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    Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal

    This is where i'll be posting my dream journal online, in a hope to increase my tendency to remember more dreams, and clearer.

    I write all my dreams in a small exercise book under my pillow, and will post them up on here every day or two

    I hope to delve into more than just control over my dreams, but finding an understanding about life and keep walking the path of awakening.

    If you have advice to give me, I would be ever willing to accept help, a guiding hand would make a great difference for me

    1. Disrespecting The Dead.

      by , 06-02-2011 at 10:32 AM (Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal)
      This dream was incredibly vivid, and I seem to remember it in a more linear fashion than most dreams.
      I was at school, after the day had finished for some kind of lesson. I don't recall what teacher we had, but I believe he was Mr Ryan, one of the most racist and sexist teachers at my school. We were in the metal/wood work block, waiting to find out what classroom we were going to be having the lesson in, and someone said to use Mr Gill's room.

      We walked across to the social sciences block, and up the stairs to his room, where the door wasn't locked and we went inside. For some reason though, there was no power in the classroom, and we needed Mr Gill to come turn it on for us. I checked out the window, and Mr Gill was standing in the parking lot with his arms folded staring into the distance. Mr Ryan called out to him, and he came up to the classroom.

      We turned on a video for our lesson on the projector, though the board was on the wrong side of the room compared to usual. Mr Ryan and Mr Gill were standing behind me, and they started having a conversation about a very rude student, due to how rude Cowan was being. I accidentally pressed a switch on a powerboard with my foot, and turned out two of the rows of lights. This confused me, as they're controlled by switches on the wall, but when I looked up I noticed they were plugged into an extension cable, and it made sense, since I'd just turned off that plug. When I looked up again, a different set of lights were on, in a staggered sort of patter. I didn't want to mess with the switch any more, since I might have been in trouble for fiddling with the lights if I did.

      I tuned back into the conversation the teachers were having behind me about the student, and they were talking about how he had severe problems, and had killed himself. I don't remember the boy's name, but I'd thought I'd heard of him before, but I'm not sure I actually know him. Mr Ryan started talking about how it was good riddance, while Mr gill said it was tragic. Cowan butted in, saying how he knew how it happened - that he'd spun out his WRX and he was an idiot because he couldn't control it. I told him how he was being really disrespectful, but I had a bit of trouble wording the sentence. Mr Gill agreed with me, and Cowan said
      "Whoa! Someone actually agreed with Alex on something." I was getting really sick of him being so rude. I pulled out my laptop, and loaded up a computer forum which is normally blocked at school. Tim was surprised that it was unblocked and he'd never known before.

      When I woke up after this dream, I transitioned out into SP without moving. I gained too much awareness, though, and found my throat was extremely dry and I was sleeping on my arm, which was already really sore. I swallowed a few times, and figured I wouldn't be able to DEILD because there was too much noise and light, so I got up and wrote this into my DJ instead, but it's nice to see I could have DEILD'd!