Lucid Dreams
Competition that turns into car hijack I'm spectating a competition were people from two different teams do different objectives. I walk around and look how they are doing their best outside. I walk into a shaft and see how people press a button as fast as they can. I person I know from Högstadiet asks me if I can help them. I don't do at first but later on I help them. It's a big hose, more than 1 dm in diameter. I press the black button on the hose as fast as I am able to and see how a liquid is starting to flow from the hose. I am filling a mini pool with the liquid and an instrument is mesuering how fast I am doing it. It goes up to a 5 and all the people around me are cheering. I do it even faster and I'm able to get it to 22 which makes it so that the team I helped won. I ask some people for their phone numbers and Max agrees that it is smart to do when you have won. Someone asks me if I have a driving license and I say I do. They are about to drive away with the car and I get a sudden impulse to drive it instead. This triggers lucidity. I think about how it is only a dream and jump in in the already full car on the driver's lap and start to drive with full gas. I notice that we are driving from the chapel's parking lot. No one is saying anything and I'm a little bit dissapointed because I excpected more action. This raises my lucidity because real people would never act like this. I notice how slow the car is going and I'm suddenly teleported to the back seat but I still have the gas pedal. I don't see anything in front of me and I tell the driver to raise the gear lever but she says that she won't. The dream is becoming darker and my whole body is starting to vibrate which wakes me up. Notes: I was really lucid there which made me surprised because I haven't tried to become lucid for a long time now. Flying in darkness and calling light. I'm in my room, climbing on the furniture that is almost falling. I'm on the top shelf, left to the door and look around me. I decide to go fly out the window instead. This triggers some lucidity. I'm flying slowly and notice that I'm at Sturkö and not in town anymore. I see how dark it is and scream out that "it will be light!", which makes me more lucid. I keep on flying and see a butterfly but it is weird. It's like a butterfly is taped on a gnome that walks back and forth but I can't see the gnome because it's too dark. I keep on flying and notice that I'm suddenly back where I started and there's finally light! I bright star is shining up everything. I fly over the same fields again and see that it wasn't a gnome but a bird with patterns on it back so that it looked like a butterfly in the dark. I'm in a big school. Mom is also there.
I'm flying over town half lucid. I see Elina and wonder why it's always my family I meet in my dreams. This thought triggers it so that a friend of Elina appears next to her and I interact with her instead. She is blonde and tall with a face of someone who takes a lot of energy. We walk down to my house and go to the guest room downstairs. We cuddle and an enchanting atmosphere is there. She is not very interested in me but I am happy. An old evil man enters and I escape by flying through the window. I ask her if we can meet up somewhere else and she agrees. I fly to a building and meet up with her later on in a different house. I don't want to break the window and walk in through the door instead.
The environment is dark colored and I'm with a party of grown ups. I'm able to choose a companion that will help me out and I scroll through the selections. They are all grey looking and pretty boring but with different shapes. One is formed as an egg, one is a bit scary, one is looking very tired. I look at about 15 of them until I am interupted. A party member's zombie is eating her up. The zombie is streching its mouth really much so that the whole head fits in its mouth. I'm in my brother's bed and I'm sick. Every time I breathe out a green round rubbery candy with white powder on it rolls out. Some older people from the last dream walks in. They are telling me I have some kind of disease and they seem a bit disgusted. I taste one of the candies and they are pretty good. Notes: I hid in my brother's bed yesterday. I notice it's a dream and fly up. I hit a cloud wall and fly through it. I keep on flying and hit another cloud wall. I keep on flying and see the third cloud wall but the dream becomes unstable and I can't remain.
Updated 05-28-2021 at 08:13 AM by 97565
I'm lying on a sleeping pad on the floor with a bunch of other people. We are about to sleep but suddenly a really tall man, about 2 meters tall, comes in and starts to hunt us. I run up some stairs and keep on running outside in the dark woods. I am able to return to the building and we are safe now. Tove is prominent in the dream and has a strong positive aura. Notes: It was not a nightmare but more like a game. I'm home and looking up through the window in the kitchen upstairs. I think about how the dream is soon going to end and that triggers lucidity. I go to the sink and turn the water on. I try to do some water bending but it doesn't work at first. I get some insight and suddenly know how to do it. I take my right thumb next to the water and move the thumb to the side. The water follows. I take the water with telekinesis to the next room where mom sits on a chair. I form the water so that it looks like a glass and give it to her. She is shocked when her hands go through the water glass when she tries to grab it. I go to the window and try to punch it so that I can fly outside but it won't budge. I have to open it instead which takes some time. When I'm done I fly outside and it's pretty dark. There are some tall and round buildings I have never seen before. I try to fly up and I am able to. I want to touch the stars but when I reach a certain height I feel that the dream is becoming unstable. I fly down again to a big dome house. Some kind of white particles follow me and I feel energized. I fly in a circle and more white particles appear. I feel really happy and the flying is going perfect. I'm with Gustav and he complains about a SC2 map that is really hard and that he doesn't understand how you are able to win with only zealots. We enter the map and defend one entrance each. I have some marines and a tank and I'm able to protect my entrance the first round but Gustav is struggling. We lose and Gustav starts to build some kind of fort with Lego in my brothers room. I join him. He asks me if I remember what he told me and I tell him I do. I say that he told me to use my time wisly and only to do important things. He is happy and says that I have understood him.
