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    1. Plane Crash

      by , 04-14-2018 at 03:56 PM (Slash's Mind Cave)

      - - -

      I was in a plane with my family, we were probably on a flight to America. (We're going there at the end of the year in real life)

      I was sitting next to my sister on the plane.

      The plane started to go down and turn on its side. My first thought was "this is quite a steep turn". Then it got so steep that I knew we were about to crash.
      My sister fainted and fell into the middle isle of the plane.

      I jumped into the isle, sat down and picked up my sister and put her in my arms. My thought was "If I hold her just right, I can cushion the impact and maybe she'll survive". I pretty much expected to die.

      Down the plane went. The farther down it went, the more I adjusted myself to give my sister the best chance, and the more I braced for impact.
      The plane pulled up at the last moment and I then knew the impact would not be as bad as I first thought.


      Next thing I remember is carrying my sister down a street with hundreds of people running about, and bombs going off.
      We were in some sort of Eastern, war-filled country. Sandy streets, sand-coloured buildings.

      My mum was running beside me. I was worried about my dad and the rest of the family, but I trusted my dad to deal with that. All I cared about was getting my mum and my unconscious sister to safety.
      I looked up and saw a missile come towards us, so I shouted, "This way!" and I turned left and my mum followed. We escaped the missile.

      - - -

      Updated 04-14-2018 at 03:59 PM by 22655

      Tags: family
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Dream Within a Dream!

      by , 03-23-2018 at 10:55 PM (Slash's Mind Cave)
      I was driving a van, I can't remember why. In the van with me, was my sister and a good friend of mine (whom I've not spoken to in a while).

      We reached my childhood home. My mum was living there. (In waking life, my mum moved out of that house about 4 years ago)
      We were at my mum's house purely to make some sort of juice filled with fruit. My friend came in with me and she started making the juice. To be honest, it was more like some sort of chunky fruit soup, but we put it in travel mugs. I went upstairs to find my travel mug. It was really weird because I used what felt like waking-life memory to find the lid of the mug, but it was of course a false memory since I remembered it being in my old bedroom. Now that I wake up, I'm trying to remember where the lid actually is in my current home, but I can't for the life of me remember. It's lost.

      Anyway, I found the mug and the lid, filled it up with that weird fruit soup, then we went back to the van. But this time my friend took the wheel, not me.

      It felt like we were on some sort of adventure. But the scene somehow completely changed. I was now in a building with my family. My mum, 3 of my grandparents, and my little uncle (yeah, an uncle who's younger than me) were all there, and I think a few others from my family. The building was some sort of place filled with antiques on several floors. Each floor had a booth with a guy in it, and there were many people rushing up the levels to snatch an antique and take it to the booth to be cleared.

      So, we were all in this mad competition with all these people. Me and my mum and a couple of others ended up in competition with my little uncle. I remember getting angry at him and we all tried to run ahead of him up the levels, but he kept catching up with us and trying to take our antique from us.

      Then guitar plectrums got involved in the whole thing. The ground and the stairs were all covered in plectrums, and for some reason it felt advantageous to pick up a plectrum and strum some guitars that were sitting by, as we ran past them. I remember a few people from school appearing and shouting about the plectrums. While running, I remember giving a plectrum to one of those old schoolmates, and another schoolmate being confused as to why I would give up my advantage like that.

      We eventually lost my little uncle (after a lot of harsh fighting with him) and we made it out of the building, at the top. But somehow we were not like, on the roof, we were just, outside. It felt like we had won over my little uncle.

      Then I remember 2 of my grandparents (my dad's parents) being outside, they were just chilling as if on holiday.

      Then, next thing I remember is "waking up" and then being at a big table filled with my whole family. My little uncle was there, and I still had some left-over feelings of hatred towards him, but I questioned it. I was like "Hold on, Cammy, you were in my dream last night. So weird..." and in realizing the whole feud was just a dream, I let go of the feelings of hatred and competition and just enjoyed the time with my family.

      Then the scene changed again, I was back with the van. But my friend was gone. It was just me and my sister. But we were trying to find a spot where my friend could find us, because we knew that my friend was in her own car and would be trying to find us by now. So we parked down this little dirt path on a hill and walked about to find an ideal spot to stand and wait.

      Really weird. I had a dream within a dream.

      And yesterday, some repressed emotions about my family came to the surface, and I feel that this dream was reflecting that. But all my negative emotions towards my family got directed completely towards my little uncle. And I feel bad about that. The poor soul, he hasn't done me any wrong AT ALL in life. But I think my mind was using him as a way to mirror my unnecessarily harsh feelings towards my family, back to me. Basically showing me that I've been overthinking the whole thing with my family.

      Updated 03-23-2018 at 10:58 PM by 22655

      Tags: family
    3. I met Slash!

      by , 02-23-2018 at 05:01 AM (Slash's Mind Cave)
      I just wanted to record this fragment of a dream I had 2 nights ago.

      I saw Slash with a crowd of people around him. Slash was shaking everyone's hand. I stood and watched for about 10 seconds before walking through the crowd to meet him.

      I said "Slash! Oh my god man, you were my inspiration! Thank you!" and I put my hand out to shake his hand.
      Slash reached out and gave me a hug.

      I said "Oh my god, so much love!"

      And that's all I remember from this scene. It was a pretty awesome moment.
      Although I remember thinking, "Weird, he looks a lot like my uncle Stuart."
      The rest of the dream heavily involved my family. And the whole dream was filled with themes of love.
      Tags: family, slash
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    4. Morning of October 17th 2009

      by , 06-08-2010 at 10:01 PM (Slash's Mind Cave)
      I was in my back garden with my family and also CarmineEternity, then we heard the bagpipes from out the front. We all went to see, it was this bald guy with a big box type thing with a circular lid. We all saw it as a musical instrument that sounded like the bagpipes. He started walking down the drive way, then back up. And as he got back to the top of the drive way, he reached in the box thing and took out this weird ball thing, he chucked it in the air and fireworks exploded out of it.

      As the fireworks went off, the very first thing I said was "Woooooo!!!" and I was also thinking to myself "He didn't throw them very high, it could hit us".
      The fireworks hit every one of us, and it WAS sore. It actually hurt me. So, me and CarmineEternity ran back to the back garden as the fireworks went off, and I was feeling bad for leaving the rest of my family back there. At this point I assumed what he had done was an accident.

      But, then I realised, he was still throwing the fireworks to make them hit people. So as the cowardly CarmineEternity was climbing over the back fence, I said to him "shouldn't we save them?", and then he pointed to behind me.

      The bald guy was coming for us two now. He threw tons of fireworks at us, and yet again, it hurt. It tended to only really hurt my right shoulder. I must have been leaning on something on my bed.

      Carmine was able to jump the fence and run away, and I was hiding behind the fence. So he could see Carmine, so he was trying to throw them at him. but failed. He never found me.

      At this point, I think someone came in and fly kicked him and took him out. But I can't remember if this is a false memory nor can I think who did it.

      The rest of the dream was just walking about the house and the back garden talking to family.