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    Semi-Lucid Non-Lucid

    I stopped posting my DJ's for various reasons, one of them being the amount of work required. I do believe the time you spend posting your DJ online helps keep your mind on dreams and reinforces your dream recall, both of which definitely help with lucid dreaming in my experience. If you want to view my dj without the Photobucket stamp on all the pictures, you may want to pull it up on archive.org where you can view past versions of webpages. Easy link: https://web.archive.org/web/20171208055654/https://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/fogelbise/ and at the bottom of each page you can choose page 2, 3 etc.

    1. The Daytime Work Still Matters!! Almost WILD=Awareness DILD

      by , 01-20-2014 at 05:50 PM
      Just a quick entry mainly for myself! Don't neglect the daytime work! I did have a strong cold Monday night and Tuesday(1 week ago) that didn't help me feel like doing daytime work, but I slacked way too much on my daytime self-awareness work (a la Sageous) and it showed, taking me 8 days to get my next lucid. I strongly believe that after you have the necessary experience and knowledge, that dry spells are either self-induced or related to things changing around you (new job, new task, sickness, travel). Of course consistency is not to be expected when you are first starting off. I am only talking about after you have some significant consistency. For me, partly because I was sick but mainly because I wasn't putting in enough daytime work towards LDing. Looking back, I could have done some quick RRC check-ins no matter how sick I felt.

      SSILD, *swinging visualization(motion based) WILD attempt becomes DILD

      I was so close to wild this morning but at some point I realized that I was just a little too far from sleep, the most crucial element! So I focused on drifting off and lost awareness but was able to DILD. I was getting my teeth checked for some issue that had been bothering me (only according to my dreaming mind) related to the teeth pushing up against my lips. The dentist took me to the x-ray machine and I mentioned the braces I had as a kid and he asked if I had the old x-rays and I said that I could give him the name of the orthodontist to request them. Anyway, this x-ray machine apparently swings you around the entire office as it x-rays your teeth (you've seen those, right? haha) and I think I was semi-lucid at this point, going around the office in my underwear on this machine. I see this odd guy looking in the window of the office and immediately realize yep, this is a dream, awesome machine (I think my swinging visualization during the wild attempt brought on this amazing x-ray machine/theme park ride thingy). I decide to really look around at all the details of the office (influenced by daytime work where I really look around in wonder) as I am being swung around. I also decide to go nude and made my underwear disappear (no flasher IWL, haha). There are several people working in the office including a good looking receptionist (reminds me of walking past some people dining on an outdoor patio of a restaurant IWL and my thought of all the things I would do if this were a lucid dream right now!..awesome feeling of empowerment.) I remember my goal to fly over some local landmarks and scenery and fly up from the machine (the roof is immaterial...or was it?). In flight my vision started fading and I begin to think that the dream may be ending, visualize the swinging of the x-ray machine, maybe I can go back there and stabilize) but slowly but surely I feel myself returning to my sleeping body. It may have also been the end of my REM cycle, but I want to work on stabilization in moments like the above. 98