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    Somniloquent G

    1. 1/5/11 - 5

      by , 01-12-2011 at 08:03 PM (Somniloquent G)
      [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Black"]1/5/11 - 5[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="#808080"](Non-lucid)[/COLOR][/SIZE]


      [COLOR="#808080"][/COLOR][COLOR="#1E90FF"]1) There's a lacrosse stick in my trash bin. I want to give it to someone as a Christmas gift, but someone takes it. I watch them take it but don't chase after them. I don't want anyone to know I'm giving it to them so I'll just let the person take out my trash. Running after him would let everyone know.

      2) continuation of 1??? I'm walking along the wall of a high-rise. I can see that I'm many stories above the ground and am in some kind of office building. I deliver?? bags of clothing to Mrs. M. NBA and I go to the doorway, which is an entrance to the game where you skate down a long slope to cut pizzas. The entire slope is lined with pizzas and the goal is to slice as much as possible. We skate down, turning and curving to cut the pizzas as much as we can in one trip down.

      We get to the bottom and look into the door to the kitchen. Our boss comes out and gives us our next task??? He goes back inside and we can see a girl sweeping the alley we just came down. She has long dark hair and is singing as she works.

      NBA? and I fly to a building a few blocks down and we walk down a hallway? DM? JT? Go go up a ladder and embark on some sort of quest.

      At the end, we're all in the parking lot of a concenience store and it's time to go to college. One kid says he's going to Cornell and the other one is going to the University of Nevada. We walk down a long farm road and see a New Hampshire? license plate. We talk about "B Fad Pump Control," which is a wiki I actually like. The movie ends and the title appears on the screen: Eni & Enoi.

      3) I walk into Toronto with my parents. It looks just like Chicago - the streets are similar and the buildings rise high. I think Giordano's is just a block away and I mention this to my parents.

      4) continuation of 3?? I'm in a basement somewhere (Mexico???????) with KD, NT, and JD. They're all lying in a large bed, and I go and lie down too. One of them asks to swap places with me, which we do.

      We go above ground and have to cross the street. There's a Kentucky Fried Chicken???? [/COLOR][COLOR="#808080"](I think we might be in the same city as the one in 3.)[/COLOR][COLOR="#1E90FF"]

      5) We're in a van driving by the ocean. A huge wave comes ashore and spreads across the land, which is pretty cool. It's only a few inches of water that goes under our van.[/COLOR][/INDENT]
      Tags: chicago, college, j_d, k_d, nba, n_t
    2. 1/1/11 - 11

      by , 01-01-2011 at 04:36 PM (Somniloquent G)
      Great start to the new year! 11 dreams recalled on 1/1/11! :banana:

      [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Black"]1/1/11 - 11[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="#808080"](Non-lucid)[/COLOR][/SIZE]


      [COLOR="#808080"][/COLOR][COLOR="#1E90FF"]1) It's as if I'm a character in a video game; I press a button and jump over hexagonal shapes, which are graduatingly black/green with opaque green outlines.

      I walk across a swampy area and see an emo girl. She has short black hair with some pink in the middle. She's talking to me and seems rather friendly.

      2) I'm at a movie. My friends are there, but I'm sitting with little kids (NBA's brother's friends?) I'm kind of embarrassed, but I sit back and enjoy the movie. The room is dim and has a blue glow.

      At an intermission, my friends come up to me, as well as OG. OG tries to harrass me. I make fun of him and curse at him?

      Mrs. A is standing at the side of the room, giving a presentation. We all turn to face her, sitting in a semicircle. I'm having a little difficulty breathing.

      3) Today I'm going to visit Boston University with Mrs. W. I'm absolutely positive that this is my second time visiting, and this time I'm going to show her. [/COLOR][COLOR="#808080"]There's a really good chance that I visited this in a prior dream, but I can't remember a thing about it. In the dream, though, [/COLOR][COLOR="#1E90FF"]I'm convinced I just visited the day before and have now come for my second visit.