I'm with a group of about 4 people in my age. We walk over a glacier to a house. We enter the house and close the door. The door has a window on it and a curtain covering it. We see a shadow outside of someone who is patrolling. I don't want to look because then the person might see me. A girl in our squad goes to the window and looks out and sees the man. We are talking about our plan and how we should proceed. Everyone have a laser pointer each but it's only purpose is to log out. I use it and try it out but nothing happens. We enter the next room and it has a lot of windows with white transparent curtains with painted flowers on them. There are a lot of guards walking outside and I tell the others that I am going to log out. I use the laser and I'm able to leave (I am teleported to a new location and walking the street with a woman about 40 years old). She blames me for leaving the girl behind in the quest before. There are lots of emotions and one of us is lying on the street and cries (new fragment). I'm looking in third person view and there are a lot of chairs. There are two prominent people there. A thin woman and a very fat man. There are many other people who are supporting the fat man behind him. The woman and the man are not good friends but they are married. The woman have blonde hair and a child next to her with blue long hair. The fat man confronts her and asks how the boy got blue hair. She says that she doesn't know. He asks if she has any butlers at home and the child says that there are a bunch of them. A butler with blue hair comes behind them and the fat man says that the child and the butler are very similar. She seems surprised and says that they indeed do. The man says that she cheated on him with the butler and the child is crying in the woman's knee (new place). My vision is in a big old house with wooden furniture. The fat man is lying in his bed and his mom, a small elderly woman with grey hair, is walking around the bed and screams on him. She tells him that he is worthless and that he made his wife cheat on him because he is so ugly and only read books all the day. The mom throws a glass clock on his face and it shatters. I think that the woman should be more careful with her son (new scene. I am now the divorced woman walking outside). I'm devestaded and walking out from the house. I take my hands around my throat and try to strangle myself. I become semi lucid and try to trigger a FA in my bedroom by closing my eyes and keep on strangling myself. I wake up in my bed and know it's a dream. I try to get up from my bed but I lose my balance. My vision is really limited and I try to stabilize the dream. I am able to walk to the window. I take my hands and cover my eyes. I see through my hands which raises my lucidity. I open the window and fly out. I have amazing speed and accidentaly crash into a window and keep on crashing through all the different flats. I see the room from an old nightmare which scares me and I lose some lucidity. I accidentaly crash through the appartement house's wall and steer to the left. I fly back to my house and see a couple sitting on a stone bench talking to each other. I feel strong because I just flew really good. I try to lift the girl but I am actually really weak and can't lift her. Suddenly a giant runs past us. He holds in a big tree club but is dressed in a modern American school uniform with a senior jacket that has a big white capital letter on the chest. Notes: The nightmare came from this dream. The house I crashed into was the same in both dreams.
