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    1. 9/28/2014

      by , 10-07-2014 at 11:20 PM
      I was on a hill with a lot of houses in the area. There were mountains in the distance an I was in a school. At the school, I was taking a police psychological evaluation for employment. The girl doing the test was a bitch but I managed to pass it. I got excited when I did and decided to go visit my aunt Fina. I was then at Nathan's house with some cats and Nikki.

      I was in my apartment with someone. Nikki and the rats were in the bathroom and little ghosts/wisps like the ones in Brave started appearing and playing with the cat. I took pictures and videos of the wisps. which were different colors, and eventually got mad and told them all to leave. I was then at the old apartment in Venezuela and I opened the door and gate and told the ghosts to leave.
    2. 9/24/2014

      by , 10-07-2014 at 11:08 PM

      I was playing the last episode of a new walking dead game. I made the choice of killing the evil boy over his brother when my family said it was time to leave on our trip. I was using a washing machine that when hooked up to a pc, could manage files. I was transferring some files but since it took too long, I decided to leave. I was then in some island with a beach and a tall mountain with snow on the top. I saw 2 guys fighting with magic powers and then started watching a movie. A guy from the movie would have to swim with his bike over a freezing lake with ice on it everyday to work. I teleported into the movie and crossed the lake a few times until I looked at my watch and it showed my body temperature, which was at the apparent recommended level of 5%. I told a girl that was on some ice watching TV and she got annoyed and called someone, saying I said I had hypothermia. I could hear the girl on the other line say bullshit, we just turned on the heaters. I started to warm up and was gonna talk to her but my alarm woke me up.

      I was standing outside in my apartment complex and saw 3 or 4 people with glowing eyes standing side by side wearing bear suits. I looked away and when I turned back around, the bear suits were collapsed on the ground except for one with a sword and shield that kept looking at me. I felt a presence coming from it.

      I was in my room when I heard a man talking. The man said something about people watching and saying "It's in the walls" referring to a monster. I knew I was in a dream but started to wake up. I felt my body on my bed and fought to get back into the dream, which worked for a little bit until I woke up.

      Updated 10-07-2014 at 11:16 PM by 67773

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare
    3. 8/22/2014

      by , 09-15-2014 at 03:19 AM
      I was in some sort of junkyard at night playing with Desirae's boobs. They felt good so I didn't it for a while until I noticed that she didn't have a head so Laurie and I planned on burying her. After. I was playing a computer game that was a combination of Sid Meier CIV 5 and Command and Conquer Generals. I was playing online with people but I didn't realize it until we started attacking each others bases.

      I was on a NM highway where there were a few cars and mountains in the distance. To the left, there was a building and I was going down a hill. I was going so fast that I had to slam the brakes to slow down.

      I was in a city with a river flowing through the middle of it. I was with Nathan and the Strogg from quake started invading. I had a black, large caliber pistol and a few magazines. The belt I had didn't have a holster but the belt itself could be used as one. I adjusted the belt like the one I have in the waking world. I killed a few Strogg even though they were hard to kill, eventually getting split up with Nathan. I looked for him and a specific street. I asked an APD cop where it was but at first they ignored me.
    4. 8/12/2014

      by , 09-10-2014 at 03:56 AM
      I was in Venezuela at the old apartment and was going outside to a Walgreens that was apparently closed. I entered a mall that I recognized and started talking to a guy about parkour because I noticed footprints on the walls. I had recently joined the high school football team and was getting ready for a match. I was showing off my parkour skills and people started joining me. I saw people I recognized and I also saw family members. I parkour'd to the side of the mall and came up on some water. I swam through it and felt my pants getting wet because of the water. I held my breath as I went under some poles and eventually saw a beautiful river with a forest on both sides of it and a huge mountain covered in snow in the middle of the left forest. I commented on how beautiful the scene was and counted fingers in both my hands. They added up to 14 fingers and I said "Nah it's not a dream" I saw a cop car sailing in the distance and decided to leave before I got in trouble. My alarm started ringing and I reached for my phone then I woke up.
    5. 7/26/2014

