• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. July 23

      by , 08-05-2013 at 07:01 AM
      Dream 1
      - I'm at the house having an airsoft war with my friend and an unknown girl. I'm in the yard most of the time. I see that the neighbors house looks like a giant, white, opened parachute. There's music playing in the house; I go in to see where It's coming from. It's coming from some gaming system. On the screen, there is an option that will remind you to ask if you are dreaming when you encounter a dreamsign in the game. I think about setting it to remind me when there is food. My mom comes home and we watch a video of an old lady falling off a chair.

      Dream 2
      - I'm carrying a letter and don't know what its for or where it came from. I'm walking with my dad on a cement pathway by a rectangle, cement pond of water. At the end of this pool is a clock that doesn't work. Seeing this clock gives me the impulse to put the letter into a slot in the wall. I do put I in the slot and when I do, the water starts to move towards the back corner, like there's a current. I get in the water and it takes me through a small opening. I float through a small hallway and a voice is telling me, in really bad English, about lucid dreaming. I find myself in a small waiting room with only a mirror .I look in the mirror and comb out my wet hair. A man comes in and starts asking me questions. One of the questions is something about what I would do if I was on my way down the stairs to mow the lawn and dropped a heavy hair dryer. Isk why someone would er before mowing the lawn.

      Dream 3
      - I'm with my friend, S, in a closet. There a a few plates of cake; I eat 2 pieces. I then go to the kitchen an look in the cabinet; theres a bottle of gummy bears that are supposed to give you good dreams.