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    Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles

    So, this is my new journal. (Ask me about a link to my old journal, from 2005 - 2010) Not much to say, that my original intro didn't say. I began lucid dreaming as a response to vivid nightmares, as a kid. Over the years, I learned how to wake myself up, when I knew I was having a nightmare, which later developed into a curious resolve to stay within the dreams, instead of trying to escape. Now I practice lucid dreaming and dream control regularly (or as regularly as my undisciplined ass can stick with it). Most of my lucid dreams are still spontaneous, but I have my fair share of successes with induction methods, when I apply myself. Lucid dreaming has become a beloved hobby of mine, both for adventure and because of my deep-seated interest in consciousness, psychology, and the human mind, in general. It also just happens to be a hell of a lot of fun.

    So...that's about it. I guess all that's left on the agenda is the ol' disclaimer:

    In short; by reading my dream journal, you are hereby in agreement to forfeit the right to use any
    information or situations, herein, against me...for any reason...under any circumstances...

    (After all, they are just dreams.)


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    1. 12/10/2014 - "Highway Risque"

      by , 12-30-2014 at 03:48 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "Highway Risque"

      Hanging out in DeLand, mid-day, with BR and L. We had gone to a bar. The only thing I really remember about being in the bar is that some belligerent (presumably drunk) girl started mouthing off to us and telling us to be quiet, even though we were among the quietest groups in the bar. We just exchanged "WTF?" glances and brushed her off.

      Later that night, we were driving up the highway, when we saw a commotion up ahead. The light dose of traffic had snarled as there was another, random girl walking along the ledge of the overpass, looking down at the highway below her. She was also completely disrobed. She began to do some daredevil acrobatics on the ledge, stretching up into a handstand which looked like she could topple down to the street at any moment. There were times where she stumbled and flailed to catch her balance, but she never fell.

      Soon, she climbed down the stone pillar and to our level, then moved through the crowd, seducing random guys as she passed. From nowhere, it seemed, a girlfriend of hers appeared and began to join her in making their rounds from guy to guy, entrancing them with lustful gestures. The crowd was gathering, and everyone was chomping at the bit at these two girls. Then, another friend of mine, P, pushed his way through the crowd and brazenly stepped up, took first girl and began making out with her. I remember this pissing me off, because I knew my friend was in a committed relationship.

      I woke up immediately after this.
    2. 01/11/2012 and 01/12/2012 - 1)"This is a Raid!", 2) "Deady's Little Girl" [+ Fragments]

      by , 01-29-2012 at 09:57 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "This is a Raid!"

      I was hanging out with a bunch of people, in someone's living room. My daughter CJ was there, and we were all just kind of sitting around watching TV. All of a sudden, some girls came into the house/apartment and blurted out [At work. Censored for Now] My kid perks up and says "really??" as if she was so excited about what she was about to witness. Later, I was with CJ (who was now a bit older than she is now) and she was driving us around in a car. While she was driving, I was explaining to her - for some reason - what a police raid is. (It's been a topic around Extended Discussion, lately.) I was telling her how a raid was, put simply, when the police barge into your house without warning. I don't remember whether or not I actually elaborated on this, but I figure she only focused on that one concept.

      So, having this fresh 'understanding' of what a raid was - and once we pulled back up to the friend's house, where we once were - CJ slammed on the gas and crashed the car directly through the outer wall and into the person's dining/living room area. Needless to say, I was mortified, though she, completely unfazed by the crash, suddenly yelled out to everyone in the house, "THIS IS A RAID! HAHAHAHAHA!" as if infinitely proud of herself at having so quickly applied her new knowledge of what a raid was.

      Lol. Kids...

      Dream Fragment One
      I was ghost hunting with some chick. We'd begun the hunt during a non-lucid portion of the dream, but I ended up becoming slightly lucid after realizing we were searching for ghosts. I didn't really choose to interfere with the narrative at all, and we just continued looking around for any ghosts that might be in the area. On the street of some unknown neighborhood, I'd thought I'd caught a glimpse of some sort of bright apparition, reflected in the metal surface of the trunk of a nearby car, but I didn't really see anything else around us. I figured it to just be the reflection of the moon, but didn't spend too much time confirming it.

