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    I stopped posting my DJ's for various reasons, one of them being the amount of work required. I do believe the time you spend posting your DJ online helps keep your mind on dreams and reinforces your dream recall, both of which definitely help with lucid dreaming in my experience. If you want to view my dj without the Photobucket stamp on all the pictures, you may want to pull it up on archive.org where you can view past versions of webpages. Easy link: https://web.archive.org/web/20171208055654/https://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/fogelbise/ and at the bottom of each page you can choose page 2, 3 etc.

    1. Competition #17, Night 1, Good Start, Sky DS DILD, Bully, Teleport, City Flight

      by , 03-08-2014 at 10:24 PM
      3/8* Before going to bed I didn't have much hope for an LD after an exhausting 2 days of physical activity but it was looking up 5 hours in during my WBTB and I felt confident. Poor recall during the non-lucid portion of the night. Fragments: 1. something about getting galantamine as a prize or for free as a reward. 2. The sport I was playing last night. LD: I'm outside and the lighting changes markedly from brighter to darker. I look around thinking that's strange, it's night time. I look to the sky and there is a light source behind the clouds and just as my sc tries to explain that it was due to clouds passing over the moon I realize that I am dreaming! The change in lighting was just too stark. I'm in a back yard and go into the house looking for a DC. I had planned to go back to last month's TOTM before doing another current TOTM because I loved the concept. I asked a random female DC "Who is my true love?...give me their name please?" She responded "L" (spelled out first name hidden here for privacy). I immediately thought of my very first girlfriend, she had the same name "but I haven't thought about her in years and I broke up with her and I never thought of her as that special...could it be a different 'L' " I thought during the dream. I told myself that it was time to move on. I went out through the front door wondering where I was and found I was stepping onto the street in front of my childhood home. I start heading towards the creek but that reminded me of a childhood run-in with the neighborhood bully and I walked up to his door and busted down the door with telekinesis. I walk inside, find the neighborhood bully and knock him a round a bit. Hmm...twice lately I have committed violence in an LD which is unusual for me. Having had enough of that, I thought of a goal I had planned for my first step of the 3 step tasks for the xcompetition that combined well with one of my personal goals but it required me to be in my current waking life locale. I do a closed eye teleport and arrive in front of my current home. I immediately start to float/fly towards and over the high tree line nearby and it feels so wonderful. I momentarily consider visiting Girl Friday but decide to continue with my goal of flying to the city, above and around the city and then towards and over the coast. I start flying somewhat leisurely checking out some local landmarks before deciding I should pick up the pace and start flying very fast and arrive at the city. My vision has become a little less vivid and I fly up to the top of one of the tall buildings and look around. I probably could have spent some more time working on the vividness but I decide I may not have much time and continue with my plan to fly around the city in a big circle at super speed. I end up in the void before feeling myself returning to my bed awake. I try to re-enter the dream just in case, but it seems apparent that I am too awake after that nice LD. 115

      Awareness work type: retracing my steps (&looking at myself from the outside)+RC/visualizing goals
      Pre bed: review of recent dream signs: stars, tram/variation, my fam, ex's; cliff/grass/ocean/sand visualization
      wbtb: around 4.5 hours, did same as pre-bed + SSILD