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    Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles

    So, this is my new journal. (Ask me about a link to my old journal, from 2005 - 2010) Not much to say, that my original intro didn't say. I began lucid dreaming as a response to vivid nightmares, as a kid. Over the years, I learned how to wake myself up, when I knew I was having a nightmare, which later developed into a curious resolve to stay within the dreams, instead of trying to escape. Now I practice lucid dreaming and dream control regularly (or as regularly as my undisciplined ass can stick with it). Most of my lucid dreams are still spontaneous, but I have my fair share of successes with induction methods, when I apply myself. Lucid dreaming has become a beloved hobby of mine, both for adventure and because of my deep-seated interest in consciousness, psychology, and the human mind, in general. It also just happens to be a hell of a lot of fun.

    So...that's about it. I guess all that's left on the agenda is the ol' disclaimer:

    In short; by reading my dream journal, you are hereby in agreement to forfeit the right to use any
    information or situations, herein, against me...for any reason...under any circumstances...

    (After all, they are just dreams.)


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    Todd's (aka My Main Dude) Epic Waking Life Adventure / Blog


    1. 12/31/2010 - "Live Fire"

      by , 01-07-2011 at 06:31 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "Live Fire"

      This dream was basically a live-action first person shooter. It was 100% realistic - as in; I was running around, in real life, literally trying to stay alive, and not just playing some video game. It was also very intense. Along with your regular, gun-toting bad guys, there were supernatural elements thrown into the scenario as well. Not only that, but I also had to square off against "bosses" like the Terminator and RoboCop. Throughout the ordeal, I was sometimes forced to ride around the suburbs, stealing cars and whatnot, to get to my objectives. I remember that of my missions had something to do with someone's family. I went to their house, armed with some kind of sub-machine gun, I believe, and showed up just as the wife was putting her kids in the car. While I was coming up the driveway, she turned and spotted me. Immediately, as if on instinct, the woman swiped her hand down, snatching up a handgun from her side, and just started blasting away at me, forcing me to dash away for cover.

      Later, I had to face-off against RoboCop, although it wasn't the original RoboCop. It was my cousin, Mario, walking around as RoboCop. Not only did he have the trademark armor and automatic pistol, but he also had a shoulder cannon with the red, triangle-shaped, laser sight that the Predator uses, its three beams clearly visible in the air, whenever he was surrounded by smoke. There were also these "ghosts" or "reapers" or something, I had to fight against. They were see-through spirits, which floated around with scythes, which were the keys to their power. With the scythes, they could control time and space, and the weapons would essentially grant wishes for whomever was good enough to steal one of them. The wraiths used them to rewind time, whenever I would kill one of them, bringing their brethren back to life and forcing me to try and kill them all over again.

      Updated 01-07-2011 at 06:37 PM by 2450
