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    by , 04-14-2011 at 07:10 PM (414 Views)
    Leo and I we're reading books about zietgiest. We were looking at houses to move into. We found a kinda nice one. It was big but kind of old. I was talking to a group of people saying if you don't love your body when you die you die for good. I talk for a while about how I loved my body and how I loved everyone else. I was half naked. The zietgiest books were a little creepy. The covers looked like they were meant to be for Halloween and were animated. I was on the phone with Leo and we were talking about how excited we were to move in. The realtor came in and said this house was only 11k we thought about buying the place. I saw the master bathroom and was freaked out there was something wrong. I knew that the woman who owned the house died in that bathroom. It looked nice, but had weird energy. I looked around and was scared. I saw a messed up kitchen and walked faster. I was lost in the house going in circles. I saw a ghost and screamed on the phone to leo as I ran. The ghost looked like Kara. It would catch up to me and I would scream harder. It was kind of funny in a way because it would make a funny face Kara makes. Kind of like it was trying to be scary in a funny way. It was chasing me but also looked like it was running away. It fell and twisted its head. I laughed and said you idiot now your dead and we both laughed.

    I was walking baron and he found another pug the he made friends with on the street. They we're playing for a while when I saw the lady had another dog. It was super black and scary looking. I touched it and it tried to bite me. I was Trying to get baren to leave but the dog would chase us and try to bite us. I woke up in my old apartment and went out of the room. I broke a lamp. Baron kept trying to eat glass and it was pissing me off. I got the vacuum and tried to vacuum it all up. It wouldn't work very well. I had to throw the glass in the garbage.

    Everything was weird when I woke up. My table was moved and there was a large truck outside my driveway. I walked to the bathroom and kara was putting on makeup. I went downstairs and Adam was playing with trains and my mom was making dinner. Why is it dark already? I went upstairs and I saw kids stealing shit from the truck. I got my green laser and started shining it at them. They ran away up a hill and I kept trying to get it in their eyes. There was a group of people in my front yard and I hit them with the laser. They stopped and started looking for me. I was hidden behind my curtains and was sure they couldn't see me. They gave up looking and started to leave. I was safe. A knock on my door made me think I wasn't safe. I opened the door and a black looking man with dreadlocks was there. He worked at the gym and had a logo on his shirt. It looked like he was trying to hit me and I was holding his arms down but he was too strong. I tried to be nice and asked him what the problem was. He said I hit him in the eye with the laser and he was pissed. I told him the story and he kind of understood, but told me to never use my lasers again. He knew I had a giant blue one because hes been watching it at night. He knows they are cool and he has one too. I agreed and he left. I quickly ran upstairs to shine it on him as he was leaving. I thought the table looked so weird because it was positioned differently and knew I was dreaming. I was rubbing my hands together for most of this and woke up several times. I went to Kara and asked if she was the real Kara. She kept responding with stupid answers and I quickly knew it wasn't her. I woke. I reentered by saying 1 im dreaming. 2 im dreaming 3 im dreaming until I sort of just knew I was back in. I did nose rcs to confirm im dreaming. It looked 100% vivid, real, and complete. I wanted to have sex so I spend a while looking for a girl. I went outside then inside then upstairs and found a hot girl laying in my bed. I knew if I played I would probably wake up. Also, she wasn't as vivid as everything else. A voice told me its because I created her out of my mind and I have never seen her before so she wouldn't be as strong an image. I left her and woke anyway. I was waiting and then I was back in the dream. This time I went downstairs and tried to make a portal. I couldn't. I've gotten worse at portals for some reason. I tried to get that magnetic feeling in my finger, but nothing. Adam was laughing at me calling me a noob. I gave up and went outside. It looked 100% like my neighborhood. It was sunny out. I made it cloudy for some reason, probably just to try and see if I could. My powers were weak. I woke. I reentered and Leo was there. I wanted to show him how I could shoot a laser and couldn't. I asked if I could borrow some of his power and he gave me some. I was beginning to shoot it and failed again. I woke. I was getting annoyed that I couldn't do shit. I went back outside and ran super speed for a while. That I could do. I woke. Michael was calling me on my phone and I was annoyed because I was trying to DEILD. My phone picked up by itself and Michael was trying to talk to me. I ignored it and went back inside the dream. I fucked around for a little longer and then remembered I wanted my dream guide. I went outside and said I want to find my dream guide. Everything changed I heard a loud noise and was instantly teleported I think to another planet. The shift was weird. Its like reality was washing away to another location. I never left earth before even when I tried. I was so shocked. Everything was red. There wore volcanoes and it all looked hot. The sky was either black or red I can't remember. Looked like something almost prehistoric. I know I've been here before. It was so familiar. It was 100% vivid and I somehow knew my dream guide lives here. I was excited. I woke. I couldn't get back in. I felt the true shift of waking up.
    EDIT: I remember jumping around in joy spinning in circles really fast. I remembered that spinning could change a scene so I stopped. Nothing happened.

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    Updated 04-14-2011 at 07:54 PM by 20284

    lucid , false awakening , memorable


    1. Wurlman's Avatar
      Im having trouble recording for the past few days .... its frusterating but the few dream i have had and recorded a few line up ..... mostly dentist dreams haha nice work keep posting