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    by , 03-25-2011 at 08:35 PM (350 Views)
    Super long super vivid. Was working at nbc. Got promoted to some hi position. I had to rebuttle for it against two old guys. They were old. I won. I was super exited I put it on facebook and everyone congradulated me. I went out to a club. My brother was there trying to sell his ipod. He was on hold for me min and fell asleep. I was given some weird egg. I opened it and found it to be gak. Some weird voodoo lady turned it into some weird egg with powers it transformed my friend into somethig else. I left the club and came back and was transformed myself. I tried to stop it but the witch was hurting me. I let her cast some weird sspell. After all this I had 4 hours to buy a suit. I found some random choices in my closet. an old dkny suit. I showed it to some people who worked at nbc and they laughed. You could really dress around at nbc. Some person wore a bald cap and looked like tom cruise. I had to go buy a suit. I went to a store and they said it would cost 500$ . I met my old manager and went to brag about my job. I was staying at a random hotel.

    LUCID. Was at a weird building with leo. He took adderal and so did I. We were laughing and hitting eachother with giant fruits. He told me my night sweats were rancid. Things we're going well. I realized I was dreaming and told leo that he was too. We both became very calm. Suddenly we were atop a giant temple. It went super far down. I turned the fall into water and the temple was surrounded by water. We jumped in. swimming was fun and leo said the water looked dirty. I laughed and turned the water bright blue. He was amazed and said it's amazing how even if the water looks dirty there's so much life in it. There we're tons of fish in the water. We went downstairs in the temple into some random room. He said why aren't you doing much. I wanted to get the feeling of the lucid dream. I want to feel what its like. I seriously looked aroundd the room. It was super vivid and bright. The room was wooden. How sid this differ from normal reality. It looked a little different. Almost like a differentl feel and pattern of the air. Instead of dots in the air when I look at the air it looked woven. The air in a lucid is different. Ok time to impress leo with a blue ball of energy. I told him to watch. I started focusing for energy in my hands... nothing came out. I tried over and over and got nothing. I was dissapointed. I heard footsteps downstairs. I went to go look but was afraid too much action might wake me up. Self fulfilling profecey lol there was nothing downstairs and I did wake up. I remember telling leo in the lucid if we wake up dont move. I diddnt move and nothing much happened... a false awakening.

    I was downstairs at the temple on the floor. I woke up and immediately started to write down the dream. There was a lady at a desk telling us that she wanted to read then and I said sure. I kept writing. I woke for real.

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