds weren't properly matching up to what he was playing.

      Dream 2 - Rumpus room
      I remember having a very erotic dream... I'll leave out the details . It happens in the rumpus room of my parents house where I lived for a while, but now it's been converted into a flash looking flat. After the erotic part of the dream my ex gf showed up and we started hanging out (I have no idea where the other girl went). I think at the time I was on the phone and she walked around while she waited for me to finish. The phone was a big as a brick though . I remember jokingly throwing something at my ex which made her laugh. I wrote that the phone call had something to do with managing a the concert of the other dream.

      Dream 3 - I punch cars? + Hill
      I felt like I was very lucid in this dream, I did a short reality check and was pretty convinced I was dreaming. It was surprisingly stable and clear. I was just standing on a normal suburban street on a sunny day and realized I didn't know what to do. I saw a white car approaching on the road, so I walked up to it and swung a left hook straight into it. It shot backwards really fast, but it hadn't been hit into the air which was what I was aiming to do. I then continued to do this a few times... Just hitting cars O_O. I remembered that I was lucid and then.. carried on hitting cars. At some point I think I lost lucidity and the dream led to a grassy slope going downhill by the side of the road. I sat on the grass here and looked below me, there was something going on but I can't remember what. I then saw a road bike to my left and pulled it out of the grass. Turning behind me I saw a couple teenage cyclists who had stopped because one of them had been injured. A scrape on his knee? Ouch. There's a red car behind them which a concerned mother hopped out of.

      I really should have written this down in the morning rather than when I'm off to bed again. There were so many people I knew in these dreams :/
    3. #66 - Working at the gardens, Reading in class, Library and changing room

      by , 02-24-2015 at 07:30 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      Dream 1 - Working at the gardens
      I'm going to start my new job at the gardens, which is basically like a public sanctuary for plants, quite similar to the one that I live near. My girlfriends little brother works there too apparently, he drives a scooter to get there. I commute with my dad since it's my first day, and I think I have a smoothie prepared for lunch. I also think that it may have been called the 'Tower Garden' or something... There were a few names for the place floating around in my head but that's the only one I can recall.
      A time lapse seems to happen because there's a complete scenery and situation change, I'm now in my parents house and my mum is hustling around in a hurry trying to get ready for work. I feel that it is nearly noon, and I have an itchy elbow... I look at my elbow and it has these specks of little white worms under the skin...
      I try and pop them out of my skin, and with very little success I go and show my mum since she's a nurse. She goes off to find me an anti worm cream or something, and before she comes back I've switched to looking at my ankle... For some reason I feel like there is something there and I try and pop it, and OMFG ! A 1cm diameter hole oozes out this thick yellow creamy goo. Holy ****ing disgusting... I show my mum (while feeling slightly discomforted) and she gets a bit frustrated because she doesn't want to be late for work, she sighs and says "For gods sake, is it bubbly?" moving straight to a diagnostic question as she turns towards the kitchen to find more medicine.

      Dream 2 - Reading in class
      I'm sitting in a school classroom near the back of the room on the wall side on a simple chair and personal desk (kind of similar to an anime classroom where they have a windowed side with those single person desk + chair setups). I'm lucid from the start, and for a moment I question if I'll need to stabilize and I feel my heart thump at the thought of losing stability. All stays calm, everything is stable, and the world is completely quiet... I have a simple book in front of me, I don't believe I had a great deal of control since my objective just became to pick this book up and try to read it without even thinking about all the things I've been dying to try out , but anyways... I open it up and try to read it, everything is just jumbled letters in the sentences, like this "werwer joji ger kloj jwegfweg ohqndfei", so I try again by looking away and looking back at the pages. This time the words have change "Out building house trailer love, the is at hello..." etc just random words that were non-nonsensically placed. I think I perform this one more time with the same result of nonsense, I don't recall doing much else and seem to just wake up naturally.

      Notes on lucid - I think it was a new thing to just have a straight calm and stable lucid, although it was remarkably underwhelming and boring relative to my other experiences.

      Dream 3 - Library and Changing Room
      So I'm in a hallway which is simultaneously a library... There's one book shelf that's hip height and has about 3 rows on it, it's situated on the window side of the hallway (of which it is pretty much a looking glass window 2 metres wide space a few centimetres apart. I think there's like a garden enclosure that you can see, and it reminds me of the view from the teachers hallway at my old high school when I was younger. I seem to be browsing the collection of futurama episodes (book versions) which goes on for a few minutes until a person next to me stops and browses for some disk called 'H'. I've apparently listened to the disk before and advise him about it. Things move on and I notice my friend Zac walking into the girls area of changing rooms, which I'm like "Oh damn what a lucky bastard" for some reason. I wonder why he's even allowed in there, and then for some reason like a minute later it's also the changing rooms for people who are homo sexual. I also walk past and see a window and as I look at it I realize it's the changing room window and see a chick take her shirt off at the far end of the changing room, she had brown hair, pale skin and was quite skinny. I completely forgot about this dream for like an hour after having it, glad I remembered it