      by , 08-06-2014 at 01:07 AM
      False Awakening

      I was having a nightmare and woke up. I said "Wow I had a false awakening; if I would of wrote on my dream journal, I would of known it was a dream!" I thought of the nightmare and figured I was stressed out. Suddenly, a monster came into my room. It was a Black warewolf-like creature and it started attacking me. I was scared and said a prayer but it didn't work. It kept on attacking me and I tried to talk to it but I couldn't move or speak. I was finally able to speak and ask why it was attacking me. The warewolf stopped for a second and showed me empathy but quickly began attacking me again. I got up and started fighting it. As I used magic, I realized I was dreaming.
      I tried using fire magic to kill the wolf but my magic didn't work until I started using water magic. I tried drowning the wolf but nothing would affect it until I wrapped a circlet of water around the beast's waist and snout and said "Once I pull this string, the wolf will be cut in half". As I pulled, the water tightened around the warewolf until it cut it in half. The snout didn't cut so attempted to use a sword to kill it. I swing my arms but I had no sword in my hand. I had an image of what my sword would look like, which I remember imagining it when I first started lucid dreaming. The sword was a longsword but the cross-guard had white angel-like wings and between those wings, there was a blue orb, which in the waking world I wanted it to have water in.
      The wolf wasn't a problem anymore so I thought of what to do. I asked my dream to show me someone so I closed my eyes and when I opened them, there was no one there. I walked out of the room and saw Valery and took her into a bathroom where there was a bathtub with clear water in it. The bathtub had water stains and I asked what the water represented. She said "It represents the happiness you have with your community" "The happiness I have with my community," I repeated. I said it a few more times and said "I need to wake up!" so I closed my eyes and woke up.
      I went into Valery's room and asked her if she woke up. Then I really woke up.

      Updated 08-25-2014 at 02:47 AM by 67773

      lucid , nightmare , false awakening
    6. 7/19/2014

      by , 08-03-2014 at 04:43 AM
      I was in China and was making fun of some girl. I got on a bus and left somewhere. I was with my cousin and while we passed through a bridge, we saw a Ferrari parked on the road. We thought it was gonna get hit by a bus. When we got off the bus, my body had a workout meter that would glow throughout my body showing heart rate and other workout stats. It glowed a neon green when activated. When it was active, people would know where I was and they'd come to get me. I walked through a field and saw water so I asked "Why am I in China?", counted my fingers, and looked at my watch. Everything seemed normal so I ran to a bus stop and got in and was part of some zombie apocalypse.
      Most of the people were dead or zombies but a few people and I camouflaged with them while they looked for survivors. A girl kept talking to me which attracted zombies but I told her to shush. We then left to look for the other survivors and I ran like a zombie up some stairs. Before I made it into a room where survivors were, I got bitten by a dog. The bite felt painful I shot the dog and went into the room. Knowing that I was soon going to die because of the bite, I taught some kids how to use my guns and after a while, a few zombies burst in saying that they wanted us alive. I killed them with a desert eagle and there was only one girl that wasn't bitten but she didn't want to leave alone. She reminded me of Sarah from the Walking Dead game.
    7. 6/26/2014

      by , 07-23-2014 at 02:18 AM
      I was in Venezuela, which looked crowded and dirty. I walked into a store where a lot of people were talking about soccer. I was looking for an Italy jersey, which they didn't have. I walked away and talked to a girl I recognized and asked something about something or something. She was being sort of rude so I left. The scene changed and I was playing Child of Light with Ignicus unlocking some things. Instead of Aurora, it was a boy and he was flying. An angel came up to him saying something about helping him in his dream. She told him he helped him destroy a meteor with a missile or something. The missile, controlled by the boy, passed a bird, a plane, and when it finally hit the meteor, it destroyed it, along with some houses.

      I was swimming in some sort of lake with a girl. The lake was surrounded by green mountains and we came up on a few waterfalls. I gladly jumped down the waterfalls and when I did, the force caused me to go under and I would see corals and reefs. I kept swimming and emerged on a pool, where I showed my mom something I grabbed. She told me to go show it to my grandma and I went to look for her.
    8. 6/21/2014

      by , 07-23-2014 at 12:40 AM
      False Awakening

      I was playing Counter Strike and beating the other team pretty badly. There were plenty of new weapons and grenades. After the match ended, I was in a room with my mom and she was preventing me from leaving or something and I called my dad. I woke up and had all kinds of pimples and hair on the bridge of my nose. I thought it was disgusting. After a while, we were on a talk show and the guy running it was an ass. I was then in a warehouse and challenged some fat tall guy to a boxing match. We got the gloves and he took off his gloves and pulled out a knife. I punched him in the face then got behind him and punched him in the gut. He went down and this black guy came up talking reckless so I grabbed his arm, twisted it twice, and took him to the ground. I yelled out for someone to get my belt and handcuffs but suddenly the guy turned into a beautiful woman. I handcuffed her and laid her on a bed and asked her to stay still so she wouldn't get hurt.

