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    Percy's Void of Thoughts

    Welcome to My world!

    1. Going back to high school

      by , 09-07-2011 at 05:58 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Going back to high school (Non-lucid)


      I was going back to study at high school. I needed no book for the course, I was supposed to just take notes from the class. I found a lot of old friends at this school, however, they were made up.

      I was trying to find a specific teacher, but it was hard for me, because there were a few dozen teachers all around. I noticed they wore name tags, so I felt it was easier to find the teacher I needed.

      I met with my mom and my dad and wanted to drive them somewhere, but I could not find my car. I found myself in the cafe of the school with some old friends. I gazed at the window of the cafe. All I could see was a very old school neighborhood.
    2. Another madness driving nightmare

      by , 05-21-2011 at 06:27 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Another madness driving nightmare (Non-lucid)


      I was driving and it was night, very late actually. There were several accidents all around me. I saw big and small cars in the middle of the road and on the side of the road, some of them pretty damaged.

      I saw a red van flipping next to me, but it never hit me. I was driving trying to avoid the madness, I almost hit a few cars, but avoided all of them.

      I saw more damaged vehicles a few miles and a few more incidents as well. Some of these cars were totaled, but I saw no ambulances. I managed to finally get off of the freeway. I saw some crashed cars on the road, but the traffic was fine. I managed to finally park, my car was not damaged.

      OK. I am getting tired of these dreams. I never had an accident in my whole life, not even a ticket... I neither saw an accident life on the road while I am driving. This is the 4th similar dream I have. I am very intuitive and I have a lot of premonitions. This must mean something. Fortunately, I always get away from the accidents without becoming part of one, but always near misses.

      So, it is time for me to induce a lucid dream in this scenario and find out what my Third Eye is trying to say!
    3. Cars and Asians

      by , 05-12-2011 at 06:28 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Cars and Asians (Non-lucid)


      - It was day.
      - I was make sure to record the asian people.
      - Not made got recorded.
      - There was going to be some sort of car race.
      Tags: asian, car, record
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. Composing a song.

      by , 05-10-2011 at 01:05 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Composing a song I (DILD)


      I was driving my car and going to the mall with my wife. It was night, very late, but for some reason the mall was open and full of cars. The cars were driving recklessly and it was hard to park, there were little to no parking spots left.

      I parked in a place but I was not well parked, so I decided to park in other spot. I parked in reverse gear so it would be faster to get out when I was back. However, I noticed that after parking, I was parked in drive... I told my wife and she said it was OK. I told her no way, I was parked in reverse. I pointed at the gears and said, "See... it is on reverse!" When I noticed it was on Drive...

      I told her I was dreaming, that this was making no sense at all. My wife started complained and got mad at me. She started arguing that I was wasting valuable time. I started to fly and left my "wife" speaking and shouting in the middle of the now empty parking lot.

      I took a flight but realized my dream was stable and clear enough. While I was flying I started to recall that I needed to do something that was requested over Dreamviews... I took me a while to remember, until I remembered Rman told me to compose something in a dream. I found it funny because I am not into music at all, and neither into poetry.

      I chanted the following:

      - Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiireeeeeeee eeeeeee, oh fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiireeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
      - oh fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiireeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, of fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiireeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
      - great fire, that burns it all
      - like the phoenix..... I rose....... from fiiiiiireeeeeeee"

      I decided it was good signing and enough. I decided to look for Amity. I got to a big lot with signs. It was day now and I could see on a sign, "This is Amity: We are astrally connected, we always have been. I influence and change my dream world, so you do on mine"

      I flew for a while more until my dream started to vanish, so I decided to L-DEILD
      lucid , non-lucid
    5. Crashing road madness

      by , 05-10-2011 at 12:29 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Crashing road madness (Non-lucid)


      I was driving my car at night and needed to enter a freeway that was pretty packed. I saw several cars that were crashing, but everything was in slow motion, because the car's were getting very damaged.

      Suddenly, a black bike got behind me and started to honk. The bike hitted my car a few times and damaged it also.

      The bike got in front of me and tried to force me to crash with him, getting on my way and braking, but I avoided him. I decided to get off the freeway and call the policy.
    6. I can't see, I can't see!

      by , 05-08-2011 at 04:37 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      I can't see, I can't see! (Non-lucid)


      I was driving my car with a friend. I realize I could not see very well, so I decided to take my sun glasses, after all, it was night. As I did, I completely lost vision. I was worried because I was driving at 50 mph and I could not see at all. I was worried I was going to crash.

      The car did not brake so I had to keep driving. My friend told me, "Do not enter the intersection!!! Red light! Photo Enforced!" I could not brake and my car started turning. I could see the flash from the camera through my eye lids.

      A few feet later, I crashed and woke up.
      Funny enough, I was not freaking out nor nervious. It is good to be semi-lucid on most dreams, specially on nightmares!
    7. "OM" Meditation to Astral Project

      by , 04-10-2011 at 06:57 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      "OM" Meditation to Astral Project (DILD)


      I was walking outdoors. It was sunny and warm. I was in a different city where I currently live. It was a city made out of buildings on about 4-5 stories each. The buildings were red, dark read brick colored.

