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    Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal

    This is where i'll be posting my dream journal online, in a hope to increase my tendency to remember more dreams, and clearer.

    I write all my dreams in a small exercise book under my pillow, and will post them up on here every day or two

    I hope to delve into more than just control over my dreams, but finding an understanding about life and keep walking the path of awakening.

    If you have advice to give me, I would be ever willing to accept help, a guiding hand would make a great difference for me

    1. The Hand Smashing Man

      by , 05-31-2011 at 08:18 AM (Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal)
      I had a weird experience of having two dreams in one, with one dream happening while the other was being told as some sort of folk lore story, which I was able to visualize while the dream was happening, really different for me
      The folklore story being told to me throughout the dream was about a man who would smash other people's right hands with a hammer. One day, this man's right hand got smashed by someone else, and he never, EVER slept again. Thrilling, I know

      The rest of the dream was a bit weird. I woke up in my bed, (if I made RC's a force of habit every time I woke up I would have realised it was a dream!) I rolled over on my side and sat up, pulling my eye mask up from my face. There was lots of day light, and my dad woke me up by trying to clean my room. He was digging through a pile of stuff which was where my computer chair was supposed to be, and at one point he threw a stick of bamboo at me.

      He said 'We need to clean up this pig sty.' I disagreed, telling him it was only desk clutter making it look dirty. I took a look around my room, and it seemed perfectly.. normal for a dream. My clothes were piled up where they were supposed to be, snuggie on my dresser, books and assorted mess on my table. I find it odd that I actually conciously surveyed my environment and didn't find anything wrong with it, at least my awareness is kicking in!

      A girl who I met at a party a couple of days ago was texting me, she was relatively boring but I kept talking to her. I used both my phone to text her and then got on msn on my computer and kept talking to her. I sat in my computer chair playing with an LED down light. It was like a faded yellow block of plastic, with an LED in the middle. I remember looking at the LED and noticing it looked more like a yellow lightbulb, but when I turned it around it definitely shone white light in my eyes. I even noticed it wasn't plugged into anything, and didn't think anything odd of it. Dream ends around here.