Updated 05-18-2021 at 10:42 AM by 97565
I'm in the guest room downstairs with mom. I realize it is a dream and walk out. I look up at the sky and scream out "sky, take me with you!". Gravity is turned upside down for me and I accelerate towards the sky. There is a thick layer of clouds and gravity is centered by the layer. That makes it so that I first go upwards over the sky but slowly turn down to it again. When I hit the clouds on the way down I notice that the clouds have changed location and are right above the ground by my home. That makes it so that it is very foggy. I climb the gate and it is bigger than in reality. When I'm on top I fly away to town. I walk on the street and try to remember what I wanted to do in the dream. It's frustrating because I can't remember. I think about how I can ask my dream characters a joke. But since they are my unconsciousness they would know the answer if I told them a joke I knew the answer to. That's why I ask them a joke I don't know the answer to. "How did the cow and the wheat meat?", I ask a man. He seems confused and I tell him that I tell him the joke because he is a part of my mind. There are now three DC:s and they seem to accept that truth. I keep on walking and see a girl in my age. She is very prominent and start to talk with me. She is self independent and do as she likes. She is a bit shorter than me and we start to walk home to me. We talk a lot. When we come home we meet my cat Isa. The girl talks about a dog. After some time I leave home and fly away. As I fly over the gate gravity is changed again and I reach the clouds. I fall to the ground fast after I have touched the clouds. I remember that it was a long time since I opened a window to enter a new dream scene. I fly to a window that is transparent. I smash the window with my fist and succeed. I try to open the window but I'm not able to. A boy is inside and I ask him if he can take the key and open. He doesn't want to at first but as I struggle to come inside he says that he can fix it. He opens the window and I climb in. There is a big table and four old ladies enter. They ask me if I want to join them in dinner. I say okay and sit down by the table. They lay the table with tacos but they only have cucumber, tomatoes and corn which I find kind of dull. I start to eat and the flavor is mostly of cucumber. The lady next to me asks me if I can visit them again in a hostile tone. She reminds me a lot of my physics teacher now. I tell her that I can't because I'm only visiting this dream and won't be able to return. She pushes me harder and asks me if I don't want to visit them again. I stand up for myself and tell her that I don' want too. During the conversation she stood up from the chair and I had to back up as she came closer to me. I run for the window and try to fly out. She grabs me by the legs and holds me so that I hang from the window. She starts to swing me and tries to swing me back to their flat. As she is just to throw me in the dream becomes black. Notes: I really have to train how to retain my memories from reality in the dream. A recurrent theme through my dreams are evil old ladies, I wonder why.
Updated 05-03-2021 at 06:46 AM by 97565
A lake with a monster in it in a forest. I know that the monster just needs a kiss and it will turn into a nice girl. I jump into the water and start to swim, the monster looks like a human but the head is blue with a lizard face. I don't hesitate but just give it a small kiss. It turns into a human and we go up. I'm home in the hall downstairs and talk with mom and my sister. I get a feeling it is a dream and I walk out. I fly away to Hemköp and see some cars on the way. A black man and a white woman are prominent as they walk the street with energy. I interact with them and talk some. I used some telekinesis om some humans and made them float over each other. I think I had a FA here but came back to the dream after some seconds. I'm sitting in one of the cars driving by before. A mom and her daughter is driving.
Updated 04-29-2021 at 03:55 PM by 97565
I'm in some room with a bunk bed. My dad sits in the lower one and talks about money problem and some kind of new job (New fragment). I'm holding in a knife and fighting with Gabriel in my class. He is striking me all the time and I just block. I run away and see my surroundings, I'm in a big house with roof at least 8 meters up. I run for the exit but a girl is there with a knife. I run back and notice that she is going to throw the knife at me. I laugh at her because I know it will be easy to dodge the throw from this distance. She throws the knife and it is easy to dodge it. (new fragment). There is a ghost by the shore and we walk to it. It has armor and a bone shield on its back. I try to hit it but it has no effect. Dad comes and cracks his shoulder pad open. The armor falls off and Peter comes out from it. He is friendly and we walk away (new fragment). We come to a campfire and there is a good looking girl there which triggers lucidity. I tell all the people by the campfire that this is a dream and they nod. Details are disappearing and my vision goes dark. Notes: My cousins played a game where they pretend to have knives and hit each other.
I'm walking in city and the word freedom comes into my head. That triggers lucidity and I fly to the waters. I see some humans and want to do some tricks with them. There is an indian and I grab his hand. I fly up with him fast and throw him up into the air and spin him 360 and catch him again. It's pretty heavy and I fall down a bit when I receive him. He starts to talk to me but I feel his bad intentions and I fly away from him. I fly over the waters and come to an exotic jungle with very big leaves and vegetation that I have not seen before. I am amazed by the beauty and just inspect the blue flowers for some time. I fly down to the water and think about how it is hard to fly in the water. I tell myself that it is only a dream and that I can do it. I fly down in to the water and keep a 45 degree angle with my face pointing to the surface. The air is really fresh. My feet go in mud by accident and there are some really big fish there. The water starts to become really thick and I can't move any more. I am being washed to shore and I try to break through with force but it's impossible. I see the shore now but the water is like sandpaper and my skin is hurting. I am finally up and I fly away again. I fly over the waters but suddenly I fall really fast close to the water and I am able to get up again. I see an island with some crocodiles on it. I inspect them but suddenly my flying stops working again and I fall to the crocodiles. They start to eat me and I struggle for some time with them. I am able to escape them. Notes: I went to bed early and woke up early. I saw some nature documentary this week and saw some crocodiles eat animals and carnivore plants.
