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    DJ of lucid goals and how it goes

    DJ of lucid goals and how it goes
    My goal with this journal is to get a better dream memory and help me focus on the things I want to dream about. I think this will help me remember my goals when I become lucid. Here are my lucid goals. After every goal I have a journal about how my progress is going.

    1. Develop a habit to always start my lucidity with meditation and ponder, try to remember how the dream started if it was DILD. Make a plan what I am going to do in this dream and reflect about these goals.
    2020-05-19 I realized the dream just started by trying to remember how it started. I was about to plan what I would do but woke up.

    2. Get massage
    2020-04-07 I got massage but it was not pleasant at all. It felt like he was pinching me and it actually hurt.

    3. Get a dream palace that I know every detail about

    4. Make my own box with all my lucid tools that always are in my pocket, for now I want it to include: a DC phone that can reach all my DCs with.

    5. Create some permanent DCs that I can always reach with my DC phone.

    6. Play on a guitar. Can the dream really make it feel realistic when it can't even render my fingers correctly?

    1. Almost WILD! Buss, brain dead, candy shop, Harry Potter. Going by an ariplane and Corona.

      by , 10-09-2020 at 07:49 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I drank some water and woke up first 01.24 and later on 03.50. By 03.40 I tried to WILD. I rested in the corpse position and managed to lose my body completely and after about an hour I enter a ninja dream I have a third person view and there is a forest. Two ninjas run alongside each other. I lost it after some seconds and I felt my body again. I give up after 80 minutes 05.13 because of a bad itch on my nose and that I need some sleep too. It didn't feel like I was conscious in over one hour. I think maybe I lost consciousness and regained it later. I didn't have any HI or HH which is good but also worrying because all people seem to have it when they WILD.

      I'm by the big road on way to Lidle from our house. Signe and my other friends from class are also there. I'm also half lucid and decide that I want to eat something sweet because it's one of my dream goals. There is a buss waiting for us and we enter it. The driver is Sandra, our SO teacher. I ask her to drive to the candy shop and she says I am lucky to have a buss that drives me in the city. I think to myself that it would have been faster to walk or fly there. When we are by the candy shop (It's no specific candy shop and it has taken the place where Subway usually is) I tell Sandra to join us. She says she can't but I command her that she is going to eat candy with us. All of my friends' faces and Sandra's face become like they are brain dead and she says okey to my commandment. We enter the shop and we are going to eat it all. I've lost all lucidity by this point. There are many windows where people can look in. We want to eat all the candy without anyone noticing us for some reason. They all begin to eat and I jump up on a shelf and look out a window. I see someone that looks like Dumbledore and say it to the other people in the store. They are no longer brain dead and say something about Dumbledore. I am Harry Potter suddenly and some other wizard I have never seen before is reading my mind and demands that I tell him who Severus Lipus (?) is while he points his wand against my head. I point my wand back at him and there is also a third wizard next to us that is pointing her wand against my enemy.

      Notes: The brain dead part of the dream says a lot. When I try to force things upon my DC's they may not come naturally. I never ate anything in the dream. I saw a trailer where Daniel Radcliffe had a role yesterday.

      I'm in a plane with some classmates and we are going on a trip to some noble family. I'm in the back row and Angelina is also there. She starts to cough and cough. I feel uncomfortable and she excuses herself and says that she usually cough when she reads. One of the the waitresses comes to Angelina and tells her to stop it. She stops and I ask if they can turn on the ventilation in order to give us new fresh air. There are many small fans in the wall that starts to push fresh air on us. New fragment. We are now outside the plane and my family is already there. I leave my group and join my family instead.

      Notes: I saw a picture of my mom flying a gyrocopter yesterday. We also talked about going on a class trip.

      I'm in Sturkö and know it's a dream. I start to run outside to the waters and my vision is getting darker and darker. I touch my face in order to stabilize it but it doesn't work. I slowly transition to my bed. I'm still walking but feel my back against my bed. When my real body's sensation takes over there is a weird transition where the gravity goes from pressing my feet down on the ground to instead pushing my back to the bed. It is confusing and I have to orient for a while before I am confident in my body.

      Notes: It may have been a FA because they often wake me up in a smooth way like this.

      Updated 11-02-2020 at 08:57 AM by 97565

      lucid , non-lucid
    2. Spinning head

      by , 07-26-2020 at 06:52 PM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      Woke up 5 am and had a bad stomach. I went to bed 90 minutes later and had an accidental WILD. I'm aware but my vision goes darker and there are some shifting patterns. There is a face that is grey and pointy. It starts to spin around. I dreamt about eating snacks and I ate some of that snack the same day.
      Tags: wild
    3. Many lucids but not been able to post them

      by , 07-24-2020 at 05:42 PM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I've been away by our summer place and without proper internet for a while now. In our summer place I sleep by a window that wakes me up early. It has helped my dreaming because I wake up more times and remember more dreams. Another cool thing is that I have found out that when I wake up about 8 am and sleep again I wake up in my dreams like a WILD. I woke up by the sunlight from the window, looked at the cloock 8 am and went to sleep again. There is black and a dream is slowly being created in front of my eyes. I'm in Hemköp next to my home in city and I see all these people in a line. I do some more things but don't want to go too deep. I've met the bending master and he gave me a good piece of advice that I am going to follow. He told me that I need to learn three different skills with each element before I can use them properly in all of my dreams. He told me that I should start with learning how to shoot stone balls with earth bending. Pretty cool!