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    by , 03-25-2011 at 07:58 PM (276 Views)
    Was at someplace with the family. We all got high. I left with michael my uncle to his place. He started breaking apart this massive crystal and I kept asking if I could have one. He said no. I wanted to go home to sleep but he said I was too high to drive. There was a massive party at his place. I was dating sharona for some weird reason. I kept flirting with Tori. Sharona was putting on too much makeup and Tori and I were playing footsie under the table. Eventually I started dating Tori but Sharon's did not care. Tori kept saying I was better than her other boyfriends and that she loved me. We were grinding and making out on a chair at the party when I realized something was wrong. I remembered Kara and was really sad because I loved her and did not know what happened. I had to figure out a way to get rid of Tori and find Kara.

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