      I remember a street that was going uphill. The street had stairs and buildings on each side. There was a big taller building in front of me. I met with a gal who kissed me a few times. I was going to this building for some psychic convention or something. I was excited. On my way I found some made up friends until I made it to the building.

      I entered the building. There was large walk-in refrigerators and some showers at the bottom. I knew I was going to spend there several hours, so I took a shower. I decided to eat something. I opened one of this refrigerators, made out of stainless steel. Inside, I found a big chocolate cake, a lava cake and some muffings. I did not feel like eating sweet, but I had no other choice.

      After eating, we were going to do some group meditation. It was probably a, "OM"session. We were attempting to Astral Project. I think I was the only one who was actually succeeding. I started to feel my body numb and I felt some vibrations
      (they were not like real vibrations while I try to AP, but dreamed ones) I was feeling my wedding ring too heavy on my finger and it was disturbing me to AP. I told by telepathy to other psychic to remove my ring. She did slowly, but for some reason I said something I cannot recall and lost focus. The lady said,"I felt very bad while I was holding your wedding ring and you said that."

      I ended the meditation session. Now I was in a room where the ceiling, walls and floors were made out of wood. The room was pretty empty and I decided to leave. I walked through this home and I felt someone was looking for me. I decided to check my hands when I saw one of my fingers was broken.

      I turned lucid. I flew away breaking up the window as usual. It was partially cloudy and I was in downtown. The buildings were very high and most were black. The dream was pretty stable so I decided what to do.

      I recalled the Tasks of the Month, but they were done already so nothing. I also recalled I never missed a task of the month so I was good there. I recalled several Tasks of the Year, but I passed, I did not feel like doing them. I decided to put my thoughts in order and plan a few things I needed to do work related and metaphysically related.
      (Too bad I forgot to attempt to jump to the Astral Plane from the Dream Plane... oh well) I stood floating without doing anything "dream related" for several minutes. After while, I spotted a huge dog on the top of a building. I flew to the dog and started to pet it. It was a Boxer, but it was huge, about 5 feet tall.

      I also spotted another dog in other building, so I flew to it and played with him for a while until
      I lost lucidity. I saw a giraffe, but it was all gray and it had huge elephant ears. When I approached it, it was more like a rhino. It trampled me and pushed me out to some sort of garbage disposal. A female employee pushed the button of a small door that said, "Not animals" It was a yellow sign with a black cow on it. I started to get sucked by something and flew away to the interior of the building.

      I realized I was still dreaming. I found my wife who was afraid of something. We went to the top of the building and told her we were in a dream. I told her she was probably going to forget the dream, but that I wanted to try anyway. My wife was acting like if she had waking limitation and vulnerabilities. I told her we could do whatever we liked as we were dreaming. I proved jumping very high, but she was not convinced. I also explained to her that everything in the dream was also material and touchable. I punched a car and made a hole in the door. I told her that even I could do something I could not on waking, the car had some resistance and did not vanish.
    8. Night drive, day scape.

      by , 02-15-2011 at 08:09 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Night drive, day scape. (DILD)


      I wad driving in the freeway. My wife was next to me and we were talking about some psychic exercises I was doing. My wife recalled some psychic attack I did to someone in waking several months ago. My wife told me, "I love your dark energy." I do not know where the heck this comes from... I am a good guy and a spirit of light! I guess my darker ego showed up in the dream. I found funny what my wife told me.

      It was very hard for me to drive. I could not drive straight in my lane and I would change lanes without wanting to. I also could not keep a constant speed while driving. My vision was very blurry and I felt extremely tired. We arrived to some sort of mall and I saw everything super blurry.
      I felt it was not normal for me to be so tired, having a big time driving and such a low vision. I checked my hands. My index finger was very thin and long. I knew I was dreaming, but I needed more proof. I asked my wife to please check her hand. She also had six fingers. I decided to take a flight to make my dream stable, however, my lucidity was not great. I followed the plot of the dream and lost lucidity.

      We entered the mall and my wife was mad at me for some present I gave her or something I do not recall well. She suddenly told me, "Yeah right, go get one of those 75% discount sunglasses like you always do." Funny, I have never bought my wife sunglasses in waking, I wonder why I dreamed that. I told her I was not going to buy any sunglasses this time.

      I wanted to leave the mall, however, it had no windows, no doors and the roof was made out of steel. All I wanted to do was to leave. I saw some sort of reception and saw an exit behind reception. I could see the sun coming from the outside.
      I turned lucid again, it was night a while ago, it was impossible to be day so fast. I walked towards the reception and said, "12th floor, please." The receptionist told me, "There is a private party there and you have no ID." I told her I just wanted to go through the door to be able to exit the mall, I did not plan to take the elevators. She informed me, "We are going to need an attorney to witness you are indeed just exiting the mall." I replied, "Oh, come on... This is a dream, I will wake up eventually!" I had no dream control on this particular dream. I saw some guys approaching the door. They were granted access. I got next to them and ran outside.

      A guy asked me how much did I charged for a Tarot reading. I told him I was dreaming in that moment. The guy was surprised. Before I decided to take a flight, I lost imagery of the dream.

      I had a FA in my room. I had a ton of e-mails from Amity, however, when I tried to read one, it would not open. I also started to write down the dream in my pillow and read some scripts about meditation when I woke up for real.
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