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    1. Old places rehashed

      by , 05-22-2013 at 08:38 PM
      Date: 21 May

      Pre bed: 120 mg gingko, WBTB: 2x peppermint oil capsules

      Sleep quality, dream contents & recall: fantastic sleep quality, more or less realistic dreams with some exception, very positive mood upon wake, quite bad recall for the vividness.

      Fragment1: Thinking of a friend

      Fragment2: Received a text message from a relative I was recently thinking about

      Fragment3: An actor that asks people about his origin, I am the only one to correctly guess it

      Fragment4: With a classmate on a street in my hometown, she has a blue bike

      Fragment5: I am on another street nearby, this time a dog transforms into some kind of mutant creature – a mix between a dog and hulk, dark grey bluish color and is after us. I decide to run towards school because there are more people there, so it will attack them first.

      Fragment6: I am in a store I know, looking to buy some tea mugs, or dishes. It looks like the sale is over. The lady on the cashier gives me some stuff I have apparently purchased, including a jacket. Another DC woman takes the bag and I run after her, explaining those things are mine.

      Dream7: I am in my hometown again, controlling the movement of trams. I am meeting my bf, so I direct the tram forwards, but then I go back again. I am then on the street, and it is extremely hot. I notice the way I am dressed, same as always, but my belt is about to fall and my jeans are a bit loose. It is so realistic that I struggle moving in this heat. I look to my side and see grandma, dressed the way she always did. Some feeling of lucidity that quickly evaporates. I pay attention to the shops nearby, there is one where they sell natural remedies and I see a huge pack of gingko biloba, I wonder if I should buy something from the shop. I continue on my way, a DC tells me that someone has died. The women have been dreaming about it and told him but he didn’t want to listen.