      Dream Fragment Two
      I was discussing the previous dream on the forum, and Omnis Dei (whom had been participating in the raid conversation, in ED) had commented on it. I can't remember his comment, though.

      Dream Three
      "Deady's Little Girl"

      I was on an upper floor of an old apartment building and happened to be looking out of a window, when I saw a woman in a compact car getting her vehicle flipped by an angry mob. Once the vehicle was turning over onto its roof, I could see that there were also kids in the car, and they were terrified. Immediately, I ran downstairs. I don't remember much of the actual confrontation with the crowd, but I was able to reason them into leaving the woman and her children alone, and they ended up dispersing. While they were clearing out, I began helping the woman and her 2 children out of the overturned car. She had a little boy and girl - the boy being the younger of the two, at the age of maybe 2 years old. He was just the sweetest kid. We'd gotten along really well, within the first few moments of my meeting him. Sometimes, he'd just come up to me and hug around my legs. The mother, who was maybe in her early 40's, was quite attractive, and very thankful for my help. She had short, black hair, and a bit of a 'punk' kind of look to her, and it was easy to see that there was at least some level of mutual attraction there. I asked her if she wanted to go and grab something to eat sometime, if for no other reason than that she seemed like someone I'd like to get to know.

      Later, after we'd gone out for food, we ended up back at her apartment. It wasn't long before we started fooling around and [Censored for now]. Eventually, I was just not able to ignore it, and I told her that I had to stop, before we'd even really gotten down to business. I didn't really go into detail as to why, not wanting to hurt her feelings. She was noticeably upset, but ultimately seemed to understand. Her father, on the other hand - whom I met later in the dream - well...he wasn't quite so understanding...

      Apparently, her father was some kind of immortal, invincible being. On the outside, he looked like your typical, southern-ish old man. (Kind of reminded me of Abraham Whistler, from the Blade movies.) He'd caught wind of the fact that I'd refused to sleep with his daughter, and was soon Hell-bent on causing me major bodily harm. This 'man' spent the rest of the dream hunting me down and trying to kill me, often brutally murdering anyone that I'd recently associated with, in order to pick up a trail that would lead him to me. Every now and then, he would track me down, and we'd square off. I actually ended up killing him at least 4 times, throughout the course of the dream, but the bastard just kept coming back. This was quickly turning into a slasher flick type of scenario, and no matter how I would get away from this guy, he would just keep on coming for me. There was one moment when I was being stalked through a school or something like that. I'd grabbed some sort of weapon and was about to kill the man again, when I realized that it was the police that were following me this time. I'd almost killed them, by accident, because I was so rattled. They told me they'd heard something about the situation and were coming to investigate. However, while I was talking to them, the chick's old man popped up suddenly, and completely mutilated them both, right in front of me - carving them up in gruesome fashion. I believe I bolted, after that. After a little more cat-and-mouse, I remember one more confrontation with him, where we in the back of his pick-up truck (which was somehow stretched into an RV-like structure, with four walls and a ceiling). We'd gotten into another fight, and I had begun slipping in and out of lucidity, by this time. Feeling much less threatened by him, I attempted a few 'Hadouken' fireballs on him, but was not able to manifest a single one. Then, still having the upper-hand, I pushed him into into some sort of industrial shredder that he had inside his vehicle, painting one wall with his crimson remains. There was literally nothing left of him that could be identified.

      Having slipped out of lucidity again, and wondering if I'd actually managed to get rid of him, I made my way to the woman's apartment; where she and her kids had been, throughout the whole ordeal with her father. Despite our earlier 'problem', there was still a level of friendship between us. When I got there, though, instead of being happy to see me, like her kids had been, before this, there was an almost palpable hostility in the air. Somehow, they had gotten word that I had 'killed' the grandfather. Out of nowhere, the - once sweet and affectionate - little boy comes running up to me and bites me on the hand. Hard. I drew my had back and looked toward her other kids. She had three this time, instead of two, the third of which was an older, teenage daughter. All three were giving me a look that I could see was the spitting image of their grandfather's evil glare. But, where her younger children didn't seem to pose all that much of a threat, it was the teenage daughter in whom I could see an explicitly dangerous level of rage building, though she remained silent...just staring at me. It was then that I knew he was somehow 'influencing them', from beyond - possessing them, somewhat, in order to carry out his revenge. The mother was also visibly hostile, though not on the level of the children. As I pleaded with her to let me explain the craziness that I had just been dealing with, she insisted that it was best for me to leave and take my daughter (who was now with me, for some reason), because I was upsetting her children. On one hand, I could see that she didn't really want me to leave, but with the tension the way it was, she seemed to be demanding as if she had no other choice. Feeling more than a little dejected, I left the apartment.