      The sun was setting and I was in a large school doing parkour. I had all my gear from work on and someone stopped me and confiscated all of it, telling me S. Orona had snitched me out. I eventually got the gear back and headed back to where my backpack was.
    9. 4/23/2014

      by , 04-23-2014 at 07:34 PM

      I was playing Dishonored and saw an ultra hard difficulty setting so I started playing on that. It was arena type mode with challenges every stage. I was actually in the game fighting and had access to the power selection wheel. The first challenge was to get people to kill each other without me killing them. I went through many challenges and a lot of fighting but as I was running from 2 women and a lot of monsters, I entered a room and said "Alright I'm done" because I was so tired. I got congratulated for making it so far by the girls chasing me and had a man on a computer take pictures of me and them. I saw a digital picture frame with other people who I knew got top scores and among them were some of my family members. The girls told me they were going back home and I was teleported onto the ocean where I was swimming.
      There were a lot of sea creatures and I was swimming along side some whales, who reminded me of one of the girls. The dream reminded me of the dream I had on 4/21/2014, where I was sailing the ocean with my family on a car. I saw plenty of cars but this time they were headed towards me. I said "Here I come!" and saw a boat speeding towards me. Suddenly a helicopter comes and its rotors cause me to get blown away. I pretend I'm taking apart an easter egg and suddenly become lucid.
      I'm floating on the water and at the tip of my fingers, an easter egg that looks like a yellow bunny. I remember the water being deep. I opened the easter in half. The bottom portion had a green toy or figurine. The top portion had a yellow and tan toy/figurine. I took them both out and bit into each. It hurt my tooth because they were a hard plastic. I looked at them and read their information on the back of the toys. It said where they were made, by what company, copyrights, etc. I came to shore onto a facility and thought I'd prank a dream character. I said "I want a person to be here" and as I walked, I saw my cat Lucy. I added, "a person that's not Lucy!" I stepped up to the facility doors and a man asked me to identify. I know I've been there before and knew what to do and say. I said my name and that I was wearing black. I took off my duty belt which didn't have anything on it and stepped through. I saw a janitor, who was old and fat and told him to follow me outside. My plan was to make him go outside and have to get access to the facility again. He was suspicious of me and said "If you're trying to make me come out, I have a badge to get in" he then proceeded to tell me how the badge was not his and he actually stole it. I yelled at him to give me the badge but he ran away, outside of the facility and into some sort of cave. I lost lucidity and started yelling at nothing for a badge then slowly started to wake up.

      Before bed, I stayed up a long time repeating to myself "I open easter eggs" and imagining me opening easter eggs. While I was walking out, the janitor asked me for the time and I looked at my watch and told him some weird time. My lucidity was low during this dream.

      Updated 04-23-2014 at 07:46 PM by 67773

      lucid , side notes , task of the month
    10. 4/21/2014

      by , 04-22-2014 at 05:07 AM

      In my first dream, I was defending against some monsters with turrets and towers, like the game Sanctum 2. My girlfriend woke me up while I was dreaming this.

      In my other dream, I was on a plane flying across the sky. The pilot was saying something about the sunset which was very pretty. Suddenly, we see Russian and American ships shooting civilian boats on the water. The boats turn out to be pirates and the plane turns into a ship and we sail past them. We keep sailing at a pretty fast speed and see a lot of cars sailing the ocean two parallel lines. The ship turns into a car and I'm with my aunt, who is driving, my grandma in the passenger seat, and Andrea to the seat on my right. We're still in the ocean and suddenly we see more pirates. Some of them are unarmed and I don't know why they're getting shot at. Someone says there's civilians being held captive in their boats but I say "Then that's less of a reason to shoot them." Some pirates then shoot a missile at an American ship and I expect it to cause some major damage because it looks like it's going to hit a weakspot but nothing happens to the American ship. We arrive on land and I know we're in Venezuela. We're speeding through the road and a right light comes up. I yell at my aunt about the light and she says she's not gonna stop. We keep going and a car almost crashes into us. The car suddenly appears and we come to a stop. A woman gets out with an iron stick and hits my aunt with it. I get out of the car and get behind the woman, pick her up, and slam her to the ground. I was trying a different move but this one did the job just fine. I get back in the car and tell her to speed off and hurry. We pass a lot of cars and hills and we start arriving where we're going. I see these floating naga-like creatures and ask if they're truly real.