I'm in my room and start to count my fingers. The middle one is very short. I open the window and fly out. My flying is not that good and I fall to the ground but succeed to go back up slowly. A girl greets me and she drives in the city. She talks about how she does not want to be with me because of my gender while her friend is waiting outside the destination. Notes: I was driven by a girl that looked much like the DC two days ago. We watched a movie yesterday that was about a girl that didn't like her body so she became a boy. I'm in the bathroom upstairs and look at my fingers, they are not really right. I fly out through the window in my room and it's dark outside. I fly to school and see a big dog there. It's a golden retriever and I pet it all over. He is very happy and energetic. I ask him if he can fly me away. He seems happy about it so I sit on him and wait as he starts to fly away. He is a really good flier and has full control. He later goes on to jumping really long distances. I am wondering about what I would like to do more in my dream but think that this has to be something of the best and that I just want to ride this dog all day long. I see Eni with Rebecka, some meters away I see Eni with Natalia. I have to think twice before I realize it was Eni two times. I stop by the train pit by Rosenfeldt and talk with Eni. I'm in my room and count my fingers. My middle finger is gone. I fly out and see the missionaries. I am happy they have joined my dream and tell them so. I am uncounciously thinking they are having a mutual dream with me. I ask them if they want to go flying and so we do. They can't fly so I instead go on my back while they sit on my stomach. The flying is controlled but not sensational. We keep on flying until we see some more missionaries. They join too. I'm worried they won't fit on my legs but they do and we fly some more. I'm in my room and count my fingers. Something is wrong so I fly out. I'm outside and find a drying rack that I start to ride. It is pretty fast and almost flying. I come to the water by the bridge by Stumholmen but the water is much larger. A man in a kayak is riding in the river. I ride the drying rack into the water and glide on one of the support sticks lying against the water. I win against the kayak and keep on riding up. There is a big crowd here but I don't bother them. I ride to Rosenfeldt and notice that I've got a curse denier on me. Eni asks me how I got it and I tell him that I can get one to him too. I go home and look for something that can give him protection but find my cat instead. I try to pet her but she walks away. I walk out but see her again as if she would have teleported. I ignore her this time. I'm by church and there is a big missionary meeting there. The missionary president is there with William. William seems to be in charge of something and has extra responsibility. I am by a pit with another missionary. I go to the president and talk with him. Notes: I'm really happy that I have been able to get some lucids recently since I haven't been able to in a long time. I am also a bit sad that I'm trapped in my city and always become lucid in my house. I have read about guides about how to close and open your door to teleport somewhere else. I have been able to teleport by will and to teleport by walking into a mirror before. I have a big mirror in my room that I maybe should test out.
Updated 04-11-2021 at 10:12 AM by 97565
I'm on some sort of racing track that reminds me of Mario. I have cars on my feet and use them as roller skates. There is a big jump with a bridge that I successfully come over. On the other side there is a forest. I push my feet as if I was ice skating but it does not feel entirely right. Some other people are also racing with me. Some of my family is there. I'm in my room and think about flying out the window. I'm about to open the window but I'm not sure if it is a dream. I count my fingers and notice that my middle finger is really short. I fly out the window and ask my self what dream goals I had. I can't recall and the dream starts to fade away. Notes: I wanted to get a massage that night. I'm with my brother and we have hijacked a medical car for the hospital. It is not an ambulance but the same size. I'm sitting on the right seat in front of the car. My brother is in the back of the car. The car is driving but I don't notice if there is anyone by the steering wheel. I pull down some kind of touch-screen from over my head. A 4-digit passcode is shown. I remember that the code was 1234 and try it out. I successfully come in and look around. There is some kind of online shop with different kinds of cool sounds for music production. I look at the prizes and notice that they use the Fortnite currency. One music package costs about 4000.
I'm imagining a landscape. It is becoming more and more real. Snowy trees are created in front of me and the ground is like that of a forest. There are some houses present too. I am afraid that I might wake up if I try to reach my hand forward and that my real hand will grab my quilt. After some time I am certain it is a dream and I try to create my arm so that I can reach forward. I see my hand and I'm happy that it's a dream. The dream becomes unstable and I am not able to stay in it. Notes: I think that I entered the dream as it was created. It was a memorable experience either way. I'm at a restaurant with some people. There is a table 5 meters in front of me where a lightly dressed girl is waiting for a very big guy. She is doing some kind of gesture to him and he walks to her. New fragment. It's christmas and a lot of people are in a small room waiting for presents. Everyone is going to get one present each. I get some kind of white electronic device shaped like an L. A woman really wants my present and tries to convince me that she should have it. She bothers me for quite some time until the dream ends.
