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    1. DILD and WILD, thanks SENSEI!

      by , 08-25-2015 at 07:11 PM
      Fucking breakthrough!!! Pre wbtb DILD, post wbtb chain of WILDS. triggered by the sensei comp! I have 12 minutes of frickin audio notes to

      Pre WBTB DILD

      I'm on this gameshow and I can't figure out the point of it but I'm standing in a big black room where these different groups of people are doing weird superhuman feats. I wonder how they are happening. One person is like floating up in the air and their hands are glowing and they fall to the ground and everyone cheers. Everything is happy and exciting. It gets to my group and people are yelling at me "just feel it, just go with it, just do it!!"

      I hear a big voice "TONY, YOU'RE GONNA FLY! YOU'RE GONNA TELEPORT!" I'm wondering, what's happening? There's a waterfall. Like a glowing waterfall. It's a waterfall of lucidity. I realize that the gameshow is Sensei's competiton and i'm watching other people have their turns. I step in the falls and i feel the power of lucidity wash over me but i don't have any control. People are yelling "GO WITH IT!" I can feel this power, this realization that i'm in a dream but i don't have any control. I want to look at my hands but i can't do anything. I step back and the feeling is gone for a second. I step back into the glowing waterfall and I'm thinking about sageous' book for a second and this rush comes over me and it's beautiful. I think about what i want to do in this situation and i start to leave the moment and I'm back in my body.

      i had a WBTB and my daugter puked during my wild attempt. had to get that cleaned up and tried to go back and hold still but it took me an extra hour to fall asleep. I wilded right into my bedroom. i got heavy hands and flashes of pictures. For a while i saw a whipping pattern of light and some noise and i tried to make it into a dream but couldn't think of anything to dream.

      Wild, Remember, then flying.
      From the wild I end up in my bedroom. I can tell that I’m dreaming because the room is very dim and unstable. I am rubbing my hands together. I have a very narrow strip of vision. I’m looking at my hands and nothing is clarifying. I look around and say out loud “I’m in my bed and I’m asleep” the room gets more clear after that. I walk to the wall and start rubbing the texture of the wall. I go through the hallway to the living room and go outside. I leap into the air and start flying, soaring over my neighborhood. I land on top of a neigbor’s house and I look in a window and it’s my bedroom! I’m reminded that I’m dreaming again and I run to the edge of the roof and jump and I’m flying. I think about how I can teleport and climb to the top of a building, like an office complex. Dream fades.
      School sex then battle!
      In the hallway of a school like a Hogwarts, fancy boarding school and I see a pretty thin girl that looks like amy schumer. I remember that I'm lucid and my sex drive takes over. I ask her if she wants to come sleep with me. We walk through a door and it’s a bedroom and I start grinding on her. I tried to do thing where you start humping and it turns into sex but it doesn’t, it just stays dry humping. She’s wearing a pink tube top and has blonde hair. I never finish and I end up going back into the other room. I am lucidish during this.
      In the other room it’s now a big combat hall like at the end of the karate kid. I’m fighting a guy and I have chi powers. I can lightly tap my opponent and he’ll fly across the room. He looks like captain lou albano, big fat guy with long stringy beard and rubber bands. He’s wearing a karate gi with a black belt tied around it.

      False Awakening
      I’m talking to my friend ced after the dreams and I’m showing him my phone. Telling him that I’ve been having trouble LDing but now I’ve got dreams… “here’s 4 minutes worth, here’s 8 minutes worth.” He says, “wow, that’s great dude!”
      Tags: flying, sageous, sex
      lucid , false awakening , memorable