      This is when I started using Vitamin B-6

      Updated 04-27-2014 at 04:35 AM by 67773

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. 4/19/2014

      by , 04-22-2014 at 04:55 AM
      I was in Albuquerque when my car broke down so I did parkour trying to get out of the city. The sun was setting and I walked a lot. Suddenly I made it to the top of a very tall building. I was scared on the way up because the railings were unstable and there was bobwire blocking parts of it. Some guy from the prison in Santa Fe was there and I tried telling him that I worked at a prison but he was pretty stupid and didn't know what I was trying to say. Some guy appeared with his car on the roof and he fell with it into the highway. Another guy also fell. Me and the C/O walked away after some cops showed up and we came to an elevator. I was asking which was the best way to get back. There were 2 elevators and I picked the one with some teenagers because they were headed the same way I was. I teleported and was watching a murder show about some guy that killed some kid. I was on a bed and the guy turned into Desirae and I was begging her not to tickle me. The dream slowly started turning into a nightmare but I woke up.

      I dreamt I was with my family and I had a daughter. She had peed under the table while I was eating and I asked people to take her to the bathroom for me. Everyone said no, that it's my responsibility. I got mad and took her to the bathroom. I put her on the toilet and turned around to wash my hands. I said to myself "This family has no fucking respect." When I turned around again, my daughter was gone. I looked all around the bathroom and even stuck my hand in the toilet, thinking she had fallen in.
    12. 4/4/2014

      by , 04-04-2014 at 07:16 PM
      In my first dream I was a test subject for GladOs in an Aperture Science lab. I was going through all kinds of trials and tests. Suddenly I see Desirae and I know I'm getting rescued. Glados gets disabled and we think we won. Suddenly, she starts getting her control over the facility back. I started telling Desirae to hurry up and to help me pack. We went to the elevator where we would escape but rooms started changing and the room that we came from became some stairs. I ran into the elevator and Desirae was still packing stuff I told her it's now or never and she was still closing the last briefcase so I grabbed her hair and pulled her in right before the elevator doors closed and we started descending.

      I was in Belen running back home. I was running pretty fast. I was roomates with Katey. She went off to work and I was with a few animals and had found my laptop. I went to sleep and had a dream that I was lucid dreaming. In the dream, I was in an arid desert as a young deer or elk. I started hearing more elks appearing and I suddenly know I'm in the death realm.I hear someone say Cesar is coming and I think it's my uncle. I see another elk and ask why he's here and he doesn't wanna answer. I ask again and he gets mad. I say sorry it's my first time doing this and they tell me I can't be looking so young and so they transform me into a bigger elk. I ask something else and wake up to my dream. I rush to my laptop to write my dream down but there's animals all over my backpack where my laptop is so I yell at them and they move. There's someone at the door and I answer. Suddenly Lieutenants and Captains are doing inspections of the house. It's pretty dirty. The Captain then turns into an elk and starts mowing the front lawn with his antlers. All I care about is remembering the dream so I could write it down.

      I was in my house and talking to Desirae. I ask her if she wants to have sex but she says no that she's gonna go have sex with someone else. I get mad and ask her what she means. She says that she doesn't want to have sex with me but instead wants to go to someone else's house and have sex with them. I get even more upset and tell her to leave and I'll have sex with someone else too. I leave and go to a lake on some plains. I see on the news that there's going to be a meteor falling and a news agency from Venezuela is going to record it. I go along with the news agency and we hop on a homemade boat. We go into a place where there's a lot of shanty homes and downed planes that say something about Atlantis on them. We see a plane take off from under water. We sail around waiting and looking for when the meteor is going to fall. I was with a fat lady and the news reporter. I remember the water splashing on us and it tasted gross. Suddenly, we see the meteor coming in. We record it and it lands and we see it glow as it enters the water. I say it's probably about 20 feet or around 35/40 meters. We go towards where it landed and then the fat lady jumps in and grabs the meteor. It turns out it's bones of a small animal. The bones run away and jump into the water so I grab them again. We decide to head back so we park the boat near one of the planes and start climbing up the shanty houses. The bones suddenly turn into a white rat and Shaniqua. I put shaniqua into a container so I can throw the white rat to the house I need to jump to, where a few people are waiting. When I get back to Shaniqua, I find out I microwaved her for a few seconds. She seems confused and stupid.
    13. 4/1/2014

      by , 04-01-2014 at 10:54 PM
      I was in a quiet city that was made of white stone. The city was on the coast and it looked European. It was like I was playing counter strike and I was rescuing hostages as a terrorist. I was killing the CTs and then my pistol ran out of ammo so I tried knifing them but then I died. I was then in an apartment playing TTT and after playing for a while, I died again.