      After walking downstairs, I noticed her father's pick-up truck in the parking lot. Inside, was the man himself - fully whole - and he smiled evily while getting out of the truck and walking in my direction. By now, I felt completely defeated. I knew that he was just going to keep tracking me, no matter how many times I killed him. There was some stranger nearby, and I started raving about how I'd chopped the old man up, and how he kept coming back to life. The stranger just said "no, man...no...." and shook his head at me like I was losing my marbles. Again, I turned to face the woman's father. He had a bottle in his hand, with a cloth sticking out of the top of it - a molotov cocktail. For a moment, we just stared at each other, him with this smug look of victory on his face. About here, my lucidity began coming back, and really the first thing that I was thinking about was just waking myself up from this horrible dreams. In the middle of my train of thought, though, and without actually lighting it first, the old man suddenly chucked the bottle directly at my head. Almost instinctively, I focused on a bit of telekinesis and pretty much 'force-pushed' the unlit molotov directly back at him, accompanied by a wave of my hand. Before I got to see if it actually hit him or not, I woke up.
    3. 12/14/2011 thru 12/25/2011 - Fragments

      by , 01-29-2012 at 09:37 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      I don't remember much besides making some kind of life or death deal with someone at a fast food drive-thru, driving an old muscle car with a TV in it (watching Deathproof), and demanding that my kid go to bed while she kept pestering me because she wanted to stay up and play Skyrim all night.

      I had met a girl who had been severely injured near my home, and I brought her in to try and help nurse her a bit. While we were there, I'd come into contact with some other girl who had recently died and was haunting my house (which wasn't my waking world house, btw). At first, I was the only person who could see the ghost, and I didn't know whether to bring it up or not, but then the other girl started to see the female ghost too. She would show up in mirrors and reflections in windows and whatnot. The girl I was helping began to think she was going insane, even though I told her I could see the ghost as well.

      Fragment One
      I was test driving a Dodge Viper on a quarter mile track, and the one thing I really remember is getting down to the end of the track and pulling the e-brake, slinging the back end around in a pretty awesome 180.

      Fragment Two
      My friend and co-worker MJ stayed at work later than she usually does, and we got to hang out for a little while longer than normal. It was nice.

      Fragment One

      Something about using hamsters and weapons. I think it was kind of a Wanted scenario, where we strapped bombs to them or something, in order to use them to infiltrate some sort of facility. I don't really know for certain, though.

      Fragment Two
      I was apparently living at T's place, and had gotten into some kind of argument with his dad, who was implying that I shouldn't be living with them anymore, and looking for a place to live, myself, instead. Fed up with his words, I decided to pack my crap and leave. I ended up moving into some strange aircraft/helicopter thing with 3 women. It kind of looked like the 'Bunny-faced' mobile suit from the movie Sucker Punch, but with props and more room inside. The last thing I remember is being in the cockpit of this aircraft (which looked like an office interior), and having a conversation with them about something.


      I was talking with Auron about the hip hop group Smif 'n Wesson. Of the two group members, he said that Tek sucks, and that he was 'mad at' Steele, for some reason, but I didn't even really know what he meant by that, because he wouldn't explain why. He was also testing out some racing video game, during our conversation, and he was racing a 'ghost car' - which is a phantom car that tracks the best time for the track and saves the data. After some time, though, we'd come to figure out that the 'ghost car' was actually being controlled by the invisible ghost of a young girl, who was sitting in the room with us, manipulating the 2nd player controller.

