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    The Oneironaut's Odyssey

    An Argonaut of the dream world, the Oneironaut. Every night a journey, every dream an adventure, every moment a treasure.

    1. #218 - Ball game

      by , 03-31-2016 at 11:27 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      I was playing a ball game with a bunch of people who are the same age as me, plus a couple teachers too. It was day time in my old primary school, though it seemed a little like a university and that fields were bigger. The ball game was a little odd, you basically grabbed a bunch of balls and you have a goal on each side (like soccer) but your way of scoring was usually dependent on your 'stats'. The stats were generic DnD style, str, dex, con, int, wis, cha. I think my brother or maybe a friend was playing too, and he had a very high strength stat so he would always punch the ball to score. Apparently this was the meta, but I had exceptionally high dex (like 18+ or something) so I was a kicker. There were 3 fields we played on, the first field I remember grabbing 6 balls and it was intense because there's a lot of balls to attack with and defend from. We migrated to the second field and this time I grabbed 5 balls for the game, it was still pretty intense. I remember my brother punching the ball and scoring, the power from it was intense. Eventually we migrated to the third field as school finished or something. The sun was setting a little bit, it was still bright out but the sky had an orange tinge. The amount of balls in this game wasn't really clear until later. I remember zipping about, I had the ball and was dribbling like a pro soccer player. At one point I think I'm vsing my brother and I just completely bypass him with a flip and some incredible dexterous foot maneuvers. I think I score a point, everyone is a little surprised at how effective my high dexterity stat was. I go to get the ball from the goal post, I scoop up 5 balls, they're all baseballs. 1 of them is 1/3 the size of the other normal ones, I thought this was weird. I wake up after that.