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    Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal

    This is where i'll be posting my dream journal online, in a hope to increase my tendency to remember more dreams, and clearer.

    I write all my dreams in a small exercise book under my pillow, and will post them up on here every day or two

    I hope to delve into more than just control over my dreams, but finding an understanding about life and keep walking the path of awakening.

    If you have advice to give me, I would be ever willing to accept help, a guiding hand would make a great difference for me

    1. The Trinket Store

      by , 05-26-2011 at 09:20 AM (Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal)
      Wow, this was certainly a vivid one, before this I believe I had some long dream about helping the length and vividness of my dreams, but I don't remember it at all. This, on the other hand, was great

      My memory starts off in a shop in the middle of my city. It has large windows at the front, and the sun is shining in brightly. I caught the bus in, I think, with a couple of my friends Tim and Josh. They wanted me to leave, because the bus to take us home was coming and we were going to miss it. I wouldn't leave, because I was fascinated by the things in the store.
      The lady who helped run the store was young, in her 20's, and looked like a bit like the comedian Sarah Silverman, crossed with the character Gooch from Scrubs.

      The store sold small, homemade products. The ones I was looking at were small clay photo frames, with bright colours and weird designs - something made them really stand out to me. I asked the lady running the store about their products, and she sang me a song with her ukulele. It was funny, and simply just ran through a list of the quirky things they sold, and she ran out of things at the end, and finished it awkwardly. I thought the song was funny, but Tim thought it should have been better for a comedian, and proceeded to go with Josh to catch the bus to go home, leaving me in the store.

      I stayed and looked at the other things in the shop, finding some small balls about 2cm in diameter filled with fluff, made from 4 pieces of felt. They were made of either red or yellow, and blue felt. I questioned the man from the shop, who was one of the lead characters from the Mighty Boosh, wearing something somewhat like he is in the picture. I noticed that they broke easily, by pinching them at the base. He said they were supposed to, and it made perfect sense to me, and reminded me of something from the show. So I bought a pack, since I liked them so much.

      The bus I was supposed to catch with Tim and Josh came back around out the front of the store, and Josh came in exclaiming
      "The bus went the wrong way and turned left and circled back around!"
      So I left the store with him and got on the bus with them both. On the trip home, there was a really large sign, or part of a fence made of two wooden posts and a large piece of metal in between, which was flying through the air wildly around the bus. I was quite scared, and remember visualising that it could have easily crashed through the front of a car and killed people, and probably could have done the same to the side of the bus. It seemed to fly off as we continued to drive past it though, and I went on looking out the window. I remember seeing one of my friends out the front of a small house, working on his car. I hoped that he would be okay, and it was a pretty terrible time to be having car trouble.

      The dream jumps to me arriving home, and I believe I was helping Dad in the garage, trying to find old computers. The image I remember here is also an old memory, and could be mixed in with the dream. I think it may also be why I went to the trinket store in the first place. I believe this was where the next section of the dream was introduced, where I had to help Dad take care of a bottle of bleach, which was trying to rehabilitate from a nasty drug habit. I think I may have used him to clean a surface at one point. The end of the dream is during the middle of the night, where I got up to find the bleach, passed out balanced over the edge of a painting, which was leaning against a wall where we normally have our kitty litter tray. This really confused me, as I couldn't work out what was happening. I knew the bleach was on the edge of the frame that was leaning up against the wall, but I couldn't see it properly. Somehow my mind made sense of it. I noticed that bleach was coming out of the lid and realised he had OD'd, and had choked on his own vomit.
      "Oh Bleachy..."
      After realising he was dead, I used the bleach that had poured out of his mouth (the end of the bottle..) and a piece of cardboard, (again, my mind knew cardboard didn't work well on floors, but then i realised 'Oh it works like a sponge, of course') and cleaned a white tile to a shine (where we don't have white tiles).

      This dream confused the heck out of me when I woke up, and when I started thinking about it, I had to laugh at myself a little bit. How did I possibly miss any of those signs! A sign flying past caught in insane winds on a perfectly sunny day, a store run by two comedians, a bus route I normally catch every day taking me on a road which doesn't exist -- actually, a house which the sign flew past looked exactly like a house my bus goes past every day, but it was painted a pale yellow instead of a greenish black, and was on a road that overlooks the ocean near the beach instead of bushland--, and most importantly a bottle of BLEACH named Bleachy, which had a drug habit and OD'd! That night, we did break the bottom off of a bottle of bleach, and I'm pretty sure thats where that came from.

      Before I went to sleep last night, I wrote in my journal affirming myself that my dream guide will help & wake me to lucid dream. I've never met them, but I think this dream which I remember so vividly was definitely supposed to help me lucid. Instead, I had the most vivid and random dream I've had in years! I know I'm close to it, and I'm confident I'll have full control.