      I don't remember anything else, though.
    4. 12/11/2011 thru 12/13/2011 - 1) "Make-Shift Assassin", 2) "Losing My Best Friend", Fragments

      by , 01-29-2012 at 09:26 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream Fragment One

      I was lucid, from my earliest memory of this dream, riding down the highway in a ridiculously fast sports car. I was in the passenger seat, and my cute Puerto Rican friend AR was sitting on my lap, while her friend was driving. AR and I began to fool around, and slipped one hand down the front of her pants, rubbing her chest with the other, and kissing the side of her neck. We were all just completely having a blast. The more I would massage AR's erogenous zones, the faster her friend would push the car, until the sound of AR's moaning was revving right along with the engine, as was the grinding of her ass against my lap. It was probably one of the most fun lucid moments I've had, and just insanely hot. She'd throw her head back and over my shoulder, every now and then, calling out while her friend would watch us out of the corner of her eye, laughing.

      It was amazing. Lol.

      Dream Two
      "Make-shift Assassin"

      I was searching through some house; again, already lucid. Walking into one room, I noticed a vase with a head and face on it. The more I walked passed it, the more that I noticed that the face was apparently alive, and eerily smiling ever wider, as it watched me move across the room. Near the vase was a mirror, which I started into for a while, noticing the way that the furniture in the room had moved, which didn't seem to match what an actual mirror should show.

      Eventually, I walked through the mirror and ended up in a different scenario. I was running assassin/theif missions with someone else, and we were both dressed as ninjas. I don't remember much of the transition into the scenario, but I was still lucid and completely enjoying the story, so I continued to play along. We did some amazing parkour across rooftops, and I would occasionally phase through the doors and walls of the buildings.
      There was one moment I vaguely remember, after I'd lost lucidity, where we'd gone to the house of a particular mark. After spending some time looking through the mark's personal belongings, we were found out, and I was able to escape a second story window before my partner was. While hanging on a ledge, outside of the room, I watched while the mark's posse came in and caught my partner, though I knew that I could not give away my position.

      "Losing My Best Friend"

      There was a massive skydive training function / party going on, involving hundreds of people. My very first jump was to be a base jump off of a tall cliff or ledge. Not to prove myself timid, I did a back flip off of the ledge, but what once seemed to be a jump of a few hundred feet turned out to last a fraction of a second, and I couldn't even finish my rotation. It felt like I tried to do a back flip off of a coffee table. Not having nearly enough rotation to complete the flip, I ended up face-planting on the ground - no pain or anything, but it was embarrassing as hell.

      After picking myself up, I went around the grounds of this festival and mingled for a bit. A lot of my old friends were there, including my best friend Todd. Soon, my second jump had come up, and Todd and I were now jumping from a plane, simultaneously. In the middle of these festival grounds was a huge cave that went straight down into the Earth. It was basically an enormous hole in the ground, that people were partying around, down below us. (Something like This, but maybe not as sheer on the sides.) Todd and I had no intentions of landing in or around this hole, but we ended up traveling off course and headed in that direction. Unable to avoid it, I crashed against one side of the cylindrical wall, just a few feet from the top, on a ledge just barely big enough to hold me in a standing position. Todd dropped a little further down, and landed on a small protrusion of rock on the opposite side of the expansive cavern, on his stomach, with his head nearly hanging over the edge and facing down into the void.

      I barely had three inches to spare, on the tiny ledge that was holding my feet above a deadly fall. The more I tried to climb out, the more the lightly packed wall of earth began to give way in my hands. Looking back across the gap at Todd, I could see that he was having trouble keeping his position, and his body was naturally beginning to slide down closer to the lip of the ledge he was on. His eyes screamed the extreme fear that his mouth would not, and the more he attempted to inch himself away from the ledge, the more the ledge began to give way. I could tell that it wouldn't be long before it completely failed him. I yelled his name, trying as desperately as I could to climb up from off of my ledge. It seemed impossible, though. Every time I tried to climb out, my hold would give way, and I would put myself in danger of falling to my death as well, but I could see that Todd was running out of time.

      Finally, the last bit of solid ground he had gave way, and I watched him slide forward, his body diving, head first, off of the tiny ledge, and down into the hole - which might as well have been bottomless, from as far down as I was able to see. I lost sight of him withing just a few moments, but then I heard that horrible Crash from down below. It hit with such force that I knew, instantly, no one could have possibly survived. I think I called out for him one more time, and - not really giving a damn about my own safety anymore - I scrambled up and out of the cave, somehow pulling myself up onto the ledge and level ground, along with the scores of other people who had been watching the whole ordeal.

