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    I stopped posting my DJ's for various reasons, one of them being the amount of work required. I do believe the time you spend posting your DJ online helps keep your mind on dreams and reinforces your dream recall, both of which definitely help with lucid dreaming in my experience. If you want to view my dj without the Photobucket stamp on all the pictures, you may want to pull it up on archive.org where you can view past versions of webpages. Easy link: https://web.archive.org/web/20171208055654/https://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/fogelbise/ and at the bottom of each page you can choose page 2, 3 etc.

    1. 8/24/14 Busy, Windy Underground Highway - Taking Action DILD

      by , 08-25-2014 at 03:32 AM
      *The earliest part of the dream I remember, I think that I am either #lookingFor whoever I'm with or I have #lostMyWay. I come across a group of people including 1 guy with long curly hair and he seems to be coming after me #chasing for some reason and my first response is to just take off #flying. Ah, I'm definitely dreaming! I think what if he flies after me and sure enough the dream complies. I turn around and he is flying up behind me and I throw a right cross in a downward motion and slam him to the ground never to be heard from again. I fly a bit and then I turn to the left and find myself in some kind of busy underground #highway. This is very cool, there are so many things going on in here! There are big rig trucks and double-decker buses and so many DC's that I am just fascinated. Some of the DC's look at me amazed that there is someone flying above them and others don't seem to notice or care or look at me nonchalantly. I fly over one of the
      double decker buses and there are people on the top open air part of the bus and I'm looking at all the people and half way looking for some sexy women but this is quite a bit of fun just flying over so I continue. A lot of the people look like tourists. Oh and it is very #windy I remember as I'm flying amazed at all the wind that my dreaming mind is creating! I am mostly flying Superman style but also hovering, floating and some swim like moves to make slight changes to the left and right when hovering over the double decker bus checking it out. I also seem to be blown around by the wind a bit. By the way, I later surmise that all of this wind was likely brought about due to being at quite a windy place yesterday IWL. Anyway as I am being pushed around by the wind a little bit I think that I should check behind me every once in a while to make sure that I'm not about to get hit by a by one of the big rig trucks. On the last of these occasions I look behind
      me and the whole underground highway is quickly emptying out! Some of the vehicles exiting straight ahead some of them exiting to different exits on the right and left of this huge underground room. I decide to follow one of the vehicles that went through an exit on the right but I am the last one out and the door is closed but I smash through. The next room is like a huge long sound stage and I continue to fly towards the end of it and as I approach, the walls part a little bit as I go into another similar but differently colored sound stage. I continued through several more of these and they seemed a bit ominous but I don't seem to be scared at all knowing that this is just my dream and I can handle whatever comes up. Then I start getting directions from the dream in the form of arrows suggesting that I should go over to the right instead of the main opening straight ahead to the middle. There's a couple of openings that angle off to the right with
      flapping doors and the dream suggests that I take a hard right and take one of these exits but I instead take the one between that one and the one that's straight ahead basically up and to the right a little bit. As I enter into the next room it looks much larger than the already huge rooms I was in before and I think even though there doesn't seem to be a lot going on in this room perhaps I should land and examine things more closely. As I'm thinking this I
      fade back to bed. I lay still for a while recalling details of the dream and the other dreams before it not feeling like rolling over and writing it down at this point.

      Other dreams included being at a #waterPark that seems familiar, perhaps even familiar from another dream. I don't remember becoming lucid though. Another dream to do with the Los Angeles Dodgers moving and becoming the Dodge City #Dodgers #baseball. I also had a meaningful one involving my #highSchoolBestFriend meeting up with him for #dinner and as I look around the table I only see his kids. In the dream he has three sons but not so in waking life. Upon recollection, his wife seems to be substituted for my cousins wife, the boisterous blonde though there are some similarities between them. As I am wondering aloud where he is, he makes a grand entrance grabbing three huge oversized shots of liquor and bringing them to the table I give him a huge hug and he, my wife and a third person take the shots. I decide not to because I am driving but later noticed that I am finishing this bottle of some kind of #alcohol and I wonder how I could be so mindless. I
      think that this dream was created by subconsciously uncovering some high school memories while (in waking life) looking at my wife's cousin's son's sports trophies yesterday. #dayResidue It involved the same sport that me and my best friend enjoyed together and of tournaments we participated in together just like the ones that some of these trophies are for. I don't remember specifically thinking of those memories yesterday but I strongly feel that they were somehow uncovered subconsciously and brought up during the dream. It has been quite a while since I have dreamed about my old best friend who I haven't seen in person for decades. I also had a fairly strong #emotional dream involving sitting across from #GirlFriday at #dinner and the eye contact we made while she was talking about moving a good ways off to a different city. It involved me with a sad feeling and sad look on my face and her looking at me for my reaction as if she wanted to know how I
      truly felt about her.