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    DJ of lucid goals and how it goes

    DJ of lucid goals and how it goes
    My goal with this journal is to get a better dream memory and help me focus on the things I want to dream about. I think this will help me remember my goals when I become lucid. Here are my lucid goals. After every goal I have a journal about how my progress is going.

    1. Develop a habit to always start my lucidity with meditation and ponder, try to remember how the dream started if it was DILD. Make a plan what I am going to do in this dream and reflect about these goals.
    2020-05-19 I realized the dream just started by trying to remember how it started. I was about to plan what I would do but woke up.

    2. Get massage
    2020-04-07 I got massage but it was not pleasant at all. It felt like he was pinching me and it actually hurt.

    3. Get a dream palace that I know every detail about

    4. Make my own box with all my lucid tools that always are in my pocket, for now I want it to include: a DC phone that can reach all my DCs with.

    5. Create some permanent DCs that I can always reach with my DC phone.

    6. Play on a guitar. Can the dream really make it feel realistic when it can't even render my fingers correctly?

    1. Massage completed

      by , 08-24-2021 at 07:27 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I'm in in Sturkö and I'm juggling with three big plastic hollow balls. One is blue and one is red. I can't recall the last color. I'm trying to throw a ball behind my back and catch it but it's impossible. Max comes and shows me how it's done.

      I'm in a big hall where people sport. I'm showering in the exchange room and then go to pee. I'm able to pee for a very very long time and then I feel relieved. I go to the next room and there are a lot of girls in my age lying on massage benches. They are getting massage from women about 25 years old. One prominent of them has dark skin and is pretty big. All the other women are western people. It feels too good to be true. I walk out from the room and try to do some telekinesis on a pair of bottles. It works! I'm lucid and go back to the massage room and see the girls in my age leave. Perfect! I lay down on a bench and ask for a massage. One of them says she can fix me up but then walks away. I ask if the other ones can fix me and they do. About ten of them come around me and take one hand each on my back and do some kind of circle motion. It doesn't feel good even though I was prepared it would feel very relaxing. My vision goes blank and I wake up.

      Notes: I have gotten massage about 3-4 times in my dreams and it has always hurt or just felt bad. Never relaxing. I wonder if anyone else has experienced good massage in a dream.

      P.S. I'm leaving for a mission to Germany, Austria and Switzerland and can't be active here for the next 2 years. I think I'll write some in my physical journal though.
    2. Unexpectedly good lucid car hijack

      by , 08-20-2021 at 09:46 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      Competition that turns into car hijack
      I'm spectating a competition were people from two different teams do different objectives. I walk around and look how they are doing their best outside. I walk into a shaft and see how people press a button as fast as they can. I person I know from Högstadiet asks me if I can help them. I don't do at first but later on I help them. It's a big hose, more than 1 dm in diameter. I press the black button on the hose as fast as I am able to and see how a liquid is starting to flow from the hose. I am filling a mini pool with the liquid and an instrument is mesuering how fast I am doing it. It goes up to a 5 and all the people around me are cheering. I do it even faster and I'm able to get it to 22 which makes it so that the team I helped won. I ask some people for their phone numbers and Max agrees that it is smart to do when you have won. Someone asks me if I have a driving license and I say I do. They are about to drive away with the car and I get a sudden impulse to drive it instead. This triggers lucidity. I think about how it is only a dream and jump in in the already full car on the driver's lap and start to drive with full gas. I notice that we are driving from the chapel's parking lot. No one is saying anything and I'm a little bit dissapointed because I excpected more action. This raises my lucidity because real people would never act like this. I notice how slow the car is going and I'm suddenly teleported to the back seat but I still have the gas pedal. I don't see anything in front of me and I tell the driver to raise the gear lever but she says that she won't. The dream is becoming darker and my whole body is starting to vibrate which wakes me up.

      Notes: I was really lucid there which made me surprised because I haven't tried to become lucid for a long time now.

      Flying in darkness and calling light.
      I'm in my room, climbing on the furniture that is almost falling. I'm on the top shelf, left to the door and look around me. I decide to go fly out the window instead. This triggers some lucidity. I'm flying slowly and notice that I'm at Sturkö and not in town anymore. I see how dark it is and scream out that "it will be light!", which makes me more lucid. I keep on flying and see a butterfly but it is weird. It's like a butterfly is taped on a gnome that walks back and forth but I can't see the gnome because it's too dark. I keep on flying and notice that I'm suddenly back where I started and there's finally light! I bright star is shining up everything. I fly over the same fields again and see that it wasn't a gnome but a bird with patterns on it back so that it looked like a butterfly in the dark.

      I'm in a big school. Mom is also there.
    3. Hanging out

      by , 08-12-2021 at 11:04 PM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I'm flying over town half lucid. I see Elina and wonder why it's always my family I meet in my dreams. This thought triggers it so that a friend of Elina appears next to her and I interact with her instead. She is blonde and tall with a face of someone who takes a lot of energy. We walk down to my house and go to the guest room downstairs. We cuddle and an enchanting atmosphere is there. She is not very interested in me but I am happy. An old evil man enters and I escape by flying through the window. I ask her if we can meet up somewhere else and she agrees. I fly to a building and meet up with her later on in a different house. I don't want to break the window and walk in through the door instead.
      Tags: cousins, flying, home, love
      lucid , non-lucid