      I ran around the rim of the cavern to where he once was. On the way over, I came across some drunken idiot who was laughing at the situation (while everyone else was quite visibly stunned). For the shortest moment, I almost got into a fight with this jackass. He said that he thought it was funny because Todd was 'just some random dude' and was 'nothing special'. Right. This was not his best friend we were talking about. Fuming, but still overcome with concern, I continued running around to the other side of the hole, knowing in my heart that no one could have survived that fall. Almost to the railing, where everyone else was staring down into the hole, I began pushing my way through the crowd. Suddenly, I was blocked by T's mom (whom I love dearly). She ran toward me, crying her eyes out, and threw her arms around me. She had seen the whole thing from an angle that I had not, and I could tell by her reaction that I had been right, and my best friend in the world was dead.

      (This was the absolute worst dream I have had in a very long time. I woke up feeling absolutely horrible. Todd has been in Australia for the past year, and I called him a few times after hearing this dream, just to hear is voice. Wasn't able to get in touch with him until a few days after this dream, though. It was pretty rough. )

      All I remember is that I dove into a large, rock-filled lagoon with some friends, and began swimming down into a huge hole (much like the one in the previous dream, but in the water instead of on land). Apparently, we could all breathe underwater, because we just kept swimming further and further down. Eventually, what was a tunnel opened up into a seemingly-boundless cavern of sorts. We began to see lights and over-sized mechanisms like cogs and chains surrounding us. We had swam down into what turned out to be an underwater civilization, reminiscent of what some might depict Atlantis to be - domed buildings and rock-set architecture. Never got a chance to associate with any of the locals, though.

      Updated 01-29-2012 at 09:38 AM by 2450

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. 11/22/2011 and 11/23/2011 - 1) "Everybody Out of the Deadpool!", 2) "No R.I.P. for the Weary"

      by , 11-26-2011 at 08:19 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Woo! Been taking some B6, 5-HTP and Melatonin before bed, for the past couple of days, so my dreams have been coming back in full force.

      Dream Fragment
      'Making it Rain'

      Dream One
      "Everybody Out of the Deadpool!"

      I was disembodied, watching Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds version) being led through some industrial facility. It was being run by an evil syndicate and I believe it had an oil refinery to use as a front. The villains had taken Wade captive, and were going to perform all types of experiments on him - whether he liked it or not - to turn him into their mutant weapon: Deadpool. I could see a screen that was showing what mutant abilities they were going to be adding to his own, and I saw that it once referenced something about his 'motor-mouth', as if it was something that they were assessing. Wade was walking with this woman - who obviously didn't want to hear a thing he had to say - and he was just cracking all types of jokes. The woman was getting very visibly annoyed. It was rather hilarious. From the way he was acting, you wouldn't have been able to tell that he was being held there against his will.

      Sooner or later, there was a battle going on inside this facility. I believe Wade's team had come to bust him out, and to take down the syndicate, but I'm not exactly sure. I do know that a plan was devised to destroy the facility by some sort of nuclear device. I remember panic, as people were trying to stop the explosion and/or escape the facility. At the very end, the initial device had been disarmed, but someone else had set a back-up plan into motion, that caused the oil running through the facility to be channeled up into one single tunnel, where it began to well up. I could see someone running through the hallways, trying to escape the facility, and the ground around them was shaking. Telephone poles near the exit were wobbling. These were ominous signs that there was a massive explosion building beneath the facility. Then, the oil burst out of a single [manhole?], spraying an enormous geyser of oil into the air. My view pulled out, showing the full hundreds of feet that the black fluid shot into the air, piercing a large layer of green clouds that hung over the city. Gravity soon began to take hold, once the geyser hit its apex. The green clouds turned out to be a thick layer of methane gas that was hanging over the city (exactly like the scene in The Mask where Stanley and Tina are overlooking the city from the park, and it shows all the green methane emissions in the air).

      In what I believe was slow motion, I witnessed the villains watch this jet of black oil fly up into the air, blooming into an umbrella and falling back down toward the layer of methane that over the city. At that same moment, a fire was ignited in the facility, a trail of fire streaked up the oil geyser and toward the methane gas that the upward jet had broken through, and that the downward arc of falling oil was about to re-enter. I saw the look of impending doom on their faces. They knew what was about to happen. The fire - doing what it does - surged up the geyser, through the hole in the green gas, up to the apex of the oil fountain, and then began to rain back down toward the cloud of flammable methane. After a short moment of dramatic silence, the entire methane cloud combusted, creating an explosion, across the entire city, that would have rivaled any destructive blast that the team might have used to blow up the facility. The enormous mushroom cloud over the city was the last thing I remember of the dream.

