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    Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal

    This is where i'll be posting my dream journal online, in a hope to increase my tendency to remember more dreams, and clearer.

    I write all my dreams in a small exercise book under my pillow, and will post them up on here every day or two

    I hope to delve into more than just control over my dreams, but finding an understanding about life and keep walking the path of awakening.

    If you have advice to give me, I would be ever willing to accept help, a guiding hand would make a great difference for me

    1. The Government

      by , 06-01-2011 at 10:59 AM (Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal)
      This dream was long, I mean LONG. It felt like hours, but I wish I could remember the first part of the dream which explains what I stole. All I remember about that is pricking my finger or pressing some tiny button which was red.

      I was on the run from some sort of giant corporation, perhaps the government, because I disobeyed them. I was trying to 'drop off the radar' so to speak, disappear from the government and it's control. I believe I stole something very important to them. There was some form of alarm set off by a lazer pen tip, but I don't remember anything other than touching it with the tip of my finger. It looked a little like a calligraphy pen.

      I got back to my house and I knew I needed to hide, and I couldn't hide inside because the corporation would come looking for me there. I asked my dad what I should do, and he told me to stay outside for the next week. The first thing that ran through my mind was 'What will I use as shelter!', and my dad proceeded to find a plastic storage container with a large crack in it, and told me I should sit in it, that because of the crack I could rock back and forth.

      I took it out into my backyard and searched for where I should hide. It was very cloudy, and most of the colour was washed out of the scenery because of it. I didn't want to hide in the bushes because they are filled with spiders, but I thought I would be too easy to find in the open. It was a tough decision, but I chose to set up right out in the open on my back lawn I tried to sleep in the tub. It wasn't comfortable, so I used the crack to bust a hole in one end, and put that over my head as I lay down on my side and tried to sleep underneath it. It started raining, but I didn't get wet because of my plastic box covering my head.

      What a weird dream.. possibly a continuation or precursor to a previous dream I've had where I was going to be killed by a bald man. That makes sense, actually. Odd.