      I'm walking along a New York street, on my way to Boston University. I look at the buildings (which are pretty run-down) and think about how they're structurally identical to a LEGO. They must have built a building based on my LEGO model. It's the exact same thing. The high rise across the street looks cool, too, even if it is in need of repair.

      I get to the street corner and am ready to turn to walk down the sidewalk to Boston University when a car starts honking at me. I point and ask, "Me?" and yes, the driver is directing at me. It's an ugly fat woman with sunglasses; she's probably in her 50s. She pulls over and rolls down the window, informing me that Mrs. W would be there with me today. I had completely forgotten, but that's right. Mrs. W [I]is[/I] going with me today [/COLOR][COLOR="#808080"](is this the first time I've had this concept? I'm not sure)[/COLOR][COLOR="#1E90FF"].

      I meet Mrs. W in the dusty desert-like city block on which Boston University is located. We greet each other and enter the building, a highly modern and very nice facility. PS is there to greet us, and he guides us up. After we reach the top, JF, NBA, KB, and I all skate down the stairs. There are crevices in the stairs and elevated areas, so we have to jump like we're in a video game. We're going downhill, we just speed down without worry. KB taunts me about being so slow and last out of the four, so I put more attention to the game and become focused for the first time. I zip down the stairs, passing all three of my competitors.

      [/COLOR][COLOR="#808080"]Is this a false awakening beginning of another dream? I'm not entirely sure, but it seems to me as if all this happened at the bottom of the slope we were just skating on. [/COLOR][COLOR="#1E90FF"] I check my phone for email and see that I have hundreds of emails from DreamViews. [/COLOR][COLOR="#808080"](That isn't too far from being accurate, "lol.") [/COLOR][COLOR="#1E90FF"]I have an email saying that Raven Knight has replied in one of my threads, and I'm interested to read what she has to say because I respect her opinion as one of the more intelligent posters. I go to the thread and read her post, in which she bashes a bunch of people who replied. Her vicious attacks are relentless, unyielding, and unforgiving. She probably attacks 5-10 people, all whose usernames I don't recognize. None of them have avatars or are important members, but they were just causing problems and making posts that sounded stupid.

      Thankfully, she didn't reply to any of my posts. :)

      4) Jeff777 makes a forum post. [/COLOR][COLOR="#808080"](I wrote this down as a note at 5:00 AM, but now I don't remember what he said. I think when I had the dream I actually got the gist of his post, though.)[/COLOR][COLOR="#1E90FF"]

      5) I'm in DV chat and Akono has something next to his name. It's just like the little line and then "Away," but it looks like it's longer. He still has the "@" sign in front of his name and everyone still has the brackets. I think what he's saying has a negative tone.

      6) I'm in a huge group of kids in my grade, eating lunch in the parking lot. At the end of lunch, I find CH and ask him where he had been all lunch period! He tells me that he had been eating his lunch nearby? I try to get my sweatshirt on but have real difficulty in doing so. When I finally get an arm in, I have it on backwards. :/

      I walk into the school through the back entrance and walk down the hallway. I have no idea what class I'm supposed to be going to. I think tremendously and begin to panic, but I eventually figure out that it's X Block. Whew! That's a relief, I have lunch now so I won't be late for anything. I see a few kids from lower grades on the stairs who have high, squeeky voices. I interpret one of them to be RG.

      I get to my locker but can't open it. I must have put in the wrong combination. After another unsuccessful try or two, I realize that I'm trying the wrong one. :/ Mine is two lockers over!

      I move over and finally open it successfully. But this isn't my locker - it's a vending machine filled with snacks and candy. Opening it was a floccinaucinihilipification. I close it, since it's not mine and there's really nothing for me to do with it, much to the surprise of the students who were having a math (Calculus?) extra help session in Mr. S's room. DM is one of the students in there. I see Mrs. M passing through the hallway, and she asks me if I live in ([/COLOR][COLOR="#808080"]I forget the name, but [/COLOR][COLOR="#1E90FF"]it was some obscure town I had never heard of). I tell her where I live, but I don't think she's really paying attention and it doesn't sink in.