      Dream Two
      "No R.I.P. for the Weary"

      I was in my old house in Canterbury. GV was gone, and I was in our room, with her father asleep in his own room, across the house. It was nighttime outside, and I was getting ready for bed. I had some kind of figurine or something that I was moving from one spot to another, and I suddenly began to feel eyes on me. I looked toward the window, still holding the figurine. Through the curtains, inside, and the bushes which sat outside the window, I saw a face and two eyes staring back at me. It was JJ. She gave me a mischievous smile and moved away from the window, as if to try and undo the fact that I had caught her spying on me. A little excited by this, I decided to go to the front door and invite her in. (Even though I was still living with GV, in the dream, I was single, just as we were for the last few months of our living together, IRL.)

      When I went to the living room, I went to open what I thought was the front door, and it turned out to be GV's dad's room door, which had switched sides of the house. I apologized to him and then went to the other side of the house, closer to where the front door should be, given this (new) layout. When I opened this door, it was the door to the carport, instead. I realized how strange this was. When I turned back to the living room, I realized that everything was backward. The house was set-up completely differently than it had been in waking life. It occurred to me that I was dreaming. What I didn't know was how long I'd been dreaming. I remembered that JJ was supposed to be coming in/over, and I'd wondered if I had fallen asleep before she arrived. Unsure about this, and quite anxious see where things were going to go with her, I tried to wake myself up, to make sure she wasn't really coming over.

      I "woke up" on my bed - completely oblivious to the fact that I was still dreaming - and went to the door (still in my old house, not my present one). JJ was there, and I let her in, happy to see that I hadn't missed the opportunity. She hung out in the room for a while, and then we inevitably started to fool around. Just then, there was a knock at the door. I went back out to open it, and my ex MJ was standing there. I knew that MJ and JJ didn't really like each other, so I was trying to stall MJ, so that she wouldn't know exactly what was going on here. It wasn't very long after this awkward moment, that I involuntarily received the most perfect distraction...


      Out of nowhere, a small band of zombies made its way into the house. (I had been talking with KC about The Walking Dead, the tv show, last night at work.). We all scrambled to get out of the house, grabbing whatever make-shift weapons that we could. Passing by the kitchen, I remember turning back to grab the knife set from off of the counter. We made our way through the laundry room and into the carport, and I had to frantically stab at some of the undead that were trying to clamber over the fence to get us. While my arm was extended, one of the zombies reached its head up and opened wide, aiming to take a huge chunk out of my arm. I saw the teeth come down toward my arm, and I thought to myself "NOOOOOOOO!!!!" knowing what was in store for me. All of a sudden, as if because of that moment of panic, the zombie's mouth froze in place with its teeth just resting around my arm, having not bitten into it. It was literally just hanging there. Only taking a short moment to wonder 'what the hell?' I then got myself back in gear, and we began to move away from the house.

      We didn't get very far before a black van (identical to the one GV used to drive IRL, actually) came screeching around the corner, directly toward us. We scrambled to dive out of the way, but the van ended up smashing into MJ and then crashing into the house. I ran back over to the accident and saw that MJ was in really bad shape, but just barely still alive. Her body looked pretty mangled, and her face was all bloodied and bruised. She needed medical attention and fast. I knelt over her, trying to tend to her and make sure she was still alive, and some bratty kid (a crowd had gathered after the accident) was teasing me by saying something like "Awww, look at G taking care of the wittle baby..." or something like that. I told the kid off - but really wanted to kick his ass - and went back to care for MJ. There is a bit of a gap here, where I can't remember exact details, but it turned out that the driver of the van was someone from the syndicate that was holding Wade Wilson captive, in the first dream.