I thought about what I wanted to do in my dream when I laid in bed and thought about a cool shape I wanted to create. First of a glass pyramid and then a 3D-shaped polygon with a fire inside in order to practice my fire skills too. I thought about trying out my first task of the month by creating a clay figure and give it life. I'm in the woods and the big car is next to me. There are three houses and I prank knock on the one to the left and run away. A big old woman starts screaming at me. I prank knock on the second door and an old small woman jumps out and kills me. New fragment. I'm by the car again but dad is also there. I knock on the house to the left again and the big old woman knocks me down. The old woman and dad starts to carry me against the car. She carries me by the legs and dad by my hands. The old woman says something that she also needs to have some fun as she reaches her hand to my private parts. I know that I am supposed to be uncouncious but I try to kick her hand away. I don't think she succeeded. This fragment is in third person view. I have a brother (not my IRL brother) and we walk into some kind of temple with some kind of cult. They worship us as we walk into a big stone statue that lowers us down to the lower floor. As we come back up again we are dragons. I am a slim orange lizard dragon and my brother is a big dark dragon. We fly out to the city. New fragment. I am still a dragon and fly over a dark sky and I'm being hunted. My brother is now the dark dragon from How to Train Your Dragon. I realize it is a dream and remember what I wanted to do. I fly down to an island and try to summon a pyramid from the ground, nothing happens. I go on the task of the month instead. I succeed in making a robot body and some kind of cool high tech neck but it's dark so that I can't see. Some of the persons who were hunting me comes and I ask them if they have a flashlight. A woman gives me a good led-light with her car keys on. Another person gives me a normal silver flashlight. I ask the woman if she wants to trade the good flashlight against her small led-light so that I could get her car keys and she says ok. I look at my creation and want to take a picture so that I can show it in Dreamview's forum. I think about how I can't take the picture out of the dream and stop trying to find a camera. I am about to fix the head but the clay is turned into some kind of fabric that I can't work with. The dream is slowly fading until I feel my body against the bed. I assume I am awake. Notes: I wish my fire bending was second nature. Then I would not have to ask for a flashlight.
Updated 03-15-2021 at 03:52 PM by 97565
I went to bed with the mantra. "Stop and meditate, the answer is fire" because I want to fire bend in my dream. Sometimes when I put up goals and try them out in my dream I stop when I don't succeed on the first try. I prepared myself to don't give up after the first try for this mission which helped me out. I'm driving a car in Lyckeby. I wonder how I got here and start to count my fingers while I drive which I get a bit ashamed of because I should keep track on the other cars. My fingers look fine first but then I see six fingers and get somewhat lucid. I wonder how I should escape this car and decide just to open the door and fly out. While I fly I remember to stop and try out my fire bending. I land on the ground with some child present. I try to create a fire in my hand but fail. I remember that I should keep on going and not give up. I try to think about what could be a small start in order to get bigger and bigger. I start with just trying to make my vision go red without actually create a fire and succeed. I see big red particles in the air in front of me. I try to advance and create a fire in my hand. A 2D fire is in my hand but it is painted and not real. I try some more and succeed with a small real fire in my hand. I don't feel the fire, I only see it. I try to shoot the fire forward and succeed. The fire comes out from my hands in a single stream that starts small and erupt in a cloud one meter away. The child next to me is also doing some similar fire bending. Notes: I would like to try to fly away with a car while I am in it. I think I would like to improve my fire bending and make it natural. My flying is so natural to me that I often use it in non-lucid dreams. I'm massaging a woman. Her skin is very thick and has oil in it. She thinks I'm doing a good job. I'm in a hotel and Filippa is also there. She wants to spend time with me while her family is downstairs. We walk down the stairs.
I'm lucid in Sturkö and acknowledge how free I am. I fly out to the waters against town but my flying is very bad. I try to fly forward but end up flying up instead and then fall to the ground. New fragment I lose myself to the dream and end up flying on some icebergs with dad (he's not flying, just present on the ground). Notes: Just took a 15 minute nap and thought about how I don't have a dream goal right now and that I need one in order to develop my dreaming. I thought about getting a massage and to learn how to bend the different elements and thought about how cool it is to have a fire in your hand. I decided to start with fire bending.
Updated 03-09-2021 at 09:01 PM by 97565