      I walk down the hallway and turn, and I'm at work. It's a huge office building, but I need to get back to my locker. I notice I'm in just my underwear. I turn and go down another hallway, but now I'm just lost. There's an office foyer-like area, but there's only one guy there. I turn back, but there's a row of cubicles where I was sure my locker had just been. I'm really frustrated now because I have no clue how to get back. I turn down some more hallways and the whole thing is just an office building.

      7) I'm in a country house. There's a man outside who I interpret as a Southerner: the man has gray hair, is aged 50-65, has the drawl accent, and his head is cocked a little to one side. I'm afraid to walk outside, but I know I have to. I've been watching this man through a window.

      I finally walk out onto the porch, and he tells me something which surprises me, but shouldn't: he's going to adopt us. There's someone else who walks into the yard, someone I recognize and don't mind. However, I don't really want to be adopted. I think of polite excuses because I don't want to hurt the old man's feelings.

      8) I'm in a location with bridges over lava and huge crowds of people. I wonder for a moment where this could possibly be, and I come to the conclusion that it must be 4chan. I'm kind of on one of the bridges a little further back, and there must be a concert or something because everyone's pushing towards the central bridges and is jumping around. I'm in the spirit and I'm jumping around too, but I seem to be stuck towards the back.

      I see the front bridges start to clear out; this is my chance! I remember that my goals are leadership, assertiveness, and action [/COLOR][COLOR="#808080"](which are actually my real-life goals, not dream goals)[/COLOR][COLOR="#1E90FF"] and this is the perfect opportunity to work on building those character traits. I make my way towards the front and start jumping around as if it's a sporting event and my team just scored a goal. I look across the lava field, and only a mere few feet there's a platform where they're giving out free pizza! 4chan was sued or something for causing problems on the Internet and so now it had to give out free slices of pizza to all its members. I gladly took my two free slices. My cafeteria should do this!

      I learn that if I want more, I'll have to come back tomorrow. They give out two free slices to everyone each day.

      9) I'm with a few kids outside and we're in a small group playing a game. One of the girls breaks down and asks me how i play, because I'm so good.

      LeBron James is there, and he's a pretty cool guy. We talk and joke around, and I bounce off of his humor. His jokes perfectly set up my jokes, allowing me to have awesome punchlines that everyone likes.

      We're in the gym, and I'm hanging with LeBron, who's now become a piece of cardboard. Hmm, he must've been a piece of cardboard the whole time. Maybe I was just imagining him as a person when he was a cardboard all along.

      Mr. P is at a podium under the board and he calls up PC. Mrs. E takes some pictures of me and the LeBron cardboard and says it's cute and wonderful. She tells me to keep it up, the kids love it.

      10) I have a false awakening. I check my notes I put on my phone as a temporary DJ, but I don't understand anything I wrote. It's all weird numbers, percentages, and fractions like 2/3. I eventually figure out what the numbers mean (it's something like % of dream recalled, lucidity, or measurement of vividness, but I forget what now) but they still don't help me remember what actually happened in the dream.

      11) I'm traveling through a really poor section of town. The houses are dilaptitated, literally - they're all several feet below ground, so there are essentially cliffs around each house.

      I'm going down a road (X St.?) and see lots of political signs for people running for office. I notice in particular RD signs, where he talks about his Christianity and his church. There are crosses attached to the bottom of each sign, which becomes annoying as I go down the street; more and more signs appear until the overhanging above the street is loaded with them and I have to duck my head just to get along the road.[/COLOR][/INDENT]

      I'm going to start tracking my stats for the year from now on. It's time to start anew!

      Total dreams: 11
      Total days: 1
      Total lucids: 0
      Dreams per day: 11
      Lucids per day: 0
      Dreams per lucid: infinity :o

      Updated 01-01-2011 at 09:28 PM by 40334
