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    The Oneironaut's Odyssey

    An Argonaut of the dream world, the Oneironaut. Every night a journey, every dream an adventure, every moment a treasure.

    1. #64 - random mission to save me or something...

      by , 02-22-2015 at 11:10 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      Dream 1 - I got kidnapped (happened 2 nights ago)
      I'm in a homely bar or something, and a person who is doubling as a friend of mine walks in and is pretending to be him but I know he isn't... (the face of the person looks like no one I know). I can't make him mad or something though, so I have to pretend he is my friend, I help him connect to the internet on a laptop in the bar as I believe his intentions are to steal some stuff if he doesn't get what he wants. He ends up kidnapping me instead, because he thinks I'll be more valuable and can help him get what he wants. We're now on an island similar to Master Yoshi's home island on Dragonball Z, the water is blue and there are tropical trees and a small white house. I have to pretend to be his friend still, I know that the only way I can get off the island is if my real friends save me, which can only happen at a certain time due to the ocean currents changing their flow temporarily for 1 day... This leaves a very small window of opportunity. I remember finding something that I can use to get in contact with my friends, I rush through typing something out to them and then throw it as far as I can into the ocean before the 'fake' sees what I've done. He shows up and says something like "Oh wow you've done a number on that one", and is holding the broken thing I threw. I'm hiding my anticipation for escaping the island, I know that I've been on the island for something like 180 days and that the ocean currents are about to change. For some reason I think there is a sunset and it meant that my friends missed the window of opportunity, but they only just manage to make it to me and the next thing I know there is a train track around the house that the fake is trying to escape on, we've become the trains from that thomas the tank engine kids show (this part only lasted like 20 seconds), the driver is the fake friend and is trying to escape but I pull him out and throw him on the ground, he smashes like a lego piece and can't move because his arms and legs have fallen off. Me and my friends turn to leave now, as we leave I turn around again to find the fake sailing away on the grass on a miniature sail raft thing (He has arms and legs now and looks like a super tiny pirate).. the scenery is different too, it's more like the outside of my parents house in the yard. My memory connects him to the bar at the start where he apparently had put up these posters to draw attention (it doesn't make sense at all). He sails away on the grass into the bush so I run and catch him, I throw him off and show him the poster, "This is what started it all aye, not so proud now huh" I toss him aside and the day is won. Me and my friends head back to the bar now, there is a big celebration and party, the bar is quite cosy with dark brown wooden walls and lots of people. The focus is on these 2 people playing darts, a guy and a girl. The guy is known to be really good and the girl is an unknown, she gets up and challenges him. She has long dark brown curly hair, brown eyes and tanned skin. She turns out to be really good at darts and wins and everyone is cheering her on... And that's the end of my random dream O_O.

      Dream 2 - Car crash (happened last night)
      All I remember from this dream is that me, my girlfriend and my daughter were in a ute, my girlfriend was driving and we were in a forested suburban area. We seemed to be coming back from my field trip (of which they weren't a part of irl) where I had just taken a lot of strike and dip measurements for the regional geology. She drove up to a stop point and stopped, but as the way was clear and she started to drive on she suddenly stared blankly off to the distance with a glazed over look... She kept on driving and I had begun to shout something like "road road road!" or "turn turn turn".. something panicked and unsettled because we were heading straight for a wall and she was completely spaced out. I could only think of my daughter getting hurt and how scared I was, then we slammed into a cobblestone wall and I woke up.

      Had to post these pretty late so details are missing and there aren't many dreams, I've been working in the field for the past 4 days away from home so I haven't had internet.
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