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    1. 2013-September-14 (Saturday)

      by , 09-14-2013 at 01:28 PM
      I fell asleep after 2 AM.

      One dream:

      > I saw XTC - Andy Partridge, Colin Moulding, David Gregory and Terry Chambers - Play "Towers of London" In front of me. First they shot a video outside by a river of them miming playing it, Then they shot video or audio inside while playing it. However, It sounded different and more like friend Mark's playing of the Mrs. Robinson song. I caused the video to be a little shaky when I moved the cameras (They were mounted on a moving log or the band was). I thought of this as I moved along a river.

      > Les Claypool came to mind for some reason along with a well in a corner in a house where (In waking life as of 9-13-2013) a computer was. A manual water hand-pump was there. I also did something and woke up.
    2. 2009, Dec. 5; 6; 7 and 8 - Monday to Thursday

      by , 05-08-2013 at 04:08 AM
      All of these are what I wrote at the time.

      Dec. 5th - I remember dreaming up some guitar riff that I liked but can't remember.

      Dec. 6th - I can't remember much except that at one point an Xbox Live friend (Who removed me from her friends list) Was suddenly on my friends list again. I'll try to remember more.

      December 7, 2009

      The earliest part I remember is where I was punching Andy Partridge of the band XTC for whatever reason. I can't imagine why other than to get attention from him. Anyway, Two of his band mates (One who's name was Roger, Who doesn't exist but may have been a stand in for Dave Gregory because my dad's name is Dave, The other who I assume was Colin Moulding) Helped him out and started attacking me. Then Roger threw an explosive soda pop can (I read the manual for Zombies Ate My Neighbors before I fell asleep) And I went to stand on it but it didn't blow up. Then Andy gave me an offer to go for a drive with him and I took up the offer, Hoping to pick up my best friend on the way (Who got me into the band XTC in the first place and who lives several states away from me in reality) And I started talking about Andy's music, How my best friend got me into XTC and how I'm glad he did and how I'm going to get six more XTC albums this Christmas. Then, All of a sudden Andy turned into my dad by the next time I looked at him and details start getting a bit fuzzy around here. Our car went flying past an intersection once, Almost hitting a bus which was driving on the wrong side of the road. After we stopped past the intersection we came to the conclusion that we couldn't have stopped in time for the intersection. Maybe WE were driving on the wrong side though because Andy Partridge lives in the UK? Anyway, Other than driving around this part of the dream ends here.

      Part 2

      This turned into a Left 4 Dead 2 style dream. In a Swamp Fever style area I ended up being the last survivor, Who seemed to be similar to Ellis and Nick. My teammates died, I got away from a zombie horde and I'm guessing that I was going to rescue the survivors from a closet or something but instead I was holding a cheeseburger on a plate, Then there was a picture of the burger on the plate and it was the last thing I saw before I woke up.

      Dec. 7th - Dec. 8th

      The earliest part I remember is when my dad and I were in a trailer court. The reason for this is likely because earlier this year we found a guy's wallet and returned it to him and he lived in a trailer court. Anyway, IWe may have been there to return the wallet in my dream but the earliest pert I definitely remember is when we went to visit some woman in a one room trailer that had windows all over every wall. There was also a mattress or two, Maybe three on the floor and all her stuff was on the floor since she had nowhere else to put it. I don't think there was a door, it was just always open. Anyway, After I left it turned into a Modern Warfare 2 meets Zombies Ate My Neighbors style game, Only instead of there being a bunch of monsters there were just chainsaw guys. So we're in this trailer park meets scrapyard level place and I'm just playing the game... And that's it for this part of the dream.

      Part 2

      This was a Scooby Doo on Zombie Island style dream. I can't remember much about it except maybe being outside for a bit then going to the sacrifice room, Then going to the staircase that has a passage underneath it that leads to the sacrifice room... And then maybe seeing the Scooby Doo gang in there...

      Updated 09-02-2013 at 01:04 AM by 61868
