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    I stopped posting my DJ's for various reasons, one of them being the amount of work required. I do believe the time you spend posting your DJ online helps keep your mind on dreams and reinforces your dream recall, both of which definitely help with lucid dreaming in my experience. If you want to view my dj without the Photobucket stamp on all the pictures, you may want to pull it up on archive.org where you can view past versions of webpages. Easy link: https://web.archive.org/web/20171208055654/https://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/fogelbise/ and at the bottom of each page you can choose page 2, 3 etc.

    1. 6/14/14 Nice Early Fairly Lengthy LD Full of Sensations + Even Earlier DILD

      by , 06-14-2014 at 09:43 PM
      6/14/14** (Awesome waking life visuals and feeling the morning after these LDs). 1015-1am? Wake terrible indigestion. Sit up 30min or so. Look at Scarlett pics on my phone. Back to bed, interesting HI as I do my SSILD. Early LD I forget details of but must have lost lucidity at some point. I was in a strange apartment-like building and had sex with a woman in a bedroom off to the right. Straight ahead was a city view. We are 5 or more stories up I'd guess. Wake up trying to commit the details quickly to memory and go back to sleep. Later in an office building. Me and a woman are to go to some cool thing I'm looking forward to. She says we can't even call for the location until 3...seems like 3pm in dream (but I woke ~315am from this - to be described LD - that started around the time we left for this cool thing...maybe 3am...hmmm). It felt like noon when I heard the news we won't know anything until 3(pm). Dream skipped ahead. She is driving on right side of car, me in back seat, on right also...just us 2. We are entering a studio back lot and I think they must have these in many different cities. We begin to pass many sexy actresses, I notice especially. Some of the acting students are growing food along the road, and there is a produce market. I feel like an important actor being driven around. At some point I am driving...seems my waking life car and I get to a dead end with two security gates...something seems dream like here...gate reminds me of a dream....ah I'm dreaming. I start to phase up out through the roof of the car...scene turns dark...I reach for the car door and get out; dark still. I decide to just fly up, still dark I decide to do big loops way up in the sky (it feels like I went up fairly high)...very much like a real waking life roller coaster feeling!!! I also do some shots up into the air and then back down rapidly. After playing with this for a while, I decide to do some backward flips and quickly find myself hovering over land and then water very close below me. It feels I'm being led down into the water and decide not to fight it. It is shallow and I am "flying" slowly under the water now without effort. Simple round but colorful sea creatures growing from the bottom. This underwater exploring goes on for a few minutes, it seems, before I start being drawn toward the sand...I decide not to fight it either and start to imagine my go to beach scene (though with very little effort/intent) and I come out into a water filled room not well lit. I crawl up onto a ledge that is boxed in on each side and remember my LD adventure, exploring the toyland near the ruin wall by the beach with the grassy ocean and I want to find something similar here. I jump down from the ledge and start exploring, old picnic table benches, bed, and now my wife is calling out..."what are you doing?" Is this entering my dream from her IWL? I try to ignore her and continue exploring for a few moments more. Then FA with my DJ notes on the back if her notes and she hid from me and caught me getting them back...wait this is still a dream...but then I fade back to bed for real ~3:15am lay still recalling and then look at phone=3:17am. 161 & 162

      5am? Dexter alternate ending? No fear but gross...perhaps like watching the show...not involved except like a witness. Actor who plays Dexter goes on a bloody rampage in a house in a suburban neighborhood setting and also kills his wife the blonde lady though she looks more like a different actress than the one he liked in the final season, but very similar. He sneaks out through a back alley at the last minute as the police arrived. I see him through an open window with a thin sheer-white curtain blowing in the wind with a view as if I was in the house or the camera shot was from in the house (there were no thoughts of Dexter or the police seeing me and interviewing me. I knew the police would see everyone was there but him and he would be missing altogether and they would highly suspect he was a killer. Wake. Later dream I was trying to warn a woman that the guy she is she scared of busted down her door in my dream. I also said he is a made up creature so there's nothing to worry about. Some other guy sitting
      with her at a patio table was talking about supernatural creatures. 7am