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    1. Analysis of my more powerful lucid dreams

      by , 04-15-2012 at 02:56 AM
      As I've transferred these from my physical dream journal to this online one, I've noticed I have several objects that have appeared in my more vivid dreams.

      Tables - usually metallic or gurney like
      Gray or metallic rooms
      Dim lighting

      In all three: Golden Dream, UFO dream, and Mel Gibson Saved Me, as well as the Pelican Dream & School, these have these elements.

      When I enter the astral world (?) in Becoming Golden, I am in a dimly lit grayish room with three metallic tables. When I wake in my Mel Gibson dream, I wake upon a table. In the UFO dream, while there are no tables, the room itself is metallic. The man I met in the 'void' is also a silver, metallic form.

      Chairs and gurneys are in the School/Pelican dream. Chairs are also in the UFO dream.

      Any ideas on symbolism or the connections? :erm:
    2. Remote Viewing Grays

      by , 04-13-2012 at 03:33 PM
      Meditation: Previous Experience from the years 2006-2009

      I don't know how I became interested in remote viewing, but when I did, I so enjoyed it. It began as a challenge and as a way to expand my own experience/knowledge. I was part of a group that did controlled experiments, so to speak. Just like this group here, so it was nothing formal.

      Once I figured out ways to remote view, and trust me, my ways are mine, they do not work for everyone and many will say, that's not how you do it. So be it. I only know what I know.

      This session was more of a curiosity tour. After my 'tour' on a UFO in a very lucid dream, many years after, I just couldn't resist spying. I can not recall if this was my 'first' or last time viewing them, I only know it was one of the times I viewed them. What they are - I don't know. Figments of a collective imagination? Alien life forms? Astral forms? Or none of the above...

      When I RV'd, I would go in my golden form, looking like a wisp of golden silk. I would fly from my solar plexus area and to my target. I only did this after I had meditated and calmed my mind. Then, I would focus on my target, leave as golden, and see what I could find.

      On this expedition, I came to what looked like a red desert. There was an opening to the cave and I went inside. I settled to the ground and began walking of floating. As I moved, I dragged my hand along the wall to my right. It felt sandy and rough, perhaps like sandstone. The cave walls were cool and the inside was very dark. But I kept following the wall.

      When the wall ended, or perhaps I got bored and fast traveled, I came upon a room of sorts. It was dimly lit. There were what I can only call beds or gurneys in this room. And several "Grays" were lying around. They did not look like the typical bright-eyed, light skinned beings we see depicted on the cover of novels. These Grays were ashen and frail. Their mouths were mere slits but they had teeth I believe. They appeared in agony. There was so much pain and sadness.

      At some point, I was discovered. I don't understand how. I just recall knowing someone other than these frail creatures became aware of me and sent me on my way with one heck of a headache. And yet, I continued to view them. In a way, I felt like I had turned the tables on them. And at points, they did not like it.
    3. UFOs and Aliens oh my! (Lucid)

      by , 04-11-2012 at 12:04 AM
      2005/2006 (From my old journal)

      I'm posting prior dreams here as I begin attempting to lucid dream again. This one and the Becoming Golden dream are two of my first. I cannot remember if this was first or the Golden Dream was first but both have never left me and were incredible dreams - both were lucid.

      I went to sleep as normal as I had not begun intentionally LD'ing or even trying to recall my dreams.

      While still dreaming, I found myself on a sidewalk, in my nightgown, at nighttime. A streetlight was to my left and I kind of was standing beneath it, I guess. I was on a corner and a traffic light was turning yellow and then red. I felt that I was waiting for something but I had no idea what i was waiting for. To my left, stood a lady, also in her pajamas. I didn't pay attention to what she wore. She had her head back and was staring up at the dark sky.

      I copied her and looked up at the stars. It was a clear night and the stars sparkled except for a dark patch that was shaped like a triangle. I heard a dog bark off in the distance and crickets were chirping. I kind of thought that was a weird detail for a dream. Anyways, after I noticed the dark triangle patch in the sky that blocked out the stars, I realized this dark patch was descending...or getting bigger. Then, I just said in my dream, "I knew they were real." And I turned to look at the lady beside me to see if she saw the craft too. Her head was still back. She had on a white nightgown - I now noticed. I think I snickered at her. I remember thinking - huh, they don't have any lights on, but why would they unless they wanted someone to see them.

      I turned my attention skyward again and the feakin' triangular thing was about 6 feet off the ground. It hovered above me! It blocked out the entire sky from my view. Now, light emmenated from beneath the object, but I couldn't detect or see any actual lights. It just glowed. (still not lucid)

      I spun in a circle. The woman was gone. I was now in the middle of the street, but I couldn't recall walking or moving to get there. A cool white light engulfed me, and, as if I'd turned a switch from off to on I arrived in a gray metallic room. My pulse pounded at my wrists. There was NO transition. No intermediate locale. I was standing in the street, outside, on the blacktop, and then I wasn't.

