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    Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles

    So, this is my new journal. (Ask me about a link to my old journal, from 2005 - 2010) Not much to say, that my original intro didn't say. I began lucid dreaming as a response to vivid nightmares, as a kid. Over the years, I learned how to wake myself up, when I knew I was having a nightmare, which later developed into a curious resolve to stay within the dreams, instead of trying to escape. Now I practice lucid dreaming and dream control regularly (or as regularly as my undisciplined ass can stick with it). Most of my lucid dreams are still spontaneous, but I have my fair share of successes with induction methods, when I apply myself. Lucid dreaming has become a beloved hobby of mine, both for adventure and because of my deep-seated interest in consciousness, psychology, and the human mind, in general. It also just happens to be a hell of a lot of fun.

    So...that's about it. I guess all that's left on the agenda is the ol' disclaimer:

    In short; by reading my dream journal, you are hereby in agreement to forfeit the right to use any
    information or situations, herein, against me...for any reason...under any circumstances...

    (After all, they are just dreams.)


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    1. 01/29/2011 & 01/30/2011 - "Reptiloid", Fragment

      by , 02-01-2011 at 03:10 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)

      I remember that there was a lot that went on, early in this dream, but the first thing I actually recall is being at a park with some friends. There was a small pond nearby, and a friend and I were playing some kind of ball game near it. We had some awareness that there were gators in the water but, before then, we hadn't really paid any heed to it. Then, we noticed some small animal - a duck or something - making is way toward the shore. Before it could make it, though, a couple of gators splashed into view and violently attacked the animal, tearing it to shreds. Then, they turned toward us...exposed snouts slowly floating in our direction. Not quite sure what to do, we waited for a moment, seeing the gators crawl up onto the embankment, stalking our way. We then took off, running back toward our group. Knowing full well that alligators aren't the fastest creatures on land, we never could have been prepared for what happened next. The gators actually extended their - once short and stubby - legs, sprinting after us like greyhounds, on thick, muscular, canine-esque legs.

      There was no way we were going to out-run them, and things looked even worse, when another two gators shot out from behind a jungle gym, far off to one side of us. They were closing in just as fast, and we were running out of places to go. We'd made it to the picnic table where the rest of our friends were sitting. Seeing us approach, with these mutated reptiles on our heels, the group immediately stood up. I took running leap and jumped up on top of the table, everyone else doing the same. We were now surrounded, these beasts trying ferociously to climb up onto the table, snapping their razor-sharp jaws at us, only to be kicked or beaten back with anything we could use as weapons. What's even more strange about these creatures were that they were coated with what, at first, looked like slime. But, after the gators were out of the water for a certain length of time, they actually began to melt, sizzling down to steaming piles of this sort of seaweed green goo. The creature were coated in some sort of organic corrosive liquid, like acid. I screamed out to everyone not to touch them, and that all we had to do with hold them off until they all either retreated or melted under their own secretions.

      I don't remember whether or not we all got away, though.

      (I completely forgot a lucid, last night. I hate when that happens. )
      The only thing I remember is something about having to run through a deadly network of traps, like in the new Predators movie. Later, I had become lucid. I remember showing off a couple of lucid tricks, such as walking across a pool of water, and sinking my arm into a wall. When I walked across the water, I found it kind of hard to keep myself levitating, and one of my feet actually dunked completely under, leaving my shoe feeling soggy and wet.

      Updated 02-01-2011 at 03:19 PM by 2450

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. 01/15/2011 & 01/16/2011 - Fragments

      by , 02-01-2011 at 12:41 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)

      The only thing I really remember is that I was driving around the Lake Mary area with my dad and a few other people. It seemed like the city, but there were a few differences in the geography. Later, we were in a park, smoking bud. Afterward, we were driving back down Lake Emma, and I was only wearing my underwear. Someone in the car wanted some cigarettes, so we headed toward a convenience store, and passed by a bunch of cops, along the way. They were doing some kind of driving drills, on the road, and had caused a huge accident. The last thing I remember is trying to maneuver around the wreck.


      The only thing I remember is some chase sequence where I'm trying to catch this ninja girl (though I don't think it was the same girl that I was in my "Ninja Girl" dream, a while back). We were running around a dock/harbor area, and I had pyrokinesis. I remember throwing some fireballs at her, but she was just too quick and nimble; dashing and dodging around pretty much everything I threw at her, before taking off again and making me continue to chase her through the night.