      JS, another neighborhood friend of mine, showed up, and we were able to take this guy down, after getting him out of the wreckage. He'd tipped us off - somehow - that there were more of them coming after me, because I had allegedly helped Wade escape, earlier (though I don't actually remember being in the previous dream. Just watching it). Another set of headlights beamed into the area, notifying us that someone else would be coming around the corner soon. I told JS that they would be coming for me, and to get MJ out of there. I knew that the zombies were still in the area, but I had to draw all attention away from my friends. Just as the next vehicle was coming around the bend, I took off and ran around to the other side of the house. Moving around the far side, to circle around the building and let the car pass by where I had once been, I looked to one side. There, leaning up against the wall, was Robocop. He was just...standing there. It looked like he was in a sleep-stasis mode, with his head down, hiding back behind some bushes as if he had been placed there. I thought to myself 'damn, I could really use his help right now', but had to keep moving, because I was still in the open, and knew that any vehicle passing by my house would see me, once they looked around the corner.

      I rounded the back side of the house, and then came back around on the other side. From there, I could see JS helping MJ down the street, holding her up while walking beside her. I took one more look around the corner, to make sure the coast was clear, and went to meet them, knowing that the car had already passed where we'd once been. Just as I reached them, though, I was attacked from behind. A man who reminded me of Simon Phoenix (Wesley Snipes) from the movie Demolition Man was all over me. We started fighting in the street, and this dude apparently knew what he was doing. He had counters for almost everything I threw at him, and I was beginning to think that I was going to lose this match. Suddenly, I got a hold of a pair of handcuffs - though I can't remember where I got them from. It took a bit more struggle, but I was able to get them fitted on his wrists. He wasn't done, though. He kept fighting me, tenaciously, and was boasting to me about how he could pick his cuffs. He said that once he got his hands free, he was going to kill me. We struggled some more - both of us now lying on the asphalt - and I had to hold his wrists apart to try to keep one hand from reaching the other cuff. Eventually, though, he overpowered me and snapped one of the cuffs off. Before he could act, I grabbed the fingers of one of his hands. I could see the shock grow in his eyes as I began to push backward on the fingers. He was silently pleading with me not to break them. In my heart, I really didn't want to break them. I knew it was going to be a sickening feeling, as I had never broken someone's bones before, IRL. This was a matter of life and death, though, and this guy had to be immobilized. With one final push, I snapped all four fingers backward, to where they literally folded back on his hand, severed at the knuckles and leaving only bloody stumps attached to the palm.

      The man screamed in pain, but kept on fighting. Even with a broken hand, he ended up overpowering me and kneeling over me, pulling out some kind of weapon and making a gesture which telegraphed that he was about to introduce me to a world of hurt. Just in time, though, gunfire rang out, and the man stopped. He looked from me to JS, nearby, who was holding a machine gun (that I immediately just assumed he had taken from one of the villains). We then looked from the gun barrel to the spot behind my opponent, where the gun was aimed, just in time to see a zombie - which was just about to attack me and the guy I was fighting, fall to pieces, its body practically split in half by the short burst of gunfire. Spouts of blood squirted up from the split torso, which then fell to the ground. My attacker looked just as shocked as I was. He looked back at JS, who had just saved his life, and then down at me. Seemingly having a change of heart, he stood up and reluctantly backed off.

      Then, another set of headlights. Another van came roaring around the turn, and we all scrambled away again, before it could run us over. I jumped to my feet, borrowing the gun from JS and running after the passing van, which rounded another corner and tried to make a U-Turn. Running up on the van, I let bullets spray into the driver's side window, killing the driver and throwing him out of the van. I then jumped inside and brought the van around to pick up the others. We hauled ass toward the front of the neighborhood, just as another van was passing us, presumably driving to where we'd just been. I knew that they would be turning back around shortly, once they realized we were no longer there. Gunning it toward the intersection at the front of the neighborhood, and looking back in the rear-view to see if the other van was behind us, I nearly froze when I looked back in front of us again and saw a fighter jet heading straight toward us, in the night sky. Before I even had a chance to react, a volley of missiles streaked out from the jet, flying directly over the roof of our van and blowing up the van that had been coming up behind us. The jet screamed through the air and flew over top of us, trailing the missile exhaust. I recognized that the help had come from Wade's team that had come to stop the evil syndicate, before (but still wasn't able to piece together that these were dreams).

