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    Percy's Void of Thoughts

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    1. Odd mexico visit.

      by , 10-18-2013 at 06:05 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Odd mexico visit. (Non-lucid)


      I went to mexico because I needed to buy some cans of coke as my boss requested me to do. For some reason, I felt very tired and in a really bad shape, so it was even hard for me to walk.

      After I cross the border, I was in some sort of wilderness, and there were some bugs around, until one, tiny white bug that looked like a leech bite me. I started to feel dizzy and feeling sick, as I had no idea what type of bug bite me and I felt poison.

      I kept working on finding the cases of coke so I asked someone where to find some. It appears, that this someone was a psychic who tried to hypnothize me againsts my will, but she was not successful.

      I felt that I would better pick up a cab and ask for directions, as I was feeling to uneasy. I asked the driver about a store were I could buy them. He told me to go down the street, three lights and then turn left. I wondered if they would accept US dollars.

      I felt unsafe, so I went up to pick my car, like if I was going to cross back to the US. I wondered if I had my passport, as I did not recall picking it up before heading to mexico.

      There were cops encouraging children to do crimes
      Tags: bug, coke, dizzy, mexico