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    The Oneironaut's Odyssey

    An Argonaut of the dream world, the Oneironaut. Every night a journey, every dream an adventure, every moment a treasure.

    1. #243 - Tsunami and avalanche

      by , 05-15-2016 at 07:16 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      I was watching a commercial ad being made. We were afloat a wooden raft in the middle of the ocean, on it were 3 famous actors with abs, pearly white teeth and charismatic smiles. They magnetically attracted all these beautiful women around them (the girls were on a boat that was next to us, it was like an old frigate ship). They each chose the girl they liked the most, and in turn they would descend onto the raft to be with the man, then disappear off some where (to root). There was another man on the raft, except he wasn't famous yet. He manages to attract a girl and she descends onto the boat, they're totally going to go off and root but he falls into the water. Oh shit :/ we manage to get him back on deck but he's not breathing. I have to do CPR, ugh geeze how does this work again? There's another lady next to me who tells me to do CPR, she's all mystical and wise or something. I think she was wearing a loosely fitting dress that swayed in the wind, while having nice sandy blonde hair. I put my hands on the actors chests and push down, am I doing this right? I can feel a weird lump on his chest that really shouldn't be there. Ok... Mouth to mouth resuscitation? I try blowing air into him without blocking his nose, whoops. I try again while blocking his nose and his chest inflates, then switch back to pushing against his chest. This feels like something a professional should be doing...
      The guy coughs back to life, ejecting a rather large sponge shell out. He picks it up and says something like "uh god damn metalliferous shells". I correct him by saying "Well, actually it's carboniferous" (this is also wrong... It was calcium carbonate >_<). The girl he was going to root isn't interested anymore, they both aren't in the mood after what happened I guess. The wise woman says we should head back now, after peering behind us and seeing a tsunami O_O. She guides the raft onto a wave which we ride all the way back to shore, we can see the tsunami in the background swallowing up other people, but they look like they're fine since it only gets big near shore.

      We're back on shore now, except there's snow everywhere after a massive avalanche covered the area. I remembered something about this before we left (the dream was pretty long so I think this is true). I assumed they were looking for the actor we saved from choking so I pointed at the guy as we passed people trying to indicate that he was safe. I received a confused look, then questioned who they were looking for.. My heart dropped when I heard a voice crying 'daddy'. Next thing I heard was "I broke through!" and I sprinted over, something in the script of the dream meant that my daughter was trapped in the snow, why would I ever leave her, how could I forget? I pushed through the excavation and into the shoveled tunnel. I can see a plastic barricade they uncovered, behind it a figure walks past. What the...? There's a large cavernous and well-lit room beyond, the figure was actually a small boy. But the more I look at him, the more fucked up he appears to be. He has a cyclops face, but his eye is missing. He waddles in an odd fashion and wears a loin cloth around his waist. He's saying random and weird things too.. I push through the barricade into the room. The others would be waiting on the surface so I'll do my best on my own. I'm in the cavern now, all I want to do is save my daughter. I spot her down on the ground floor of the cavern, smashing a pot and spoon while calling out daddy to try and get people to save her. I realize that there are other children huddled together, they're cowering in fear. A sense of pride goes through me about how brave my kid is .
      I run on down, but I have to face the weird cyclops monster kid, I rationalize in my head that he's better off dead. If we let him go free he may grow into an adult and come back one day to torment us. I can't remember what happened next but I feel like two scenarios played out in my head as I woke up.
    2. #181 - Future / Avalanche / Survivor

      by , 12-15-2015 at 02:14 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      SC1) 02:02
      Dream 1 - Future
      I remember that it was like I travelled to the future and my name was 'Shin'. This is the exact storyline from a light novel I'm reading, 'The New Gate'. After arriving it turns out I have been a leader or something which is why I was so strong.. I think? Most of this is learned through observations while being guided around town, I'm trying to stay on the down low.

      Dream 2 - Avalanche
      I'm on a snowy mountain walking by a wooden hut on my left, to my right is a valley that rises up into more snowy peaks on the other side. Some kind of loud noise (maybe?) goes off and I immediately think that the other side of the valley will have an avalanche. Sure enough, cracks in the white snow start appearing but they spread, "oh ****". I originally thought I was safe on this side, but the cracks spread out in front of me. There's going to be an avalanche... I turn tail and run, trying to get beyond the collapsing slope but I'm just not fast enough. I'm sliding on the snow down slope and I start running atop the snow in an attempt to not get swallowed up by the snow. Even this fails me, and the snow soon consumes me as it roils downhill. I've stopped and I think I'm a couple metres beneath the snow, I won't be able to breath.. I need to do something! I end up waking up.

