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    1. Diner, Office, Plane

      by , 05-15-2013 at 05:23 PM
      I keep forgetting the beginnings of my dreams, it's really annoying.

      Diner 05/12/2013
      I see a diner from the air, the layout for the parking lot looks familiar but I can't figure out why. I'm inside the diner and I've been (unwillingly) following high school basketball team. I'm not myself but I no longer remember the character I'm playing. I'm running from someone and a boy has coerced me into staying with the group to hide. Since I've now been counted in their number I can't just leave without drawing undue attention.
      He's about average height, skinny, with wavy light brown hair. He's wearing his basketball uniform, it's all black with white or silver around the neck. Something about him pisses me the hell off. I glare at him when he isn't looking at me, silently seething contempt for being trapped. He catches me giving him the doom eye and smiles a little, offering a menu to me.
      "Sorry I got you into this...the least we can do is feed you for your trouble." He says. I stare at it. "Oh come on, don't be such a baby. Take the damn menu."
      I swipe it from his hand.
      "Order anything you want, they have a deal with the school to feed us."
      "Isn't that just for the 18 of you? Won't they notice the extra meal?"
      "Not until we're gone."
      He turns away and I examine the menu. It's a black laminated sheet with white bullet points and text.

      Office 05/13/2013 (nap)
      ((this is actually the second time I've dream about the Chiropractic office since I started going, which is unusual for me. I rarely stray outside certain sets. The dream layout for this place looks NOTHING like the actual office, it's even more strange that the it has people I know in it. I don't really dream about people I know, hell, it's only after 8 years of being together that my boyfriend started popping up in my dreams.
      Also, I figured out why the boy looked familiar. There's a customer I helped once a couple of months ago. The boy had his face and hair. I helped him again the same day I had this dream, but he hadn't appeared before these two. *shrugs* I didn't even remember the guy until I saw him at the desk...even then, he had to tell me that his project turned out great before I really knew who he was.))

      I pull into the parking lot. I drag a lawn mower up to the door and push it through. The front door puts me in the middle of the office. If I look over my shoulder I'll find the adjustment room at my back. That really confuses me but I remember having this problem before. I stare down at the lawn mower wondering why the hell I brought it with me. I look around, worried that someone will notice my stupidity. I start to wrestle it toward the door that will lead outside, but the handle on it won't stay rigid. I fight it for a solid minute, trying to get it to fold if it isn't going to stay upright. It won't. I push it toward the door. I look over my shoulder and find my chiropractor looking at me from the end of the hall, all puzzled. There are two wide sets of pale, featureless wooden doors.
      Along the wall is the waiting room, in the very last chair is a young man. He catches me looking at him and smiles a little. He looks like the boy from the diner dream except he has carrot-red hair hidden under his hat. I'm trying to figure out why he looks familiar as I wrestle the lawn mower outside and tell the receptionist lady that I'll be back in a minute.

      Plane 05/14/2013
      I've boarded a plane. It has pale blue walls, dark blue carpet, and black seats. The cast of light even appears blue, like it's very early or very late in the day. I'm not myself, though I began the dream that way. I sit down across from a couple. The woman has my eyes which is fitting because she is my mother.
      I was abandoned as a child, and I never even knew them until now. I start to suspect who they are as they talk about their life and what they had to sacrifice for the company. They feel frivolous, detached, decadent. It makes me angry.
      "So you've been up here the whole time? Flying around, drinking, going to parties? How terrible for you." I say, seeing my own face as I say it. I'm close to tears. I have a narrow face, almond shaped black-brown eyes and short brown hair. They don't understand who I am, and I don't tell them.
      "Yes...but there's so much more than that. All the deaths, the plane crashes."
      The company they work for belongs to her father. At first he was approving of the match, but I was conceived before they married. They were forced to abandon me, and when they strayed at all from the company plan people died to get them back in line. It wasn't all the machinations of her father's company, these corporations are vicious and often murder the opposing company's agents to prove a point.
      I realize there were other events surrounding my abandonment. If they hadn't left me, her father would have had me killed. Even talking to them is a risk, for all of us. So I depart without telling them who I am.

      I'm standing outside, unsure what to do with myself. There's a mound dirt made damp by melting snow. I walk around it several times, each time I see more bugs. I hope they're dead.
      It seems I'm not that lucky though. A dream character appears and tells me that they found 30 of these wasp/spider things in someone's truck, then they disappeared before they could be properly disposed of. As he's saying this one shakes itself free of the dirt and promptly buzzes down my back, freaking me out.

      Updated 05-15-2013 at 05:26 PM by 54746

      Tags: diner, office, plane