      I remember riding my motorcycle down NM47 in my other dream

      In my other dream, I was at a huge party and there were tons of people. We moved the party inside and then Desirae got mad cus the thought I was gonna cheat on her and she walked off. I was then in the tower with C. Williams and some other person. We were sleeping and suddenly we hear someone coming up the stairs. I try to get my boots on in a hurry and then Lt. C. Martinez shows up. He notices that I didn't have my boots on but doesn't care. He says if anyone works the kitchen for them not to fall asleep. He looked tired and so I told him to go to sleep and that I'd watch his back. I then went to the parking lot and got in my car. I put the keys in the ignition and the car turned on so I took the keys out and the car started moving. I pressed the breaks but they weren't working and the car started going in an oval and would get bigger in circumference. I grabbed the radio and called Williams and told him to help me out. He started running to the tower and I told him no, to turn around. The car ran down part of a trailer and then I snapped to use my emergency brake. The car came to a stop and a lot of people gathered around. Benito was there and he was disappointed, saying something about money. I was then back at the party and it got crazy and fires started and everything. We started shutting it down and I had no way of getting home because Desirae was mad and had left. I found Dorina and showed her the party. A police helicopter was hovering and shinning his light into the room of the building, which was pretty high up. I asked Dorina what that meant and she said that I had made it all the way through. I felt happy and music started playing. The sun started rising and sunlight was starting to shine in the room. The dream ended then.

      Updated 04-01-2014 at 11:07 PM by 67773

    14. 3/30/2014

      by , 04-01-2014 at 03:28 AM
      I dreamt that I was in some sort of school. I remember seeing Tony Rosales. I was sitting on a desk and remember my pants. I look at them again and suddenly they get dirty. I was talking to two guys and remember handling a small homemade gadget/machine. I was then talking to Rosales and we exchanged something but I can't remember what.
      I was at a park and grabbed some chick's vagina. Santino was there and he told me something.
    15. 3/20/2014

      by , 03-21-2014 at 12:38 AM

      I was part of the walking dead (the telltale games one) and playing as a main character. We were walking next to a river and then stumbled upon a forest. Clementine was given some fruit and after she ate it she felt dizzy and passed out. When she woke up, she cloned herself or something and was grown and blonde but the young Clementine was still there. We then saw some natives. They talked to us and showed their numbers. We started arguing and their leader said "we outnumber you" I told him "You're still no match for our ranged weapons!" He showed me a blowpipe and said the same. Something happened and I yelled "Open fire! Kill them all, they'd do the same to us!" As I said that, my group opened fire and I dashed for cover. I brought up my gun and started shooting. We shot at men, women, and children. They surrendered and viewed us as gods. I started swimming in a pond and was suddenly with my uncle and Nona Rita watching a TV. The TV was playing everything that just happened, as if we were watching it.
      We were in water and it looked like we were inside something. I went to the room behind us where there was a kitchen and then further back a cave with water and wooden planks and a big rock in the middle. I remember noticing the planks made the area look like a smugglers den from Assassins Creed: Black Flag and I saw possible parkour moves on it. I told myself I would do them if I didn't have the fractured foot (which I do in the waking world). I swam around the cave but then the water started to taste gross like if it had small rocks or sand or dust. This bothered me so I got on the rock and suddenly found out that the rock was made of plastic and was hollow! I was mad and returned to my uncle telling him what I found. He went back with me and we found a trap door where water would come in. The trap door was at the bottom of the cave and water would rise up when opened. I went to a room across from the cave and TV and grabbed a flashlight and my multitool. I noticed I was wearing my Nike workout shorts and put the multitool in my left pocket. The flashlight had been on for a while so the light wasn't as bright so I asked for batteries. Nona Rita and Santino both got a lot of batteries and they gave them to me. I put in 3 batteries, ate a piece of a battery, and then went to the cave. Me and my uncle then opened the trap door, pushed a crate down, and then pulled it up, allowing fresh water to enter the cave. I was happy and could feel the freshness of the water as it came in. Outside the trap door I think was an ocean.

      It's still weird how the trap door would be on the bottom part of the cave instead of the side or top.
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