      SC5) 06:56
      Dream 3 - Survivor
      This dream seems heavily inspired by Fallout 4 at least in theme.
      I'm in my hometown in the basement of the arts building (though the basement doesn't exist like it did in the dream). The basement was dark with stone walls, it continued for some distance like it was some sort of tunnel. The place was dark, dirty and damp. There had been some kind of apocalypse event and there were maybe 3 others in the basement with me. One was an dark skinned old man, another was a crippled white woman in a wheel chair, I can't remember the last person.. Oh and I also had a little white dog. I was in third person, the person I was looking at (me) was the dad from 'Mr Robot'. He was in what can only be described as an empty mining shaft or elevator shaft. I/He was unconscious and there was a ladder behind him. There were people on the surface world who were kind of like the orchestrators of the apocalypse, they end up doing some douchey things. They act like we need to be quarentined, and they end up killing my little dog. They send down this machine via the elevator shaft, it descends and looks like it will crush me but as it descends it gets caught on the ladder which crumples slightly beneath the pressure. So close, the machine is only an inch away from the unconscious me. I wake up around this point, I think I had been tied to a chair or something, and managed to get out. While I'm still sitting a saw blade swishes past my head but can't get me. I decide to move now, and start climbing on the machine (it's really big height-wise, which reaches all the way up to the top of the shaft). This part is quite difficult to describe, I remember the details of climbing up through this place quite well but it'd be too hard. I remember when I was close to the top that there was someone else with me, another guy about my age, I think it may have been Daniel. We're at the top and look around us at our home village... It's night time and there is a kind of festive vibe to the lights around. There's a bunch of cars passing by on the road in front of us, I remember the red tail lights looked very vivid as they passed by. I think me and Daniel may have spoken, but we didn't need to say much. We knew we had to run or we'd be caught, so we ran across the road and started heading off in different directions. I woke up as I reached the other side of the road
    3. #88 - Just a catch up

      by , 05-21-2015 at 12:02 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      So I have had a lot of dreams lately, of which I distinctly remember 2. I still haven't been free enough from university to dedicate any time to lucid dreaming but my stress dreams are pretty memorable.

      Dream 1 - A plane ride
      It wouldn't be memorable if it was just a simple plane ride... I'm on an airport runway and a small plane the size of my room zooms towards me (imagine a real life boeing 747 scaled down a lot to the point where no one could fit inside), I grab hold of it for dear life as it takes off into the sky. It's hard to explain what was going on, I wrapped myself around the plane with my legs tucked under and arms over the top, the wing of the plane pressing into my thigh. I knew this was completely impossible and everytime that thought crossed my mind I would realize how fickle the situation was and start slipping a bit, only to grip on even tighter. I note the intense realism around me too, the whipping wind and clouds of moist air, the yellow light that beams from the horizon... At some point the stress must have been too much because I ended up getting inside somehow, the airplane was roomy and the story arc for the dream took a more sinister turn

      I walk along the aisle of the plane and I know that there's aliens outside, evil evil evil aliens. Why? Not a clue...
      I hear knocking on the airplane door, it opens by itself and a flight attendant is standing there.
      She probably would have looked good if she were in a less condensed form, it was like her entire body was a slinky that needed to be stretched out, I instantly knew that it was an alien in the guise of a human being. I point out its flaw to it, not really realizing that the flight attendant was actually hovering on what seemed like nothing, and also that the scenery outside gave the impression we were on a countryside train. She disappears quickly with a smile, a moment later a grey-brown veiny hand with extremely long spindly fingers wraps its hands around the door frame as if pulling itself inside.
      I don't remember much more than this though...

      Everything in this dream seemed so fuckin' intense... yet I don't feel like telling it did much justice haha.

      Dream 2 - Trying to protect someone
      I seemed to be on a mountain with my daughter and some friends, the scenery is beautiful and stretches on for miles in some directions. In one direction there seemed to be a large valley, across of which there was a large mountain with a lot of scree on it. I remember yelling and showing to the others that we could make it echo, then they copy but I tell them to stop or they'll make an avalanche...
      They didn't stop in time though, the ringing of our voices in the mountains was met by a grating, crumbling, ground shaking movement. I picked up my daughter as the ground slid beneath me, I see in the distance the scree on the other mountain turning into an avalanche too... I only slide a few metres before sliding into a pool at the bottom of a small slope I had been on, but the rocks keep piling up and I worry about my daughter as I hold her high above me so she doesn't' get hurt.

      I woke up shortly after this, sad and disturbed, wishing I could have finished the dream with a happy ending