      (still not lucid but beginning to freak out)

      The room was dimly lit with the same kind of lights as were on the object's underbelly. I couldn't see a light bulb or any indentation where a light could be. No furniture. No pictures. Just a gray room. Except it was small - maybe 10X10 feet max.

      I wiped my hand on my thigh and realized I was still wearing my nightgown. (I think I started to become aware) I looked up and saw in the corner of the room a being - the typical big headed, black eyes, grayish body - standing. Whether she, and I say she because I knew it was female, had always been there in my dream or materialized, I don't know. Anyways, I noticed she had blonde hair. And that triggered my awareness. I don't know why but it was like I had been slowly waking up after I showed up in this gray room thing.

      I stared at this creature and thought, quite deliberately, You're not supposed to have hair. Pale blonde hair covered her light bulb shaped head! It has to be a wig, I thought, again quite intentionally. She tilted her big head and then sent me this thought. It was THE coolest thing! I just got like a complete sentence dumped into my consciousness: She wore it to make me comfortable. Her slit of a mouth never moved I felt her intention and I also felt comforted. She seemed to smile but her mouth remained motionless.

      Oh my God! They're real! They exist! And a big grin spread across my face. Then, I felt her happiness. I felt that she was pleased with my reaction.

      I spoke aloud, Am I dreaming? And it was at this point that I knew I was 'awake' because I began to feel more and question things. But as if in response to my own question I got the answer, No, you're not dreaming. It kind of echoed in my head, you're not dreaming. That freaked me out. I began to look around and realized that the other lady was not with me. So, I asked the creature, where the other lady was. She told me it was not my concern. She was on her own tour and not to worry! Holy crap!

      My heart started racing at this point because I just felt awake and I felt and saw everything. It was too freakin' wacky! My knees got wobbly yet I know outwardly I remained calm.

      She asked me, in my head, which is kind of weird because I was already in my head , if I wanted my tour now? She motioned with her long, bony arms toward a door behind me. I turned around and a door slid silently into a wall - like the ones on star trek, except this one made no sound.

      Outside was a hallway that was also gray (what is it with gray and my dreams???) and had subdued lighting. I followed her down this hall and it turned slightly and opened up. The lighting here was strong and bright. It was a white light but again no actual light bulbs could be seen. AND the fact that I was checking for freakin' light bulbs bothered me. This new area felt like and reminded me of the center of a mall. It was like the center of the craft??? It was all white and lit. There were many light bulb head creatures roaming around. Some held see through clipboard type things but they weren't clip boards. It was like a see through computer screen or something. I don't know. Anyways, they didn't seem to notice me or mind me.

      In the back of this space, was a cylinder, clear glass or plastic. And I watched a few aliens go into it and then it shot straight up - like an elevator. There were tropical plants in front of the tube elevator. These creatures wore tunic type of clothes with pants. The colors they wore were pastels - no primary colors - yet.

      We moved on and followed the curved wall in the hall. It seemed to go around this central hub. And as we walked I got this feeling she had a surprise for me. She hoped I 'd like it. At the end of this hall was another large room. It had row after row of seats - orange seats with a metal frame. The whole area seemed like an airport waiting area to me. On the left side of the room were windows - it was black outside though so I couldn't see anything out these windows. But the weirdest thing was these chairs and what was on them.

      On every single chair, was a photograph. Each photo was of a different person - all humans. She kept on walking until she got about halfway back and then she stopped. I got this feeling that I might see my grandparents who had been dead for many years. She motioned with her long, twig-like arm for me to move into the aisle. I shuffled down the aisle like I was in a movie theater. And when I was halfway down that aisle she motioned for me to stop by holding up her long arm with four spindly fingers. I looked down at the chairs and there was this photograph of a man, Indian in nationality. He had dark hair and dark skin, dark eyes. He appeared to be in his forties, maybe or fifties. I don't know. And to the chair on my left was a woman with dark hair in a bun on top of her head, I think. She too was Indian. I stared at the photos and then looked back at this alien. She 'asked' me if I knew these people. I did not.

      No sooner did I have that thought that everything changed.

      She put up this mental wall so I couldn't feel her anymore. I don't know how else to explain it. But I felt cold and alone and frightened. I felt as if I'd made a wrong choice or said the wrong thing and everything spiraled out of control. From the back of this room came ten or more of these creatures. They surrounded me and pushed the chairs out of the way. They forced me to the ground with my right shoulder down (I think) and left shoulder was up. I saw one of these freaks had a syringe in its hand that contained an orange, syrupy solution. I began to yell and thrash telling her I was sorry that I could try again. But I had no sense that she was even there anymore. Then, they stuck me with this syringe and....of course...I woke up!!! FREAKIN' WEIRD...