      I was momentarily relieved, but then I realized that we were driving one of those same vans, and that the jet would probably be coming around to make another pass and take us out, not knowing who was driving. I told everyone that we had to ditch the van as soon as possible, and I sped through the intersection to get as far away from the neighborhood as possible before stopping so we could bail out. I don't remember ever actually leaving the van though, before waking up.
    6. 11/05/2011 and 11/09/2011 - 1) Drop Dead Freddy, 2) Fragment

      by , 11-26-2011 at 07:46 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "Drop Dead Freddy"

      I was on some kind of trip with a bunch of people around my age. There was a girl there, who I was getting pretty close to, but I can't remember if it's someone I know in waking life. We were in a stadium-like place, where there was a slasher-type of scenario going on. Scores of people in the crowd were getting killed, and no one was able to find out who was doing the killing.

      Turned out to be my ol' buddy Freddy Krueger, slicing through crowd patrons left and right. There is a whole lot that went on, that I really don't remember. At one point, I was walking along the ramparts of a castle-type of building, and a man (who seemed possessed by something which made him zombie-like) was pushed off of a building by someone else. The undead-ish man hit the ground far below, lay there for a few moments, and then slowly started to stand back up as if he didn't feel a thing. Can't remember if Freddy was actually controlling him or what.

      Later, I was watching some of Freddy's killings from a disembodied perspective. There was one kid who was in a small room - watching TV or something - and suddenly Freddy came out of nowhere and confronted the kid, ramming two of his razor-tipped fingers up the teen's nostrils. My view elevated until I could only see the upper torso of the victim, and Freddy continued to raise his arm, practically lifting the convulsing kid up from his feet while blood gushed down his killer's arm. Freddy just started into the kid's face, as if studying his work, grinning. Then, strangely, I couldn't see the rest of Freddy's body - just the wrist and gloved hand driving itself up the boy's nostrils. Freddy's other hand then ripped its way up and out of the kid's body, from the inside; somewhere up near the collarbone. The first, gloved hand pushed itself into the skull until it seemed like the entire glove was going to disappear into it. Then, simultaneously, the two hands each grabbed their own portion of the kid's face and upperbody, and then Freddy literally pulled the kid's body apart from within - as if he'd teleported his own body into the kid, while the razors were up his nose - stepping out of the mangled, gory mess as if he'd been wearing a break-away human suit.

      Freddy was a real bad-ass in this dream. Just brutal. He wasn't his wise-cracking self, this time. He was all business. It turned out that the girl I'd been hanging out with, earlier, was pregnant (though I can't remember whether she was, in the beginning of the dream, or not). Freddy knew this, and his intention was to abduct the girl and somehow get her to a hospital and induce her labor, so that he could possess the child and be reborn through her. He'd gotten the girl in his grasp and was dragging her out of a stadium exit, when a young version of Nancy - from the old Nightmare on Elm Street movies - showed up. She was amazing, herself, in how strong she was (both in ability and personality), and she was determined to stop Freddy's plan.

      Somehow, she'd developed the strength to fight Freddy, and there was this massive showdown in the woods. I remember watching it, still with no body of my own, but I don't remember many of the details of it. She ended up completely getting the best of him, though. They squared-off against each other, at the end of the fight, and Freddy - frustrated with having been matched by this young girl, lunged at her, nails bared. Without warning, the dream 'skipped' ahead just a couple of seconds, and Freddy was instaneously on the ground, face first, stone dead. Alice stood over him trimumphantly.

      Dream Fragment
      Something about what I think was a giant robot scenario, and driving really fast.
    7. 01/15/2011 & 01/16/2011 - Fragments

      by , 02-01-2011 at 12:41 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)

      The only thing I really remember is that I was driving around the Lake Mary area with my dad and a few other people. It seemed like the city, but there were a few differences in the geography. Later, we were in a park, smoking bud. Afterward, we were driving back down Lake Emma, and I was only wearing my underwear. Someone in the car wanted some cigarettes, so we headed toward a convenience store, and passed by a bunch of cops, along the way. They were doing some kind of driving drills, on the road, and had caused a huge accident. The last thing I remember is trying to maneuver around the wreck.


      The only thing I remember is some chase sequence where I'm trying to catch this ninja girl (though I don't think it was the same girl that I was in my "Ninja Girl" dream, a while back). We were running around a dock/harbor area, and I had pyrokinesis. I remember throwing some fireballs at her, but she was just too quick and nimble; dashing and dodging around pretty much everything I threw at her, before taking off again and making me continue to chase her through the night.